My answer is correct.
Adam was aware the he would surely die.
He was not aware that Cain would murder Abel, or of all the other events consequent upon sin entering in.
Adam was mature.
He was sexually mature, able to reason (in naming the animals), communicated God's words to Eve, had experience of what was good.
Paul says, 1Tim 2.14, 'Adam was not deceived' he willfully and in knowledge ate of the tree.
Adam was not deceived, he was not like a 2 year old.
What you say is hogwash, you are not merely asking questions.
By your assertions, you are setting up straw man after straw man in order to disprove the Bible and condemn God with the faults that you imagine.
Your criticisms are based on what you would prefer the Bible to have said.
When you are shown what it does say, and that it does not say what you want it to, then you just repeat your original assertion.
Adam did know right from wrong, he was not deceived, he did not accept the serpent's reasoning, and he understood the action he took would have negative consequences.