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The Emerging World Religion


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that there is a different source in each human being? The source is the same, being a respector of people and words is what divides. But your created images of "God" loves to respect certain people only and certain words.
The source of human being? Human was created by God in His image. That would mean we are created blameless and Holy as God before.
An inner transformation, not an external one. Internal resurection, not an external one.

Intuition tells me that I am just giving pearls to an exoteric mind that's rutted in tradition, external doctrine, a respector of persons and language, and that this will get nowhere. I respectfully acknowledge its my own fault for pursuing the wind, and only the power within you can change your mind.
Where did you get the power? What is that power?:rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
Let's speak more in line with the only language you respect.

Deny "oneself." Die to "self." Sacrifice an "animal." Overcome the "devil."
What is oneself? What is "self?" Who is the animal? Who is the beast? Who is the devil? YOU. A part of your mind.

Denying oneself is the command of Jesus Christ as a requirement to follow God’s will, and not our own self-will. In the Bible, there is good and evil. I know some does not believe in the devil or evil-one. It is not a part of our mind as evil. The Bible also stated that no one is righteous in the sight of God. That means we have sinned and fall short in the eyes of God.

Rom. 3:10-18
10. as it is written,
"There is none righteous, not even one;
11. There is none who understands,
12. All have turned aside, together they have become useless;
13. "Their throat is an open grave,
14. "Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness";
15. "Their feet are swift to shed blood,
16. Destruction and misery are in their paths,
17. And the path of peace have they not known."
18. "There is no fear of God before their eyes."
What does your mind need a renewing and transforming from?
Therefore, because of the sin that was generated from Adam is the sin that we are having now. That “sin” separated us from God as created in our image (being Holy and blameless). We believed this is the reason why God sent Jesus Christ to pay the penalty of sin so we may have a hope of salvation of eternal life.

Rom. 6:23
23. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Rom. 5:15-19
15. And what a difference between man's sin and God's forgiveness! For this one man, Adam, brought death to many through his sin. But this one man, Jesus Christ, brought forgiveness to many through God's mercy.
16. Adam's one sin brought the penalty of death to many, while Christ freely takes away many sins and gives glorious life instead.
17. The sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to be king over all, but all who will take God's gift of forgiveness and acquittal are kings of life because of this one man, Jesus Christ.
18. Yes, Adam's sin brought punishment to all, but Christ's righteousness makes men right with God, so that they can live.
19. Adam caused many to be sinners because he disobeyed God, and Christ caused many to be made acceptable to God because he obeyed. (LVB)
A blood sacrifice... where is there any blood besides internally within your body?
Human was created with blood. Jesus Christ came here, lived with us as having a human flesh with blood. He fulfilled the plan of God to save the humanity from the penalty of sin by shedding His blood on the cross.
Where do all of these vain exoteric images of "God" come from, your beast. Vain imaginations.
Not image or imagination, but stated in the Bible.
I suppose for you, it's some external beast(s), dragon's, or a devil you have to overcome and defeat yet at the same time die and deny oneself.
As a follower of Christ, Jesus overcome and defeated the devil a long time ago since Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.

1 John 3:8
8. the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

1 John 2:13
13. I am writing to you, fathers, because you know Him who has been from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I have written to you, children, because you know the Father.



Well-Known Member
That's not exactly correct. Jesus claimed: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. 7"If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him."…

We are all ''I'', and we are all ''me'', but there is only one Father and He claims to be ''I Am'', as in... 'I AM has sent me to you.'".

It may sound obvious that Jesus was referring to his personal self as the way, the truth, and the life, but I think there is more to it than that.

Any thoughts?

Hi Jahardena,

All what Jesus did is according to God’s plan. What the will of the Father is the will of Jesus Christ. They did not contradict from each other because they are one. John 10:30. "I and the Father are one."

This showed that the ‘I”, “I am” and “me” are the terms representing one God exist in the person of Jesus Christ.



Hi Jahardena,

All what Jesus did is according to God’s plan. What the will of the Father is the will of Jesus Christ. They did not contradict from each other because they are one. John 10:30. "I and the Father are one."

This showed that the ‘I”, “I am” and “me” are the terms representing one God exist in the person of Jesus Christ.


Thank you for your reply.

Would you agree that everyone's core identity is also ''I'' and ''me''?


