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The bunching of religions into one - CHristianity


Admiral Obvious
:areyoucraEVery time we have a religious debate. People use christian beliefs, morals and anything christian to argue a point. There is more in the religious nutshell then christianity. There are many religions, not one.

What i am trying to say is that i think we have to stop this Religion = Christianity way of thinking. Broaden our horizons.

Seems to me it stems from the way people take what they believe and compare it to everything else.
Seems that it is human nature to have the idea that what they believe is right (often without any regard to truth or fact) and anything that disagrees with their beliefs is put into their only other category, wrong.
Seems that they lose track of the idea of different.

One example is 5+5=10.
Well, so does 8+2 and 9+1 and 3+7 and 4+6 and 2+2+2+2+2 and... ...


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Absolutely. Particularly our American posters (the majority) tend the most insistent that all religion should alpha-omega with Christianity.

Atheists rarely attack Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Paganism directly...probably because it's not as much fun as flamebaiting Christians.

Good thread, Penguino. Furbals!
I wonder if that's because many of the atheists who post here are disenfranchised Christians?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
We just love flamebaiting those Christians. My absolute favourite method is to make negative generalisations about them and then, after they object, retreat by saying "Well obviously I only meant most/some Christians."
Well, doesn't that make you the Big Man?
Thanks for the head trip.


I agree 100%. It is evident through the Pagan mystery religions of Mithras, Osiris, Dionysus, Attis, Adonis, Horus, etc. All these guys were the Christ figures to their respective civilizations. Constantine initiated a cover up under the principle of "One God One Emperor," not because he was morally convicted to follow Christianity because in fact Constantine was raised Mithraist but because the RCC was a powerful and wealthy organization that provided Constantine with opportunities that non-organized religions didn't present.
I too have to admit it's a lack of knowledge on other religions, and I'm not too quick to attack the details of somethin I don't know about. Then I demonstrate my ignorance on the douchiest level. But I did decide to join this fourm to get back in the habit of reading more than everyday ******** I have to listen to. Afterall, I'm only 18, and I'm afraid I've had little time payin attention, just more time (hopefully) to learn more a little more.

Im 13. I still havea understaning of the major religions.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Try moderating a Pagan forum. Christians would come into the forum on attack mode from the start. "You will burn in hell" was a very common comment. Most of the time, I skipped the warning system all together and permanently banned them.


Well-Known Member
:areyoucraEVery time we have a religious debate. People use christian beliefs, morals and anything christian to argue a point. There is more in the religious nutshell then christianity. There are many religions, not one.

What i am trying to say is that i think we have to stop this Religion = Christianity way of thinking. Broaden our horizons.


It's most likely due to the fact that most people who join this forum come from a culture dominated by Christianity.

I do notice a trend to speak exlusively in Christian terms when fools in their own insecurity feel the need to tear down something they don't understand. Be they atheist or pagan fools. People like to pick on the majority point of view when in fact it has not been quite established what the majority point of view is beyond a few generalizations.

To be honest, the only trend I've noticed lately is let's poke fun of Christians without presenting any credible argument or any worthwhile statements while doing so.
Seems to me it stems from the way people take what they believe and compare it to everything else.
Seems that it is human nature to have the idea that what they believe is right (often without any regard to truth or fact) and anything that disagrees with their beliefs is put into their only other category, wrong.
Seems that they lose track of the idea of different.

One example is 5+5=10.
Well, so does 8+2 and 9+1 and 3+7 and 4+6 and 2+2+2+2+2 and... ...

Thatsa good example, frubals!


Im 13. I still havea understaning of the major religions.

I don't like to narrow my feild of study to just religion.
Not everything in this world branches off religion.
It's my personal observation that religions have already
tainted themselves with the things they have done,
regardless of what the teach.


Premium Member
People talk about what they know. No one wants to be seen as ignorant.
Of all major religions, I think I know about paganism the least- Since I know nothing about it, I don't want to put my foot in my mouth and say something about pagans that is really stupid or offensive. On a non-religious board I post on, a pagan there (a really nice lady) told me that paganism isn't even considered a religion. She pointed it out kindly, but I still felt embarrassed about it.

No matter how much I study about Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, or whatever, I still don't know what it is like to be a practicing part of those faiths, so I say nothing about them. It isn't just religion, either. I don't talk about things like homosexuality, either. I am not gay and have no idea what it means to be gay and get beat up at bars and stuff, I can't even pretend I know.

I can talk about agnostics somewhat, as I used to be one. But that is about it.

If it seems that people are "grouping" religions, I believe that what I said may be one of the reasons why.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
I am gently encouraging you to post in these threads you complain about and give your Hindu perspective. If you and others who feel the same way did, the problem would certainly become less severe. Jump in and explain what Hindu scriptures or sages have to say on the topics. The religions of the world deal with many of the same issues. We have less basis to address other perspectives unless someone (hint: you) takes the initiative to help us where we are deficient.


Premium Member
I agree! I would love for Hindus and other faiths to post their scriptures and how they interpret them. That is the main reason I am here at the RF!

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
Sorry I wasn't clear. You said:
EVery time we have a religious debate. People use christian beliefs, morals and anything christian to argue a point.
What i am trying to say is that i think we have to stop this Religion = Christianity way of thinking. Broaden our horizons.
I agree with you. One way we can broaden our perspective is for YOU and others (Hema does a great job at this) to use your Hindu (BAPS perhaps) beliefs, morals, and anything Hindu to argue (or politely discuss) with us.

My Gandhi reference was to point out that you can be part of the solution. I cannot argue from a Hindu perspective. You can. We need you to participate more in the debates you see as too narrow and help us broaden. Don't just tell us we need to. Actively help us. We can't do it alone.