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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Well-Known Member
I've already explained the problems with these questions - and, what a surprise, you ignored it, just like you ignore everything else you don't like.

Where did your god come from?
I am sure you could not come up with a real answer as no evolutionist or billions of years person has.

What came first the inside parts of the first living thing or its protective covering?


Veteran Member
You had no answer.

What was the first living creature and what features did it have?
The answer can then be analyzed and see if it even possible.

If the first living thing was just proteins, how did it ever get evolve to use RNA and DNA? They are irreducibly complex. You need all the parts to be working for it not to be destruction.
If it was just RNA based, how did it to ever evolve to use DNA? It is irreducibly complex. You need all the parts to be working for it not to be destruction.
If it was just DNA based, how did it to ever evolve to use RNA? It is irreducibly complex. You need all the parts to be working for it not to be destruction.
It is was any mixture of these, then how could it or DNA, RNA, or proteins have evolved at all?

The problem for each of these scenarios is the same. A very large specific sequence of amino acids would not happen through natural processes. Here are the calculations.

A first living creature would have to have had at least 100,000 amino acids in a particular sequence. This is extremely generous. The smallest free-living thing has over 1,300,000 base pairs. I also have not included having over 500 million other atoms in it.

The odds against a sequence of 100,000 amino acids (20 types, 39 counting handedness) coming to be by random chance is (10 to the 160,000 power) to 1. That could never have happened anywhere in the universe over the supposed 13.7 billion years of its existence. It actually is impossible because no concentration of that amount of amino acids would happen by random chance. There are other factors that make it impossible. It would be a miracle.Where would such an amount of amino acids even occur in nature to even make a first creature? They must be in very near proximity to where the first creature came to be. In water they would immediately diluted and chemical reactions would destroy it. And above ground or in space, it would be destroyed by the the sunlight. So the first creature is impossible.

If such a great miracle did occur, the poor creature will not survive long at all. It is not protected from its environment. Chemical reactions will begin to destroy it within seconds. Which is just another problem. It would take too long to assemble itself. Destruction will happen faster than construction.
The poor creature cannot feed itself. It will also not be able to repair itself.
It will not be able to have any offspring. So it could never exist. So even if it did come into existence, it would die quickly and could not have offspring

And that is just to get to the first living thing. There would have to at least 1 trillion other miracles to produce all the living creatures by evolution. That would be about 70 miracles for each of the supposed 13.7 billion years.
More doubling down on already exposed strawmen.



Veteran Member
Where did the orderly and fine-tuned laws of nature come from?
Where did all matter come from? Where did antimatter?
Where did all energy come from?
Where did all the protons come from? neutrons? photons? neutrinos? All the quarks? Gluons? Muons? All the anti-particles?
Where did the gravitation force come from? The strong force? The weak force? The electromagnetic force?
For kicks and giggles, I'll answer every one of these questions with "we don't know".

Now go ahead and show us all your intellectually dishonest and dim god of the gaps "argument".


Admiral Obvious
Well God predicted that you would act the way you would act with that post from about 2000 years ago.
Prove it.
With actual verses, not some vague claim of what a bible says.

I mean, you can't say The Bible because you do not know which version you use.

Your "prophecy" is nothing. And thanks fro continuing to fulfill dozens of Biblical prophecies.
With your claim of "dozenz" of prophecies being fulfilled, one would think you could present at the very least one...
but no, it nothing more than you making bold empty claims.

Where did the orderly and fine-tuned laws of nature come from?
Where did all matter come from? Where did antimatter?
Where did all energy come from?
Where did all the protons come from? neutrons? photons? neutrinos? All the quarks? Gluons? Muons? All the anti-particles?
Where did the gravitation force come from? The strong force? The weak force? The electromagnetic force?
Seems like no one is taking you seriously.
Could it be because you are not here for honest discussion?


Well-Known Member
For kicks and giggles, I'll answer every one of these questions with "we don't know".

