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The first living thing could not have come into being by random chance, therefore, God Almighty created all things. Just 1 proof.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Please post it here.

As I said, you are not listening.

I have told you three separate times now that I'm not playing this game with you because I don't believe you are being honest when you respond to others who disagree with your creationist beliefs. You have consistently refused to accept any answer that clearly demonstrates that your beliefs are wrong. You have also stubbornly refused to acknowledge that you have failed to justify your personal vendetta against evolution. I have no reason to believe you will accept my answers, but I do have ample reason to believe you will promptly reject them and accuse me of failing to meet your bogus challenge.

No, what is wrong and ignorant is the fact that you repeatedly post Gish Gallop, dismiss any answers that clearly refute your arguments out of hand while accusing others of failing to meet your bogus challenge because you dislike the refutations that clearly contradict your beliefs, and then have the audacity to declare victory in these debates because you adamantly refuse to accept any successful refutations that demonstrate that your beliefs are incorrect.

Your deflection has been duly noted.

Well, I'm not playing this foolish game with you because I don't believe that you are being honest when you reply to others who disagree with you. You stubbornly refuse to listen to @Subduction Zone and @ChristineM, or to others who have undoubtedly refuted your beliefs, so I have no reason to believe that you will listen to me. If you are true to your nature, you will accuse me of failing to meet your unsubstantiated challenge in your response to my post.

You have become quite predictable.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I already learned that garbage.
I also know a lot of science, math and logic
No, you didn't. and no you don't.

But if you actually did know that then our discussion will be very short. It will become obvious that we are running over material that you already know. Though you will not like that consequences of that either. That would mean that you have openly lied here. I do not think that is the case. I think that your poor dishonest arguments are only due to a total lack of education.


Well-Known Member
No, you didn't. and no you don't.

But if you actually did know that then our discussion will be very short. It will become obvious that we are running over material that you already know. Though you will not like that consequences of that either. That would mean that you have openly lied here. I do not think that is the case. I think that your poor dishonest arguments are only due to a total lack of education.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
You need to hedge bets and invoke God for the impossibility of abiogenesis without God. You have proved my point.
You didn't understand what you read. perhaps you should have asked for clarification. I disproved your claim that abiogenesis is impossible. I demonstrated that it is necessarily a fact whether gods exist or not. The first life could not have come from prior life whatever one believes about gods and intelligent design and however one defines life.
It Ain't so ... posted "It is impossible that abiogenesis didn't occur even if life were created by a god" I already proved that it is impossible without God, so God created all things.
You've proved nothing except that you're a zealous creationist willing to come onto the Internet and promote creationism to people who require a compelling argument before believing you, and all you bring are tired creationist apologetics - assorted incredulity, ignorantium, and special pleading fallacies, that are rejected as you are repeatedly told how little you know and how fallacious your arguments are. That's got to be an unpleasant task, but maybe your god sees what a martyr you are and will reward you for it. That's the hope, correct? Why else would you subject yourself to this ignominy?
The God of the Bible of course.
That god has been ruled out empirically. That god allegedly created the universe in six days, but that didn't happen. That god allegedly created life in kinds including the first two human beings, but that never happened. That god allegedly flooded the entire earth. That never happened.
I also know a lot of science, math and logic
No, you don't. What you know is creationist "science" and creationist "logic."

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
Evolution is the Theory of Nothing because they cannot answer some very simple questions.

Where did the universe come from?

If the explanation is the Bing Bang with or without inflation, what was there before that?

If there was nothing before the Big Bang, then that breaks cause and effect.

It also violates every law of conservation too.

If there was something before that, what caused the thing that was before the Big Bang to come into being?

If that thing always, existed that violates the law of increasing entropy.

If that thing has not always existed what was there before the thing that was prior our universe to come into being?

Please continue this until you get something that has always been.

And then that will violate the law of increasing entropy.

Where did the laws of nature come from?

Where did all matter come from? Where did antimatter?

Where did all energy come from?