Well-Known Member
Hi Uni,

I don’t think that my example of a fish as its nature is to live in the water is unclear to anybody who read this.:rolleyes: It is not my logical conclusion. I don’t say that God is a liar and break His own laws. It is your thinking and not mine. You are trying to insist God’s nature as the one who lies. It is like you are forcing your concept that a man is an animal.:shrug:

How a newborn child already have a knowledge of all the Scriptures?

Can you explain more what is becoming as “gods”? What is it? Does it mean that you are powerful like God?o_O


"God cannot lie."
You: "He" can do whatever He wants."
You: "God cannot lie but can if "He" wants. Which is it, cannot or can?
The texts don't say, "God cannot lie but "He" can if "He" wants to."

If "God" doesn't break "God's" own laws, then you have tons of problems with your literal interpretations. . more lies from you.

A newborn child already KNOWS. Everything is already written on their minds and hearts.

More lies from you, nowhere in text does it say that a god is an all powerful deity or that "God" is an all powerful deity outside of the images created in your mind. As said, worshiping images of the beast. Already explained.

I am not interested in eating the "evil" fruit of lies that come from your dendritic garden. It would also cause someone to believe in more idol images of the beast, literal humans eating literal fruit from a literal tree and literal knowledge that is all somehow exoteric to them. Perhaps denying those images would be a start.


Well-Known Member
Religion in it's various forms is an attempt by humans to please, worship, connect, or experience God or gods by their own effort. Whether it be by keeping rules, performing rituals, or practicing mysticism it is all contrary to God's grace, therefore it is rebellion and really no different than outright witchcraft which is forbidden in the scriptures for the very reason that all such methods are in opposition to God's way. So the practice of mysticism will fit in extremely well as the individualized spirituality or religion which unites the world under the antichrist....

"In language that cannot be misinterpreted, the Bible foretells that Antichrist will declare himself to be God and that the whole world--Marxists, Maoists, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, professing Christians, everyone--will believe this astonishing claim and worship him....The logical secret to Antichrist's mysterious power over humanity lies in the astonishing fact that...the new world religion will be thought of as [not only spiritual but] scientific . This new religious science will promise to lead humanity into the experience of its own divinity, that each of us is "God." This basic lie of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden will seem to be validated by godlike psychic powers the Antichrist will manifest and the whole world will pursue. It will be a religion of self-love and self-worship, centered in man himself and oriented to man's personal success rather than to the glory of the true God."


The ironic thing is, is that you are doing just that. Having all of these vain images that come from your beast. Your own serpent is lying and deceiving you in your garden. You are actually worshipping these created images.

You see one exoteric religion/one government etc.

I'll see one inner nature of love, equality, and peace amongst humanity.


Well-Known Member

Denying oneself is the command of Jesus Christ as a requirement to follow God’s will, and not our own self-will. In the Bible, there is good and evil. I know some does not believe in the devil or evil-one. It is not a part of our mind as evil. The Bible also stated that no one is righteous in the sight of God. That means we have sinned and fall short in the eyes of God.

Rom. 3:10-18
10. as it is written,
"There is none righteous, not even one;
11. There is none who understands,
12. All have turned aside, together they have become useless;
13. "Their throat is an open grave,
14. "Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness";
15. "Their feet are swift to shed blood,
16. Destruction and misery are in their paths,
17. And the path of peace have they not known."
18. "There is no fear of God before their eyes."

Therefore, because of the sin that was generated from Adam is the sin that we are having now. That “sin” separated us from God as created in our image (being Holy and blameless). We believed this is the reason why God sent Jesus Christ to pay the penalty of sin so we may have a hope of salvation of eternal life.

Rom. 6:23
23. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Rom. 5:15-19
15. And what a difference between man's sin and God's forgiveness! For this one man, Adam, brought death to many through his sin. But this one man, Jesus Christ, brought forgiveness to many through God's mercy.
16. Adam's one sin brought the penalty of death to many, while Christ freely takes away many sins and gives glorious life instead.
17. The sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to be king over all, but all who will take God's gift of forgiveness and acquittal are kings of life because of this one man, Jesus Christ.
18. Yes, Adam's sin brought punishment to all, but Christ's righteousness makes men right with God, so that they can live.
19. Adam caused many to be sinners because he disobeyed God, and Christ caused many to be made acceptable to God because he obeyed. (LVB)

Human was created with blood. Jesus Christ came here, lived with us as having a human flesh with blood. He fulfilled the plan of God to save the humanity from the penalty of sin by shedding His blood on the cross.

