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The bunching of religions into one - CHristianity

Oh, thank you. But the problem is real and i hope we all address it. We need mroe people from all reigions. There are mainly christians and muslims, which is good, but we need more from different faiths.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely. Particularly our American posters (the majority) tend the most insistent that all religion should alpha-omega with Christianity.

Atheists rarely attack Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Paganism directly...probably because it's not as much fun as flamebaiting Christians.

Good thread, Penguino. Furbals!

I don't totally agree with that It's been my experence that it's the christians who feel it's thire job to judge others & thire religions. So it's no wonder they get picked on the more then other religions. It's sad that they do get slammed alot but they tend to do alot of mud-flinging themselves.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely. Particularly our American posters (the majority) tend the most insistent that all religion should alpha-omega with Christianity.

Atheists rarely attack Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Paganism directly...probably because it's not as much fun as flamebaiting Christians.

Good thread, Penguino. Furbals!

Actually, this atheist has found the flamebaiting and general disdain shown towards Christianity, especially those who supposedly claim to the higher forms of mysticism and other such nonsense, far more irritating than the few Christian posts which can be found to be inflammatory.


Well-Known Member
Actually, this atheist has found the flamebaiting and general disdain shown towards Christianity, especially those who supposedly claim to the higher forms of mysticism and other such nonsense, far more irritating than the few Christian posts which can be found to be inflammatory.

I've got alot of athiest freinds here & they really dont seems to have a problem with any religion other then christiany. I asked why & the main reason was because chrsitians have seem to have thire noses into everything & wants to make the world in to a place for them & no one esle. Not to mention they can't seem to let others worship as they want too or not want too.


Well-Known Member
I've got alot of athiest freinds here & they really dont seems to have a problem with any religion other then christiany. I asked why & the main reason was because chrsitians have seem to have thire noses into everything & wants to make the world in to a place for them & no one esle. Not to mention they can't seem to let others worship as they want too or not want too.

I can understand they feel that way. All I can say as the only atheist among a large extended family of Southern Baptists living in the South ... I find such statements to be nothing more than misguided wishful thinking. The level of religious freedom in this country is incredible. Yes, I can find examples in small town America where intolerance and fundamentalism run amok and persecute individuals. But that is indeed a small minority.

There are too many "enlightened" pagans and atheists on this forum who do nothing more than eat their own foot when trying to paint Christianity in general and its adherents as the most intolerant, the most uneducated or the most backward. I can't stand the generalization.

To be quite honest. It's seems to be the Christians on this forum who cannot seem to hold a discussion in peace without a bunch of fools who truly know nothing ruining it for them.
I've got alot of athiest freinds here & they really dont seems to have a problem with any religion other then christiany. I asked why & the main reason was because chrsitians have seem to have thire noses into everything & wants to make the world in to a place for them & no one esle. Not to mention they can't seem to let others worship as they want too or not want too.

To me, when i was young, i thought Christians were a good bunch, but they legalize their terrible deeds.


The Lost One
I am racially Chinese, but culturally I'm an Australian.

When I was attending schools (primary and high schools), everyone were Westerners, except for my sisters and I. We were most surrounded by Christians. My older sister became Mormon, but my younger sister and I are agnostics.

My parents belonged to a group of what you call folk Chinese religion, in which they pay their respect to the spirits of their ancestors and celebrate any important festivals in Chinese calendar. But that's about it. They don't belonged to Buddhism and Taoism. They don't have gods. My knowledge about Buddhism and Taoism, is very limited and superficial at best.

Of all the religions, I have the most similarities with Christians, because of friends and acquaintances, however there are very little time to discuss any matter about religion. I have read the entire Bible when I was looking for religion in my late teen, but gave up on belonging to any Christianity sect and because I didn't believe what I have read, though I did find the Bible to be interesting. I didn't join my sister's LDS too because I didn't believe in their belief that a group of Israelites had landed in the American continents after reading the BoM.

Most of my knowledge of Judaism come from reading the Old Testament (or Tanakh) and other Jewish texts, but I have only known personally a couple of Jews in my life, and we had never talked about their religion. Devout Jews don't talk extensively about their religion with a person who are racially, culturally and religiously not a Jew.

My knowledge of other religions are also limited. I have met and made friends during my university and college's days with Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and others, but I have never discuss religion with them.

I have talked to Christians who have tried to convert me, and was rudely told that I would go to hell for not doing so or believing in Jesus. I have also being told that I would go to hell for reading non-biblical texts. Then there is also a shouting match that I had with a creationist, which is why I have bad blood for all thing Christian creationism. And I have come across Christian politicians in Australia who want to push Christian agenda into politics.

So I have more familiarity with Christianity and Christian ideals and agenda than I have of any other religions.

Most of discussions and debates on religion come from forums such as these. Before I had joined in this forum, I was in Islamic forum (islam.com), but got tired of the Muslims and Christians trading insults, left, right and centre. I even got caught up in the middle of this and before I knew it, I have made, if not enemies, a lot of angry Christians and Muslims who don't like my view any more than they like each other.


Well-Known Member
I can understand they feel that way. All I can say as the only atheist among a large extended family of Southern Baptists living in the South ... I find such statements to be nothing more than misguided wishful thinking. The level of religious freedom in this country is incredible. Yes, I can find examples in small town America where intolerance and fundamentalism run amok and persecute individuals. But that is indeed a small minority

Being that I live in the bible-belt & grew up as a southren baptist you might not see that religous freedom here that you talk about. Being a athiest here is pretty bad but here. Thire are alot worse things to be because of the typical mindsets here. Here they got it figured that an least an athiest has no path & can be saved where a wiccan or Pagan, etc well we're going to hell. Athiest who live here in the bible-belt see religion shoved everyone's faces & speak out & then are pounced on for doing so.

