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the devil speeks at UN


Active Member
Simon Gnosis said:


If Hitler had dominated Europe unchallenged and defeated the USSR, the US would have to fight a war perhaps on its own soil..something americans havent done since the civil war, a war they would lose.
I never said England could win against Germany on its own.
388,000 British civillians died in the Blitz, you forget the many more who died during the Allied invasion of occupied france not just British and American troops but Canadians as well.

I would rather speak German and bow before a hated conqueror then be a slave to your nation.

All I have to say to the US government is this..
We don't need you or want you...get out of my country.
One day we will remove you with force if necessary by order of our democratic government...

Actually you didn't read all of my post--388,000 soldiers AND civilians of Great Britain died in WWII--that includes the battles to invade and free the European continent. If you just look at the military deaths and include Commonwealth countries such as Cananda, Australia, and New Zealand--just military deaths total 396,000. You might want to do some research into the Lend Lease program--it could be a real eyeopener for you.

Simon Gnosis

Active Member
kateyes said:
Actually you didn't read all of my post--388,000 soldiers AND civilians of Great Britain died in WWII--that includes the battles to invade and free the European continent. If you just look at the military deaths and include Commonwealth countries such as Cananda, Australia, and New Zealand--just military deaths total 396,000. You might want to do some research into the Lend Lease program--it could be a real eyeopener for you.

I am not interested.
I remember my grandparents telling me how the US made sure we were almost destroyed and out of funds before any 'help' came (after 2 years of relentless bombing) we owe you nothing.

Its what is happening now that concerns me anyway.
Get out of the UK
Get out of Iraq

Its ok though eventually someone will slap down america, I hope it is Europe, I would sign up for invading the US tommorow.
Twin towers?
LOL I dont believe it was a terrorist attack but if it was then you surely deserved it..and much more.
Well those innocent people didnt deserve it, but your government deserved it.
Your people understimate how much your nation is hated in Europe and we are your allies?

Imagine how your enemies feel!



Well-Known Member
Yup. The AFC was politically powerful and highly determined to leave our allies for the wolves. It was a lofty attitude that made itself undeserved. The country wouldn't even elect someone who wanted to intervene; getting us into the war was the breaking of a bad promise, and the president who did it had to strain legality to the breaking point to get anything done at all. The US has a few things to boast of (yippee, woohoo), but make no mistake that much of us have been completely porcine. Dis-graceful.


Active Member
Simon Gnosis said:
I am not interested.
I remember my grandparents telling me how the US made sure we were almost destroyed and out of funds before any 'help' came (after 2 years of relentless bombing) we owe you nothing.

Its what is happening now that concerns me anyway.
Get out of the UK
Get out of Iraq

Its ok though eventually someone will slap down america, I hope it is Europe, I would sign up for invading the US tommorow.
Twin towers?
LOL I dont believe it was a terrorist attack but if it was then you surely deserved it..and much more.
Well those innocent people didnt deserve it, but your government deserved it.
Your people understimate how much your nation is hated in Europe and we are your allies?

Imagine how your enemies feel!


First this is supposed to be a debate--you aren't debating anything--you are just making nasty blanket statements. 2nd you cannot have it both ways--GB didn't need US assistance during the war but "almost destroyed and out of fund" would certainly indicate some sort of assistance was needed. Finally you might be surprised to know how many Americans know exactly how we are viewed in Europe and around the World--it doesn't seem to stop any of you from wanting US funds.

For the record---there are many Americans who would love to get out of Iraq and other countries in the Middle East, as well as the UK. Your final statement was mean spirited and just plain nasty--none of the people in the Twin Towers deserved to die the way they did--just as none of the Brits killed by the IRA deserved to die the way they did. I can understand why you have no interest in the past--its is because you have never taken the time to study it. The sad fact it that only by studying our past can we hope to avoid making the same mistakes in our future.


Simon Gnosis said:
As my quote from the Association of Arms Control states.

"The United Kingdom leases its Tridents from the US Navy"

Enuff said.

Now why don't you explain all those CIA flights from British soil that apparently our government knew nothing about?

Then I will bring up something else...again and again until you realise that the US is not our friend..never was...never will be.
I put it to you that your sympathy and admiration for the US is unfounded and actually quite dangerous.

Where is your loyalty to Britain and to our European allies?

You can spout as many websites as you like but you are still wrong.

So laughing boy, keep laughing....he who laughs last laughs longest.

Incidently you have consistently tried to antagonise me..but failed.
I am not a petty debate point scorer..who's only concern is being SEEN as right about something.
I dont care what anyone on this forum thinks of me, good or ill, as long as my posts are empirical, thats all that matters...you can jibber jabber away if you like but I was bored of listening to your toadying ages ago.