Not image or imagination, but stated in the Bible.

As a follower of Christ, Jesus overcome and defeated the devil a long time ago since Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.

1 John 3:8
8. the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

1 John 2:13
13. I am writing to you, fathers, because you know Him who has been from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I have written to you, children, because you know the Father.


Every human being has their own inner "Adam" and is responsible for their own "fall."

To think contrary would have you yet again be creating lies that "God" is unjust.

Your own scripture also states it's a lie for those who teach that the resurrection has already happened... In which case, you are doing just that... that it happened a long time ago and once and for all.

So when someone is purified, washed, cleansed by the blood of Christ.... where is this blood? Internal or external?

Deny your beast. It has created a bunch of exoteric vain imaginations and is idolatry.


Well-Known Member
Ok. Can you show me the Scriptures that says we are in the new era?

For Kundalini, this is a term for yoga as enlightenment by awakening it through meditation, breathing and chanting by a yoga practitioner like the Buddhist, Hindus and New religious movements.

Kundalini (Sanskrit kuṇḍalinī, कुण्डलिनी, pronunciation(help·info), "coiled one"), in yogic theory, is a primal energy, or shakti, located at the base of the spine. Different spiritual traditions teach methods of "awakening" kundalini for the purpose of reaching spiritual enlightenment.[1] Kundalini is described as lying "coiled" at the base of the spine, represented as either a goddess or sleeping serpent waiting to be awakened. In modern commentaries, Kundalini has been called an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force, [2][3][4] or "mother energy or intelligence of complete maturation".[5]

Kundalini awakening is said to result in deep meditation, enlightenment and bliss.[6] This awakening involves the Kundalini physically moving up the central channel to reach within the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of the head. Many systems of yoga focus on the awakening of Kundalini through meditation, pranayama breathing, the practice of asana and chanting of mantras.[6] In physical terms, one commonly reports the Kundalini experience to be a feeling of electric current running along the spine.[7][8][9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kundalini

Qi or Chi
In traditional Chinese culture, or ch'i (, also known as ki in Japanese culture) is an active principle forming part of any living thing.[1][2][3] Qi literally translates as "breath", "air", or "gas", and figuratively as "material energy", "life force", or "energy flow".[4] Qi is the central underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts.

Concepts similar to qi can be found in many cultures, for example, prana in the Hindu religion, "chi" in the Igbo religion, pneuma in ancient Greece, mana in Hawaiian culture, lüng in Tibetan Buddhism, ruah in Hebrew culture, and vital energy in Western philosophy. Some elements of qi can be understood in the term energy when used by writers and practitioners of various esoteric forms of spirituality and alternative medicine. Elements of the qi concept can also be found in Western popular culture, for example "The Force" in Star Wars.[5] Notions in the West of energeia, élan vital, or "vitalism" are purported to be similar.[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qi

So, what the use of Kundalini’s and Chi power in terms of Christianity? Is this taught by Christ?o_O


I'm not sure what you have written on your mind and heart since you're focused on everything written in a book in which you perceive as existing literally, and outside of you and as images of your beast.

There is a vital power/energy/light residing in all humans as their "force and breath of life."
"The Christ" and "Holy Spirit" are no different.

Eating from your "evil" fruit from your dendritic tree will lead one to be both a respector of persons and words/language, in unjust and unequal measures.


Well-Known Member
Hi Uni,

I don’t think that my example of a fish as its nature is to live in the water is unclear to anybody who read this.:rolleyes: It is not my logical conclusion. I don’t say that God is a liar and break His own laws. It is your thinking and not mine. You are trying to insist God’s nature as the one who lies. It is like you are forcing your concept that a man is an animal.:shrug:

How a newborn child already have a knowledge of all the Scriptures?

Can you explain more what is becoming as “gods”? What is it? Does it mean that you are powerful like God?o_O


It's not in a fish's nature to live outside of water so it CANNOT.

It's not in "God" nature to lie so "God" CANNOT.

Seems simple when left at that.

But you had to add that "God" CAN do whatever "God" wants.


Well-Known Member
Well, then how would you explain those prophecy in the book of Revelation. I’m not an expert on eschatology. Scholars did mentioned those prophetic Scriptures with what was happening right now. Just Jesus said these statements about the sign of the end times

Matt. 24:21
21. "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Matt. 24:5-7
5. "For many will come in My name, saying, `I am the Christ,' and will deceive many.
6. "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7. "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.

