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The bunching of religions into one - CHristianity

Then lets talk about Hinduism. Before I became a believer in Jesus (hardcore atheist), Hinduism was one of the many religions that I looked at in my persuit for the "truth" in the world, if there was one that is. Nevertheless, many aspects of Hinduism seemed lacking... maybe you can enlighten me on a few?

What i suggest you do is, start a thread in hinduism.


Fundamental Bible-thumper
The devil? You are blaming someone else for your faults? The devil doesent "attack" anyone, i believe. Thats like killing someone and blaming your neighbour for it.

As is the point of the thread, when an atheist criticizes religion, they're usually referring to Christianity. The world constantly attacks the Bible, Biblical Christianity, Jesus, evangelicals, etc,. While Islam is called a religion of peace, Judaism can hardly be brought into question without someone bringing up the holocaust, and eastern religions (Hinduism, Buddhism) are considered the best religions: harmononious, etc. (Though Siddharth Gautama never meant his philosophy to be considered a religion, and certainly never meant to be deified; people like to call Buddhism a religion.)

So, we're left with people damning Christianity and nothing else. Though there are those honest people who condemn all religions, but always end up damning Christianity and it alone.

This is why Christians view it as attacks by the devil. The Bible says that the world will hate us, but not because of us; they'll hate us for who we worship. That doesn't meant that everyone on earth hates Christians: it simply means we're hated in general.

That little prediction has been fulfilled.


I would also say that a large # of people bash on Christianity because they believe that it is the only religion that claims exclusivity - that Jesus is the only way to God. This is very inaccurate though as almost every religion claims exclusivity.


The Lost One
Well, it doesn't help the Christian cause, when Christians called people who don't follow Christianity as being in league with the Devil, including atheists. The stupidity of this type of argument against atheists is hardly enlightening, considering that atheists don't even believe in the Devil.

It doesn't help when Christians tell those who don't agree with them that they will go to hell.

And calling someone "evil" or what they believe as "evil", also don't endear many to Christianity.

I have little sympathies for any Christian who use these types of tactic.


Done here.
You see though, you are using an example which refers to the status of a physical thing - that has no meaning in what I was saying. If someone denies that one religion (even though relgigion is man-made) is the only way to the "truth", then essentially that says there are many paths you can follow that all encompass the "truth" ->
Not necessarily. It could also mean that there is no religious path that "encompasses the 'truth,'" and while I may be wrong, that's what I took logician's statement to mean.


Done here.
As is the point of the thread, when an atheist criticizes religion, they're usually referring to Christianity. The world constantly attacks the Bible, Biblical Christianity, Jesus, evangelicals, etc,. While Islam is called a religion of peace, Judaism can hardly be brought into question without someone bringing up the holocaust, and eastern religions (Hinduism, Buddhism) are considered the best religions: harmononious, etc. (Though Siddharth Gautama never meant his philosophy to be considered a religion, and certainly never meant to be deified; people like to call Buddhism a religion.)

So, we're left with people damning Christianity and nothing else. Though there are those honest people who condemn all religions, but always end up damning Christianity and it alone.

This is why Christians view it as attacks by the devil. The Bible says that the world will hate us, but not because of us; they'll hate us for who we worship. That doesn't meant that everyone on earth hates Christians: it simply means we're hated in general.

That little prediction has been fulfilled.
If it makes you feel better to think you're hated -- and it does seem to --, then go ahead. The truth is that there are many atheists who attack religions other than Christianity with equal vigor. I, for one, am always lumping Christians and Muslims in together. In fact, I'm about to do it again. ;)

I would also say that a large # of people bash on Christianity because they believe that it is the only religion that claims exclusivity - that Jesus is the only way to God. This is very inaccurate though as almost every religion claims exclusivity.
I can't think of any major religion that does, except for Christianity and Islam.


If it makes you feel better to think you're hated -- and it does seem to --, then go ahead. The truth is that there are many atheists who attack religions other than Christianity with equal vigor. I, for one, am always lumping Christians and Muslims in together. In fact, I'm about to do it again. ;)

I can't think of any major religion that does, except for Christianity and Islam.

