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The creator did it.


Veteran Member
One little detail about the ark being intact and
encased in ice-

Glaciers move. And not as one solid block.
As with a river, different parts move at different speeds.
Crevasses open and close.
Anything in it will be torn to shreds.

And, of course, moving as it does like a conveyor belt,
after a bit, the remains are deposited at the terminus.

EVEN IF an "ark' had been in a glacier, it would not be
there now. All nicely intact? Ha.

I wonder if that is the same vid as was done by some jokesters
from Hong Kong not so long ago.



Veteran Member
"And the grand daddy of them all, maybe the
biggest whopper in earth "history"- Noahs Ark."

Well, here it is! :D It's been discovered!:eek:
Tell me, what is this huge wooden structure doing at over 11,000 feet in the Ararat Mountains covered in ice? Here is your granddaddy whopper! No matter how you try to debunk this, the FACT is, this massive wooden vessel with two levels they have see so far is there! How did it get there? Here is the ultimate truth and massive evidence of Noah's Ark!
What do you say now?:oops:
Genesis 8:3-5
…3The waters receded steadily from the earth, and after 150 days the waters had gone down. 4On the seventeenth day of the seventh month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. 5And the waters continued to recede until the tenth month, and on the first day of the tenth month, the tops of the mountains became visible.…

Do you want to be fooled by these carny barkers like Ron Wyatt?

They haven't found the Ark.

Rapture Era

Active Member
EVEN IF an "ark' had been in a glacier, it would not be
there now. All nicely intact? Ha.
This is my point, no matter what evidence, and this is massive evidence where a vessel of this size does not belong at over 11,000 feet. And who says its nicely intact? They haven't been able to view the whole vessel because its encased in ice. You and the rest of you are in complete and total denial of truthful evidence. You don't care how powerful the evidence is, it doesn't fit your atheism!:rolleyes: Ha!:D
Lets see how this plays out for you!:oops:


Veteran Member
This is my point, no matter what evidence, and this is massive evidence where a vessel of this size does not belong at over 11,000 feet. And who says its nicely intact? They haven't been able to view the whole vessel because its encased in ice. You and the rest of you are in complete and total denial of truthful evidence. You don't care how powerful the evidence is, it doesn't fit your atheism!:rolleyes: Ha!:D
Lets see how this plays out for you!:oops:

Its a con job..

Randall Price, a partner with Noah's Ark Ministries International from early 2008 to the summer of 2008, stated that the discovery was probably the result of a hoax, perpetrated by ten Kurdish workers hired by the Turkish guide used by the Chinese, who planted large wood beams taken from an old structure near the Black Sea at the cave site.


Veteran Member
This is my point, no matter what evidence, and this is massive evidence where a vessel of this size does not belong at over 11,000 feet. And who says its nicely intact? They haven't been able to view the whole vessel because its encased in ice. You and the rest of you are in complete and total denial of truthful evidence. You don't care how powerful the evidence is, it doesn't fit your atheism!:rolleyes: Ha!:D
Lets see how this plays out for you!:oops:

Whatabout all the other discoveries of the ark, in other
places? Hmmmm?

No part of the ark would be intact in a glacier, it would be shredded
to matchsticks by the movement of the ice.

Lets see how it plays out for you if you get an
offer from a Nigerian oil minister who wants to
move $22,000,000 USD to your bank account.

It is kind of pitiful to see someone so gullible as
you. And a sly hint that I will go to hell
because I am not such a fool? Pathetic.


Veteran Member
Its a con job..

Randall Price, a partner with Noah's Ark Ministries International from early 2008 to the summer of 2008, stated that the discovery was probably the result of a hoax, perpetrated by ten Kurdish workers hired by the Turkish guide used by the Chinese, who planted large wood beams taken from an old structure near the Black Sea at the cave site.

