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The first living thing could not have come into being by random chance, therefore, God Almighty created all things. Just 1 proof.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Not according to Genesis 6-7
Then you just killed Nemo.


Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
This caught my eye. Couple of questions....what kind of evolution are you talking about and give an example of that observation please. I do so enjoy these good natured give and take questions and answers.
Biological evolution. The basic definition is a change in allele frequencies in a population over time. It has been observed numerous times.

Examples include the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. The develop of resistance by a number of different species of insects to insecticides. The same for the development of herbicide resistance in species of plants of economic importance, what we often call weeds.

More interesting still are observations of speciation. Examples include speciation in plants, including a two in the genus Tragopogon, and recent species of Galeopsis tetrahit, Adiantum pedatum and other examples in plants. These evolved through hybridization and ploidy.

In animals, speciation has been observed in the insects Drosophila, Musca, Rhagoletis, Tribolium and in a polychaete worm.

The Lenski experiment has resulted in what may likely be a new species of bacteria, depending on how species are defined in bacteria. The current state of bacterial taxonomy is in flux.

It is more difficult to note in vertebrates due to the long generation times and relatively long gestation times.

However, the Cichlid species superflock in Lake Victoria is an example of relatively rapid evolution in vertebrates resulting in as many as 700 endemic species in about 15,000 years due to adaptive radiation into newly formed niches resulting from the formation of the lake from a grassland stream about 15,000 years ago.

In notothenioid fish, the anti-freeze protein is derived from a gene duplication of a gene for a digestive enzyme. This protein allows the fish to survive the frigid Antarctic seas.

Examination of the fossil record is an observation of phenotypic changes in the fossilized animals and plants over time.

Examination of chromosomes and genes provides observations of evolution.

These observations of evolution are evidence supporting the theory.

Speciation is not known to be a common event and can take many 100's of thousands of years, but the rates vary by selection and reproductive capacity of the species invovled.
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
What was the first living thing and what features did it have?
And once again you use your God does not exist argument.

Don't trust me, ask others if your "logic" can be used to disprove God in the same way.

When you debate like that it makes me want to put an upper limit of twelve on your age.


Well-Known Member
It is my opinion you are being far to generous,
What do make of the results of the 1980 Mount Saint Helen’s eruption?
Here it is . See the rock layers? And notice the carved out canyon. Just like the Grand Canyon. Obviously on a small local scale.



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
What do make of the results of the 1980 Mount Saint Helen’s eruption?
Here it is . See the rock layers? And notice the carved out canyon. Just like the Grand Canyon. Obviously on a small local scale.



Well-Known Member
Wow what a logical and scientific rebuttal.
And what pray tell is wrong about it?
Rock layers and a carved out canyon just like the Grand Canyon.
Did you see had inaccurate the radio active dating using even an isochron was?
Evolution and billions of years are false.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
What do make of the results of the 1980 Mount Saint Helen’s eruption?
Here it is . See the rock layers? And notice the carved out canyon. Just like the Grand Canyon. Obviously on a small local scale.

Refuted by this, too bad that you do not understand:


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
A wave of your hands is not a refutation.
Evolution and billions of years are falsified forever yet again.
Behold the awesome power of God and the evidence of the worldwide flood.
Most rock layers around the world are deposited by one event.
That was not a wave of my hands. I have invited you to discuss that several times. If you won't discuss it you lose by default.

If you understood anything about geology, if you understood the scientific method, if you understood the concept of evidence, you would see that that picture refutes your claims.


Admiral Obvious
What do make of the results of the 1980 Mount Saint Helen’s eruption?
Here it is . See the rock layers? And notice the carved out canyon. Just like the Grand Canyon. Obviously on a small local scale.

I see you do not understand the material you present as evidence that does not say what you claim it says.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I might as well present this picture of his "Grand Canyon" here. There is on steep wall where it eroded into the old valley a bit. besides that the ash was only 20 meters or about 65 feet deep:
