I feel your pain Penguino, but really, as far as RF goes things could be alot worse;
The last forum I was a part of was much more clearly devided into camps; evangelical christians on one side, hostlie athiests on the other,
One thing both sides had in common (aside from the fact that neither side seemed particularly familiar with anything the Bible actually says) is that they were both approaching thiesm from an entirely Christian perspective, and by an extremely narrow definition of Christianity.
The athiest's attitude was, "If you believe in God you're obviously a Bible thumper".
The Christian's attitude was, "If you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour, you're obviously an athiest".
There were some threads where anyone trying to introduce any insights or perspectives from outside these two camps could count on being similtaneously accused of "defending" and "attacking" Christianity by the different factions in regards to the same post.
I see this in real life sometimes too. It's almost impossible to reason with someone who's been programed to accept a certain, narrow, definition of anything.
My opinion is it's nearly impossible to understand anything unless you compare it to something else, and spend at least as much time acknowledging the similarities as the differences.
Of course, before a person can do that they have to acknowledge that there's a world outside of whatever small postion of it they're familair with.
Like I say, things could be worse. Compared to my last forum and quite a few forums I've checked out since, the membership of RF as a whole is incredibly openminded.
So much so that IMO the few narrow minded people, by contrast, just inadvertantly serve as a warning label to elective ignorance.
No matter what these few people are saying, what I hear is, "Caution: this is what will happen if you close your mind. You will become bitter, hostile, and make yourself look ridiculous".