Where did all the protons come from? neutrons? photons? neutrinos? All the quarks? Gluons? Muons? All the anti-particles?

Where did the gravitation force come from? The strong force? The weak force? The electromagnetic force?

What was the first living thing made of? Was it DNA? Was it RNA? Was it just proteins? Was it some mix?

What was its code? How many codons was it? When did it come into being?

Where did it come into being? In space? In the atmosphere? In the ocean? In a tide pool?

In clay or mud? What protected it from UV rays? What was the composition of the atmosphere at that time?

If it was in water, how did the amino acids keep from being dissipated by the water?

What was the energy source for these reactions?

Where there any enzymes in it? Which ones? Certain required reactions need enzymes as catalysts. If not, the reaction may take a vast number of years. Surely the primitive thing could not last more than a minute much less than many years/

How did it survive? Where did the protective layer come from? What was the protected layer? How did that part get reproduced?

What was its food source? How did it remove waste? How did it repair itself?

Please explain how it was ever able to reproduce itself.

If the first living thing was just proteins, how did it ever get evolve to use RNA? It is irreducibly complex. You need all the parts to be working for it not to be destruction.

If it was RNA based, how did it to ever evolve to use DNA? It is irreducibly complex. You need all the parts to be working for it not to be destruction.
Exactly. Thank you for the demonstration of my words.

You post a list of claims and then declare victory having done nothing beyond posting the list. You might as well post cookie recipes and make the demands and declarations.

It has reached the point where I personally find this sort of approach to be ridiculous. I don't think I'm alone.

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
The OP has repeatedly posted Gish Gallop, dismissed any answers that clearly debunk his arguments, and accused others of failing to accept his bogus challenge when the refutations undeniably contradict his beliefs. He has also pompously declared victory since he vehemently rejects any successful refutations that demonstrate that his beliefs are wrong and stubbornly refuses to admit that he has failed. And lastly, he has demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that he is extremely ignorant of science and is adamantly opposed to learning differently, as doing so would require him to renounce his creationist beliefs and his interpretation of the Bible. He is like the other creationists I know, so I don't expect him to admit his failure anytime soon.
I think anyone that has been involved in these discussions between evidence-based science and belief-based assumption, for any length of time, recognize the methodology and that there is only a limited value in maintaining engagement--if it can be called that.

I find the metaphor of pigeon chess to be highly illustrative of what I've witnessed.

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
You didn't understand what you read. perhaps you should have asked for clarification. I disproved your claim that abiogenesis is impossible. I demonstrated that it is necessarily a fact whether gods exist or not. The first life could not have come from prior life whatever one believes about gods and intelligent design and however one defines life.

You've proved nothing except that you're a zealous creationist willing to come onto the Internet and promote creationism to people who require a compelling argument before believing you, and all you bring are tired creationist apologetics - assorted incredulity, ignorantium, and special pleading fallacies, that are rejected as you are repeatedly told how little you know and how fallacious your arguments are. That's got to be an unpleasant task, but maybe your god sees what a martyr you are and will reward you for it. That's the hope, correct? Why else would you subject yourself to this ignominy?

That god has been ruled out empirically. That god allegedly created the universe in six days, but that didn't happen. That god allegedly created life in kinds including the first two human beings, but that never happened. That god allegedly flooded the entire earth. That never happened.

No, you don't. What you know is creationist "science" and creationist "logic."
As a Christian, it is difficult for me to grasp that God would promote what I have witnessed here or need it.

Secret Chief

pigeon chess
Hurrah! I've finally learned something from the thread - I'd not heard of this expression. Spot on.



Well-Known Member
So there is no theory on how life arose anywhere. So why teach the fraud.

Just because the answers have not been written to appease your needs, does not make genesis the correct model.

When people ask about the missing link or gap of bone evidence for the evolution of species, I entertain the idea of telling the person to pick up a shovel and go find them. Participate rather than whine.
But what I have posted proves it could not happen anywhere.
Just as you would not be here if your parents did not do the wild thing. But you could be alive because of an accident!