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The Holy Shelah: Circumcising the Divine Phallus.

John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
. . . I believe it adds nothing to show why God chooses Abraham, or what makes Abraham a righteous person such that God would choose him.

If it's arbitrary, then you're correct. And if it's arbitrary, then maybe God is going to choose you as the next Abraham?

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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
View attachment 93965

Ben Bag Bag said: Turn it over, and [again] turn it over, for all is therein. And look into it; And become gray and old therein; And do not move away from it, for you have no better portion than it.

Pirkei Avot 5:22.

The divine phallus? Not only is it absurd to think God has a penis, but its also deeply offensive. I'm familiar with your kabbalistic references. I don't think the Kabbalah teaches that God has a penis.

John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
The divine phallus? Not only is it absurd to think God has a penis, but its also deeply offensive. I'm familiar with your kabbalistic references. I don't think the Kabbalah teaches that God has a penis.

God doesn't have a hand, and he doesn't really engage in a carnal sexual relationship with his bride, Israel. Throughout the Tanakh, we see hundreds of anthropomorphisms and anthropopathisms. Why is it that when the anthropomorphism of a divine phallus comes up, so to say, the metaphorical aspect is any different than all the other places that anthropomorphism and metaphor are swallowed without a problem?

“Whoever does not see God everywhere does not see Him anywhere.” – Kotzker Rebbe.​
From rabbinic texts . . . we actually learn of the view hypothesized as a genuine Jewish theologoumenon. Some of the Rabbis read circumcision as a necessary preparation for seeing God . . ..

Daniel Boyarin, A Radical Jew, p. 126.​

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River Sea

Well-Known Member
@GoodAttention @John D. Brey

I'm on your side to keep the baby whole and intact, no circumcision, the baby keeps their foreskin.

That being said, I think many Jews had taken the right direction to keep their baby intact, keeping their foreskin by naming through peace.

Brit Shalom, that's no circumcision, and the baby keeps their foreskin

Shalom means peace. So the baby gets named, the people can celebrate, and the baby can keep their foreskin. And it's in peace.

I'm proud of them for being able to choose what they want from their religion and leave alone what they don't want. As it's people who created laws. So choose laws and rituals that offer real connection and peace and change those laws if they no longer connect and no longer give peace.

So the baby is named and celebrating peace. And people can connect.
list of doctors

Jewish Doctors Against Circumcision
Richard Schwartzman, D.O.
Ronald Goldman, Ph.D
Richard Lieberman, M.D.
Mark D. Reiss, M.D.
Dean Edell, M.D.
There's a lot more doctors and Rabbi's who's for babies keeping their foreskins.

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Active Member
@GoodAttention @John D. Brey

I'm on your side keep baby whole and intact no circumcision, the baby keeps their foreskin.

That being said, I think many Jews had taken the right direction to keep their baby intact, keeping their foreskin by naming through peace.

Brit Shalom, that's no circumcision, and the baby keeps their foreskin

Shalom means peace. So the baby gets named, the people can celebrate, and the baby can keep their foreskin. And it's in peace.

I'm proud of them for being able to choose what they want from their religion and leave alone what they don't want. As it's people who created laws. So choose laws and rituals that offer real connection and peace and change those laws if it no longer connect and no longer give peace.

So the baby is named and celebrating peace. And people can connect.

There's a lot more doctors and Rabbi's who's for babies keeping their foreskins.

I support this, as does the legal system in the US given a man was able to seek compensation from his parents for having been circumcized.

Given that Israel exists the relevance of a phallic "deed" is also questionable.


Well-Known Member
The divine phallus? Not only is it absurd to think God has a penis, but its also deeply offensive. I'm familiar with your kabbalistic references. I don't think the Kabbalah teaches that God has a penis.
Isaiah 56:4-5

4 For thus saith the Lord unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant;

5 Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.

Elohim/God in the Flesh has a Penis. Elohim/God in the Spirit is a Eunuch With No Penis. Those Seeking/Striving to Worship Elohim/God in Spirit and in Truth are Eunuchs. I Am a Eunuch.


