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The evolving human consciousness


Here is a story that spans over a period of 35 Years. It is proof that everything can have relevance and the

development & evolution of a human's path & destiny is lifelong 'on going' process.

In the year 1988 i worked a small cafe restaurant in the city I lived in. It was a ‘Mex -Tex style café’. Big hearty meals with healthy salads. The Restaurants concept was based on a previous restaurant I use to work in a few years earlier. The restaurant was based on a country & western theme, all the restaurants décor, music & paraphernalia had a western country emphasis

Everything had a place except for one item! It was a life size replicated head bust of a ancient Egyptian King. It was totally out of place in the theme & concept of the restaurant. But to me it was a magnificent piece of art. It was the only item i kept as a souvenir when i eventually sold the Cafe a few years later. Before I left the country to do my big overseas travel. I packed the Egyptian head bust away and left it at my family home & went overseas for a long while, In my younger years I was fearless, was always a traveller & I mostly travelled alone

Eighteen Years later - October 2006

One Sunday evening I had been attending a spiritualist group which met every week. At most there was only ever a dozen persons that attended this small gathering. I had only been to these small gatherings a few times previously, and would only attend when i needed to be part of a social group. You see I was a person who didn’t mind his own company. This one particular evening there was a message coming through from the 'other side'. On one occasion one of the ‘channelers, trance medians’ approached me with a message. He spoke and stated 'that I was to be travelling soon to a family gathering around mid-December (approx. 8 weeks away) he asked me if the number 22 had any significant meaning to me? I replied i had no idea of any family gatherings 'that i knew of" and that the number 22 had no significance either.

After our usual end of session cups of tea / cake and drawn-out good-byes, I drove home, during the ten-minute drive i kept thinking about the message that was given to me. Upon arriving home i quickly found a phone book and decided to 'look up' and check on my younger brother’s address. I had always thought his 'letter Box' number was 33, but soon realised i was wrong. It had always been 22.1 had been there often but never really registered the address before, until now.

I eventually retired to bed after showering and started to read. My mind kept thinking about the message about the family gathering' around mid-December. I started to think 'gatherings that had travel involved’ Usually meant an out-of-town wedding or a funeral. Since there were no immediate plans for any close immediate family members getting married. I started to be concerned that there may be a funeral coming up during December. This concern stayed with me all October & November.

Once December arrived i phoned my brother to ask him to remind my nephews & niece to be careful when crossing the roads. As December's traffic always increased due to school summer holidays & pre- Christmas shoppers. I said to my brother 'tell the kids to be extra careful! when crossing roads full of cars & extra traffic.

December 2006

One day in December i was rummaging around in one of the spare rooms trying to find a pair of long trousers which matched a suit jacket i owned. I came across a piece of plaster and realised it was 'A piece' that should have been attached to my Egyptian head bust. The small piece was the part which represented his woven beard or snake’s body. I totally forgot about searching for the trousers and refocussed my search on finding the rest of life size ‘Egyptian head bust- the main head piece’. I eventually found it in my old room still wrapped in bubble wrap stored away and hidden in a dark closet. I estimated it had not seen the light or hung on a wall for over 18 years. I unwrapped the bust and left it in the spare room.

Within 24 hours I received a phone call from my brother informing me that the children had found a real Cobra's head outside his home (6 kilometres away) it was found by the kids outside his home in the roadside footpath. The local media had found out about the Cobra Head, also the main television stations became interested in this news story. As there are no wild snakes anywhere in this country. So, there was public interest. My brother had rung me to let me know that he was being interviewed on television about the find, The 'New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries' became involved as it was a public & therefore national concern that a Cobra Head had been found on the streets of our country

After a Police investigation, it was found that the Cobra's head use to exist 'In a state of preservation encased in oval glass, Apparently It use to belong in a neighbour’s home. Located in one of my brothers’ neighbours’ lounge. It was a decoration or paper weight. But during a heated argument between a couple the cobra head was thrown at a boyfriend or husband by a angry girlfriend or wife It was thrown through a lounge window and ended up in the street broken releasing the cobra's head onto the road side footpath. The news was broadcasted on all main television stations here in my country. The news would have been of public interest and amusement only. It was news of such insignificance to most people ... but had mild relevance to only me it seems

It did'nt occur to me for a few days, after all the publicity given to the cobra's head. That i re- examined the replica ancient Egyptian head bust and realised, not only was the beard missing but also the cobra's head attached to the bust's 'forehead' had slight damage also.

I did a search on the 'world wide web' and found out that in ancient Egyptian mythology the cobra head signifies 'royal power and protection'. I then realised that i shouldn't have had concerns for the welfare of the children, as it was the ancient’s way of letting me know that they are protected while they live here on earth. It humbles me to know that ‘God; not only have given me the ability to dream the future. but can manifest signs on the physical plain. This also confirms also that all paths to source - God - eternity.... lead back through to the land of ancient Egypt.

The above story was chronicled & written by me over 18 years ago. This story in itself has no real meaning or value, and really isn’t that extraordinary. But you will see eventually another story unfold. You will see how global portents that have no known connection, can be infused in the mind and temple of ‘one’ The people who call themselves ‘the holy spirit, make biblical reference & call my great grand- father ‘The ancient one’ he passed away in 1931, but I have found with every significant ‘label’ they the holy spirit seem to associate or try to identify ‘living or recent living persons with’ these ‘labels’ are given in ‘concept only’ because there is no proven evidence that can connect a person to the ancient past

A cobra is not only a poison snake, but a ‘cob’ is an old fashion loaf of bread. Therefore a ‘Cobra can signify the ‘bread of Ra’.

Here is a story that started 2 decades ago. This story has always intrigued me, probably because of the simplicity and spiritual insignificance that is associated with these lowly creatures

Way down under, In the south island of New Zealand. In a small town located on the western coast There is a refrigerated shipping container. Inside this shipping container is housed a special snail native to, and can only be found in a specific area on the South Island of New Zealand. This snail can grow up to 15cm in diameter, 'that's wider than your outstretched palm' and this snail can live for more than 30 years.

These snails original habitat use to be high country above a mountain ridge where rain fell in sheets as if some giant just poured buckets of water over this area that use to be there home. The ground they lived on use to 'freeze over hard' during the winter months and cold gale forced winds that rose across the Tasman seas use to ravage these ridges rattling the tiny trees and shrubs that to us humans would have looked like a bonsai forest, but to these special snails these native shrubs would have been akin to a mighty Totara or Red wood forest home.

Perhaps some of the snails have an innate sense that the shipping containers is not their home. You see It took this species millions of years to adjust and adapt to that brutal environment, which it had slowly conquered while beneath them the mountain slowly emerged from the crush of tectonic plates, but it had taken just a few months to undo all this evolution with man and metal machines tearing into rock destroying there old habitat in the name of global coastal mining.

Around 300 of these snails once lived on the mighty mountain, until they were taken by workers crawling on their hands and knees, digging through soil, more than a 2 decade ago. There are now 1700 snails living in the fridges which is nearing capacity. Some of the snails are nearing 40 years old and have grown so large they would fill the palm of a child's hand. The original snail had offspring's and their babies have had other babies. It is a blooming family tree whose branches are pruned by the physical confines of their lives in another separate man made refrigerated container. This species of ancient snail is officially called 'Powelliphanta Augusta 'a name given to them because it best describes its original home and habitat 'A cloudy mountain top above the sea'

This species is very ancient but its paper trail is very young, it is highly unusual for a species that still exists, That we here in New Zealand now described its known habitat entirely in the past tense. It 'had lived' on the highest peaks of the ridgeline; its preferred habitat 'was the moist soil under the patchwork of tiny plants above the hilly tree line.

