His terms are silly and irrational, so no thanks. If it makes no difference to God, it makes no difference to me.
I have no idea why it would matter to you if it makes a difference to God. Any God that NEEDED our belief would not be God; but that does not mean that God does not WANT our belief, God wants it because God knows it is in OUR best interest to believe in Him.
A simple scare tactic no different than any other religion's. Pascal's Wager works just as well on you as anyone else, as the Christians you've interacted with in past forums have readily explained to you. I'm not afraid of your version of the afterlife any more than you're afraid of theirs.
Not at your age you’re not afraid. I wasn’t afraid either when I was young, but now that death is a lot nearer on the horizon I take it more seriously.
It is not scare tactics, it is just the facts. In this material world there will always be things we can use to distract ourselves and make ourselves happy, if we want them, so who needs God? Been there done that, but then I got older and realized I was wasting my life away and time is short.
The door is open. He's hiding. All he needs to do is come say hi.
Sorry, God does not provide curb service, not even for us dedicated believers. We all get the same treatment.
You attribute a human quality to God, hiding, and that is anthropomorphizing. Just because God is not visible to us, that does not mean that God is deliberately hiding, like a criminal might hide in a dugout if he did not want to be found. Atheists are so funny.
"Manifestations" are just humans claiming to speak for God. Again, no more convincing when Baha'u'llah does it than when Joseph Smith does it. Or any other alleged messenger you don't accept.
IF that is what they were, I would not pay any attention to them because humans trying to look smart and important abound in this world. But you are free to believe that because you have free will.
Are you kidding? Your lack of creativity is a little disappointing. You don't think it would be convincing if God spoke from the heavens, the exact same message at the exact same time, for everyone to hear simultaneously, and even be recorded to refer back to and analyze? We're talking about an omnipotent deity here. He can literally do anything, no matter how implausible. Instead he chooses the method of every man-made religion. Sorry, not convincing.
That is completely unrealistic. You live in some kind of fantasy world. Do you even THINK about how this would work, or do you just follow your feelings? How could every single human (7.44 billion of them) understand and write down the 15,000 tablets Baha’u’llah wrote down, and what would be the point?
NONE of this is about what God could do; all of it is about what humans can and cannot do. Ordinary humans cannot do what Baha’u’llah did, and that is why God chose Baha’u’llah to do it. The same applies to Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, etc. Do you think you are on the same level as Jesus Christ? Do you want to die on a cross too? Do you want to spend 40 years in prison and banishment and exile like Baha’u’llah? Why then should God talk to you?
Don’t pull that omnipotent card. God can do anything I WANT Him to do so He had better so it is really what you are saying, and apparently you do not even realize that. Why should an Almighty God do what YOU want Him to do?
We already played the numbers game. You lost. By a landslide.
I did not lose anything.
Matthew 7:13-14
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
The problem with fundamentalism is it short-circuits critical thinking and the demand for evidence. It convinces people to believe things simply because they come from an allegedly infallible source, even though there is no actual evidence to support them.
This has nothing to do with evidence. One needs to look at the evidence
before they become a Baha’i. We do not believe that Baha’u’llah was infallible until we are absolutely sure he was a Manifestation of God, after independently investigating the religion. This is called independent investigation of truth and it is
the first principle inculcated by Baha’u’llah.
So they tell you. Again, fundamentalism.
No, the dual nature of manifestations of God is just an important Baha’i belief, revealed by Baha’u’llah. If you cannot believe that, then game over. Why would anyone follow a man who was no more than a human being?
God does not have a choice as to whether He is too powerful. That is just God’s nature.
LOL. God
chose to create us so weak we can't directly talk to him. Again, you already agreed to this. 100%
his choice.
I do not know if you even realize how distorted that thinking is. Humans are not weak just because God is All-Powerful. You are obsessed with God talking to you. I do not think most people give a twit if God ever talks to them. They know God exists and talking to humans is not something God does, and they simply accept it, as adults do.
If you knew anything about God you would know what God does not talk to humans. Baha’u’llah explained that, that is how I know.
Then you need to get our more boss, because that's exactly what the Catholic Church thinks.
The Catholic Church can think whatever they want to think. They do not have a Covenant written by Jesus; in fact they do not have anything written by Jesus. The Pope and the Church is all man-made.
Again, the minutia are not relevant. The analogous pattern is. Your religion is not that different.
In some ways it is not different from the older religions but in some ways it is VERY different.
n he is not omnipotent. This is logic 101 stuff, but you don't seem to get it.
LOL, you do not have any more cards in your deck except the omnipotent card. Being omnipotent does not mean God can become a man, but IF God became a man God would be a man, NOT GOD. What about that do you NOT understand? God cannot be fully God and fully human, that is a ridiculous Christian belief that was invented by men at Councils such as Nicaea. Jesus never claimed to be fully God and fully human.
This was the original point I responded to from the beginning. This is a contrived problem that God could avoid if he chose differently.
Who do you think you are to tell God what He should have chosen? Do you even understand the problem with that? You are not All-Powerful, All-Knowing or All-Wise, so you cannot tell God what to do… well you can do it but it is ridiculous.
We cannot know that methodology, only the Messenger knows that methodology. Baha'u'llah explained in words how the revelation came to him, but that is not something we can understand because we did not experience it. We can either choose to believe it or we can reject it.
So God can directly communicate! He could have chosen to make us all like messengers, able to talk to him, but he chose not to.
Why does it matter what God could have done? But the more important question is why should God do what YOU think He should do? There is a reason God did what he did that makes logical sense but you will never know what it is because you are fixated on getting what you want.
If people claim to talk to God but they can't demonstrate that message to you or tell you how they got that message in a way that's comprehensible, that's a giant red flag that they're probably not a reliable source of information.
Baha’u’llah DID explain how he got the revelation from God, in several passages, but obviously He cannot prove He got a revelation from God. How could He prove that?
There doesn't have to be a go-between, for the last time. God chose to create an arrangement where we'd need one.
does have to be a go-between because that is how God set it up. God chose that arrangement because God is in charge of communication to humans. There is nothing you can do about it because you are not God.
Any logical person would realize that an All-Knowing and All-Wise God knows the BEST WAY to communicate to humans, but when emotions take over logic goes right out the door.