Ohhhhh, im glad you asked because do i got something juicy for you!
Ok, majority of blacks vote democrat, about 90% >
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education
Next, democrats are pro abbortion. >
Democratic Party on Abortion
Also blacks have more abbortions by percent then whites. And blacks are a minority comprising only about 12%.
Heres the abbortion percentages
So, now, to my point.
Did the democrat party change its history of racism? NO! Not only do they refuse to admit it or dust it under the rug, but, they have still not changed. They are still the racist party.
Now, of course because of laws againat slavery and murder, they cant just go around inslaving and murdering blacks, so, they use strategic, but sly, evil methods like "we are pro abortion rights" and "we fight discrimination". But of course this is a lie, they only say these things to get votes.
The stradegy is to get black woman to abbort more of there babies in order to keep blacks a minority. But, it keeps just enough alive to keep getting votes in order to hold unto power.
So, they have hoodwinked the black community into murdering themselves and are laughing there guts out behind the scenes!
Its a sick party!