By the time the species was formally described and acknowledged by the New Zealand Government its habitat had already been taken and replaced. It was no longer the mountain but two cold refrigerated containers behind the local Department of Conservation 'D.O.C office' in a pseudo-car park separating the main building from an annex, where the keepers are based.

Three DOC rangers are assigned to the captive programme, as it's officially known. They carefully note what the captives eat, how much they weigh each month, and how they breed. Their handwritten observations are stored in thick binders amassed on a desk chronicling years of work documenting there continual survival and existence.

I can only imagine and speculate what some readers past, present and what people living in this coastal town think when it comes to the continual funds and resources needed to keep these giant ancient snails alive. Most persons would probably not give a thought to the plight of this type of species, simply because of the nature & insignificance of this type of creature. But still if you look closely, 'You see' once you start acknowledging that there is a link

That the link can begin from the most lowly, small and humble creature living there insignificant existence and again looking upwards towards the heavens, acknowledging the mightiest stars and galaxies. The original story was simply about loss of habitat. Now it becomes our story. You see the insignificant snail has the spiral mark of the 'Golden Ratio

I remember back in 2020 when we got the call one morning at work to 'close shop and clear & discard any perishables' that may go bad, freeze anything that could be used at a latter date. Clean down, lock up, head home. The whole country was on 'Lockdown'. I wasn't sure if id be out of work for a few days or a week. The first lockdown lasted approx' 7 weeks. Personally I enjoyed the time off work, prior to Covid 19 1 was paid just over minimum wage per hour, back then my work day could extend over 14 hours standing on my feet, I didn't mind having a break from work. I was fortunate and lucky our government helped subsidised everyone's weekly income, a lot of people around the world weren't so fortunate.

I personally wasn't bothered with the statistics being broadcasted or the scare mongering being channelled via the controlled media.

It wasn't until the 3rd week of lockdown when 'I' like thousands of other people were up at dawn waiting in line for the supermarket doors to open. As each minute past we slowly shuffled forward proceeded towards our goal 'to enter the supermarket market' to buy our weekly groceries. It was the time spent in these human que's that it finally dawned on me within my immediate surrounding how affected the collective community psyche was, how mentally depressed everyone around me was, Those anti viral masks we were asked & enforced to wear made us look like thieves or robbers. People waiting in line became too frightened to sneeze or cough in public. This was a global pandemic that

affected not just millions of psyches around the globe, but affected billions.

The collective consciousness of humanity was at an all time low. It was post Covid that our Government initiated & decided to create a new portfolio within the government departments. Our Health Minister now had a new protégé a sidekick & new position labelled the 'New Mental Health Minister.

Many types of similar Sars 'Corona type viruses' had previously surfaced around the world over the previous couple of decades & we never really give it much thought of the predicament that other countries have to deal with until it arrives at our shores and doors. Apparently the first Covid 19 strains and symptoms started appearing in 'Wuhan - China in the year 2019. Then gradually started to take the world by storm in 2020. As always 'we the members of the public' initially get mixed news reports concerning matters that deal with human conditioning & well being. We the concerned public always want answers, and 'We' the very same people always look for. a source or someone to blame.

The World Health Organisation initial response. 'Back in 2020 A international team of epidemiologists, virologists and researchers with expertise in public health, animal health and food safety lead the 'World Health Organisations' WHO - 'COVID-19' investigation. In Wuhan China researchers started with the Huanan meat and animal market, which many of the earliest people diagnosed with COVID-19 had previously visited. What part the market played in the virus's spread still remains a mystery. Early investigations sampled frozen animal carcasses at the market, but none found evidence of SARS-CoV-2, However, environmental samples, taken mostly from drains and sewage, did test positive for the virus. Preliminary studies did not generate credible leads to narrow the area of research that would help locate the original source of this global pandemic.

The 'WHO' investigated the wild and farmed animals sold at the market, including foxes, raccoons (Procyon lotor) and sika deer (Cervus nippon). They also investigated other markets in Wuhan, and traced the animals' journeys through China and across borders. The researchers prioritize animals that are known to be susceptible to the virus, such as cats and mink.

The 'WHO' team also look at Wuhan's hospital records, to find out whether the virus was spreading before December 2019. The researchers interviewed the first people identified to have had COVID-19, to find out where they might have been exposed, and tested blood samples from medical staff, laboratory technicians and farm workers collected in the weeks and months before December 2019 looked for possible antibodies and medical evidence that may have helped there investigation and further there research'

I watched a movie post pandemic era, a movie called 'Contagion' which was released about 2011. Staring Laurence Fishburne, Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow and a few other first rate movie actors. After watching this movie everything suddenly fell into place. The whole concept of lost habitat, cross contamination, where the lives of animals that we consume and eat start affecting our general health, mental & physical well-being.

The 'World Health Organisation' know this for a fact that human consumption of contaminated meat & carcasses started the human pandemics that have affected human respiratory function. They also know that when animals that live in close quarters to other domesticated animals like the 'World Health Organizations' initial reports stated that COVID 19 may have been started by 'wild Bats' that had lost there natural habitat and had somehow managed to contaminate human domesticated animals via the food chain which we humans can eventually consume & eat.

The years 2019 and 2020 were very important years for humanity. The number 19 found in 'COVID 19', from a 'A birds eye, God or heavenly perspective looking down on humanity' is the upside down 61 which can be a reference to the number '61 found in the 'Golden Ratio' We humanity have possibly crossed another notional marker.

Its also interesting that the word 'Corona' found in 'Corona Virus' can be the word Corona which is located and is a region found in the 'human eye'.

The year 2020 was an important marker globally for humanity simply because '2020; means to have perfect vision.

I would simply state 'We humanity needed to take a closer look at ourselves' our actions have obvious consequences.

This story starts about ten years ago and is about the abstract story of the conceptual transition of the 'sons of Jacob to the sons of Israel'. This modern story has its origin and is inspired by the Old testament bible and involves the original sons of the patriarc Jacob ,whose 12 sons eventually transitioned to become the sons of Israel. Some theorist claim that the 12 tribes in the old testament are a representation of the tribes of humanity. Like with most stories we find in the Bible there are many different concepts, interpretations and versions of the original story.

This story is a very basic ideology, based on reasoning of a transitional phase that I have personally been through from a phycological point of view only. These stories are merely a collection of events that don't affect me physically, mentally, spiritually, they are simply chronicled events of this life.

About a decade ago I was invited to my fathers home a few kilometer's away to meet a younger sister who had lived abroad most of her life estranged from her native indigenous heritage and blood family.

On arrival I headed to my fathers abode and was introduced to my younger sister. She was accompanied by a man from 'down under' whos surname was 'Jacobs'. This man from abroad was younger than myself by at least a decade. He stood about 5'.9" and was of medium build, caucasian in appearance, both persons were reasonably attractive and pleasant to the eye. They looked like a handsome couple.

After I acknowledged the elder in the room, my focus returned to the new faces that were directed at me.

My younger sister directed her questions and attention to me, 'her newly acquired older blood brother' I had never experienced having a sister before, so this meeting was extra special.

During this 30 minute meeting I learnt that this unassuming man 'Jacobs' was or had been a professional 'mixed martial arts kick boxer'. He discussed & told me of his spine which was abnormally larger and thicker in diameter than a normal person, which gave him a physical and psychological advantage to have a centralized force that was more powerful and explosive than his opponents. This enlarged strengthen trunk also meant he would 'not likely' suffer either a spinal or back injury. 'His core had evolved & was strengthen from source'.

After about an hour of chit chat, Jacobs & I went out to buy takeout's while my newly acquired younger sister stayed and talked with our dad.

After eating takeout back at our dads 'whare ( home )' we processed our farewells and I left the trio. Mr Jacobs was staying the night but was planning on leaving the city the following day and flying up north to fly back home.

Over the next week I visited my younger sister a couple of more times then she left to return to Queensland Australia.

