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The bible and gays


Defender of Truth
One of my fav preachers is NA . Kenneth Copeland `s father was a full blood NA . Interesting thing about KC is that he thinks out of the box and is kind of radical in some ways especially in the way he presents his teachings etc.
The problem you might have is mixing the three faiths you seem to have . Christianity doesn`t mix with anything because of its basics" in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and everything was made through Him " . Then " The Word became flesh and dwelt among us " and Jesus said " I am the way the Truth and the Life and no one come to the Father except through me . "

So if you are Buddhist , that`s your choice.
If you are a Shamam then equally that`s your choice.
Christianity is a gift , all you require is to accept then it`s yours , but it can`t be mixed.

Jesus suffered and died to pay for our sin . If it could have been purchased any other way , then it would have. Even Jesus said " Father if possible remove this cup ( of suffering ) from me, but not my will but yours be done !"

We are all the same in God`s eyes , white , black , mixed , Chinese , Indian , NA. etc all in need of the same salvation and all can be redeemed by
Christ `s work on the cross, it`s our choice.

Norman: Hi chessplayer, Why do you continue to proselytize when that is against forum rules?


Defender of Truth
While I appreciate your effort here, this seems like preaching to me to get me to come to your faith and that is just not going to happen. I am Buddhist. Yes, that is my choice, just as Christianity is your choice. I respect your decisions, please respect mine.

Norman: Chessplayer, You still continue to try and proselytize when it is against forum rules. You are way off the OP.


Good afternoon Chess Player. I am well, I hope you are too.
If you wish to compare countries, we can

Hi again :) mm let me think , 10/40 window , oh yes, Syria, Egypt , Iraq, Lebanon , Lybia, Algeria, Somalia, Eritrea, in fact any Islamic Mid East country apart from Morocco ( which is also a powderkeg because of huge unemployment among the youth and Saudi influence )

These non -Christian countries are unstable national disasters , sure every country has examples of fallen human nature, I wouldn`t argue that.

However following the basics of the Bible , and the guidance of God , " Christianity " based nations prospered and still do , in comparison to most of the ones in the 10/40 window.

You and I benefit from the security of that national Biblical basis.

Yes / No ?



Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Hi again :) mm let me think , 10/40 window , oh yes, Syria, Egypt , Iraq, Lebanon , Lybia, Algeria, Somalia, Eritrea, in fact any Islamic Mid East country apart from Morocco ( which is also a powderkeg because of huge unemployment among the youth and Saudi influence )

These non -Christian countries are unstable national disasters , sure every country has examples of fallen human nature, I wouldn`t argue that.

However following the basics of the Bible , and the guidance of God , " Christianity " based nations prospered and still do , in comparison to most of the ones in the 10/40 window.

You and I benefit from the security of that national Biblical basis.

Yes / No ?

Umm didn't Greece (a country with a large Christian population) go through a major economic crisis recently?
Australia has a pretty large Christian population also. And a high access to Christian "things." It is pretty prone to natural disasters. Especially Bush Fires. We've had 2 massive floods, several cyclones and at least 2 major bush fires over the last 2-3 years. That's also excluding the often weird and often dangerous weather that has occurred recently. As well as almost daily bush fires, which thankfully do not always claim human lives.There is also a major drought in many rural areas right now which has cost us potentially millions of dollars in livestock (and therefore export) and left families destitute/struggling.

Isn't the correlation between non Christianity and poverty a gross oversimplification of history? Particularly the effect and struggle ex colonized nations have had to go through after (Predominately Christian nations) pretty much ****ed them over?
I mean the Christian based nations as you call them were essentially the ones going around raping and pillaging other countries, so of course they have more stability. They were the most recent conquering nations!
And of course among the richest nations in the world in 2015 GPD per capita are Quatar, Kuwait, Singapore. Brunei, Hong Kong (all of which outranked the US)The United Arab Eremites and Saudi Arabia which are predominately Muslim are they not? When we look at just the GPD alone China still kicks the US of A's asses. You ranked second. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't China a predominantly Buddhist country?
The other non Christian Nations didn't rank that badly either.

And that's not to say Christian influence is always a good thing. There was a recent documentary called "God Loves Uganda" (check it out, very interesting stuff) which examines the potentially dangerous influence missionary work is having on this nation. In particular the anti gay rhetoric which is being spread and the potential influence it has had in the construction of the infamous Uganda Anti Homosexuality Act.
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Well-Known Member
Hi again :) mm let me think , 10/40 window , oh yes, Syria, Egypt , Iraq, Lebanon , Lybia, Algeria, Somalia, Eritrea, in fact any Islamic Mid East country apart from Morocco ( which is also a powderkeg because of huge unemployment among the youth and Saudi influence )

These non -Christian countries are unstable national disasters , sure every country has examples of fallen human nature, I wouldn`t argue that.
However following the basics of the Bible , and the guidance of God , " Christianity " based nations prospered and still do , in comparison to most of the ones in the 10/40 window.