Darn those sneaky Chinese! Taking advantage of suckers.
Who does that! :D

Then there was a preacher who got a paid vacation
(his church) to go find the ark. He announced widely
that he found it, and was bringing back samples of
the wood.

OF COURSE he was stopped at t he airport, and his
samples confiscated by Turkish authorities.

Perfect! That Proves they were real pieces of Ark!
That was a pretty good con!
Before discussing the recent claims regarding the whereabouts of Noah's vessel, a history of Ark "finds" is instructive.

Noah's Ark Discovered ... Again and Again

Violet M. Cummings is the author of several books on Noah's Ark, among them "Noah's Ark: Fable or Fact?" (1975), in which she claimed that Noah's Ark was found on Turkey's Mount Ararat. According to the 1976 book and film "In Search of Noah's Ark," "there is now actual photographic evidence that Noah's Ark really does exist.... Scientists have used satellites, computers, and powerful cameras to pinpoint the Ark's exact location on Mt. Ararat."

This is a rather remarkable claim, for despite repeated trips to Mt. Ararat over the past thirty years, the Ark remains elusive.

Undeterred by a lack of evidence, in 1982 Cummings issued a book titled, "Has Anybody Really Seen Noah's Ark?," published by Creation-Life Publishers. The subtitle, "An Affirmative Definitive Report," hints at Cummings's conclusion.

Interest in Noah's Ark resurfaced in February 1993, when CBS aired a two-hour primetime special titled, "The Incredible Discovery of Noah's Ark." (Little did CBS know that they were using incredible in its accurate, proper meaning: "not credible.")

As Ken Feder describes in his book "Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries," the special "was a hodgepodge of unverifiable stories and misrepresentations of the paleontological, archaeological, and historical records." It included the riveting testimony of a George Jammal, who claimed not only to have personally seen the Ark on Ararat but recovered a piece of it. Jammal's story (and the chunk of wood he displayed) impressed both CBS producers and viewers. Yet he was later revealed as a paid actor who had never been to Turkey and whose piece of the Ark was not an unknown ancient timber (identified in the Bible as "gopher wood") but instead modern pine soaked in soy sauce and artificially aged in an oven.

Red-faced CBS, which had done little fact-checking for their much-hyped special, said that the program was entertainment, not a documentary.

Recent claims

More claims surfaced periodically, including in March 2006, when a LiveScience writer reported on yet another incarnation of the Ararat claim. A team of researchers found a rock formation that might resemble a huge ark, nearly covered in glacial ice. Little came of that claim but a few months later, in June, a team of archaeologists from the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration (BASE) Institute, a Christian organization, found yet another rock formation that might be Noah's Ark.

This time the Ark was "found" not on Ararat but at 13,000 feet in the Elburz mountains of Iran. "I can't imagine what it could be if it is not the Ark," said team member Arch Bonnema. They brought back pieces of stone they claim may be petrified wood beams, as well as video footage of the rocky cliffs.

The team believes that, within the rock formation, they can see evidence of hundreds of massive hand-hewn wooden beams laid out in the presumed size and shape of the Ark.

The Biblical archaeologists seem to have experienced pareidolia; seeing what they want to see in ambiguous patterns or images. Just as religious people will see images of Jesus or the Virgin Mary in toast, stains, or clouds, they may also see images of Noah's Ark in stone cliffs. (In New Mexico's Sandia National Forest there is a large rock formation called Battleship Rock, which—from a certain angle—does indeed look like a battleship. One wonders what the BASE team would make of that.)

Other researchers remain certain that the Ark is in fact on Mt. Ararat. Noah's Ark enthusiasts are therefore in the somewhat awkward position of deciding which (if any) of several scientifically "definitive" Ark finds is the real one.

The BASE claims, as with all previous reports of finding the Ark, have yet to be proven. Ultimately, it may not matter, because, as BASE president Bob Cornuke states, "I guess what my wife says my business is, we sell hope. Hope that it could be true, hope that there is a God."

