The findings from the James Webb Telescope show that the redshift theory is false, which shows the expansion is false and the Big Bang is also false.
Many Corollaries then are false and others are shown to be true. Evolution, billions of years, abiogenesis, rock layer and fossil dating, and Uniformitarianism are all false. That God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago, and the worldwide flood about 4500 years ago are all proven to be true. So here is a recap.
I already have provided several infallible proofs that evolution and billions of years are false, and that God created all things in 6 days about 6000 years ago. One of them used MI, another one used the law of non contradiction.
I also gave a challenge that no one has yet met.
I have gave many questions which show that evolution and billions of years are false.
I showed the circular reasoning which has misled the believers in evolution and billions of years.
I proved that the Bible is the true word of God, and it’s corollary that God created all things is 6 days about 6000 years ago.
This was done by all the predictions of the Bible coming true with exact detail and exact timing, predictEd about 2000 to 3500 years ago, with you keep fulfilling. I also showed that the Bible has advanced scientific knowledge in it that has only been discovered in modern times.
Here are even more evidence against the Big Bang and evolution. The Bible had it right all along. In the beginnin, God created the heavens and the Earth. - Genesis 1:1
Carbon-14 dating dinosaur bones