You and I benefit from the security of that national Biblical basis.

Yes / No ?

No. At least its not as simple as you pretend it is. And first and foremost, I do not live in a Bible based country. The separate of church and state is sacrosanct and has been since we began. We are NOT a Christian based country, however much you might like to think so Chess Player. Furthermore, there are countries where your faith has been forced on and they are NOT doing well. Most being in Africa.


Well-Known Member
Umm didn't Greece (a country with a large Christian population) go through a major economic crisis recently?
Australia has a pretty large Christian population also. And a high access to Christian "things." It is pretty prone to natural disasters. Especially Bush Fires. We've had 2 massive floods, several cyclones and at least 2 major bush fires over the last 2-3 years. That's also excluding the often weird and often dangerous weather that has occurred recently. As well as almost daily bush fires, which thankfully do not always claim human lives.There is also a major drought in many rural areas right now which has cost us potentially millions of dollars in livestock (and therefore export) and left families destitute/struggling.

Isn't the correlation between non Christianity and poverty a gross oversimplification of history? Particularly the effect and struggle ex colonized nations have had to go through after (Predominately Christian nations) pretty much ****ed them over?
I mean the Christian based nations as you call them were essentially the ones going around raping and pillaging other countries, so of course they have more stability. They were the most recent conquering nations!
And of course among the richest nations in the world in 2015 GPD per capita are Quatar, Kuwait, Singapore. Brunei, Hong Kong (all of which outranked the US)The United Arab Eremites and Saudi Arabia which are predominately Muslim are they not? When we look at just the GPD alone China still kicks the US of A's asses. You ranked second. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't China a predominantly Buddhist country?

And that's not to say Christian influence is always a good thing. There was a recent documentary called "God Loves Uganda" (check it out, very interesting stuff) which examines the potentially dangerous influence missionary work is having on this nation. In particular the anti gay rhetoric which is being spread and the potential influence it has had in the construction of the infamous Uganda Anti Homosexuality Act.
And of course Jesus Camp and Kidnapped for Christ. *shudders* (In the "Kidnapped" circumstances, I'd argue is a gross violation of civil liberties and a human rights violation. And it's still, by all accounts, happening now!)
A great post Some. Have I mentioned how much I like you darling?? Kiss kiss.


No. The separate of church and state is sacrosanct and has been since we began.

Sorry ,but you do understand I am saying the USA is based on Biblical principles , nothing to do with economic prosperity, the USA is primarily Christian , see below.

The illusion that many non Christians are under is that we are all saying that we are perfect or that a Christian nation is somehow perfect. The truth is that we are as individuals and still imperfect but forgiven , there is a huge difference.

United States

Main article: Separation of church and state in the United States

The phrase of Jefferson (see above) was quoted by the United States Supreme Court first in 1878, and then in a series of cases starting in 1947.[63] The phrase "separation of church and state" itself does not appear in the United States Constitution. The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." The Supreme Court did not consider the question of how this applied to the states until 1947; when they did, in Everson v. Board of Education, the court incorporated the establishment clause, determining that it applied to the states and that a law enabling reimbursement for busing to all schools (including parochial schools) was constitutional.[64]

Prior to its incorporation, unsuccessful attempts were made to amend the constitution to explicitly apply the establishment clause to states in the 1870s and 1890s.[65][not in citation given][66]

The concept was implicit in the flight of Roger Williams from religious oppression in the Massachusetts Bay Colony to found the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations on the principle of state neutrality in matters of faith.[67][68]

Williams was motivated by historical abuse of governmental power, and believed that government must remove itself from anything that touched upon human beings’ relationship with God, advocating a "hedge or wall of Separation between the Garden of the Church and the Wilderness of the world" in order to keep the church pure.


There are " born again " people in every country in the world , but the point is , are there enough to make a difference ?

Also are the " Christian based" nations listening to God and obeying His promptings , not " do they all go to church ?".

EG I`m not so sure Bush was led by God to invade Iraq.

Are the Greeks being led by God in not paying any income tax and retiring on full pension at age 50.
Or are they correct in having 60% of the population on a government paycheck ?

Being churchgoers does not make them perfect, but potentially a lot more stable than if they were not.

hope that makes sense.
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This time in history shows a huge refugee crisis around the Mediterranean. Some of the surrounding Moslem nations are taking in some Syrians, but the majority of them want to come to western Europe.