You may check this link as overview of what I’m saying :

Rev. 1:1-2
1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John,
2. who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, and to all things that he saw.

This is a revelation from Christ and not imagination that was laughable.


If everything that you think you knew and believed about "God" were lies, it would be a great tribulation for you to change. You would literally feel like your world were dying, death to yourself. The truth would be painful.

The world is your inner world.

You think that the Christ is a literal guy coming to conquer the entire world. You worship these images that come from your beast. They are everything contrary to "God." Death to these vain imaginations would be painful and a great tribulation for you. The Christ comes internally to destroy that in you, but first you have to deny yourself and deny everything you've been conditioned to exoterically believe.

Your inner nations and kingdoms of beliefs will rage and war within you, you will try to hold on to those beliefs at all costs. Your Pharoah/Pharisee of external religious doctrine and tradition won't want to let go. You would have tribulation handling the truth. Your consciousness will shake, your brain will quake, your neurons will fall. Neurological plasticity is great tribulation, but the images of your beast must go before you give birth to new neurological networks. You are held captive and imprisoned to these images, the exodus to the power of your beast would be great tribulation... but being set free from those images would be very peaceful and well worth it.

You have an animal in your ark. It is of male/positive and female/negative charged energy as an astrocyte in your blood. One of those animals are "a literal deity is coming to conquer the world." That animal must be sacrificed/denied. With every sacrifice comes a sacrifice of blood. Blood residing internal to you, and not external. You also have another animal in your ark, it is "the story of Noah is literal and outward." The more that you deny these animals created in your mind, the closer these animals are to being flooded, destroyed, with the coming of the Christ through water and blood once risen above them.
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New Member
It would seem that many of the replies regarding contemplation and mysticism have missed the fact that mysticism really only means that we have a


New Member
Mysticism only means that we have a Relationship with the Divine either through prayer or contemplation or just Being in a sacred space and relating to our experience at that moment... Contemplation is just the emptying of one's Self to let the Holy Spirit enter and be at one with us. Even science is beginning to understand the important of relationships in the form of a Divine Entanglement [sounds weird ..but it just means that we are united not only to the Divine will but also with one another and indeed with life as seen in nature. God is Love .


No it isn't. Religion isn't that at all. Religion is an attempt by humans to join with God in a united effort of transformation. Transformation isn't contrary to God's grace; it's the essence of God's grace. Such transformation isn't "rebellion." You have no idea why witchcraft is condemned, or why it's considered to be "in opposition to God's way." Therefore, your whole premise for your argument is not viable.

Witchcraft is condemned because it is an attempt to access spiritual power and knowledge apart from God's ordained way, so it is rebellion and opposition to God the Creator. Attempting to achieve spiritual transformation by one's own effort through meditative practices, silencing one's mind, or whatever alternative method is in opposition to God's grace. Therefore it is rebellion, demonstrating an unwillingness to agree with God or acknowledge and submit to His way of transformation solely through the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection to new life..

"Since the Garden of Eden, Satan’s major focus has been to divert human hearts away from worship of the true God (Genesis 3:1). He entices humans with the suggestions of power, self-realization, and spiritual enlightenment apart from submission to the Lord God. Witchcraft is merely another branch of that enticement. "


Mysticism only means that we have a Relationship with the Divine either through prayer or contemplation or just Being in a sacred space and relating to our experience at that moment... Contemplation is just the emptying of one's Self to let the Holy Spirit enter and be at one with us. Even science is beginning to understand the important of relationships in the form of a Divine Entanglement [sounds weird ..but it just means that we are united not only to the Divine will but also with one another and indeed with life as seen in nature. God is Love .

That is a popular idea and while I don't doubt that mysticism will bring entanglement it will not be with the Divine Creator God, but rather with the demonic spiritual realm. According to the scriptures the work of the Holy Spirit is to point people to a relationship with God through Jesus Christ alone, not mystical, occult methods.
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Deifying self is hardly new. Satan has long sold godhood in some form to humanity, as religion, or as some deeper, mystical aspect of a particular religion. Where the leaven of mysticism is found it inevitably spreads to some form of union with God, meaning...belief in becoming God or merging with God. Mysticism is the key to a universal religion because it appeals to people on a broad scale. People of different religions must have a common factor and binding agent for a global religion and that is mystical, contemplative prayer. This unity of all faiths or interspirituality is the underlying herald cry and goal of the contemplative prayer movement and it is drawing people from all religious persuasions. Yet, while it entices many from “Christianity” it is something that can never be reconciled with the biblical message of the existence of One transcendent God, the Cross, and the claim of Jesus Christ as the only Savior.