Just off the top of my head I would include: christianity, islam, buddhism, hinduism, and sikhism to name a few
Just off the top of my head I would include: christianity, islam, buddhism, hinduism, and sikhism to name a few

NO! Hinduism is the ver religon that is famous for stating that all religions can lead to god. Buddhism isn't a religion because it does not have a god. Sikhism, can your prove it?


Well-Known Member
As is the point of the thread, when an atheist criticizes religion, they're usually referring to Christianity. The world constantly attacks the Bible, Biblical Christianity, Jesus, evangelicals, etc,. While Islam is called a religion of peace, Judaism can hardly be brought into question without someone bringing up the holocaust, and eastern religions (Hinduism, Buddhism) are considered the best religions: harmononious, etc. (Though Siddharth Gautama never meant his philosophy to be considered a religion, and certainly never meant to be deified; people like to call Buddhism a religion.)

So, we're left with people damning Christianity and nothing else. Though there are those honest people who condemn all religions, but always end up damning Christianity and it alone.

This is why Christians view it as attacks by the devil. The Bible says that the world will hate us, but not because of us; they'll hate us for who we worship. That doesn't meant that everyone on earth hates Christians: it simply means we're hated in general.

That little prediction has been fulfilled.

In the U.S., atheists are the hated ones, Christianity is well accepted.
In the U.K. half the people dont even know what religon is, i live in teh worlds most stupid and senseless nation, my god what am i doing here? I reckon, America is a great place to live, i'd love to live in Manhattan.


Fundamental Bible-thumper
Where did I call atheists the devil? Praytell, where did I say that? Someone, please tell me. I didn't call them that at all. All you can infer from my posts is what I said: I said the devil attacks. From that you can infer that he'll use atheists.

But he'll also use conservative and liberal apostates. Christians who use the Bible for their own ideaologies.


Fundamental Bible-thumper
In the U.S., atheists are the hated ones, Christianity is well accepted.

Christianity is well accepted. Evangelical, or Biblical, Christianity is not.

I've never seen any evidence of anti-atheistic sentiment even inside the church.


Veteran Member
In the U.K. half the people dont even know what religon is, i live in teh worlds most stupid and senseless nation, my god what am i doing here? I reckon, America is a great place to live, i'd love to live in Manhattan.

I doubt the bolded statements are as true as you make them out to be.


NO! Hinduism is the ver religon that is famous for stating that all religions can lead to god. Buddhism isn't a religion because it does not have a god. Sikhism, can your prove it?

I am simply stating that Christianity is not the only religion that states exclusivity. Hinduism is absolutely uncompromising on a few issues: 1) the law of karma, which is the law of moral cause and effect, so that every birth is a rebirth that makes recompense for the previous life 2) the authority of Vedas 3) reincarnation... Yes, Hinduism is tolerant of other religions, so long as you practice it and it buys into their notion of truth, which is syncretistic.
As for Buddhism, it was essentially born when Buddha rejected two fundamental assertions of Hinduism - the authority of Vedas and the caste system.
I am simply stating that Christianity is not the only religion that states exclusivity. Hinduism is absolutely uncompromising on a few issues: 1) the law of karma, which is the law of moral cause and effect, so that every birth is a rebirth that makes recompense for the previous life 2) the authority of Vedas 3) reincarnation... Yes, Hinduism is tolerant of other religions, so long as you practice it and it buys into their notion of truth, which is syncretistic.
As for Buddhism, it was essentially born when Buddha rejected two fundamental assertions of Hinduism - the authority of Vedas and the caste system.

Only karma, karma isnt a produce of hinduism, its just there and we recognised it, but it is there, its just a law. Reincarnation? No, there are many spiritual leaders in hinduism who dont accept the reincarnation law. There is one one who has never read the vedas, he said he ddint want to be pinned down by anything. So, no, what you said was plain wrong.

Buddhism, well yes, you are right.

Also, i stated sikhism, what of that?


Well-Known Member
Christianity is well accepted. Evangelical, or Biblical, Christianity is not.

I've never seen any evidence of anti-atheistic sentiment even inside the church.

Ever hear of Madalyn Murray O’Hair, she probably was killed for her athestic beliefs.