I did a little research on 'Jacobs' and was proud that the man had stepped in & been in my burgundy red 1993 Honda city. 'you see previously there had been people to embarrassed to be seen, travel or even set foot in my car'.

This Mr Jacobs had previously held 3 world kickboxing championship titles, and had the recorded the fastest and hardest punch ever. He also held the record for the fastest knockout. My younger sister inevitably delivered to my family this humble man who 'held and had earn't a lot of Mana - authority, prestige & respect' over his lifetime. This chance meeting I had with Jacobs, was like being introduced and bringing to this family a super warrior.

The word 'Ja or Jah' is not only a word in some cultures which means & gives affirmation. The word Jah is also an ancient Hebrew-Israelite word for a God, it is one of the oldest recorded names for 'God'. Jah is also a God & point of reference in the 'Rastafari faith which has its origins in Jamaica

When ever I think of the letter 'W',I can at times view the letter looks similar to a pair of binoculars pointing to the heavens. At each point of the letter 'W'.. .sits 'the sun, moon & stars'. Therefore the word 'JaW' ( which contains the word Ja) which is the bone structure that forms the framework of the upper & lower passage or channel to the mouth. This word 'jaw ' describes the bone attached to my lower head, the word jaw can take on a totally new meaning. Cob - 'an old fashion loaf of bread'

Ja-cob - 'The bread of Ja' 'Ja the first God in this story.

Mangai - 'The mouth piece from God to man... and man to God'.

The following story places itself in a totally new category, beyond any normal layman like myself or 'men of reasoning' to understand.

The following circumstances were chronicled a few years after the event occurred, perhaps nearly 15 years ago.

It begins with a simple walk along a 'inner city street' called market street. I was heading in northerly direction. The street is built for 'pedestrians only' the street itself is not very long in length.

When I reached the end of Market street I crossed the footpath. I turned right walked a few meters in a north easterly direction on to the road called Tennyson street . I looked left and then right for oncoming vehicles, then left again then continued to cross the road diagonally. Once I crossed the two lane road and reached the footpath on the other side. I stopped turned back facing the 'exact direction' that I had directly came from ( now looking south west ) There was a *man in his mid twenties sitting on a chair facing east outside a café that use to exist and be called 'Café Ujazi'.


The 'eye of Ra, eye of eternity' in its physical sense is a ward that is created and manifests from the another parallel dimension or realm. It is used to warn others' from the lower 3 dimension, that conspire to imprison authentic messengers or servants. Persons who come under the protection of the 'eye of Ra's' administration can become a conduit that can direct a formidable force to physically stop physical biological mass in their tracks. This powerful burst of energy is directed back to a external source. The person where this energy emanates from has no prior warning that an event of this nature is about to occur, it is simply left to the unseen guardians to control such matters. The person with a special message may, or may not know the recipient receiving the warning. Which also implies the 'all seeing eye of Ra's administration chronicles, knows and see's all things, & can coordinate & bring 2 opposing factions together.

The actual transfer of energy from an individual, is simply done by focusing at a target person. Once focus contact is made. The messengers eyes stays open, and a thin transparent 'skin like' eyelid covers the eyes. Very similar to what snakes and cobras have to protect their eyes. The person's eyes while delivering this message from a 'veiled administration' remain focused and a large coil approx' 200 millimeters wide similar to a cobras body is unleashed from the area known as the 'third eye. This coil of energy may cover ground up to 15 meters away or more.

This form of energy is briefly transferred to the target lasting not more than a few seconds. This radiated energy is instant, and is able to shake, manipulate biological matter to stop all internal body functions briefly. While this transfer of energy is being done, the deliverer has brief distorted vision which can only be described as, 'like a shutter closing when taking a black and white photograph through a camera lens'. The eye of eternity or snake eyes has nothing to do with 'what others' have historically chronicled as the 'evil eye' when trying to explain those persons who think they are witches and can yield the powers of bad luck by simply staring at a person.

The projected image from the third eye is not of a solid nature but is 'more so like a holographic projection'.


Judas become more creative when planning reprisal against authentic servants, servants of who? they don't understand or have a clue, and at that stage in my life neither did I. But because men of Judas have unlimited resources, these specific servants become targets. The ego of Judas leads them to believe that their agenda is greater, therefore their hearts & minds remain grey, blind and can be relentless in their pursuit to protect their own interests. History and time are the only governing factor to consider when we are finally held accountable for our actions


Guardians and thought adjusters are able to project holographic images, static or moving mental templates' into my thoughts while I sleep.

Producing crystal clear pictures or micro type movies.

These spirits are also able to draw from my memory bank, images of all people I have ever known throughout my whole entire life time, and all circumstances that I have ever experienced and seen. Which means that 'our whole life circumstances' is recorded and retrievable from either some where located in our brains or is stored beyond our temples in 'God zone somewhere where the notional 'Akashic records are kept - being our own 'personal data base' stored in a type of universal cosmic library'.

It certainly puts in to perspective how bio spiritual and technically advanced & different veiled Kingdoms are compared to our present civilization. We mortal humans may not always understand the totality, or underlying meanings in these holographic inserted & retrievable messages. Message dreams that are sent may also be incomplete, to be finished at a latter date. This allows the dreamer 'multiple levels' of personal interpretation, thus not interfering to much with the process of personal decision making and freewill'. The recipient must therefore be allowed to peel back each layer to interpret and decide for themselves the meaning of these programmable dreams.


There are certain circumstances where individuals who carry a 'ward' are allowed to read other peoples thoughts. Or are able to listen to a portion of a conversation that may be beyond normal hearing capacity or distance. These micro messages are transferred instantly to the recipients 'internal inner monolog', so is audible only to themselves. The Guardians protectors 'call them angels if you wish' never deal with trivia. Therefore the transfer of information is not a 'continuous stream' of other peoples conversations.

These regulated circumstances only periodically transpire to allow the recipient 'awareness' of the immediate surroundings & environment that has changed. These circumstances have only occurred perhaps a couple of times each year over the last 15 years. You might think I was simply being paranoid and imagined these voices.

Not at all I am simply sharing stories of events that have transpired in this life.

Perhaps one day someone might arrive to re-examine, record & solidify these unusual circumstances that have been chronicled by myself and *local authority.

I originally thought that these strange signs & portents came from the realm I have previously referred to as the 'dimensional realm that have called themselves previously 'the holy spirit or holy-land'. They have since stated that these strange events were not produced or created from their dimensional reality, therefore produced from another source.

At the time of this event that manipulated, shook biological matter, I remember feeling nothing emotional afterwards, I did not feel strange, I did not feel I had accomplished anything, I felt nothing , just turned around and kept heading east & turned left in the direction I had originally intended walking like nothing had transpired. I have never spoken to anyone about these very rare unbelievable circumstances or events until recently. When I reflect over some of my stories I have written & stored over the years. I shake my head in total disbelief... .what a strange life I have had. What a strange story teller I have become.

The physiological transitional state of mind from the house of Jacob to

the house of Israel, has been at times what I would state 'of a very unorthodox supernatural process'. To this day I still do not understand the intricacies of my, or reason 'why' my life at times has followed a very different path. This story I have now told puts me in a different category all together of perhaps persons reading this tale of 'total disbelief' But if you do accept that this story is very possible the question you must ask yourselves is 'where does this transfer of energy emanate from?

In the diagram the larger 'X' on the left is where the energy was released from

The arrow points to the café marked 'A' where the target 'man' was sitting.

