Daviso452;2789192]I don't think you understood what he was saying. The factory workers did not cause this to happen; it is the mere nature of the flakes themselves. No intervention of intelligence. Just nature having order.
Well I don't think you are looking at the intelligence behind the the effect that takes place in the cornflakes. In short, corn flakes don't make them self, they are made. that's the bottom line. What I think is that there has to be some "consciousness", that governs the Laws of the Universe, and what im trying to get across (my view only) is that we can look at the anything,, anything in this universe and find a well structured system of cause and effect, and also get to a point where we can put mathematical equations to it..
As English is not my first language I dont know how else to explain what my "Theory" is, so to your is yours, and to mine is mine.
"Theories" are the 2nd most farthest thing you can get from assumptions. The 1st is scientific law. Theories have every bit of evidence required to be considered true; there is just one small observation missing. For the big bang, it's the event itself. For evolution, its the billions of years of life being on earth. For gravity, its the actual "thing" that causes it.
Well im not assuming that there is a "Super consciousness" in this Universe, I have a theory as well. Because there is structure in this existence, and everything does what it is meant to do then to me there needs some consciousness behind it, and i just have one small observation missing.
How do you know you are what your spirituality is? How do you know that "spirituality" even exists? I don't consider myself, or most atheists, having spirituality, but we still are who we are. There is little evidence we are more than just what our bodies hold. There is much evidence, however, that we are.
Well spirituality for me means more then just believing in GOD, and is different to other peoples spirituality. For me its nationalism, respect, Love, acceptance and so on...
I know my spirituality exists because i exist and i define my spirituality, and that is who i am. To me this body is just to practice my spirituality, and i see my self as different to this current bodily structure that i have.