False. There is an incredibly complicated and accurate explanations that experts report, and the well educated accept. We lay people don't understand most of the results because of the depth of what is involved. A few decades ago I was in college for my psychology degree and I was in a waiting room on the campus. I looked at the table covered in magazines and saw a copy of Cell Magazine, a monthly biology magazine dedicated to what is being discovered about cells. I was curious and figured I would know a lot about what they reported. I was wrong, I didn't know the vast majority of what the articles and disagrams explained. The description of parts of cells and processes were way beyond my knowledge base, even though I have basic biology knowledge. So when we see creations try to oke holes in science it is laughable. Science knows vastly more than we are aware of, and the superficial attacks made by creationist and science deniers is a joke. Creationists aren't exverts.
It's only fringe Christain extremists that reject science due to indoctrination in a false religious framework called creationism. Science is compicated and hard to learn. Religion is simplistic and easy. You demand answers from science that 1. often answers, but you reject for irrational, non-factual reasons, and 2. what science can't answer it explains what it can and what is likely the answer, which you also reject. Abiogenesis is natural and plausible as a mechanism for the creation of organic chemicals. What do creationsists offer? Magic, and a magic they can't show exists. We also understand that you and your religious dogma has FEWER answers than what you demand. Your beliefs are not fact based. You can't demonstrate that your idea of God is real outside of your imagination.
This is a fatal flaw in your beliefs. That you are convinced is irrelevant. In debate you need to present evidence that compels others to agree, and agree by following the rules of discourse. Your indocrination is a liability because you don't seek truth, you seek justification for your dogma. So even though the well educated present valid answers, you are closed minded.
Creationism is simplistic and doesn't account for the vast majority of evidence and data the way science does. Science can't male unwarranted assumptions like assuming a God exists, or assuming the Bible is literally true. That is why creationism fails, and science succeeds.