Yet the question is not about faith, hope, or God; the question is if Noah's Ark is real and has been found. Like Atlantis, the ever-elusive Ark will continue to be "found" by those looking for it.


Veteran Member
Darn those sneaky Chinese! Taking advantage of suckers.
Who does that! :D

Then there was a preacher who got a paid vacation
(his church) to go find the ark. He announced widely
that he found it, and was bringing back samples of
the wood.

OF COURSE he was stopped at t he airport, and his
samples confiscated by Turkish authorities.

Perfect! That Proves they were real pieces of Ark!
That was a pretty good con!
Before discussing the recent claims regarding the whereabouts of Noah's vessel, a history of Ark "finds" is instructive.

Noah's Ark Discovered ... Again and Again

Violet M. Cummings is the author of several books on Noah's Ark, among them "Noah's Ark: Fable or Fact?" (1975), in which she claimed that Noah's Ark was found on Turkey's Mount Ararat. According to the 1976 book and film "In Search of Noah's Ark," "there is now actual photographic evidence that Noah's Ark really does exist.... Scientists have used satellites, computers, and powerful cameras to pinpoint the Ark's exact location on Mt. Ararat."

This is a rather remarkable claim, for despite repeated trips to Mt. Ararat over the past thirty years, the Ark remains elusive.

Undeterred by a lack of evidence, in 1982 Cummings issued a book titled, "Has Anybody Really Seen Noah's Ark?," published by Creation-Life Publishers. The subtitle, "An Affirmative Definitive Report," hints at Cummings's conclusion.

Interest in Noah's Ark resurfaced in February 1993, when CBS aired a two-hour primetime special titled, "The Incredible Discovery of Noah's Ark." (Little did CBS know that they were using incredible in its accurate, proper meaning: "not credible.")

As Ken Feder describes in his book "Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries," the special "was a hodgepodge of unverifiable stories and misrepresentations of the paleontological, archaeological, and historical records." It included the riveting testimony of a George Jammal, who claimed not only to have personally seen the Ark on Ararat but recovered a piece of it. Jammal's story (and the chunk of wood he displayed) impressed both CBS producers and viewers. Yet he was later revealed as a paid actor who had never been to Turkey and whose piece of the Ark was not an unknown ancient timber (identified in the Bible as "gopher wood") but instead modern pine soaked in soy sauce and artificially aged in an oven.

Red-faced CBS, which had done little fact-checking for their much-hyped special, said that the program was entertainment, not a documentary.

Recent claims

More claims surfaced periodically, including in March 2006, when a LiveScience writer reported on yet another incarnation of the Ararat claim. A team of researchers found a rock formation that might resemble a huge ark, nearly covered in glacial ice. Little came of that claim but a few months later, in June, a team of archaeologists from the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration (BASE) Institute, a Christian organization, found yet another rock formation that might be Noah's Ark.

This time the Ark was "found" not on Ararat but at 13,000 feet in the Elburz mountains of Iran. "I can't imagine what it could be if it is not the Ark," said team member Arch Bonnema. They brought back pieces of stone they claim may be petrified wood beams, as well as video footage of the rocky cliffs.

The team believes that, within the rock formation, they can see evidence of hundreds of massive hand-hewn wooden beams laid out in the presumed size and shape of the Ark.

The Biblical archaeologists seem to have experienced pareidolia; seeing what they want to see in ambiguous patterns or images. Just as religious people will see images of Jesus or the Virgin Mary in toast, stains, or clouds, they may also see images of Noah's Ark in stone cliffs. (In New Mexico's Sandia National Forest there is a large rock formation called Battleship Rock, which—from a certain angle—does indeed look like a battleship. One wonders what the BASE team would make of that.)

Other researchers remain certain that the Ark is in fact on Mt. Ararat. Noah's Ark enthusiasts are therefore in the somewhat awkward position of deciding which (if any) of several scientifically "definitive" Ark finds is the real one.

