G. What Do Muslims Believe?
Where do Muslims stand? The answer may surprise you for we can agree with aspects of both sides. Islam teaches us that Allahs creation is vast and beyond our comprehension. We are also taught that the more we explore and learn, the more we will come to believe in Allah. That is the Islamic position.
So we assert without any hesitation that Allah caused the creation of the universe and that He set up the laws for its functioning. As Allah said:
"Behold! In the creation of space and the Earth and in the changing of night into day are indeed signs for people of understanding. Those who remember Allah standing, sitting and lying down, and contemplate the (wonders) of creation in space and the Earth. (They declare,) "Our Lord! You didnt create all of this for nothing. So save us from the punishment of the fire." (3:190-191)
Science, then, must increase our faith. It is wrong for anyone to close their eyes to what is right in front of them. For hundreds of years people have been finding fossils, bones and ancient artifacts which point to a hidden past we dont know much about. Allah even commands us to travel over the Earth and learn from what we see. We humans have now seen much to challenge our understanding!
We know that Earth existed long before the appearance of humans. Allah says, "Wasnt there a long period of time before humans were even mentioned?" (76:1)
We also know from the geologic timetable that the Earth went through many ages before we came here. And in the ayat that mentions this proof of Allah, we are given a very strong clue about the adaptability of life forms to their environment.
Allah said, "Dont you see that Allah sends rain from the sky? With it We produce plants of various colors. And in the mountains are colored layers, white and red of various tones and some black in hue. And so too, among humans and crawling creatures and cattle. They are of various colors. Those among Allahs servants who have knowledge truly fear Him, for Allah is Mighty and Forgiving." (35:27-28)
So while we agree with the Creationists who say Allah made the universe, we disagree with them on how fast it was constructed and that Earth is the only center of focus for the Creator. Allah declares Himself to be the Lord of All the Worlds: Rabb ul Alameen.
Because we do not reject the evidence presented to us by Paleontologists (fossil hunters) and other scientists, we can accept some of what they say, also, about the origins of life on Earth and the existence of dinosaurs and other creatures in the fossil record. However, we read in Allahs book that He caused it to happen and that by studying it we increase our faith in Him. Therefore, we disagree with those who say everything happened without Allah, by mere chance only.
"To Allah belongs the control of space and the Earth and Allah has power over all things." (3:189)
Ours is the middle position even as Allah said we were created to be the middle community: never going to extremes. (2:143) So we dont accept, based on the evidence, the final positions of both sides. Rather, we accept what appears to be true and reject what appears to be false from each. The Quran is our standard, our determiner, and it has never let us down, nor will it ever do so.
For a Muslim, then, the evidence of dinosaurs, trilobites and ancient algae is not a threat to our beliefs. Rather, it is a confirmation of the power of Allah. As Allah said, "He has created horses and mules for you to ride and show; and He has created other (creatures) that you dont know." (16:8)
"Allah created every creature from water. Of them are some that creep on their bellies, some that walk on two legs and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills for He has power over all things. We have indeed sent signs that make things clear and Allah guides whom He wills to the straight way." (24:45-46)
Who else but Allah could have made such a complex and mysterious universe? (16:40) We must have pity on those who reject the proof of Allahs existence for they will be the losers in the end.
Remember the ayah that was listed before: Allah says, "He, (Allah,) created humans from a drop of sperm and then the same humans become clear arguers!" (16:4.)
Even a miraculous thing such as the fertilization of the egg cannot convince some people to believe in the creative energy of the Creator of the Universe.
Allah asks rhetorically, "Then what message will they believe in after this?" (77:50)
Thank you brother ..