Well-Known Member
I never made such a claim; I merely indicated that science is in the wrong hands, is mis-directed, and therefore has its priorities in the wrong place.
And you won't get any argument from me. However, that is not the impression your post gave, and even if that's what you meant, it is totally irrelevant to this discussion.
True nature of reality = the way things actually are, as compared to how we perceive them to be.
And, pray tell, how do you know that what we perceive things to be is wrong?
Any response is irrelevant to the issue, which is that you are an intelligent entity that emerges from an intelligent universe ala orange and an orange tree. That we can say particular things about an orange or about a human that differ from those about their source does not invalidate the source of your intellect, nor the source of the flavor of oranges.
The universe is intelligent? Or is it that some of the compoents of the universe are intelligent? If I take a piece of the universe at random, will it have intelligence?
It does not explain anything. Scientists admit they don't understand what QM is, as it upsets everything we have come to know via classical logic.
So now you are saying that QM doesn't explain anything?
I honestly have no idea how to discuss this with you if you are this ignorant.
QM does not address that question. Are you confusing 'reality' with the phenomenal world?
Are you confusing reality with an imaginary world?
If you see my point perfectly well, you would have understood it. But because your brain is stuffed up with Holy Science, you see only rubbish, since your Holy Science tells you it is the one true faith, no others need apply. In psychology, we call that the projection of Shadow.
My god you're arrogant! You really think that everyone MUST agree with you? You;ve already demonstrated a huge amount of ignorance about science, why should I believe you have the truth about anything?
I see. So "I" is the chauffeur in the cockpit driving the body around, is it? He looks strangely familiar to that boogeyman we thought was under the bed as children.
re: 'location of the "I" of a person: what's that you say? a person possesses his "I"? You have stated that this "I" is located in the brain, but now that there is a person whom it is a part of? Where is this mystery 'person' you speak of? Perhaps 'only the Shadow knows'...nyah ha ha ha.....:biglaugh:
My goodness, how can you say this sort of thing seriously?
Is your consciousness in your arm? Your feet? No. Your consciousness is held in your brain. It is formed from from all the little teeny tiny brain cells working together. Get it?
Thinking already occurs in the brain. Are you saying that the brain creates a thinker of thoughts called "I"? To what end? Is it a willful act on the part of the cells? "hey, Joe! let's get together with the other guys on Saturday night and make an "I" thingie. We can call him "I-zen-stein", and then, just for the hell of it, give him the idea that he actually exists....ha ha ha ha ha:biglaugh:
What can I say in response to this stupidity?
What is the height, weight, color, and taste of this thing you call "I"? You say it is formed by the brain; once formed, where does it reside in the brain? And what is it's composition? Is it, perhaps green cheddar?
Are you blind, or do you just not pay attention to what I wrote. I stated VERY CLEARLY that the consciousness is formed from the INTERACTION BETWEEN BRAIN CELLS. Do you want me to put it in bigger writing so you won't miss it?
Uh...and the 'special result' is...what?
A conscious mind. Duh.