Without getting into the problems with dendrochronology (tree-ring dating)
Put up or shut up. Given that the dendrochronological record records the Vesuvius eruption in 79 AD and agrees with that date you will have to back up you claim of its unreliability.
and carbon 14 dating, suffice it to say they are far from reliable over a certain age.
Do you know what isochron dating is?
Those interested in learning more about the issues and problems with 'scientific' dating methods can google them.
They would also find decades of peer-reviewed papers backing the reliability of those methods.
I would urge all truth-seekers not to be bullied by the often abusive and condescending tone of those who attack the Bible's truthfulness.
I would encourage anybody to demand evidence for any claims made. Unfortunately, evidence only tells one story.
I believe in miracles but that isnt the same as magic.
Miracles are acts of magic.
My response to you in trying to show that I have good reasons for believing the things I believe. My faith isn't blind as you might think.
So far you have yet to present anything in the same zip code as a good reason. Linking to videos due to your inability to defend your position should tell you something.
You really should finish watching the other two videos because it does get better in my opinion.
Why should I? The first video was an insult to human intelligence and travesty to scientific and logical inquiry. If there are evidences of any note, as opposed to pointless rhetoric, then feel free to present. You dont even have the good grace to educate yourself on anything regarding matters of science so I think it somewhat hypocritical to think I should suffer the two remaining videos.
If there are valid evidences then present them.
I can understand your arguments against what I believe,
No you dont. You dont know the first thing about any of the tens of scientific disciplines that flat out contradict the flood, so can stop with the fake empathy right there.
so I am presenting some fact in these videos that should help you understand why I believe the way I do.
I believe you hold your beliefs because you simply do not understand just how contradictory your beliefs are to reality. I believe you hold your beliefs because you hide from opposing evidence and the knowledge delivered by the scientific method. I believe you hold your beliefs because you uncritically swallow what you have been told, having neither the research skills nor will to examine them upon the altar of skeptical inquiry. And the worst bit is that the video I watch confirmed that.
From what I see a lot of people have no idea how a believer can believe in Jesus after seeing the evidence that science has to offer.
Lets get one thing straight you havent got the faintest clue what science has to offer. That video I watched never featured one single thing that could be regarded as scientific. Not a single thing. How you can claim to have seen the evidence of science when you are utterly ignorant of the myriad of scientific disciplines that flat-out contradict the flood is beyond me, and it shows that you are wilfully ignorant.
Ignorance is curable. Berkeley university has many of its lectures on YouTube. Most other university websites have entire sections dedicated to communicating science to the public. Google has a feature called scholar which allows people easy access to hundreds of thousands of peer-reviewed research papers. There is nothing preventing you from learning the introduction to any branch of science nothing apart from your adherence to protecting your faith.
It is amazing how you see things differently when you really believe in the existence of God. All of a sudden the flood isnt such a big problem after all.
The above sums it up really. It shows that you hold to the flood
in spite of the what the physical evidence says. You believe your god gave you intelligence and the ability for rational thought and inquiry why do you insult your god by not using these qualities?
I was an atheist for many years and I think I can relate to the things you believe.
I didnt believe in the flood when I was a Christian you know. Even as a six year old kid I could see the problem of there being too little water.
I'm sure you have been studying creationism for many years, but I don't think you know more about Christianity than I do.
I believe I do. The largest Christian group are the Catholics which go back to the time of Paul. I was raised Catholic. Their entire history is a testament to the triumph of physical evidence over literalism (albeit with the church having to be dragged kicking and screaming). You cannot make the claim that you know more about Christianity while cheapening it by holding to an embarrassing literalism of Genesis. If your theology is so simplistic as be unable to differentiate metaphor from the literal then you really dont know much about Christianity.
How can a believer argue with people who will not consider anything that goes against what they believe they see?
You are essentially asking why people are skeptical regarding claims disproven by evidence. Its simple. Those claims are disproven by evidence. If you really needed this to be spelled out then maybe we arent the ones with the problem?
What I am saying is that I believe there was an actual flood that covered the whole earth.
And you make Christians and Christianity a laughing stock when you proclaim such. If you fail so hard with the physical world that you harbour the delusion of a global flood, then maybe you shouldnt be trying to lecture anyone on the metaphysical world? Just a suggestion, but if you make demonstrably untrue claims then wouldnt any true claims you make be badly tainted?
, and that some scientists could be mistaken in how they view the evidence.
By some you really the vast overwhelming majority. I find it baffling that you can proclaim anything about science when you know absolutely nothing about it.
How about this, we could agree that you don't see evidence for the flood, but I do.
You havent presented any of that evidence. People in this thread have given you evidence showing the flood story to be wrong and you havent touched any of that. In short, you are avoiding evidence like the plague.
Evidence against the global flood:
1) Angular Unconformities.
Part of the effort made to support the global flood involve trying to explain away the geology by proclaiming that the flood laid down all the layers. One of the (many) problems with this is that it isnt possible for a flood to both deposit the layers and keel them over in the same process.
Given that for every layer in geological column there are examples of angular unconformities proves the flood had nothing to do with them.
2) Paleosoils.
If the layers were laid down by the flood then how come those layers are interspersed with paleosoil layers? Often these paleosoil layers contain traces of rootlet horizons which show that these layers, when they were still soil before compression, were inhabited in situ. This proves the time differential between the layers in contradiction to the flood.
3) Correlation of dating methods that show no evidence of a global flood.
I made a video showing the correlation between various independent dating methods:
YouTube - Dating concordance -- Another case against a young earth
Since these dating methods all agree, and none show any evidence of the flood, how can you explain the complete correlation between these methods?
Over to you chaps.