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The Bible Was Right. The Earth Is Flat.


Perhaps it is both round and flat.
Maybe we live within a sphere rather than on a sphere.

Mother Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field just as we are surrounded by a magnetic field.
That would mean we live within the mental womb of Mother Earth.

What is outside the womb is what we are after.
It takes a birth to get what we are after.



Well-Known Member
Perhaps it is both round and flat.
Maybe we live within a sphere rather than on a sphere.

Mother Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field just as we are surrounded by a magnetic field.
That would mean we live within the mental womb of Mother Earth.

What is outside the womb is what we are after.
It takes a birth to get what we are after.

:thumbsup:It's all about mind and imagination, in the end!

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
Job 26:10 (ESVST) 10 He has inscribed a circle on the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness.

A circle is round, isn't it?

Isaiah 40:22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

Not only that, but the Bible also elegantly references the concept of lesser dimensions unfolding to create greater ones, something we only recently discovered


Well-Known Member
Actually, The Isle of English/Scotland is not the center of the world as a major land mass. Far from it, the size of your dear island is quite small, and being so would have undetectable projection distortion as you so astutely motored its length and breadth.
What about Australia?

A Vestigial Mote

Well-Known Member
I'm ignoring the scripture here, so forgive me. Also not sure if anyone refuted these seriously yet (not that I take this post seriously - in the first few pages I just see a lot of the original poster laughing at his own joke and pointing out that no one is actually refuting the points made - so I skipped a bit ahead to do just that). Anyway... here are a couple that I feel I have actual, rational explanations for:

1.) Gyroscopic navigation successfully used for decades would not be possible upon a spinning globe Earth. The reference gyros would continuously precess and move as the globe Earth spins. Planes, ships, and missles would crash.

From Wikipedia: "A gyrocompass is a type of non-magnetic compass which is based on a fast-spinning disc and rotation of the Earth." As far as I am aware, Wikipedia has been updated and peer-reviewed mych more recently than the Bible.

2.) A globe Earth would not continuously spin around the Polaris star, as the Earth hurtles in three axis motion through space in the Solar System, Galaxy, and Galaxy Cluster, all moving at millions of miles per hour.
I felt pretty sure I had this one, but looked it up, just to be sure, and lo and behold, I was right! "...although all of the stars we gaze upon are moving in their various directions, they are so far away that their angular speed appears to be infinitesimally small. For them to move far enough to be tangibly noticeable to us, would take far longer than we've been observing the skies." So, eventually, "the stars" will no longer adhere to our charting. But we're talking hundreds of thousands of years for the effects of their various movements to be all that noticeable.

3.) There exist no actual photos of the Earth taken from space vehicles. All NASA Earth images from them are admitted by them to be "composite images" artificially produced. As well, those images never show sky blue atmosphere around the Earth as we see it from the Earth.
I believe I saw someone in the thread already produce a non-composite image of Earth.

4.) A thousand mph surface speed at the spinning equator of a globe Earth would have long ago forced all of the crustally mobile continents to move to the equator. But, this has not happened.
Gravity/friction/wait-why-do-I-have-to-even-answer-this? However - a fun fact - you do weigh a tiny bit less at the equator than you do at the poles of the Earth to to the centrifugal force of the Earth's spin.

5.) There is no physical mechanism to cause the Earth's atmosphere to spin at the same rate as the surface of a spheroid Earth. The wind at the equator of a globe Earth should be supersonic, but it is not.
This is also due to gravity and friction. Have you ever spun a glass containing a colloidal suspension before? Think something like glitter in water (or other liquid). as you spin the container, the liquid inside actually attempts to stay at rest and not spin (inertia), however the spin of the glass and friction of the glass (though relatively small) against the liquid catches up to the liquid and it starts spinning along with the glass. Same with the Earth's atmosphere. There is an amount that it attempts to remain still, but it has been spinning with the Earth for... well... for as long as the Earth has has an atmosphere, and will always do so. In fact, it would continue to spin for a while even if the Earth suddenly halted. This is when you'd REALLY see those winds you were predicting.

It will serve no purpose for yourself or any purpose within this discussion for you to become emotionally upset, attitudinally snarky, or full of ad hominem when you try to post your thoughts. Try to honor The Lord and His Bible with manly and efficacious statements. Thanks for your cooperation.
Hopefully you don't find any of the above snarky or an attempt to attack (ad hominem). Though you never can tell sometimes with you religious types (sorry - I just had to).
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Scripture is replete with a multitude of clear references to the Earth being not a globe suspended in space, but a flat surface. Just a few of these descriptions would be:

1.) In Matthew 4:8-9 Idiot Satan taking Jesus up on a very high mountain to show Him "All the kingdoms of the Earth." A globe Earth would not permit such a perspective, but a flat Earth would.

2.) Genesis 1:6-8 has the original Hebrew Text word for "dome," which is the shape of the firmament above the flat Earth.

3.) 1 Samuel 2:8 and Job 9:6 speak of the "pillars" of the Earth, which would not be within a solid sphere.

These three points should be enough for this little introductory discussion, just to get your sensitive and heretofore gullible hearts started onto the path of Biblical Cosmology. There is much more Scripture to know about regarding the Earth, none of which speak of a spheroid Earth.

Some science to be given for those here who like the idea of science helping them figure things out in life would be:

1.) Gyroscopic navigation successfully used for decades would not be possible upon a spinning globe Earth. The reference gyros would continuously precess and move as the globe Earth spins. Planes, ships, and missles would crash.

2.) A globe Earth would not continuously spin around the Polaris star, as the Earth hurtles in three axis motion through space in the Solar System, Galaxy, and Galaxy Cluster, all moving at millions of miles per hour.

3.) There exist no actual photos of the Earth taken from space vehicles. All NASA Earth images from them are admitted by them to be "composite images" artificially produced. As well, those images never show sky blue atmosphere around the Earth as we see it from the Earth.

4.) A thousand mph surface speed at the spinning equator of a globe Earth would have long ago forced all of the crustally mobile continents to move to the equator. But, this has not happened.

5.) There is no physical mechanism to cause the Earth's atmosphere to spin at the same rate as the surface of a spheroid Earth. The wind at the equator of a globe Earth should be supersonic, but it is not.

It will serve no purpose for yourself or any purpose within this discussion for you to become emotionally upset, attitudinally snarky, or full of ad hominem when you try to post your thoughts. Try to honor The Lord and His Bible with manly and efficacious statements. Thanks for your cooperation.

I'm genuinely curious: Were you home schooled?


What are you trying to imply about Australia?

I have changed myself quite profoundly, in many ways, and on many levels.
What has been the quite profound change in yourself? Of the "many ways," describe ten of them. Otherwise, your claim to having done so is meaningless, and not worth noticing.