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The default position...

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Premium Member
Does it really matter? The term "atheist" is extremely broad, and applying it to a baby is no less labelling than calling them "apolitical", but I doubt that many people would ever object to people describing babies as apolitical, despite the fact that it is accurate to them for all the exact same reasons that atheism is.

It matters not, except for such futile debate as is continuining in this thread.

Our point is that the words 'apolitical' and 'political' are interdependent and define each other. A person cannot be 'apolitical' without rejecting its counter. But I know there is no scope of any agreement whatsoever on this matter. Even that is okay with me, since I understand that people see words differently-subjectively and color all issues from one's own POV.


It doesn't matter what a person believes in. At the right moment when God chose to reveal Himself to you or touches you, u will know the truth. God is truth and He will set u free (from all the confusions, encumberances and evil forces that has entrapped all of u for so long with so much time n energy wasted - arguing, pondering, criticizing, etc.). This is what I called: Experiencing God.
I have just experienced God last Sunday whereby He touched me and made me cry uncontrollably like a little boy when He revealed His awesomeness to me. Now, do u all want to experience Him?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter what a person believes in. At the right moment when God chose to reveal Himself to you or touches you, u will know the truth. God is truth and He will set u free (from all the confusions, encumberances and evil forces that has entrapped all of u for so long with so much time n energy wasted - arguing, pondering, criticizing, etc.). This is what I called: Experiencing God.
I have just experienced God last Sunday whereby He touched me and made me cry uncontrollably like a little boy
Did He do or say anything at all useful to anybody? Next time you experience Him tell Him to get a grip and stop telling people to go to war.
George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq' | World news | The Guardian
Tony Blair believed God wanted him to go to war to fight evil, claims his mentor - Telegraph
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Apistevist Asexual Atheist
It doesn't matter what a person believes in. At the right moment when God chose to reveal Himself to you or touches you, u will know the truth. God is truth and He will set u free (from all the confusions, encumberances and evil forces that has entrapped all of u for so long with so much time n energy wasted - arguing, pondering, criticizing, etc.). This is what I called: Experiencing God.
I have just experienced God last Sunday whereby He touched me and made me cry uncontrollably like a little boy when He revealed His awesomeness to me. Now, do u all want to experience Him?

Even if that were true it doesn't make him any less of an *******.

Awkward Fingers

It doesn't matter what a person believes in. At the right moment when God chose to reveal Himself to you or touches you, u will know the truth. God is truth and He will set u free (from all the confusions, encumberances and evil forces that has entrapped all of u for so long with so much time n energy wasted - arguing, pondering, criticizing, etc.). This is what I called: Experiencing God.
I have just experienced God last Sunday whereby He touched me and made me cry uncontrollably like a little boy when He revealed His awesomeness to me. Now, do u all want to experience Him?
Well then, the next time he touches you until you cry, if he WANTS to be worshiped, for example, by me.. then he should be able to tell you the best one sentence to persuade me. So, once he tells ou.. not before.. then tell me what that sentence is, so that I can be swayed..
Remember, NOT BEFORE.. only with the knowledge imparted by god, no little guesses as to what to say coming from you.

Let me know when you have it.


Our God is a personal god. If He wants to touch u, u can never hide from Him or give Him a time to do so because He knows your thoughts, what u r made of n where u r going. U can't hide from Him.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
Our God is a personal god. If He wants to touch u, u can never hide from Him or give Him a time to do so because He knows your thoughts, what u r made of n where u r going. U can't hide from Him.

I get that you're on a phone or tablet but when you use English so horribly I can't help but show zero respect for you.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
And there you wipe out any credibilty you have left and make sure that nobody will take you seriously for not having the common sense to understand that we are talking about people.
I'm not that concerned about the credibility I have among those who have no standing in my field, related fields, or any field. And as for not having the common sense to understand that you and others are trying to construct a definition that is limited to people, I fully realize this, but unlike you I am not ignorant of the logical implications. First, you attempt to use the phrase "lack of belief" that is demonstrably limited only to discussions of atheism. Second, you ignore the differences between the kind of "lack of belief" an infant has and an atheist. Finally, you complain about the use of your own definition to define atheists as rocks whilst insisting that it describes both those incapable of belief and those who simply claim they lack belief despite the neurophysiological impossibility of such a state.


