Ben Dhyan
Veteran Member I mentioned this before but fwiw, here is a what I learned about my simple prescient dreams...I used to go fishing a few times a week for years... and if I would dream the night before that I caught a crab...I would catch a time I might dream about catching a few silvery fish and a golden one....and I would catch a few silver bream and a catfish.. I always went with my lady friend and she too would sometimes have fish or crabs dreams the night before and they always play out according to the dream of silvery, golden, or crab. This went on for years and so on our way we always asked each other if there were any fish dreams and if neither of us dreamed of catching anything.....there was about a 95% plus chance we didn't.. and if we did have a fish dream, there was a 95% chance we did. Interesting too that the dream never manifested when I was consciously in a state of anticipation...which I sometimes was when not much was always happened when my attention was elsewhere and it would only dawn on me as I was hauling it in and I could see the flash of silver, or gold, or crab through the water...Learning anything that has not been substantiated is useless and a waste of time. It would be like trying to teach people to cook using their mental power all while being unable to actually demonstrate such a technique actually cooks anything. In the end everyone eats a raw cold meal.
Now as I have explained before, I kept a dream diary for about ten years and I learned a lot about synchronicity and prescient content of dream consciousness, and so I can dismiss out of hand those who have never bothered to learn about the deeper levels of their own mind...