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The Gospel - Is it only that Jesus died or is it that we celebrate The Resurrection?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I don’t think so.

If all He did was die, they He is nothing more than a martyr.

The Gospel includes a resurrection that says that death's authority died. The Gospel, IMV, is where God became flesh as an immigrant into this world and experienced what no King would even consider, the pain of humanity to redeem humanity from his ultimate destruction. (I think we all can see this world’s population destroying itself)

1) He came to live as we did. To experience what He never experienced
2) He came to save us from ourselves and to free us to a new level of living
3) He conquered the authority of Death, Hell and the Grave in His resurrection
4) He offers a new life with a new authority and a new way of living.

So the symbol of the Cross needs to be an empty Cross and maybe an empty grave? He has resurrected!


I don’t think so.

If all He did was die, they He is nothing more than a martyr.

The Gospel includes a resurrection that says that death's authority died. The Gospel, IMV, is where God became flesh as an immigrant into this world and experienced what no King would even consider, the pain of humanity to redeem humanity from his ultimate destruction. (I think we all can see this world’s population destroying itself)

1) He came to live as we did. To experience what He never experienced
2) He came to save us from ourselves and to free us to a new level of living
3) He conquered the authority of Death, Hell and the Grave in His resurrection
4) He offers a new life with a new authority and a new way of living.

So the symbol of the Cross needs to be an empty Cross and maybe an empty grave? He has resurrected!
Yes, as the cross is empty, so is the grave. Jesus is Alive forevermore and offers eternal life! :sparklingheart:

And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. 1 Corinthians 15:17-19
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Χριστός ἀνέστη
Christianity lays on two single events

-crucifixition, which is position based on evidence
-ressurection, which is position based on faith.

The symbol of the Cross is in the midst.
It represents the worst possible thing happening to the person who least deserves it.

It's the line between evidence and faith.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I don’t think so.

If all He did was die, they He is nothing more than a martyr.

The Gospel includes a resurrection that says that death's authority died. The Gospel, IMV, is where God became flesh as an immigrant into this world and experienced what no King would even consider, the pain of humanity to redeem humanity from his ultimate destruction. (I think we all can see this world’s population destroying itself)

1) He came to live as we did. To experience what He never experienced
2) He came to save us from ourselves and to free us to a new level of living
3) He conquered the authority of Death, Hell and the Grave in His resurrection
4) He offers a new life with a new authority and a new way of living.

So the symbol of the Cross needs to be an empty Cross and maybe an empty grave? He has resurrected!
So much for sacrifice.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
As a Roman Catholic, our most sacred day is Easter Sunday. It beats Christmas hands down! But the entire Holy Week does lead up to it, and I always watch Jesus Christ Superstar, and The Passion of the Christ, that week. I usually watch The Passion first though and JCS second because otherwise I get too sad and mad.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Christianity lays on two single events

-crucifixition, which is position based on evidence
-ressurection, which is position based on faith.

The symbol of the Cross is in the midst.
It represents the worst possible thing happening to the person who least deserves it.

It's the line between evidence and faith.
I think both can be a place of evidence or a place of faith


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Well, for Christian adherents who believe that anyways.
of course, if Christ was not resurrected, there would be no hope as far as I am concerned. 1 Corinthians 15 helps in this respect to explain the Christian viewpoint. Paul was quite explicit about this:
"But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith."


Well-Known Member
I don’t think so.

If all He did was die, they He is nothing more than a martyr.

The Gospel includes a resurrection that says that death's authority died. The Gospel, IMV, is where God became flesh as an immigrant into this world and experienced what no King would even consider, the pain of humanity to redeem humanity from his ultimate destruction. (I think we all can see this world’s population destroying itself)

1) He came to live as we did. To experience what He never experienced
2) He came to save us from ourselves and to free us to a new level of living
3) He conquered the authority of Death, Hell and the Grave in His resurrection
4) He offers a new life with a new authority and a new way of living.

So the symbol of the Cross needs to be an empty Cross and maybe an empty grave? He has resurrected!
This symbolism of the resurrection is connected to law; knowledge of good and evil, being superseded. The symbolism was not about making a new law, that says all law is now obsolete, and faith is the way to righteousness, but the rather symbolism made a legal argument that made law obsolete by its own legal standards.

In the Old Testament there was no hell. After one died, they slept. There was no eternal damnation or punishment for a lifetime of sin, like we now have in Christianity. Instead, the extreme punishment for sin, due to the extreme violations of the law, was death in this life. Therefore, if one was killed for their sins, such as stoning for adultery, that was it. Killing by the law, was the ultimate punishment in this life, and the worse that could happen by the law. Killing paid your debt to the law and you could then sleep like the righteous.

