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The bible and gays


pursuing the Divine Beloved
Premium Member
Doesn't that make God seem kind of...........well petty?
I mean here you have this omnipresent, omnipotent all powerful being, creating life (which is supposed to be predetermined since He knows what's going to happen before it happens) and then He makes these rules. He knows who is going to break these rules and His reaction to people not doing what He wants is to basically throw them away for all eternity?
I can understand maybe having rules as something to strive for by your little ant like creations. I can even understand having God himself/herself breaking these rules as a sort of symbolic "fall and just get back up again" lesson. But I'm always a little baffled by the cruel and even petty nature of the NT God in Christianity that Christians present Him having. He just comes across as a petulant child throwing a tantrum because no one wants to play. At least the Torah actively admits God is jealous and petty. (I also take issue with other tales of God in Hinduism but that's another topic altogether.)

God?...Cruel and Petty? The NT? HA! Are you sure you're reading the same version of the New Testament as everyone else?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Why is the bible homophobic
It is amazing how a modern word manipulated through the media can make the Text seem so negative, when all it is saying is that it is unnatural...which seems to be obvious. So why then your question.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
The bible is against just about everything you can think of, it doesn't like anyone having fun in life, it wants to make you sour and sad, it is said that Jesus never laughed, how sad for him.
Well you got the name of the book right, but that's about it!


pursuing the Divine Beloved
Premium Member
Nobody expects you to be perfect. However, when you judge others based on a book that no one can prove was written by God then you are trying to show that you hold yourself to a higher standard and others who disagree with you to a lower one. And there is plenty of coercion in your faith. If I were to become Christian, I would be expected to deny my sexuality as somehow wrong and admit that I am 'sinful'. Sorry but first you need to prove that God didn't make me this way and then prove there is such as thing as sin. And as for Phelps, he states he is the spokes person of God and a fine example of a Christian. Why should I say he is not and look to others when there are plenty of other people like him? For example, the alleged pastor in Florida who made the claim that he and his followers were going to burn as many Qu'rans as they could get hold of. Or the Jimmy Swaggarts of the faith or a hundred others I can mention.

While I recognise that this particular post wasn't addressed to me, I feel compelled to respond. Jo, not all Christians will tell you to deny your sexuality. As you already are aware, there are many denominations which are welcoming and affirming of people who are LGBT. Secondly, the verses used by many Christians as sweeping condemnation of homosexuals in general are actually referring to men (not women) and acts of anal sex (so, that means that lesbians are out of the equation), and even then, there are only two or three of them in the ENTIRE BIBLE. Third, coming from that, there are (obviously) FAR more verses in Scripture that talk about and condemn immorality among heterosexuals than homosexuals (but do you see us complaining about it?) So my ending question for you is: why you trippin', yo?

Princeps Eugenius

Active Member
While I recognise that this particular post wasn't addressed to me, I feel compelled to respond. Jo, not all Christians will tell you to deny your sexuality. As you already are aware, there are many denominations which are welcoming and affirming of people who are LGBT. Secondly, the verses used by many Christians as sweeping condemnation of homosexuals in general are actually referring to men (not women) and acts of anal sex (so, that means that lesbians are out of the equation), and even then, there are only two or three of them in the ENTIRE BIBLE. Third, coming from that, there are (obviously) FAR more verses in Scripture that talk about and condemn immorality among heterosexuals than homosexuals (but do you see us complaining about it?) So my ending question for you is: why you trippin', yo?
i think lesbians can do anal too. you know, they got their fake penises, that were even used back in antiquity and if that doesnt work they still got fingers.
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Well-Known Member
God?...Cruel and Petty? The NT?

The NT describes the end times when God will burn everyone on Earth to death, that's not so nice. There is also the reference in Matthew about the Son of Man sending forth his angels to cast all that offends him into a furnace of fire where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The Old Testament is the most violent, insane text on the planet...but there is plenty of cruelty in the NT as well.

Princeps Eugenius

Active Member
True on the fingers, but still...
Yeah i get your point the biblical people most certainly refered to anal sex as a homosexually male act. infact i believe that even in modern times anal sex is forbidden or at the very least shunned by heterosexual couples of both jewish and strict christian adherents. i believe in islam its the same. however i remember stumbling upon a topic, which surprised me at that time, where a muslima shamelessly told the entire forum that she enjoy anal with her husband and she merely was concerned that her husband was not sure if its halal or not and she never got the reply so she is most likely doing it until this day.


pursuing the Divine Beloved
Premium Member
Yeah i get your point the biblical people most certainly refered to anal sex as a homosexually male act. infact i believe that even in modern times anal sex is forbidden or at the very least shunned by heterosexual couples of both jewish and strict christian adherents. i believe in islam its the same. however i remember stumbling upon a topic, which surprised me at that time, where a muslima shamelessly told the entire forum that she enjoy anal with her husband and she merely was concerned that her husband was not sure if its halal or not and she never got the reply so she is most likely doing it until this day.