It is written, believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ and thou shall be safe. Now, do all of u want to be saved than sorry?
Or do u all want to hold on to your foolish pride and be tormented forever n ever?
If u r at a sea side n u saw in a distance, a Tsunami coming towards u. And u know there is no way of escape - that u r going to die. What r u going to do? R u going to cry? Or r u going to have a leap of faith that's high n cry: Dear Jesus, help me!!!!


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
Its is written, believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ and thou shall be safe. Now, do all of u want to saved than sorry?
Or do u all want to hold on to your foolish pride and be tormented forever n ever?

I'd rather be a tortured soul in Hell than a willing slave in Heaven.

If u r at a sea side n u saw in a distance, a Tsunami coming towards u. And u know there is no way of escape - that u r going to die. What r u going to do? R u going to cry? Or r u going to have a leap of faith that's high n cry: Dear Jesus, help me!!!!

I'd probably just stand there and die.
Not because I'm brave, I just don't feel fear very easily.

I wont cry, I have not cried for as far back as my memory goes.
I most certainly wont ask for Jesus's help.
He's been a useless dead guy for over two millennia, why would that change?


Well-Known Member
First, you attempt to use the phrase "lack of belief" that is demonstrably limited only to discussions of atheism.
Is that a joke? If I'm at a soccer match and a person says that a certain team will win I can say "I lack that belief, I don't believe that."
Second, you ignore the differences between the kind of "lack of belief" an infant has and an atheist.
An infant is an atheist unless you want to explain how an infant can be an infant without having consciously decided to be one.
Finally, you complain about the use of your own definition to define atheists as rocks whilst insisting that it describes both those incapable of belief and those who simply claim they lack belief despite the neurophysiological impossibility of such a state.
The last is simply nonsense.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Is that a joke? If I'm at a soccer match and a person says that a certain team will win I can say "I lack that belief, I don't believe that."
I can say "colorless green ideas sleep furiously" and "'twas brillig and the slithy toves/ did gyre and gimble in the wabe" but this doesn't make them meaningful expressions. The simple fact (that even a non-scientist can check out through limited access to the most comprehensive corpora currently in existence) is that while you CAN say things like that, the only time people actually DO is limited to particular atheists who find it easier to abandon the intellectual accomplishments of their forebears in favor of mindless, illogical cop-outs.
An infant is an atheist unless you want to explain how an infant can be an infant without having consciously decided to be one.The last is simply nonsense.
This assumes I adopt the ridiculously absurd position that "atheism" actually can mean "lack of belief", rather than a belief that god doesn't exist or a belief that god doesn't exist coupled with the sad equivalence of atheists with infants in attempt to define a default epistemic state that is physiologically impossible. I don't, and thus I don't need to make language fit my cop-outs or force definitions that are logically inconsistent (such as defining infants as atheists because they lack any belief about god, rocks as non-atheists because they aren't people, and real atheists as atheists because they have beliefs about gods merely by virtue of the capacity to use the word "god" but would rather equate themselves with rocks and then deny the equivalence they imposed by an arbitrary cut-off).

Awkward Fingers

It is written, believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ and thou shall be safe. Now, do all of u want to be saved than sorry?
Or do u all want to hold on to your foolish pride and be tormented forever n ever?
If u r at a sea side n u saw in a distance, a Tsunami coming towards u. And u know there is no way of escape - that u r going to die. What r u going to do? R u going to cry? Or r u going to have a leap of faith that's high n cry: Dear Jesus, help me!!!!
Are you replying to anyone in particular.... or just going on?
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