Why?The first living creature could not have come into being by random chance. It is impossible.
Also, why presume that it was random, rather than a stochastic process?
Evidence for the claim?A first living creature would have to have had at least 100,000 amino acids in a particular sequence.
Your calculation ignores several things....The odds against a sequence of 100,000 amino acids (20 types, 39 counting handedness) coming to be by random chance is (10 to the 160,000 power) to 1.
That could never have happened anywhere in the universe over the supposed 13.7 billion years of its existence. It actually is impossible because no concentration of that amount of amino acids would happen by random chance.
- The number of paths for chemical reactions to lead to life.
- The number of possible such reactions possible in the volume
of reactants on Earth over the billions of years it could occur.
- The assumption that life could only have arisen as you envisioned.
- The assumption of randomness without stochastic processes.
That's not a proof at all.A simple elegant proof.
Assume no God. Show the contradictions. Therefore, God exists.
That's just a claim without proof.The proof that the Bible is the true word of God is also easy.
And believers have been deceived into believingThe atheists have been deceived into believing....
that ignorant goatherds many many centuries
ago knew what happened from the beginning of