The BASE claims, as with all previous reports of finding the Ark, have yet to be proven. Ultimately, it may not matter, because, as BASE president Bob Cornuke states, "I guess what my wife says my business is, we sell hope. Hope that it could be true, hope that there is a God."

Yet the question is not about faith, hope, or God; the question is if Noah's Ark is real and has been found. Like Atlantis, the ever-elusive Ark will continue to be "found" by those looking for it.

How could people be so stupid? The flood story is a myth that the Hebrews borrowed from Sumer.


Veteran Member
How could people be so stupid? The flood story is a myth that the Hebrews borrowed from Sumer.

I do find it kind of strange. I suppose that if it were possible
to show every last square inch of Ararat, and the boat aint
there, they'd go to pan B, but they would still believe in it.

One hint of how it works, I have a friend who works at a bank.

Their customers get scammed, they are trained
to watch for it.

Say, an elderly lady whose habits they know well,
comes in and withdraws say, $8,000 , very out of
character and she does not have much money.

Casual friendly voice, "Oh, something special?"

Once they find out she has won the Dutch lottery and
is paying the taxes, say, come the questions.

Did you enter? No

Then how could you win? I dont know, but I did.

Sometimes, they all but stand in the doorway saying
"You will not PASS!".

It is hard to convince people they have been scammed!
If need be, they will call the police, who are used to
talking to people who are being scammed. The
victim usually gives up when the police tell them it is a
crime, they are being scammed.

There, it is pretty plain and clear cut, and, it is not
their community of believers, their immortal soul
that is involved.

Our floodies think-and quite rightly, probably-
that if they are convinced there was no flood, then
their whole construct of reality will be shattered.


Veteran Member
I do find it kind of strange. I suppose that if it were possible
to show every last square inch of Ararat, and the boat aint
there, they'd go to pan B, but they would still believe in it.

One hint of how it works, I have a friend who works at a bank.

Their customers get scammed, they are trained
to watch for it.

Say, an elderly lady whose habits they know well,
comes in and withdraws say, $8,000 , very out of
character and she does not have much money.

Casual friendly voice, "Oh, something special?"

Once they find out she has won the Dutch lottery and
is paying the taxes, say, come the questions.

Did you enter? No

Then how could you win? I dont know, but I did.

Sometimes, they all but stand in the doorway saying
"You will not PASS!".

It is hard to convince people they have been scammed!
If need be, they will call the police, who are used to
talking to people who are being scammed. The
victim usually gives up when the police tell them it is a
crime, they are being scammed.

There, it is pretty plain and clear cut, and, it is not
their community of believers, their immortal soul
that is involved.

Our floodies think-and quite rightly, probably-
that if they are convinced there was no flood, then
their whole construct of reality will be shattered.