They also want to go to the US or Canada and Australia, why do their fellow moslem nations in the Middle East not take them in ? despite their resources they often don`t accept them , and the refugees don`t want to go there anyway, they want to come to us, because of the stability of the " Christian" nations .


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
This time in history shows a huge refugee crisis around the Mediterranean. Some of the surrounding Moslem nations are taking in some Syrians, but the majority of them want to come to western Europe.

They also want to go to the US or Canada and Australia, why do their fellow moslem nations in the Middle East not take them in ? despite their resources they often don`t accept them , and the refugees don`t want to go there anyway, they want to come to us, because of the stability of the " Christian" nations .
Isn't arrogance and pride a sin?
You're trying to boil highly complicated world relations and economy down to who's Christian and who's not.
First off, maybe they already have family in those countries? Secondly maybe they value the rather relaxed laws that Govern places like Australia, America and Canada whereas many other nations are far more strict.
Fact is the most prosperous nations in the world currently are mostly Muslim and Buddhist. The nations that consistently rank among the best in the world are places like Belgium or Norway or Switzerland. Which FYI are not predominantly Christian (or officially for that matter.)
And Europe aren't the only refugees in the world. Many come from war torn African countries, some of which are "Christian."
And again your stability is built upon the dead. Christian nations went round ****ing over everyone and you act like they're unstable because they are not Christian. It couldn't possibly be because they had to basically rebuild themselves after their resources were plundered or anything. Oh no, it's because they have an inferior religion. There's a word for people like you, sir.
Oh and I wouldn't go round accusing other nations of corruption, the Yanks don't exactly have a great track record of that. Neither does any country for that matter.
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Well-Known Member
kiss kiss lol
That is not funny. It is an expression borrowed from one of my favorite authors where it means that I care very much for the person I say it to. And I do have several people here I care very much for, such as Smart Guy, Some Random, Leibowde and Outhouse, along with a few others.


Well-Known Member
Sorry ,but you do understand I am saying the USA is based on Biblical principles , nothing to do with economic prosperity, the USA is primarily Christian , see below.

The illusion that many non Christians are under is that we are all saying that we are perfect or that a Christian nation is somehow perfect. The truth is that we are as individuals and still imperfect but forgiven , there is a huge difference.

United States

Main article: Separation of church and state in the United States

The phrase of Jefferson (see above) was quoted by the United States Supreme Court first in 1878, and then in a series of cases starting in 1947.[63] The phrase "separation of church and state" itself does not appear in the United States Constitution. The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." The Supreme Court did not consider the question of how this applied to the states until 1947; when they did, in Everson v. Board of Education, the court incorporated the establishment clause, determining that it applied to the states and that a law enabling reimbursement for busing to all schools (including parochial schools) was constitutional.[64]

Prior to its incorporation, unsuccessful attempts were made to amend the constitution to explicitly apply the establishment clause to states in the 1870s and 1890s.[65][not in citation given][66]

The concept was implicit in the flight of Roger Williams from religious oppression in the Massachusetts Bay Colony to found the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations on the principle of state neutrality in matters of faith.[67][68]

Williams was motivated by historical abuse of governmental power, and believed that government must remove itself from anything that touched upon human beings’ relationship with God, advocating a "hedge or wall of Separation between the Garden of the Church and the Wilderness of the world" in order to keep the church pure.
It doesn't matter that the majority of Americans are Christian. The founding fathers made the constitution such that the separation of church and state is sacrosanct. You do get that, non? And btw, the most of the founding fathers were deists and not necessarily Christian, such as Franklin who was Quaker. Absolutely NO prayers of any kind are allowed to be spoken by the entire class in schools now. None. Silent ones are fine but to lead a class in prayer is disallowed. As are any decorations for Christmas or Easter. The minute you try to enforce your Bible on law, you will get me right in your face screaming no way.


Well-Known Member
There are " born again " people in every country in the world , but the point is , are there enough to make a difference ?

Also are the " Christian based" nations listening to God and obeying His promptings , not " do they all go to church ?".

EG I`m not so sure Bush was led by God to invade Iraq.

Are the Greeks being led by God in not paying any income tax and retiring on full pension at age 50.
Or are they correct in having 60% of the population on a government paycheck ?

Being churchgoers does not make them perfect, but potentially a lot more stable than if they were not.

hope that makes sense.
Please provide credible examples of a country being more stable being based solely on Christian tenet. The USA is NOT based on biblical tenet, btw, so that would not count. So please show me how Christian based countries, if you can find any, are more stable. And the Vatican does not count either as its a church, and while it is now a country, it is still just the head of the RCC. And besides, holding untold stolen wealth in the form of art and such, as well as having all that money and harboring pedophiles doesn't really say to me Christian ideals.