Hell, I think anal sex is disgusting, regardless of whose doing it, gay, straight, or whatever.


Well-Known Member
infact i believe that even in modern times anal sex is forbidden or at the very least shunned by heterosexual couples of both jewish and strict christian adherents. i believe in islam its the same.

The strict religious folks believe any sex not done for procreation is a sin. Yikes.


pursuing the Divine Beloved
Premium Member
God?...Cruel and Petty? The NT?

The NT describes the end times when God will burn everyone on Earth to death, that's not so nice. There is also the reference in Matthew about the Son of Man sending forth his angels to cast all that offends him into a furnace of fire where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Only the beasts of Revelation, the false prophet, and those who choose to act in wickedness instead of righteousness are cast into the lake of fire. Kinda like our penal system, except for one major difference.... there won't be no innocent people in Hell. That's why every person is alive on Earth, to live righteously. However, if you deliberately choose to be unrighteous, you're gonna pay the price.

The Old Testament is the most violent, insane text on the planet...but there is plenty of cruelty in the NT as well.

Not to mention all of the love that talked about....so cruel.


Well-Known Member
Only the beasts of Revelation, the false prophet, and those who choose to act in wickedness instead of righteousness are cast into the lake of fire. Kinda like our penal system, except for one major difference.... there won't be no innocent people in Hell.

What about Jonas Salk, is he in hell? He was a Jew and didn't believe in the divinity of Jesus.

I don't know you personally DJ, maybe you're a "works based" salvation believer. Which seems a little more fair to me than faith based salvation, because at least then salvation has to do with how good you try to live your life. But if it's true that "faith and faith alone" can save us from hell, there are a lot of very kind non-Christians suffering eternal torturous damnation, including the man who created a vaccine that saved millions of childred...and then gave it away to the world for free. Is there anything more Jesus-like than that? Yet Christians tell me he burns in hell today. I can't wrap my head around that one.


pursuing the Divine Beloved
Premium Member
yeah but you can keep it clean. women also bleed but that doesnt keep one away from them. although in ancient times, especially judaism, it did. are there any other reason for you besides this?

You gotta point there, but nothing is inherently disgusting about blood. Other than this, no.

Princeps Eugenius

Active Member
You gotta point there, but nothing is inherently disgusting about blood. Other than this, no.
In the Mosaic Law a woman who had her menses was considered to be unclean for 7 days(Leviticus 15:19-28). Excrement on the other hand didnt make one unclean, however incredible that might sound. Talk about priorities.


pursuing the Divine Beloved
Premium Member
Only the beasts of Revelation, the false prophet, and those who choose to act in wickedness instead of righteousness are cast into the lake of fire. Kinda like our penal system, except for one major difference.... there won't be no innocent people in Hell.

What about Jonas Salk, is he in hell? He was a Jew and didn't believe in the divinity of Jesus.

I don't know you personally DJ, maybe you're a "works based" salvation believer. Which seems a little more fair to me than faith based salvation, because at least then salvation has to do with how good you try to live your life. But if it's true that "faith and faith alone" can save us from hell, there are a lot of very kind non-Christians suffering eternal torturous damnation, including the man who created a vaccine that saved millions of childred...and then gave it away to the world for free. Is there anything more Jesus-like than that? Yet Christians tell me he burns in hell today. I can't wrap my head around that one.

While I myself firmly believe in the divinity of Jesus and in the Gospel, as is part of Anglican tradition, I do not damn Jonas Salk (or anyone else) for anything period, far less for what he (or anyone else) does or does not believe. That's Christ's job. My task as a Christian is to show people the truth of the Gospel, how to be righteous, how to live in the love and grace of God. That's why we're here. To love God and one another. St. Peter, chief of apostles, put it like this in Acts 10:34-35:

“In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. In every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.”

It don't matter what your religion is. You must love God with your whole being, and love your neighbor as yourself. Word up?


pursuing the Divine Beloved
Premium Member
In the Mosaic Law a woman who had her menses was considered to be unclean for 7 days(Leviticus 15:19-28). Excrement on the other hand didnt make one unclean, however incredible that might sound. Talk about priorities.

As for me, I don't know how they got it mixed up. But, I guess, either way, they're natural functions.