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The bunching of religions into one - CHristianity


ThrUU the Looking Glass
notblindedbythedevil, proselytizing is strictly forbidden on this forum. And, yes, whether you like it or not, we DO have the right to worship or not according to the dictates of our consciences.
To me that is a load of rubbish, and it is to most people. Rig Veda 37:35. Think about it man. I dont want no bible quote. Your bible has NO authority on me. So that is rubbish. Your other post was completely irrelevant to my thread!
You ask a question I gave a answer I gave my opion from the word of God.Im not trying to tell you how to live your life but to show you what the Bible says. So far the only thing I see from this web site is if someone give a answer from the word of God its shot down as rubbish. I will pray for you that God will open you eyes to see the truth That the bible is from God. And I pray for you that you want have anger for people that have a opion to your questions.:shout Christ has all authority we belong to him no matter what path you take.


Not your average Mormon
You ask a question I gave a answer I gave my opion from the word of God.Im not trying to tell you how to live your life but to show you what the Bible says. So far the only thing I see from this web site is if someone give a answer from the word of God its shot down as rubbish. I will pray for you that God will open you eyes to see the truth That the bible is from God. And I pray for you that you want have anger for people that have a opion to your questions.:shout Christ has all authority we belong to him no matter what path you take.
Nobody's objecting to your pointing out what the Bible says. What people on this site object to -- and what is against the rules of the forum, incidentally -- is when you say, "We dont have a right to worship how we want to." When you say that, you are trying to tell people how to live their lives. Wouldn't it further your cause more to show people how a belief in Jesus Christ has made you a more compassionate, loving person? Just a thought.
Nobody's objecting to your pointing out what the Bible says. What people on this site object to -- and what is against the rules of the forum, incidentally -- is when you say, "We dont have a right to worship how we want to." When you say that, you are trying to tell people how to live their lives. Wouldn't it further your cause more to show people how a belief in Jesus Christ has made you a more compassionate, loving person? Just a thought.
When I said( We dont have a right to worship how we want to).But only how God tells us to. ill explain it more in detail. What I mean by that is the bible tells us how to worship and live our lives according to the bible there is one way to worship that is acceptable to God this way is found in the bible. Im not telling you have to follow this way but I trust in the lord and believe the bible. The bible points out how to worship. The bible shows that theirs only one way and worship is important to all man's salvation.He tells us to worship him in spirit and truth through his word. I didn't wright the bible but just relaying the message.
Mt 7:21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.Mt 7:22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?Mt 7:23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
I still dont belive that I told anyone how to live their lifes. I think some people are offend by Gods Word.
Yeah, but to most people, the bible is just a book.

Rig Veda 67:33 - You do whatever you want, for in the end, it all comes to me...

I made that up but still. If i went around saying this to your townsman you'd be annoyed. What you are doing is against the forum rules. The bible has no authority in the religious world, only on christians, but to a hindu the bible, is, nothing. Its just there, a useless little book. What you are saying is, my religion is the authority in life.

Mr. Peanut

Active Member
Hi! I'm a peanut! Jesus is greatly admired by most people and peanuts, yet he said that He is the way, the truth, and the life and no man comes to the Father but by him. His very character tells us peanuts he cannot lie. And Peter, who knew him said there's no other name given whereby men may be saved. Us peanuts believe Jesus and Peter, yes, we do. And we love all people of all religions, too. Yes, we do!

Hi! I'm a peanut! Jesus is greatly admired by most people and peanuts, yet he said that He is the way, the truth, and the life and no man comes to the Father but by him. His very character tells us peanuts he cannot lie. And Peter, who knew him said there's no other name given whereby men may be saved. Us peanuts believe Jesus and Peter, yes, we do. And we love all people of all religions, too. Yes, we do!


That is really sort of scary, welcome anyways...;)

Logician, i agree with your previous post, stating that any religion that says it is the true path to god is false, i agree with that:yes:


Done here.
That is really sort of scary, welcome anyways...;)

So, penguino, you ask why people talk about "religion" as if the only religion they know about is Christianity, and suggest that people broaden their horizons, and what happens? You get Christians proselytizing you!

Now you know what it's like to live in the United States. :D


At least then in my area know one even KNOWS what religion is. So you can't even talk to people about it.

Then lets talk about Hinduism. Before I became a believer in Jesus (hardcore atheist), Hinduism was one of the many religions that I looked at in my persuit for the "truth" in the world, if there was one that is. Nevertheless, many aspects of Hinduism seemed lacking... maybe you can enlighten me on a few?