The area 'B' is where I had previously many years prior purchased the 'ancient life like bust of an Ancient Egyptian King' -the year 1988

Area 'D is where I saw a vehicle 'number plate' with the words 'Ra', while I was placing 'physical letters' in a postal letter box marked 'C' to environmental ministers from around the world. - the year 2016


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The 12 tribes of Israel according to Hebrew scriptures are the descendents of the biblical patriarch Jacob ( also known as Israel ) . They represent & form collectively the 'Israelite nation'. The 12 tribes 12 sons were birthed through Jacobs wives 'Leah & Rachel' and concubines 'Bilhah & Zilpah. Modern scholars are a little sceptic whether there ever was 12 Israelite tribes. Perhaps the number 12 is more likely a symbolic tradition that exist as part of a national founding myth.

Jacob who was latter referred to as 'Israel' was the younger twin and son of 'Isaac & Rebecca, His older twin brother being 'Esau'. According to the first testament Jacob was chosen by God to be a patriarch leader of the Israelite Nation.

Genesis 28: 10—19: 'The story of Jacobs ladder'

And Jacob travelled out from the territory of 'Beer Sheba' and travelled toward the city 'Haran'. While travelling he stopped and he lit a fire, he lingered & stayed there all night, because the sun had finally set; and he picked up one of the stones from the immediate area and put it under his head, and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed, and in his dream 'behold a ladder appeared in his dream 'set up on the earth, and the top of the ladder reached the heavens; and behold he saw the angels of God ascending and descending upon the ladder, and, behold, the Lord stood beside him, and said: 'I am the Lord, the God of Abraham the father, and the God of Isaac. The land where you lay asleep I will give to you, and to the seed. And the seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou seed shall spread across to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south. And in you, and in the seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. And, behold, I am with you, and will be with you where ever you go, and will bring you back into this land; for I will not leave you, until I have done that which I have spoken to you of.' and Jacob woke from out of his sleep, and he said: 'Surely the Lord is in this place? (and he knew it not.) and he was afraid, and said: 'How full of awe is this place! this is none other than the house of God, and this is the door & gate of heaven.' and Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put under his head, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it, And he called the name of that place 'Beth-al' but the name of the city was 'Luz' in the beginning.

In regards to 'The children of Israel - Isaiah 49: 13-17'

"Even if a mother could forget her child, the lord would not forget his children for they are engraved on the palms of his hand"

I have added these ancient stories to the above text simply because this gives credibility to a physiological transition that may have transpired in 'one mans temple'. Why I use the words 'may have' is simply because nothing remains stagnant in the temple walls because there are always dimensional persons who bring there can of spray paint & try and paint there '2 minute noodle' testimonial graffiti.

These written testaments simply help with the re- establishment of an 'Is Ra light' concept. You must remember also that being an Israelite historically does not mean you are a perfect person or perfect candidate either. Quiet the opposite!

Ive been rummaging through my old 'writings' because there was one incident where I woke up in complete darkness and was made to stand up and repeat these words...

"I am the keeper of the flame, the ancient book of destiny, of all things that have come, and all things yet to come" I was made to stand up & repeat these words twice, I then woke half asleep, turned the light on & wrote these words down that I was made to speak then fell instantly back to sleep. This occurrence manifested approx. 15 years ago in the year 2009. – ‘My name is Ben’
The following are chronicled event dreams that were given to me a long time ago

In the dream I was standing in semi darkness with others. I had in my hand an object, the size of a Hand held cell-phone'
The lid flipped forward and 'light beams 'appeared, Very similar to light beams from a 'Laser
Machine' found usually at 'Electronic Dance Party's,
From my waist position, The Light show began to project outwards from the 9pm & 3pm position. The beams started to move forward in a systematic fashion. The Light beams dropped to ground Level forming a 3 Dimensional Image as it moved forward.
The 'laser light' made clear moving horizontal and lateral lines which formed a 3 Dimensional Holographic image comprising of 'Systematic Division and Compartments'
Then the words were read 'The ancient science of 3 Dimensional Holographic Projection' is found within Gene of Isis 'GENESIS'
I woke up at exactly 12:30am, The date was Friday 10th April 2010

This Dream was a response from the Ancients to my query concerning the projection of PARTIKI UNITS or 'Conscious energy' That represent informative 3 Dimensional Holographic dreams that are projected & given to me during my sleeping state.

IV April 2010
A visit to a local Spiritualist Church
I was told by a spiritual median that the answers I needed are found in a book. I am to pull it apart, look at it from every angle, the answers lay hidden within the words.


During a Sunday session at a Spiritualist Church, A trance Medium conveyed a message from the
Higher Realms, That I was to ask 'To be taken on a Visit to the Pyramids'
I have never visited Egypt, but somehow know that my Ancient Bloodline has its origin back to these Ancient Stone monuments.
Upon arriving home, I simply placed it on my 'Things to do list'
As I was in no hurry to be taken there, I subconsciously decided to let the Higher Order make that decision for me.

July - August 2010

I woke to find my room had become a wall of red light, the light emanating from the wall was infrared & of a soft nature. As I focused my eyes the wall began to take on more detail & turned to solid stone which resembled soft granite or limestone.
Vertical & horizontal lines appeared, glyphs & symbols started to appear, along these lines. The detail of the symbols was not too clear. As there were many numerous etchings.
As I tried to focus on a specific area of the wall, The section of the wall began to fold 'into itself" like sand in a 'Hour Glass'
I started to travel at an angle downwards along a passage. The journey lasted about 4 or 5 seconds. I arrived in a limestone room, once again lit by a infrared light placed at floor level and from my vision at about the 7 0-clock position.
There was a silhouette of a Human figure resembling a coffin lying on its back, placed upon a raised section a meter off the floor.
A ethereal figure shaped like a Human detached itself from the coffin. there was a glowing metallic blue light emanating from the perimeter of this human figure, and it went to grab me.
I stepped back with a fist raised, It was then that I noticed at the base of the coffin a smaller figure about 40 cm high & shaped like a gargoyle with his back turned to me. The head turned to face me & In his encircling arms, he had in his possession a canopic jar or vase he was protecting, and I felt it contained something of value or perhaps a treasure. I then woke the date & time was August I I th - 2010 - 2:30am

The previous evening, I was browsing through files regarding the Ancient Land of 'Mu'.
There seems to be interesting articles written about this Ancient Civilization, which once again may contain pieces of the puzzle in regards to the origin of Modern Man, Religion & Spiritual insight may stem from these Ancient Lands
I eventually fell asleep and woke to find Hieroglyphs up upon my bedroom ceiling. The type that are found in Ancient Egypt. Some of the Hieroglyphs were highlighted and appeared animated, I turned on the light and glanced at my clock, it read 2:30

So therefore, this vision may have been given to me to once again confirm & correct my train of thought in regards to The land of Ancient Egypt 'The Giza Plateau' as being the location where the origin of Humanity or a type of authentic faith may have started.
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In astronomy the axial precession of earth is the gravity induced, slow and continuous change in the direction of earth’s rotational axis. If you imagine a large ball with a knitting needle protruding from 5pm through the middle then out again at 1lam. Then imagine the11am 'needle point' making a horizontal circle from 11am to 1pm as it rotates, it traces out this circle over a period of approx. 26,556 years. This period is also called a 'Great or Platonic Year'

Astronomers recognize that the slight shift in the earth’s axis 'as it spins' is due to the gravitational force of the other celestial planets. I assume very much like having a bunch of magnets that attract and propel each other.

THE HOUSE OF AQUARIUS 'The Man bearing Water'...
Most horoscopes traditionally divide the night sky into '12 astrological houses' 12x30 degrees gives
us our 360-degree circle. It takes about 2,200 years for each astrological house to appear.