Share your thoughts.
I just love your shared and solid focus ("deifying") . It caused a sense of stillness in me by your direction to prayer...a real building agent not only for our world , but the Kingdom as well . I have Mormon friends who claim that they will become gods (exalted) when they reach the heavenly realms . They are more excited about this than the joys of entering into a relationship with Christ . Thank You for the thought inducing stance of your statement .


I just love your shared and solid focus ("deifying") . It caused a sense of stillness in me by your direction to prayer...a real building agent not only for our world , but the Kingdom as well . I have Mormon friends who claim that they will become gods (exalted) when they reach the heavenly realms . They are more excited about this than the joys of entering into a relationship with Christ . Thank You for the thought inducing stance of your statement .
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Having been a Mormon in the past I understand the claim and belief of your Mormon friends, but I have long since, by God's grace, realized that God alone is God and I am not. What a place of peace with God and rest in such an awesome truth!


The ironic thing is, is that you are doing just that. Having all of these vain images that come from your beast. Your own serpent is lying and deceiving you in your garden. You are actually worshipping these created images.

You see one exoteric religion/one government etc.

I'll see one inner nature of love, equality, and peace amongst humanity.
Most people choose to see whatever they feel like, whatever suits them. As a vain human I'm no different, yet, I am thankful for the scriptures, the revealed word of God to give me a reality check. You are free to depend on your inner self, but I place my trust in God and the biblical scriptures illuminated by the Holy Spirit.


Well-Known Member
What????? :) Where in what I said do you see all religions being united? This is ridiculous. The mystic, the individual person desiring to be united with God has nothing to do with bringing religions together to become a single new religion. Talk about mangling my words into incoherent nonsense. I've said it clearly before that the mystical experience transcends one's religion, and what I just said above illustrates why and how that happens.

The mere fact that a person who claimed as a believer in Christ, and by following his will rather than abiding in God's words--is leading to a united religion. Have’nt you see already those mystical religious leaders including your Wilbur are open to Buddhism, Hindu, and other spiritual enlightenment?

If a person cannot follow Jesus as He commanded us saying “Follow Me,” this is a gauge in leading Himself to the door of multi-spiritual beliefs.
God does not have a religion. God has no need of a religion! If you are united with God, then you too have no need of a religion. If you are One with Source, then why do you need a path home? You are home. Why do you need to follow a way? You notice on my profile where it asks what religion I am and I put in there, "The same religion God is"? That's why. The aspiration, the goal, the hope, the desire of the mystic is not to make a new religion, nor to make all religions into one single religion. It is for us as humans to transcend the need for religion by all being united with God. At which point, there is no religion we need to identify with anymore. Our identity is in God.
We don't want a "One World Religion", we want a "No Religion" world. We want the world to wake up to God within us, not to follow some other human teacher in some new "one world religion". That is going the wrong direction.
See.o_O Your own statement and concept is proving that Jesus’ ministry (Christianity) is a “wideness” concept of spirituality. The truth is—it is not. God sent Jesus Christ to give hope of salvation for us. The choice is to follow Him or not. Yes, there is no religion because God’s offer is to come to Him, follow Him and obey His command. He would like to have a personal relationship (individually) and intimacy with Him.

John 8:31
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,”



Well-Known Member
No it isn't. Religion isn't that at all. Religion is an attempt by humans to join with God in a united effort of transformation. Transformation isn't contrary to God's grace; it's the essence of God's grace. Such transformation isn't "rebellion." You have no idea why witchcraft is condemned, or why it's considered to be "in opposition to God's way." Therefore, your whole premise for your argument is not viable.

Then, how “witchcraft” becomes in opposition to God’s way? Do you believe that witchcraft is a detestable practice forbidden by God?



Well-Known Member
Stop twisting my meaning. You believe that the truth you have is the "truth of Christ." You don't know that the truth you have is "the truth of Christ." It's your belief -- not an empirical fact.

Absolutely the truth of Christ is the truth. Are there any truth that you know aside from God’s truth?