Rapture Era

Active Member
Whatabout all the other discoveries of the ark, in other
places? Hmmmm?
What about them? Again, biblical scripture places the Ark in the Ararat Mountains. If someone claims another place, I would like to see the evidence as compelling as the evidence here. There is a massive wooden structure there. If its a hoax, who would be stupid enough to climb to that height carrying wooden beams, hay, rope, tools and other supplies to stage a hoax at that altitude in an area of the mountain where the weather changes from bad to blizzard in a matter of hours? It's assign to think this! No one would this! The fact that this massive structure is there just like the Scriptures say it is, is proof that the scriptures are true! This discovery is absolutely catastrophic to the evolutionary lie that it would destroy everything the evolutionists have held to.
No part of the ark would be intact in a glacier, it would be shredded
to matchsticks by the movement of the ice.
This is absolutely ludicrous! Just because this structure is on a glacier, doesn't mean that if the glacier move it would do anything to the Ark!:rolleyes: The Ark would just move with it! Your assertion is empty without any legitimacy at all.
Lets see how it plays out for you if you get an
offer from a Nigerian oil minister who wants to
move $22,000,000 USD to your bank account.
Again, bla bla bla:D Thats all you got?:rolleyes:
It is kind of pitiful to see someone so gullible as
you. And a sly hint that I will go to hell
because I am not such a fool? Pathetic.
I never said you would go to hell, so stop your whining! But if you don't accept the free gift of eternal life that God offers to everyone, yes you will go to hell, it's that simple. Just because you don't happen to believe that, doesn't mean it's not true.But if this is something you want to gamble on, Hey, that's your problem if you make the wrong choice. Whats really pathetic is that you place yourself above God, and call him a liar. Lets see, there was someone else who did that, oh wait, I know, it was Lucifer! Now Satan. It's not gonna work out too good for him and if you want to jump on his boat, I'm sure he would love to claim you! Misery loves company! Only thing is, you wont love it so much, but that doesn't matter now because your conceit, haughtiness, self pride is whats most important at this moment to you isn't it? You are not such a fool? Hold that thought!o_O
None of your circumvention tactics have any meaning, but you just keep throwing them out there, because reasonable, logical and rational people see right through you!;)

Rapture Era

Active Member
How could people be so stupid? The flood story is a myth that the Hebrews borrowed from Sumer.
These kinds of statements also show you have no clue what you are talking about. Stupidity always bears itself out, always! The very second your time is up, you will realize where you now stand and what is awaiting you. Just remember, If you made the wrong decision, none of these people here you think are your pals, will ever be there to help you, none of them! You are responsible for your own actions and decisions!


Veteran Member
What about them? Again, biblical scripture places the Ark in the Ararat Mountains. If someone claims another place, I would like to see the evidence as compelling as the evidence here. There is a massive wooden structure there. If its a hoax, who would be stupid enough to climb to that height carrying wooden beams, hay, rope, tools and other supplies to stage a hoax at that altitude in an area of the mountain where the weather changes from bad to blizzard in a matter of hours? It's assign to think this! No one would this! The fact that this massive structure is there just like the Scriptures say it is, is proof that the scriptures are true! This discovery is absolutely catastrophic to the evolutionary lie that it would destroy everything the evolutionists have held to.

This is absolutely ludicrous! Just because this structure is on a glacier, doesn't mean that if the glacier move it would do anything to the Ark!:rolleyes: The Ark would just move with it! Your assertion is empty without any legitimacy at all.

Again, bla bla bla:D Thats all you got?:rolleyes:

I never said you would go to hell, so stop your whining! But if you don't accept the free gift of eternal life that God offers to everyone, yes you will go to hell, it's that simple. Just because you don't happen to believe that, doesn't mean it's not true.But if this is something you want to gamble on, Hey, that's your problem if you make the wrong choice. Whats really pathetic is that you place yourself above God, and call him a liar. Lets see, there was someone else who did that, oh wait, I know, it was Lucifer! Now Satan. It's not gonna work out too good for him and if you want to jump on his boat, I'm sure he would love to claim you! Misery loves company! Only thing is, you wont love it so much, but that doesn't matter now because your conceit, haughtiness, self pride is whats most important at this moment to you isn't it? You are not such a fool? Hold that thought!o_O
None of your circumvention tactics have any meaning, but you just keep throwing them out there, because reasonable, logical and rational people see right through you!;)

There are two mountain ranges called Arrarat or Harrarat. As waters receded do you think the Ark would have come to rest on a mountain top?

I think its weird to be arguing about a fanciful fiction that is supposed to be a teaching narrative about redemption.


Veteran Member
These kinds of statements also show you have no clue what you are talking about. Stupidity always bears itself out, always! The very second your time is up, you will realize where you now stand and what is awaiting you. Just remember, If you made the wrong decision, none of these people here you think are your pals, will ever be there to help you, none of them! You are responsible for your own actions and decisions!