The astrological 'house of Aquarius' has arrived. It is Humanities time to be involved with Universal knowledge & teachings. There have been frequencies arriving through the Merkaba Fields of the Cosmo’s and have been anchoring into earths planetary grids (earths energetic templates) Once they are absorbed into the planetary grid. They can be received by us humans and all life forms.
We should view the astrological houses as simply 'household light sockets' which have a '90 watt output' and then imagine 'us' and our planet earth as a '30 watt light bulb'. The Merkaba fields are simply the pathway that wires have made their way to earth to plug into earths inhabitants and planetary Grid. The astrological house of Aquarius is simply the light socket that fits our 'light plug' which allow us to have a '90-watt output'


As most of us know, the races on earth and planet earth itself, are in a transition period called a
'Euiago Cycle, Stellar Activation Cycle or Ascension Cycle' These occur every 26,556-year period. This cycle commenced around the year *1962 and will continue to proceed through the year 2012 and beyond. The process of this cycle is found in Ancient Egyptian & Mayan writings & in the rich tapestry of 'oral tradition' of indigenous tribes around the world. This period is important periods of time for earth and earths inhabitants because it is during this period that the process of biological Ascension is accelerated known as DNA Activation.

There are 6 Stellar Activation periods and earth & earth races must activate collectively I .5 Stellar

activations to proceed to the next 'Dimensional Universe or Harmonic Universe'

Therefore, a Euiago Cycle = a ‘26,556-year Harmonic time Cycle'

Each of the six 4,426-year smaller cycles within One 'Euiago Harmonic time cycle' represents 'One time Continuum'

Each Euiago Cycle contains one 'Pardo' and one 'Reiago' tracks of time.

Of the six 'Time Continua' in a 26,556-year Euiago Cycle, four-time continua represent 'forward moving tracks of time' called Pardo and two represent counter rotating tracks of time called Reiago.

In which the Planet pass through a Parallel Universe.

When passing from one Euiago Cycle to the next, the angular rotation of particle Spin (ARPS) shifts 45 degrees

THE 144,000...
This number has significance in several religious movements. In the Mayan 'long Count Calender'
144,000 Days represents a cycle of time named 'Baktun' 13 x Baktun — I Great Cycle

This number has a religious significance for Christians because of its use in the book of Revelations of the New Testament. The number is mentioned 3 times in the book of Revelations.

Revelations 7:3-8

Saying: 'Do not harm the earth or the Sea or the trees. Until after we have sealed the servant of God on the foreheads' and I heard the number of the sealed, A hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed from every Tribe of the Sons of Israel. . .
12,000 from the tribe of Judah were sealed
12,000 from the tribe of Reuben,
12,000 from the tribe of Gad,
12,000 from the tribe of Asher,
12,000 from the tribe of Naphtali,
12,000 from the tribe of Manasseh,
12,000 from the tribe of Simeon,
12,000 from the tribe of Levi,
12,000 from the tribe of Issachar,
12,000 from the tribe of Zebulun,
12,000 from the tribe of Joseph,
12,000 from the tribe of Benjamin were sealed.

Revelations 14:1
'Then I looked, and behold; On mount Zion stood the lamb, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his father’s name written on the foreheads'

Revelations 14:3-5
'And they were singing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders, No one could learn that song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. For it is who have not defiled themselves with woman, for they are virgins. It is these who follow the lamb wherever he goes. These have been redeemed from mankind as first fruits for God and the lamb, and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are blameless'

The born-again theory could simply be….
Most people know that the DNA is the 'blueprint of life' and is located in every cell of our body, In addition to each chromosome 2 strand double helix of DNA. There are an additional 10 etheric strands of DNA available to each Human Being. Which have been dormant since the beginning of recorded history.

Each additional strand possesses attributes that permit the individual to perform greater human mental accomplishments, Scientists have acknowledged that we currently only use 3% of our current 2 strand DNA.

The earths distortions have created a planetary DNA distortion that have made every living organism DNA to appear as a base 4, With only 4 chemicals, Humans are supposed to have 12 chemical nucleic bases. This would allow us to have 144 physical chemical chromosomes as well. Whereas now we only have 46 physical chromosomes.

Also, the original ‘Angelic human DNA template which some refer to as the 'Diamond Sun DNA' template, is 12 strands allowing for 12 Dimensions of consciousness, and is built for transmutation from a carbon to a silica-based body, as we have heard before, if you place enough pressure on carbon over time, it transforms into a Diamond.
As I have mentioned before the Great Pyramids are a calendar of past, present & future events, they use to have 144,000 limestone quartz tiles on the outer mantel, but have disappeared over time, and are now decorating mosques found around the Middle East.
Therefore the 144,000 limestone quartz tiles are a reminder to humanity of ‘Gods Ascension cycle and DNA potential’.

The above was written by me about 12-13 years ago. The origin of some of the content was from different sources and had been infused to make ‘some sense’ of the impending transitional change a lot of ancient sources & people had chronicled, and modern ‘spiritually inclined people’ were hoping for, but at the same time were in complete darkness of the actual celestial mechanics involved in such notional change. Some people thought the world was going to end and great impending catastrophe was to fall upon mankind. Some of my friends prior to December 21st 2012 went out the night before on the eve of the 21st to a huge dance party located in some woodlands, dropped their ‘disco biscuits’ ate some of those special ‘bus tickets’. And wanted to be happy and oblivious to any doomsday prophecy. When December the 21st arrived, nothing happened in the physical world at all… this hype ended up being a big flat tyre.

Anyway, I can’t remember the exact day December the 21st 2012 fell on, but on that day, I was delivering some food items and groceries to an elderly woman who did not drive or use public transport. On that day I drove past the house that I lived in when I was a very young boy. This house was a ‘state owned’ property and the portion of the house I lived in was being loaded on to a house removal truck. The house was being transported away; you could say we were back then the poorest of the poor. The year we left the poor house was 1971

It is only now just over 12 years on, that the pennies have dropped. And I now realise that the spirit of that house that was dismantled, represented the old global governing force, law makers, the false economy that benefits the wealthy, the pharisee and now December 21st 2012 has only psychological value to 2 parties on the planet. me and the 'dimensional beings' that have called themselves 'the Holy spirit. We are classified as ‘The hounds and dogs of war. They 'the Holy spirit' are more so, like observers that view the world through sound & my temple windows.

34 MAISEFIELD 21-12-2012.JPG34 TAKEN AWAY 21-12-2012.JPG
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The following is my understanding of the existing ideology of the holy trinity. This may not be an established doctrine or point of view, it is simply my thoughts.

In the beginning of this thread, I mentioned that I was in 2 minds 50/50 in regards to ‘the historical belief, birth’ and existence of an Avatar named Jesus, Yeshua, Emanuel etc. But the more i delve into my memory and piece together the bits of information I have read and written the more I begin to understand the nature of faith, & the understanding of a person’s belief in a historic Christ. If I state I don’t believe in the existence of a Christ I must simply be living in denial or (living in D’Nile) I do not personally classify myself as a Christian but find the old & new testaments sources of interest.

As you have previously read ‘my thoughts and experiences’ are what you could describe as ‘a little extreme’ on the ‘bell curve’.i simply want to prove the existence of a type of celestial administrative power. I still cannot get my head around a monolithic Heavenly father controlling or influencing all things of ‘matter’. simply because its beyond my mortal mind to fully understand. How ever I do understand the laws of provision and the infinite cycle that repeats itself like a well-oiled synchronized timepiece, especially celestial bodies & the seasons. I cannot accept that our solar system & earth and all matter was created by an explosive chance. I enjoy reading everyone’s post when I can, but wish that I had the ability, patience & time to collect, understand and absorb more information.

