More often than not, it's used as a straw man. The same as how many non-religious people's interpretation of religion and God are also made of straw.
Unfortunately, there are some with these kind of views, but it seems they are massively inflated in terms of number and correlated with all or the majority of religious believers so a few anti-theists, especially online, can stroke their own superiority complexes and talk about how intelligent and enlightened they all are, and pat each other on the back and congratulate themselves on it.
It's the equivalent of a group of bored mums outside of the school talking about one of the other mum's for dying her hair, or something equally trivial.
The majority of actual creationists are, from my limited experience dealing with them, Old Earth Creationists, or even Day-Age Creationists (or "Stage Creationists").
Creationism has managed to grow as a movement because of it being attacked, and scriptural illiteracy on both sides of the fence, and because of a lack of understanding of evolution, and how evolution has been wrongly pegged with atheism by a few morons and now seems to be an accepted doctrine amongst anti-theists.
This made me laugh. I agree, I think it is a straw man on both accounts.
Nowhere in the Bible does it give the age of earth or even the universe. So anyone that attacks the straw man in a debate or uses it, is just as bad as the people that created it. It’s kind of like beating a dead horse.
From what I recently read, only a small minority of people hold this view, and I still find it hard to believe that anyone actually believes the earth is only a few thousand years old.
Cosmology and Religion [FONT="]False dichotomy between Science and Creationism[/FONT]
“There are
[FONT="]NOT[/FONT] just two sides in this issue that deserve equal time.
Young Earth Creationism is a belief held by a small minority [~6%] of Christians, and Christianity is followed by a minority [albeit a large one:
33%] of all people on the world. For example, Catholics outnumber Young Earth Creationists by a large factor, and the Catholic Church has no objection to either Big Bang cosmology or evolutionary biology, which they regard as the mechanisms used by God to create the Universe and the living things within it. (See the
text of a talk by Dr. George Coyne, SJ). Hindus outnumber Young Earth Creationists by a large factor, and believe in an infinitely old Universe evolving in cycles - a belief more in accord with Hoyle's Steady State Cosmology that the Big Bang, but directly contradicting the Young Earth Creationists.”
This basically comes down to a minority group of atheist or non-religious, attacking another minority group YEC, to make the totality of all religion look bad when all they are doing is making themselves look just as bad as YEC. All it takes is two seconds to pick up a bible or do some research to realize that the Bible does not state how old the earth is or when it was created. The same can be said about the Universe itself.