Now go ahead and show us all your intellectually dishonest and dim god of the gaps "argument".
I do not preach the god of the gaps/

I have proven God Almighty the Creator of all things.

The evolutionists and billions of years people hide the problems with their theories in the gaps.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Afraid of what?
Science, reasoning, evidence, all the answers you are given to your questions, all the questions people ask you.

How did the first living creature produce an offsring?
Each time you repeat a question and refuse to address the answers you already have, you provide yet more evidence that you are afraid.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Afraid of what?
You are afraid to learn.
How did the first living creature produce an offsring?
By its outer membrane splitting in two after it continued natural growth.

This one of the easier problems of abiogenesis that has been solved. By the way, I went over this once before. That shows that you really do not care about the answers to the questions that you are given. It is why, by your standards, that silly questions about God refute him.

Can you be honest?

Do silly questions about God that you refuse to answer refute the existence of God?


Well-Known Member
You are afraid to learn.

By its outer membrane splitting in two after it continued natural growth.

This one of the easier problems of abiogenesis that has been solved. By the way, I went over this once before. That shows that you really do not care about the answers to the questions that you are given. It is why, by your standards, that silly questions about God refute him.

Can you be honest?

Do silly questions about God that you refuse to answer refute the existence of God?
But how did it split the outer layer, maintain the protection of its contents, duplicate its constants and then separate the outer protective layer and reestablish the protection for both creatures?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
But how did it split the outer layer, maintain the protection of its contents, duplicate its constants and then separate the outer protective layer and reestablish the protection for both creatures?
Again, you have a false assumption in your question. You should not do that. Can you see your false assumption? I can .

By the way, when you accuse other of "false accusation" or "false assumption" you must be ready to show where the other person was wrong. If you cannot do so your accusation is refuted. I can show you what your false assumptions were, I am just curious if you can find them.


Well-Known Member
Again, you have a false assumption in your question. You should not do that. Can you see your false assumption? I can .

By the way, when you accuse other of "false accusation" or "false assumption" you must be ready to show where the other person was wrong. If you cannot do so your accusation is refuted. I can show you what your false assumptions were, I am just curious if you can find them.
Bingo more Biblical prophecies fulfilled by you.

Look at any graph of any physical quantity versus time. Let t=0 be now. The right side goes all the way out to infinity. It is infinitely far. We will never get there. The left side goes out an infinite distance. We never were there.

negative infinity <---------------------------------------------t=0(now) --------------------------------------------------> positive infinity

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well God predicted that you would act the way you would act with that post from about 2000 years ago. Your "prophecy" is nothing.
My prophecy is superior to what you and your scriptures offer. As you have seen, it is specific enough to be confirmed, and my track record is perfect. Unlike with scripture, I have made no failed prophecies.

Contrarily, your scriptures have nothing to say about me. Biblical prophecy is what we in the prophesying business call weak prophecy - nonspecific enough that believers point to just about anything and call it fulfillment, but those scriptures don't know who I am or when or where to find me. Unlike with my prophecy, you can't use a single word in that book to anticipate anything that I or anybody else will do. With IANS prophecy, one only need to check RF in any of the threads I've identified above any time this week and see my specific prophecy about you specifically fulfilled.


Admiral Obvious
Bingo more Biblical prophecies fulfilled by you.

Look at any graph of any physical quantity versus time. Let t=0 be now. The right side goes all the way out to infinity. It is infinitely far. We will never get there. The left side goes out an infinite distance. We never were there.

negative infinity <---------------------------------------------t=0(now) --------------------------------------------------> positive infinity
A quick math quiz:
How many numbers are there between one and two?


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Bingo more Biblical prophecies fulfilled by you.

Look at any graph of any physical quantity versus time. Let t=0 be now. The right side goes all the way out to infinity. It is infinitely far. We will never get there. The left side goes out an infinite distance. We never were there.

negative infinity <---------------------------------------------t=0(now) --------------------------------------------------> positive infinity
More running away. Another baseless, unargued assertion. Some apparently irrelevant stuff about time.