I believe in a creative - creator who lives exist beyond my mortal finite mind & personal understanding, This creator God has a stair step ladder policy that individuals progress through the different stages of spiritual & biological evolution. My personal agenda has always been the reinstatement of the 5th commandment the establishment of Heaven ( Father ) and earth ( Mother)

I know for a fact there are different dimensional realities and that the creator /God has a type of veiled administration that oversees and facilitates the understanding of the God complex. The Holy spirit is a type of religious administration that is usually found within the holy trinity ‘father, son & holy spirit’, In regards to religious offerings The holy spirit in my opinion is like the ‘United Nations’ of the church & spirit world. they were originally set up to help the masses with reprogramming & progression ‘in understanding God through Christ’ and the Christian faith. I have come to realise ‘like the United Nations’ there’s basically not much that can be done within the church’s administration, it remains a stagnant existence especially if there are too many bad apples & corrupt agendas to deal with. It’s questionable why the ‘Holy spirit’ appeared to help form the trinity and then started gaining momentum at the same time as the council of Nicaea set up the New Testament. My dealings with the ‘holy spirit’ personally have not been through the church. But exist in broader terms in their own words ‘we are the hounds & dogs of war’. The holy spirit can inspire people through various methods which I will chronicle at a later date. I have come to the conclusion through my dealings with they who ‘claim to be the Holy-spirit’ that they are simply a portion of a ‘greater collective conscience’ that can go beyond and exceed anyone’s imagination. In broader terms there is a more powerful administration beyond the holy Spirit – therefore beyond the holy trinity.

I believe there is room for evolution & science within the creator’s programme simply because some living creatures as it seems through scientific discovery have evolved to a certain extent. Whether it is physical biological evolution, a type of slow adaptation to the environment through necessity. Or simply because at certain points throughout history the reseeding of ‘man - humanity’ was necessary to begin restocking Gods programme of bio-spiritual evolution through the densities of matter and predetermined beliefs that represents our own limited physical existence.

This belief would also have to include the reseeding, restocking of flora, fauna etc throughout ancient history. I tend to believe in this theory simply because ‘Scientist’ have evolved to a level where we can now act as a positive ‘god like force’ if we choose to do so with our interaction with the living planet because we have the funds, technology & knowledge at our finger tips. It’s simply a matter of redirecting positive energy to prolong all living lifeforms and be fairer when dealing with each other and the animal inhabitants in this kingdom.

I also believe in science and astronomy because all attempts to solve, investigate, the nature of these subject fall under the same category as attempts to solve the mysteries of life and therefore the conscious mind exist as a smaller portion of the creator God mind complex.

It’s a shame that certain corporate bodies feel they own the ‘rights – intellectual property rights’ to own patented technology and knowledge that may & could be used to benefit planet earth & the multitudes, but will only do so if there is a profit to be made and a chance to monopolize the market.

The Bibles themselves represent the stories and lives of historic men and woman who have lived and have been chronicled by various authors via written or oral tradition. These stories have been gathered together with the hope and intention to give faith to those who want to believe there is something greater than ourselves. Our lives are merely short stories, and our lifetimes on earth are very short passages of time considering the age of our earth and the heavens. Religion to me is simply man’s attempt to house, understand and redistribute these historic stories & chronicled events. My understanding is that all prophets, servants’ messengers that have lived in past history have not technically belonged to any - one faith. Nor should any type of religious collective or faith claim to have exclusive rights on these stories. But this is simply my ideology.

It seems to me past religions and faith have existed to clash with each other, and there will always be someone who will use their God as an excuse of spiritual superiority to go to war with another and with each other. These wars have always existed so traditionally ‘Prophets have been used to make Profits’ for the organisations that use the word God to justify their unholy wars and their hidden agendas. My name is Ben and I apparently represent an ‘ancient order’ that exists or use to exist in the past. I will again try to write and express in detail some unusual stories that have transpired over this lifetime… the following writing is again from my archives that may interest a few.
In terminology, the word "Christ" originates from "KRST" - ancient Kemet/Egypt origin which means "the anointed mummy, the anointed one" it is often found etched alongside ancient Egyptian mummies buried in their sarcophaguses. It was first used referring to Asur (Osiris) in the Pyramid. "karast" is someone who is anointed as a ‘hero’ in their lifetime. titles such as Hero, Horus, Heracles, Hercules, Messiah directly derive from the ancient Kemet "Heru." reborn anointed mummy or sun god. All based on Osiris myth or Osirian religion.
In 1883, Gerald Massey wrote The Natural Genesis: Volume 2, and explains the connections between Christ, the anointed, and Christ the Messiah:
“The true root of the name ‘Messiah’ is the Egyptian mes, which denotes birth and rebirth. Messiah is the reborn or AEonian Iu (Eg.), Iao or Jah, — even as the month Mesore was named from the rebirth of Horus the child, which was annual. In Egypt the Repa, prince or heir-apparent, was the Messiah by name and nature, as the messiu or messui, the representative of ‘Ra’ the ever-living, who was continued by transformation into the young one, the ever-coming Messiah. The Messiah of Christology, Christianity and supposed prophecy was the manifestor who was forever being reborn in history. The Messiahship was cyclic, and wholly dependent on the fulfilment of the cycles of time. The Egyptian Ra and Repa were the representatives of this manifestation in time, as personifications of the divine or solar Messiah, in the two aspects connecting the heavenly father and son. The Messiah, then, is the one who is reborn according to the ‘cycle of time’

This goes with that I believe; the stories of religion and history are allegories - but in order to understand the true meaning, you have to be able to read between the lines - which means unlearning first, and building knowledge through different doorways one must unlock within ourselves. "Man, know thyself, and you will know the Gods." - ancient sacred Egyptian knowledge inscribed within the inner sanctum of the temple of Luxor. The lesson allegedly was that you say that statement without moving your mouth. You can hear the words spoken clearly in your mind without them being spoken, say the words without moving your mouth, see images with your eyes closed. You are ‘You’ without the material body.
We are the ‘hero’ reborn again and again. The hero's journey home, trapped in the cycles that we must overcome. There is no saviour outside you. Narratives that tell of Heroes and villains are allegories. One must overcome only themselves. The ego, shed the skin, sacrifice the need for material attachments. This is one of the many keys.

The ‘Kybalion book’ the study of hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt & Greece states that everything is mental. The most important alchemical transmutation is that of the mind. transcending through levels of consciousness, from black to gold, dark to light.
So, see KRST as ourselves. If the idea it is external outside of you, I believe, this will keep you trapped in the rebirth cycle, until you go through the levels of the labyrinth that is in your own mind, temple and piece together the puzzle, through the alchemical mental process of transmutation of transcendence.
Know thy inner self. This is why mirrors are considered "magic." They are a portal to the inner you, your soul (or whichever word fits for you). Which ancient Egypt also showed. The idea attached to "magic" and "occult" that it is "evil" is just another narrative designed for you to ‘see past, or see through’

JESUS CHRIST STRUCK BY LIGHTNING - I woke one morning back in 2010 the exact date was Wednesday 16th June 2010. I switched on the television and the mornings news was being broadcasted across the country. At the bottom of the screen running from left to right was the usual shortened version of global news reports that a written ‘ribbon like’ and described in a brief sentence.
The following news report 'Christ struck by lighting' raised one of my eyebrows and I was mildly curious. I hardly ever watch television .So, I did a bit more digging and this is the news report in greater detail.