Go live in america man, if it is so great...if you want I will pay for your one way plane ticket (1st class) on the promise you will never return for more than a week or so to see family and friends (assuming you have any).
you win, I give up, your a lost cause. confucius he say , (you cant educate pork)

Simon Gnosis

Active Member
kateyes said:
First this is supposed to be a debate--you aren't debating anything--you are just making nasty blanket statements. 2nd you cannot have it both ways--GB didn't need US assistance during the war but "almost destroyed and out of fund" would certainly indicate some sort of assistance was needed. Finally you might be surprised to know how many Americans know exactly how we are viewed in Europe and around the World--it doesn't seem to stop any of you from wanting US funds.

For the record---there are many Americans who would love to get out of Iraq and other countries in the Middle East, as well as the UK. Your final statement was mean spirited and just plain nasty--none of the people in the Twin Towers deserved to die the way they did--just as none of the Brits killed by the IRA deserved to die the way they did. I can understand why you have no interest in the past--its is because you have never taken the time to study it. The sad fact it that only by studying our past can we hope to avoid making the same mistakes in our future.

Maybe I am being nasty, maybe I despise your president, maybe I hate your nation so much that I have to swallow my anger everytime I speak to an american citizen, because I don't really wish to blame and hate individual americans.
We don't accept your 'funds' where did you get that crap from lol?... I would rather see British children go hungry then accept one cent from your people, you cannot even care for your own poor, how could you care for anyone elses?

You owe more money than any other nation in the world, your crime rates go from bad to worse, everyone resents or hates your government, you let your poor die (like in hurricane Katrina) or you execute them, you continue to rape and pollute the Earth for her resources, your nation is simply the greatest parasite ever in the history of parasites.
May God punish the United States..greedy murdering....I will shut up now.

You get my drift.

Regarding the twin towers...
If and when the terrorists decide to start nuking your cities, you will only have yourselves to blame.

I just hope all the decent and good americans gather together and make changes in their nation before it gets worse.
Sack your president for starters.

But I will bow out of this debate..I am not really helping either.

Oh and who do you think donated loads of money and arms to the IRA for years so they could blow up innocent people?
Thats right enemy number 1 the USA...another entry for the Revenge Pending files..we will get you back..even if it takes decades..but one day.

Simon Gnosis

Active Member
kai said:
you win, I give up, your a lost cause. confucius he say , (you cant educate pork)


Ah whatever...

Its up to you Kai.

One of my best friends ever was an American from Washington DC, he and I would argue for hours over politics and religion, but we were best mates, if anyone should have harmed a hair on his little yank head I would have gone beserk.
I know that we are all human and deep down more or less the same I used to think the US was awesome, until I found out how they treated their Black people and how they conducted their affairs abroad, what they did to us...ie ripped us off in WW1 and WW2.
But my mate Pedro remains my mate and an American...I don't hate americans Kai or you, i just want the US to be the country it was supposed to be, an example for all, a courageous defender of truth justice and liberty not the arrogant bully it has become.
Thats all I have to say before everyone thinks I am some deranged terrorist...

Just chill out America for *sexual congress* sake..and you Kai..hehe

Sorry to the good americans out there who speak out against their masters, you guys rock.


Simon Gnosis said:

Ah whatever...

Its up to you Kai.

One of my best friends ever was an American from Washington DC, he and I would argue for hours over politics and religion, but we were best mates, if anyone should have harmed a hair on his little yank head I would have gone beserk.
I know that we are all human and deep down more or less the same I used to think the US was awesome, until I found out how they treated their Black people and how they conducted their affairs abroad, what they did to us...ie ripped us off in WW1 and WW2.
But my mate Pedro remains my mate and an American...I don't hate americans Kai or you, i just want the US to be the country it was supposed to be, an example for all, a courageous defender of truth justice and liberty not the arrogant bully it has become.
Thats all I have to say before everyone thinks I am some deranged terrorist...

Just chill out America for *sexual congress* sake..and you Kai..hehe

Sorry to the good americans out there who speak out against their masters, you guys rock.
good sentiments simon gnosis i am glad your post calling me a traitor has gone its rather insulting to an ex serviceman, as for America scratch the surface and what you want is all there and remember no one /country is perfect and we cant expect america to fulfill all our dreams.
take a look out there man there are some pretty nasty bullies in the world. and by the way condalisa rice is black look where she is today! its not all bad mate. (and as a footnote the IRA received funding from a group called noraid which was mainly americans of Irish catholic descent)

Simon Gnosis

Active Member
kai said:
good sentiments simon gnosis i am glad your post calling me a traitor has gone its rather insulting to an ex serviceman, as for America scratch the surface and what you want is all there and remember no one /country is perfect and we cant expect america to fulfill all our dreams.
take a look out there man there are some pretty nasty bullies in the world. and by the way condalisa rice is black look where she is today! its not all bad mate. (and as a footnote the IRA received funding from a group called noraid which was mainly americans of Irish catholic descent)

Condalisa is but one black woman.
I know of a black woman and her 3 kids froze to death in a car one cold febuary night, as they were homeless in Detroit a few years ago, there was nothing and no one to help her.
This is but one story I have heard of many like it.
If I was american I would have been outraged that this could happen in the wealthiest nation on earth..not just outraged..enraged.