The Sumer flood myth is a couple thousand years older than Noah in the OT.. The Hebrews learned the story when they were in exile in Babylon and wrote it down when Genesis and Exodus were written AFTER the Babylonian exile and more than 800 years after the death of Moses.


The Lost One
What about them? Again, biblical scripture places the Ark in the Ararat Mountains. If someone claims another place, I would like to see the evidence as compelling as the evidence here. There is a massive wooden structure there. If its a hoax, who would be stupid enough to climb to that height carrying wooden beams, hay, rope, tools and other supplies to stage a hoax at that altitude in an area of the mountain where the weather changes from bad to blizzard in a matter of hours?
Hay, rope and tools?

No such things were ever found at Mount Ararat, certainly not from the Bronze Age. Who has been telling these nonsenses?

Sources? Where are your sources or evidences?

You still don’t understand that if you make a claim then you must either provide evidences to your claim, or provide your sources for this claim.

Without either or both, then you are either making baseless speculation or you are making things up.


The Lost One
The Sumer flood myth is a couple thousand years older than Noah in the OT.. The Hebrews learned the story when they were in exile in Babylon and wrote it down when Genesis and Exodus were written AFTER the Babylonian exile and more than 800 years after the death of Moses.
It also very doubtful that Moses ever lived as a real person in history.

It is only after Solomon’s death, that we get get some independent records that some of the kings of Judah and of Israel lived, particularly from Assyrian records and inscriptions.


Veteran Member
Hay, rope and tools?

No such things were ever found at Mount Ararat, certainly not from the Bronze Age. Who has been telling these nonsenses?

Sources? Where are your sources or evidences?

You still don’t understand that if you make a claim then you must either provide evidences to your claim, or provide your sources for this claim.

Without either or both, then you are either making baseless speculation or you are making things up.

BASE is a crackpot outfit.. Ron Wyatt was a crackpot.. These guys are basically swindlers. Wyatt claimed he found the Ark with a water witch that tugged when he passed a hidden nail.

Bob Cornuke (born 1951 [ citation needed ]) is an American writer and president of the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration Institute (BASE), which is operated from his home in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He describes himself as a Biblical archaeologist, but has no degree or training in archaeology.

Cornuke claims to have discovered the anchors from the Apostle Paul’s shipwreck in Marsaskala, as described in the Bible's Book of Acts, chapter 27 — by searching the sea floor off the coast of Malta.[4]

His also made expeditions to Takht-i-Suleiman in Iran in July 2005 and June 2006, where he asserts that he found a rock formation approximately 400 ft long at 13,120 ft (4,000 m) elevation. Cornuke's search appeared on Fox News,[5] CNN,[6] and Good Morning America[7] as well as others.

He claims to have found Mt Sinai in Saudi Arabia.

Bob Cornuke - Wikipedia


Veteran Member
It also very doubtful that Moses ever lived as a real person in history.

It is only after Solomon’s death, that we get get some independent records that some of the kings of Judah and of Israel lived, particularly from Assyrian records and inscriptions.

Moses is a fictional character and the Jewish scholars have known that for at least two decades.

Solomon did not have a splendid, wealthy reign. Most of what is attributed to Solomon was King Omri. Solomon's copper mines in Timna were Canaanite .. having previously belonged to Egypt.

But they are grand storytellers.

Rapture Era

Active Member
There are two mountain ranges called Arrarat or Harrarat. As waters receded do you think the Ark would have come to rest on a mountain top?
I think its weird to be arguing about a fanciful fiction that is supposed to be a teaching narrative about redemption.
This the typical example illiteracy. Your first sentence, as stated, gives the view that it's teetering on the mountain top. that is ridiculous! The Ark would in the exact spot God determined. If it be somewhere on the mountain, that where it would rest.
Your second sentence presupposes "fanciful fiction" in your own mind and shows you have done nothing to search out truth, you just making negative statements you know nothing about.