A six-story statue of Jesus Christ was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, leaving only a blackened steel skeleton and pieces of foam that were scooped up by curious onlookers Tuesday.
The "King of Kings" statue, one of southwest Ohio's most familiar landmarks & had stood since 2004 at the evangelical ‘Solid Rock' Church’ along the Interstate 75 freeway in Monroe, just north of Cincinnati. USA
The lightning strike set the statue ablaze around 11:15 p.m. Monday night Monroe police dispatchers said.
The sculpture, about 62 feet (19 meters) tall and 40 feet (12 meters) wide at the base, showed Jesus from the torso up and was nicknamed ‘Touchdown Jesus’ because of the way the arms were raised, similar to a referee signalling a football touchdown. It was made of plastic foam and fiberglass over a steel frame, which is all that remained Tuesday.
The nickname is the same used for a famous mural of the resurrected Jesus that overlooks the Notre Dame football stadium.
The fire spread from the statue to an adjacent amphitheatre but was confined to the attic area, and no one was injured, police Chief Mark Neu said.
Estimated damage from the fire was set at $300,000 — $700,000 for the statue and $400,000 for the amphitheatre, Fire Capt. Richard Mascarella said Tuesday. The Ohio State Highway Patrol was at the scene Tuesday to prevent traffic jams and potential accidents from motorists stopping along the highway to take photographs.
Some people were scooping up pieces of the statue's foam from the nearby pond to take home with them, said church co-pastor Darlene Bishop. "This meant a lot to a lot of people," she said.
Travelers on I-75 often were startled to come upon the huge statue by the roadside, but many said America needs more symbols like it. So many people stopped at the church campus that church officials had to build a walkway to accommodate them.
Bishop said the statue will be rebuilt.
"It will be back, but this time we are going to try for something fireproof," she said.
The 4,000-member, nondenominational church was founded by Darlene Bishop and her husband, former horse trader Lawrence Bishop.
Lawrence Bishop said in 2004 he was trying to help people, not impress them, with the statue. He said his wife proposed the Jesus figure as a beacon of hope and salvation.


This news report had generated mild curiosity for myself, the reason will eventually become apparent. The outstretched arms which signal a ‘touch down in American football’ is the same hand hieroglyphs found in Egypt etched in stone that represents the ‘Ka’ or life force.

In Egyptian hieroglyphs, the ‘ka’ is symbolized with arms stretched upwards or slightly forward.

It represents the process of reception of life It also represented the life force or spiritual power that lived within the body of a person and survived death ‘Ka - consort or the ghost’ a material spirit born with man, has been made of light material is not seen, such air, and be in the form of its owner, an image exactly identical to him. The consort of the child was a child, and the old man of the old man, after his death, Ka joined the body until Ba returned, and Ka and Ba united to help the dead person to come back to life again.

That’s why they mummify the body to live forever, and the Ka found an eternal place for immortality. The ‘ka,” was associated with the place where the body was placed in the burial chamber in the tomb and was leaving only through the false door to enter the shrine.

the ancients made the statues and put them in the tombs to replace the “Ka” instead of the body if stolen. the statues became not just statues that replaced body matter, the statues added phycological value and made sure of a person’s safe journey to an eternal destination.

I also believe that progression and biological evolution can be made through the various densities ‘post death’ for those whose lives were honourable in their intention. This statement of mine has nothing to do with organised religion.
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Active Member
In terminology, the word "Christ" originates from "KRST" - ancient Kemet/Egypt origin which means "the anointed mummy, the anointed one"
uuuuhhhmmm, you may want to check your sources.

q-r-s-t means burial.

the purified, reanimated mummy is called s-a-h,
Anointing with oil was never a decisive part in the opening-of -the-mouth ritual.

it is often found etched alongside ancient Egyptian mummies buried in their sarcophaguses.
No, really not.
You may find the word qrs.t in the so-called offering formula, the standard prayer for the dead, but it's really just one word of many in that text. It's one of many wishes, to have "a beautiful burial in the necropolis"... along with "going in and out from the tomb" and receiving "bread and beer and all good and pure things" and all kinds of phrases like this. The most common place for an offering formula is in the chapel, not in the burial chamber. Unless you're in the late period, but that's because burial customs changed altogether.
It was first used referring to Asur (Osiris) in the Pyramid. "karast" is someone who is anointed as a ‘hero’ in their lifetime.
Never heard of this.
titles such as Hero, Horus, Heracles, Hercules, Messiah directly derive from the ancient Kemet "Heru." reborn anointed mummy or sun god. All based on Osiris myth or Osirian religion.
Horus' name is derived from hrj, "high, above". It's related neither to "hero" nor to "Heracles". The Egyptian god Horus is also centuries older than the whole Osiris mythology.

In 1883, Gerald Massey wrote The Natural Genesis: Volume 2, and explains the connections between Christ, the anointed, and Christ the Messiah:
“The true root of the name ‘Messiah’ is the Egyptian mes, which denotes birth and rebirth. Messiah is the reborn or AEonian Iu (Eg.), Iao or Jah,
Mes means birth! Yes! that one is correct .
mes-iah or iah-mes is an Egyptian name meaning "born of the Moongod Iah".
Egyptology has progressed A LOT since 1883.

— even as the month Mesore was named from the rebirth of Horus the child, which was annual. In Egypt the Repa, prince or heir-apparent, was the Messiah by name and nature, as the messiu or messui, the representative of ‘Ra’ the ever-living, who was continued by transformation into the young one, the ever-coming Messiah.
nonono, this time you shoud have referred to the Osiris myth. The chosen heir, the young child who will be king - that's the Osiris-and-Horus story and it's used as a template for monarchic succession and ancestor veneration.
The Sun god gets reborn as himself every morning, and that's a different cycle, and Horus is NOT a part of the solar cycle. (well, Horus-son-of-Isis is not. Horus-of-the-two-Horizons is involved, but he's a different deity)

I mean, I am all in favor of referring to Ancient Egypt to find wisdom and meaningful mythology... but you may want to get some more reliable sources. Let me know if you need some references on a specific topic.


The Lost One
In terminology, the word "Christ" originates from "KRST" - ancient Kemet/Egypt origin which means "the anointed mummy, the anointed one" it is often found etched alongside ancient Egyptian mummies buried in their sarcophaguses. It was first used referring to Asur (Osiris) in the Pyramid. "karast" is someone who is anointed as a ‘hero’ in their lifetime. titles such as Hero, Horus, Heracles, Hercules, Messiah directly derive from the ancient Kemet "Heru." reborn anointed mummy or sun god. All based on Osiris myth or Osirian religion.

You’re mixing Christian theology of the messiah with Egyptian religion and with Greek religion.

And you are playing with words of different languages, trying to find similarities from completely different roots: I see Greek, Latin, Egyptian, Hebrew.

Messiah is Hebrew for ”anointed“. Christ or more precisely in Greek Khristós Χριστός

Heracles (Hēraklês, Ἡρακλῆς) don’t have anything to do with “anointed“. His name means the “Hera’s glory”, Hera being the goddess Hera.

Horus, or more precisely ḥr with hieroglyph symbol that depicts a falcon

Possible meaning to ḥr, as @Tamino wrote, is “high, above”. Horus was originally the god of sky and god of kingship; later he was god of war. Horus' name also have nothing to do with being anointed.

Horus was one of the oldest gods in ancient Egypt, predating the Early Dynastic Period, hence Predynastic period or Protodynastic period, when Egypt was 2 kingdoms - Upper Egypt & Lower Egypt - tꜣwj 'the Two Lands".

The Old Kingdom - from 3rd dynasty to the 6th dynasty - started the pyramids building from the 1st king of the 3rd dynasty - Djoser.

The first pyramid was built for Djoser at Saqqara, the Step Pyramid. Other pyramids were built in the step pyramid design. True pyramid design started in the 4th dynasty by its founder, Sneferu, the Red Pyramid, at Dahshur. Sneferu was father to Khufu, whose pyramid (Great Pyramid) at Giza is the largest in the world.

Although pyramids of the 5th & 6th dynasties were still built, they were of smaller in size, and of lesser quality than the preceding dynasties, but the importance of these pyramids are chamber walls are filled with hieroglyphs, the Pyramid Texts.

Anyway, the pyramids in these earlier dynasties in the Old Kingdom, weren't connected to Osiris or to the Osirian religion, but to the religion of sun god Atum or Ra. While Osiris do appear in Pyramid Texts, they don't include the myth of Osiris.

