To use the video game analogy again, the illusion of continuity of nature and form from one level to the next of the game is solely a projection of the underlying code. It doesn't matter that the next level might use utterly unrelated data from a totally different area of the system memory to the previous level, the illusion of seamless continuity is maintained because it is advantageous to maintain it.
So software is conscious then? An NPC is aware of its own existence?
If it's not, what kind of continuation or level of abstraction must the running a software have to become aware of its own existence? Or is all software aware at the moment of bootup?
The illusion of self is maintained because it is advantageous to the organism's survival to maintain it, not because a coherent self actually exists.
What is the advantage of awareness/consciousness in the evolutionary concept? Why aren't we just robots? Why are we aware of being when just responding to the environment automatically is just as beneficial? There is something more to the world because we have awareness. Consciousness exists as a property and potential in the universal code.
Put it this way, MS Windows exists as a potential on the harddisk before the computer is booted up. It's not running, but the code is there to make it work. The potential is within the machinecode in the CPU. Without the ALU, PC, registers, memory manager, and more, a software wouldn't be able to run. (Note: I'm not arguing for a designer, not at all) This shows that the computer can run software, even when it doesn't, and in the universe, consciousness something that constantly will show up in different forms because the microcode in the universe itself allows the software consciousness to exist. The software you're running right now is an illusion, but it's still real, that's the thing. No one says they're using MS Windows, but it's just an illusion of Windows so they're not really running anything at all. MS Windows, or any software, is a meta-level of the computer that exists, just not in a physical form.
Or let's put it this way, if you wanted to make a software conscious, what would you have to do? Add a consciousness hardware module or program a method somewhere that reports back "I am"? Something must be done to make it "aware". Since the universe is a self-evolving and unfolding of both hardware and software simultaneous, a consciousness unit or method came to be because the fabric of reality is that way. It has the capacity from the beginning of becoming.
To clarify, I didn't say that we were nothing. Imagine a car driving along the road, it pulls over and you open the door but there is no driver. You search the entire car, ripping apart every componant but can't find a driver of any kind. That's what we are, a car that drives itself.
Then the car is the driver. There's still a driver if it is driven. Unless you're arguing that we are robots. If we are, then why be aware of being robots. It doesn't add any real benefit to aware of knowing. Just knowing is enough.
Illusions are illusions because they don't exist, they just appear to exist because other process are manufacturing that illusion. Unmask those processes and the illusion evaporates. Understand the mind and the self evaporates.
Eh. No. I disagree. Illusions, yes they're not there, but they're real in the sense of the experience of them to seem to be real. And something is still underlying that process of creating the illusion. Like watching a movie. You're not really watching a movie, you're watching light beams hitting your retina from a projection from a machine with a light bulb and some advanced color filtering pane, etc. So can we say that you'er never really actually watching a movie at all. The movie doesn't exist because it's an illusion? No. You're still watching a movie, even if it's an illusion.