The killing by the law, and then the resurrection of Jesus, had the significance in that Jesus, had paid the ultimate penalty for sin, by being killed. The twist was instead of sleeping, he was resurrected; conscious again, and therefore alive again, but was no longer under law, since he had already paid the ultimate price stated by the law.

The Resurrection was like a modern double jeopardy loophole in the law of good and evil, that superseded the law; was outside its legal jurisdiction. It would be like Jesus now had diplomatic immunity in the modern sense. A diplomat can break local laws and is immune. This double jeopardy loophole would create a political debate in Heaven, that divides the Angels; 2 to 1. It had the implication that law for righteousness had been fulfilled, by Jesus, by means of his rebirth and the break within the chain of law.

In Revelations, this political division of the Angels in heaven, turns nasty and leads to war in Heaven. Satan and a third of the Angels are thrown from heaven to the earth, since law was not longer condoned in heaven, due the legal loophole created by God for Jesus. However, the earthlings still grasped at the obsolete past of law, thinking it was still condoned in heaven. Law became the playground of evil; shady lawyers and genocide coded in the laws of tyrants.

If you look in modern USA, law now protects criminals more than their victims, in some Democrat run cities. Thou shall steal; merchandise, cars and now homes. But thou shall not put up a resistance or you will prosecuted. This is a sign of the change in law. Fake news supports this since it is legal to lie. They still believe in political punishment in this life via law; whimsical taboos via the law.

Jesus said, I did not come to bring peace, but rather division. When law was no longer condoned in Heaven; no common sanctioned path for law, law of man became more subjective and relative, such that people could not agree on anything. Relative law could benefit evil as well as good. Law from heaven was designed for only the righteous, but that connection was gone.

Consider this hypothetical scenario. Say we place someone on death row for mass murder and we legally kill them. Atheists law believes that death is the end of life. The medical examiner acknowledges their death, based on the best science. The killed inmate suddenly comes back to life, after being pronounced dead as a door nail, with many medical examiner checkups, over several days. What does the law say? This scenario is not in the law, since it is considered impossible and not ever thought to need addressing. The lawyers would debate and not be able to agree. This is sort of what happened after the resurrection. It broke the chain of classic thinking. Hell on earth breaks loose.
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Veteran Member
Yep. But you can't call it a sacrifice though.
Unlike us, Jesus could have walked away at any time.
Jesus succeeded where Adam failed.
Adam failed under good conditions.
Jesus succeeded under adverse conditions.

If you were visiting a foreign country and got arrested for a crime you did Not commit.
The court convicts you and orders the death penalty for you. How would you feel ?
A voice in the court room says to the Judge that he will take your place letting you go free.
The Judge says, " Are you sure you want to take his place ? "
The son's voice answers, " Yes, father I want to do that " How would you now feel ?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Unlike us, Jesus could have walked away at any time.
Jesus succeeded where Adam failed.
Adam failed under good conditions.
Jesus succeeded under adverse conditions.

If you were visiting a foreign country and got arrested for a crime you did Not commit.
The court convicts you and orders the death penalty for you. How would you feel ?
A voice in the court room says to the Judge that he will take your place letting you go free.
The Judge says, " Are you sure you want to take his place ? "
The son's voice answers, " Yes, father I want to do that " How would you now feel ?
What does that have to do with sacrifice?


Christ was not sacrificed.

According to the story, he returned begging the question as to what was sacrificed.
If you don’t think Jesus Christ made a tremendously difficult sacrifice, then I don’t think you realize the depth of what took place.
Much more was occurring on the cross that His physical suffering, which was horrendous. I don’t think you or I can imagine it or the weight of carrying the sins of the world; every sin of every person that has ever lived or ever will. As bad as the physical suffering, I don’t think it compares to the separation Jesus endured as His Father turned His back on His beloved Son who bore the sins of the world. As well the grief the Father endured turning from His Son.

If we now consider the nature of time and eternity (see Arthur C. Custance, Journey out of Time, Ref. 2) it must surely become clear that what was (for us) three hours' suffering by Jesus in total estrangement from the Father---was for Jesus an event in eternity which never ends. The work of Jesus on the cross, as far as we are concerned, is completely finished. Jesus is not now hanging on a cross. He has been raised from the dead, and sits in heaven, fully in charge of the universe as a resurrected man. One man, one son of Adam, Jesus the Lord is now living in glory and He is in charge of the universe.

But in another sense, if we could step into eternity and view an eternal being such as the Son of God experiencing life---if we could see things from the vantage point of eternity---then we would perceive that a part of the eternal God must suffer forever, outside of time, because of human sin.