It works both ways....

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
Abrahamic religons have a "my god is the only one" policy, so the rest get bashed.

Yup, at least the more fundamental sects do (liberal sects get a pass here). This seems to be the linchpin keeping all the related problems ongoing.

Actually, this atheist has found the flamebaiting and general disdain shown towards Christianity, especially those who supposedly claim to the higher forms of mysticism and other such nonsense, far more irritating than the few Christian posts which can be found to be inflammatory.

It would make a LOT more sense if you knew what people other than conservative Christians have to deal with in America.

I can understand they feel that way. All I can say as the only atheist among a large extended family of Southern Baptists living in the South ... I find such statements to be nothing more than misguided wishful thinking. The level of religious freedom in this country is incredible. Yes, I can find examples in small town America where intolerance and fundamentalism run amok and persecute individuals. But that is indeed a small minority.

There are too many "enlightened" pagans and atheists on this forum who do nothing more than eat their own foot when trying to paint Christianity in general and its adherents as the most intolerant, the most uneducated or the most backward. I can't stand the generalization.

To be quite honest. It's seems to be the Christians on this forum who cannot seem to hold a discussion in peace without a bunch of fools who truly know nothing ruining it for them.

Seems to me that only one point of view is being entertained here. The bottom line is, if conservative Christianity is truly The Way and The Truth and The Life, should it not have enough strength to stand under its own weight? That its positions do not have enough power to knock down those that stand against them--shouldn't that be a big, red flag? Can conservative Christians be man or woman enough to negotiate this difficulty?

Being that I live in the bible-belt & grew up as a southren baptist you might not see that religous freedom here that you talk about. Being a athiest here is pretty bad but here. Thire are alot worse things to be because of the typical mindsets here. Here they got it figured that an least an athiest has no path & can be saved where a wiccan or Pagan, etc well we're going to hell. Athiest who live here in the bible-belt see religion shoved everyone's faces & speak out & then are pounced on for doing so.

It works both ways....

Well-said, although I would contend that neither you nor I are highly regarded down here in the South!


Well-Known Member
Yup, at least the more fundamental sects do (liberal sects get a pass here). This seems to be the linchpin keeping all the related problems ongoing.

And this justifies the generalized bashing of Christianity how?

It would make a LOT more sense if you knew what people other than conservative Christians have to deal with in America.
I am one of those people.

Seems to me that only one point of view is being entertained here. The bottom line is, if conservative Christianity is truly The Way and The Truth and The Life, should it not have enough strength to stand under its own weight? That its positions do not have enough power to knock down those that stand against them--shouldn't that be a big, red flag? Can conservative Christians be man or woman enough to negotiate this difficulty?
When challenged rationally yes. When people generalize and spew irrational prejudice then no.

Well-said, although I would contend that neither you nor I are highly regarded down here in the South!
Another simple generalization. Yes, I have been told I am going to hell. I've also had my character judged by people referencing star charts. What's the difference.
Yup, at least the more fundamental sects do (liberal sects get a pass here). This seems to be the linchpin keeping all the related problems ongoing.
They say that, but really, they absolutely hate our guts. The hate the other religions and their 'gods'. They believe in their heads that "we should become withered branches in fires" Heard it before?


Not your average Mormon
:areyoucraEVery time we have a religious debate. People use christian beliefs, morals and anything christian to argue a point. There is more in the religious nutshell then christianity. There are many religions, not one.

What i am trying to say is that i think we have to stop this Religion = Christianity way of thinking. Broaden our horizons.

Thought: It wouldn't make much sense for me to try to have a religious debate from any other position than the one I hold. The fact that the majority of Americans who have any religious beliefs at all are Christian ought to be sufficient reason for them to see things from a Christian way of thinking. I personally don't see how you can really expect it to be otherwise.
I guess I should start off by saying this forum is a great place to educate and debate. I have sent muslims and atheist to this site. Its a safe place cause no one can murder me if I disagree. The
majority of people on this planet being murdered, imprisoned, tortured for their faith are Christians. Hitler murdered Jews not because of their faith but because he believed they were an
inferior race and was going to help evolution along. So nobody here can claim innocent. I don't
hate anybody in fact it is forbidden to hate. Gods word says you are dead already, its like murder in God's eyes. I can argue with you today and play golf with you tomorrow. I will probably argue or discuss points in my own religion as much as with anybody else about anything. I am sure that in time there will be many more post by non christian religions as word gets around and they speak english, I would presume. Can I argue against evolution from an Islam position? hardly athough we share some theology. It is almost funny that those who slam the very faith which was responsible for religious and political freedom based on a belief that rights come from God not man, would like to erradicate it like any atheist nation with outright lies and half truths. There are those who claim christians to be bigots when it is they who are the intolerant ones. We can have forums of all types here I dont think anyone is being rejected for any reason. They just may be elsewhere. We should not try to intentionally injure each other, but neither should we practice this knowledge limiting garbage called political correctness.
Thanks a lot Evolution_Not. Your opinion is very true, but i choose not to believe it. I think hindus have been more in the death spotlight. Mughals, Aryans, Brits, Portugese... They have repeatedly come to India and killed the people and converted, yes the nation retains its Hindu culture. Christians have also been the ones who have done the killing too. In many missionaries. They destroyed the Mayan culture. One of the biggest and most powerful, and drove the Roman Empire to ruins, they converted Emperor Consantine. Therefore causing civil war within the empire. But then again, hindus are not completely innocent, Gujarat riots, and well, thats it.