The Osirian myth that well known, didn't start until the Middle Kingdom (12th dynasty), most prominently in the Coffin Texts, and became more developed (and more recognizable) by the New Kingdom period (18th - 20th dynasties).
Thank you both for your input, for some reason i always associate Horus with a 'ka-rise-t' or Christ. Perhaps its because i always view the ancient Egyptian Goddess 'Isis' with the mother of creation who is often depicted with Horus, I view Isis as the earthly mother who gave birth to Horus like 'Mary & Jesus'. But then again the mother of creation Isis is apparently the Sun God 'Ra's equal, partner?
THE MEANING OF KRST.jpgIsis & Horus 2.jpg


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Active Member
Thank you both for your input, for some reason i always associate Horus with a 'ka-rise-t' or Christ. Perhaps its because i always view the ancient Egyptian Goddess 'Isis' with the mother of creation who is often depicted with Horus, I view Isis as the earthly mother who gave birth to Horus like 'Mary & Jesus'. But then again the mother of creation Isis is apparently the Sun God 'Ra's equal, partner?
I feel like you probably relate to Horus and Isis in an similar way as the first Christians did around 200AD. At that point, the Isis cult had spread in the Roman empire and she was regarded as a universal mother goddess. Most other cultures would have associated the mother with the earth.
But if you go back in time a few centuries, In Egypt, Osiris was connected to earth and fertility. Isis was associated with a star.
The gender assignments are switched in Egyptian mythology, which is logical. The water does not rain down from the sky, it surges up from below when the Nile floods. So there are male gods of fertility, the earth and the river, while female sky goddesses encircle, embrace and protect.
I am not familiar with Ka-riset as an Egyptian phrase. Horus was known as "Harpokrates" which is reminiscent of Greek "Pantokrator", ruler of all. But again, this is not the actual etymology. Harpokrates derives from Egyptian Hor-pa-khered, "Horus the child"

This is not an anointing scene... They are pouring water, not oil, it's a purification.

A similar concept perhaps, but not the same, and the usual inscription would call it "ab" or "wab"... No similarity to KRST. Sorry...

Our human body can be viewed as a “Biological holographic projection machine”. As the neurological structure process the DNA codes as electric impulses, the individual will perceive outside of itself - as three-dimensional matter - the images and events that were programmed into our DNA. Holographic Inserts this process can be used to assist individuals/humanity in reaching great levels of spiritual insight enlightenment, improve mental health and aid in mental and emotional expansion, Holographic inserts can also be used to create traumas upon the human biological organism and the consciousness that depends on this organism for its three-dimensional life.

When the mechanics of energy (the relationship between biology, energy and perception) are understood, it is quite easy to impulse the base DNA codes of humans to carry an altered or artificial contrived “program” or electrical imprint. As the base DNA code is electrically altered the entire physiology of the individual on the chemical and hormonal level is altered. The neurological structure then processes this altered code and, through the intrinsic mechanisms of bodily matter, brain and senses, a literal hologram is manufactured. Through manipulating the impulse codes intrinsic the human biology literal “reality pictures” can be created, channeled and projected to the unsuspecting human to perceive.

This manipulated “reality pictures” are called Holographic Inserts and are used to cause what is called Perceptual Interference of the surrounding objective environment. These Holographic Inserts can be coded to emerge as past memory or as present time three-dimensionally objective experience. Unlike simple hallucination the “reality picture” of the Holographic Insert, not only affects the individual or group who are being altered, but also affects anyone coming into the encoded perimeters of its boundaries. Dimensional programmers are able to initiate this tactic using mental applications and without external mechanical devices

It is as if someone created a “virtual reality” picture for you to walk through and its contours are so seamless compared to your “real hologram” reality that you don’t realize anything has changed. Holographic inserts are used to manipulate and direct individuals and masses of people. Hence these techniques may have been used in the ‘post death experience’ that the 11 disciples witnessed “Christ would repeatedly appear to them over a period of 40 days after his death & then miraculously ascend in the Prescence of God, He was taken up before there very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight” Acts 1:9

Or again this technique may have been used for instance in the historical story of Moses and the burning bush. Don’t quote me, because I am simply trying to unravel my past experiences that may help to understand the nature of another person’s chronicled experiences that may have occurred and chronicled historically and in some cases ‘more recent’.

Holographic Inserts depicting religious personages and dramas have & can be used, employed to project the appearance of miracles, saints and holy ones. These techniques can be used to strengthen traditional as well as “new age” belief systems and strengthen a person’s existing beliefs in more traditional faith or religions.

The holographic inserts have been and ‘will be and can be used’ to lead people too or away from the true divinity that lives within themselves and from any true spiritual connection. I only state this because an externally perceived image ‘to me’ is simply another internal ‘micro movie’ that I have received during my sleep state. They have amounted to literally a thousand a year, averaging perhaps 2-4 per sleep session.

I myself know 100 percent that these techniques are used by dimensional beings and the following is an example….

Many years ago (approx. 15 years or so)

My brother used to pass through the family home located in a seaside town on the east coast. He would be walking his dogs & pass through the family home as a short cut to cross the highway to gain access to the beach and shoreline. On one specific day I decided to join him to discuss some issues that had manifested. We were walking Northwards along a stoney path with the water’s edge just about 20 meters to our right. Mid-morning was very pleasant and the sun was rising from our right to arc and travel west and was located around the 2 o’clock position.

As we were walking a cloud started to partially cover the sun, the rising sun could still be seen as the cloud was not dense at all. I watched as the sunlight pierced the cloud and formed a bright cylindrical beam which hit the water. As my eyes focused a circular image appeared on the water’s surface, if I remember correctly the colour was bright yellow, this yellow circle immediately started to move left across the water, on to land, crossed the stony path about 40 meters ahead of us. The circle Kept moving across some tussock grass and then disappeared before the base of a tree trunk, one of many trees facing northward that lined the highways perimeter. My eyes returned to where this circle appeared on the water’s surface. The sun was still creating a light beam that hit the water and again this circle appeared and this time the colour was red-orange. The red-orange circle followed the same path as its predecessor and once again finished at the base of the same tree. Again, my eyes returned to the water’s surface and again a colour was transferred along the same path. I then turned and asked my brother if he was witnessing the same vision that I was witness too. He replied yes, I then turned my head left and my eyes focused on the same tree located on my left. From the 12 o’clock to the 6 o’clock position the whole righthand side of the tree was now the colour of deep green, branches, tree trunk, leaves and all. From the 6 o’clock position to the 12 o’clock position the other side of the tree was deep blue. The tree had been divided vertically by ‘light’ exactly in half. One side green, one side blue. This vision was projected to me while we were still walking northwards. This holographic projection had transpired over approximately 35 seconds. To this day I am still am unsure if my brother had witnessed this occurrence. This is an example of a vision.

pngtree-a-sun-beam-comes-out-of-clouds-over-the-ocean-image_13158291.png pngtree-a-sun-beam-comes-out-of-clouds-over-the-ocean-image_13158292.png
I am not familiar with Ka-riset as an Egyptian phrase.
i have now for many years processed in my memory bank the word 'Christ' to be programmed as 'Ka - rise-t'
meaning 'spirit' ,rise meaning ascend, for example rise to heaven, and the letter 't' designating the historical Christ. Ka-rise-t or Christ to me now means 'spirits that rise to Christ or spirit that has risen to heaven' you wont find this meaning anywhere else, i guess you can call it original.
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
i have now for many years processed in my memory bank the word 'Christ' to be programmed as 'Ka - rise-t'
meaning 'spirit' ,rise meaning ascend, for example rise to heaven, and the letter 't' designating the historical Christ. Ka-rise-t or Christ to me now means 'spirits that rise to Christ or spirit that has risen to heaven' you wont find this meaning anywhere else, i guess you can call it original.
IOW Ka-riset is not an egyptian word, or a word in any language, its just something you made up.