By 'basic awareness' you mean stimulus response, which as we have already agreed does not imply sentience. Stimulus response systems are understandable, but do not imply sentience. Nor does the explanation for stimulus response require or include sentience. We've been through this ....
I really do not know what to say. I'm not sure if I really even believe in consciousness. Apophenia, you may consider it a postulate; the concept of consciousness. But it isn't exactly a well-defined thing.
From what I have come across, awareness, self-awareness and consciousness are for the most part philosophical terms. That's where I think your major flaw is. You keep trying to place
conciousness as a
thing, when it is nothing more than a concept.
In fact, I'd say its exactly like God. A concept invented by man to explain our existence with no evidence to really support it.
Everything I've come across is mostly what I and others have told you. From the dawn of life, evolution occurred. The emergence of more complex organisms lead to animals, and the development of the senses, and thus the brain. Animals became aware of their surroundings by sensing things around them. As the brains of apes increased, we became able to learn more and do more and become more aware. As our brains continued to develop, we began developing the sense of self as an individual separate from other individuals.
You asked "How could a non-conscious thing suddenly become conscious?" I was wrong in what I said before. Science has explained it. I was just confused about what you were talking about. It's not the answer you were hoping for, but it is what you were looking for
Like I said. Consciousness isn't a
thing. The closest thing to it would be our senses working with the neurological pathways in our brain. That's all. Our mind is just a bunch of chemical reactions. Same as our feelings. Same as our emotions, and senses. Chemicals sent to the brain.
Science can't explain
consciousness; it's like explaining god. But science can explain how our brain works. And our brain is what makes us who we are. Nothing else has ever been shown to be a factor in who we are.
Does that mean there isn't? No. Is it likely there is? Also no. We haven't fully explained the brain, so we don't know everything that makes us who we are. But that does not mean it is
faith that leads us to believe that the brain is solely responsible; it is the fact that the brain has been shown to make up all of it thus far, and there is NO REASON to believe otherwise.
So don't say for a god damn moment that it is just like God. God cannot be proven. We have never found evidence for god. We have no reason to believe we ever will.
It's the difference between having something and nothing.