Well-Known Member
Did it hurt?:)

Matthew 19:12

12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

It did Hurt, although not the way your are thinking. Christian Gnostics Endure Extreme Hurt to Attain the Rewards of Heaven. A Celibate Man For Elohim/God, like Myself, does Not have a Penis and in the same way a Celibate Woman For Elohim/God does Not have a Vagina.
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John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
Where yesod is recognized as God's fathering-organ, representing the sacrificial flesh of his firstborn (the organ that links tif'eret and malchut in order to produce holy offspring), and where the adage, "as above, so below," is taken into account, Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac parallels the higher sacrifice (of God’s Isaac) that’s the crux of Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac.

Rabbi Horowitz makes this clear when he says:

Remember that if Adam had not sinned . . . Man would not have been required to bring himself close to G-d by means of an animal sacrifice; he himself would have been the sacrifice, much as is described by our sages when they tell of the archangel Michael offering the souls of the departed righteous on the Heavenly Altar (Chagiga 12).​
Shney Luchot Habrit, vol. 2, p. 681.​

Throughout Shney Luchot Habrit, the holy Shelah refers to Chagigah 12 as the reference for righteous souls being offered up on a heavenly altar having previously been cleansed of spot and blemish by means of physical death.

[The altar's] mystical dimension directly relates the sacrifices offered by the priests on the altar in our world to the offering of the souls of the righteous by the High Priest Michael on the altar in the Celestial Sanctuary.​
Ibid. p. 587.​

But Chagigah 12b, 6, seems to speak of a singular offering on the heavenly altar and not the offering of a myriad of righteous souls:

Zevul, abode, is the location of the heavenly Jerusalem and the heavenly Temple, and there the heavenly altar is built, and the angel Michael, the great minister, stands and sacrifices an offering upon it, as it is stated: “I have surely built a house of Zevul for You, a place for You to dwell forever” (I Kings 8:13). And from where do we derive that Zevul is called heaven? As it is written: “Look down from heaven and see, from Your holy and glorious abode [Zevul]” (Isaiah 63:15).​
Chagigah 12b, 6.​

This Talmudic passage focuses great attention on the word "zevul" זבל. It's interpreted as an "abode" except that it's not a typical word for abode. In fact, it's often used with another word for abode showing that the word is used as an adjective describing a specific or unique kind of home or abode.

Tziyon, the very name of which ציון already denotes ציון "a token," a memorial for mankind (see Yirmeyahu 31:20; Melachim II, 23:17; Yechezkel 39:15; Yeshayahu 2:4; Yirmeyahu 30:17).​
The Hirsch Tehillim, 2:6.​

Zevul and Zion are a perfect match for numerous reason one of which is the fact that in Psalms 2:6, Rabbi Hirsch is pointing out that Zion is a memorial or shrine of some sort since he notes 2 Kings where the word refers to a sepulcher. In Chagigah 12b 6, "zevul" is being used to speak of a unique "abode" associated with an altar of sacrifice such that an altar/sepulcher is clearly in the crosshairs of this unique abode:

For the Lord has chosen Zion and desired it for his habitation. This is my resting place forever: Here I will dwell for I have desired it.​
Psalms 132:13-14.​

Not only is Zion a "sepulcher" or an altar/gravestone, but the root of the word for zevul is zebah זבח:
זבח (a root kindred to טָבַח Arab. ذَبَحَ, Syr. ܕܒܰܚ, Zab. ܕܒܚ and ܙܒܰܚ, Æth. ዘብሐ፡ Perhaps the same root is found in the Greek αφάσσω σφάζω, i.e. ΣΦαΓ). [fut. יִזְבַּח].​
(1) TO SLAUGHTER ANIMALS, Gen. 31:54; 1 Sa. 28:24; 1 Ki. 19:21; Eze. 39:17.​
(2) specially to slay in sacrifice, to sacrifice, to immolate, 1 Sa. 1:4​

In Psalms 132:13-14, God states that his dwelling place will be this altar/sepulcher --zevul/Zion. Deuteronomy 12:11 states that God's Name will dwell where burnt offerings and sacrifices are offered, i.e., the altar of sacrifice, while Psalms 2:6 states that on Zion God will pour out his holy King (Messiah) such that the singular sacrifice spoken of in Chagigah 12b 6 can be none other than the very offering poured out on Zion in Psalms 2:6, making Zion the heavenly "abode" (zebul) noted in Chagigah 12b, 6.

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River Sea

Well-Known Member
(1) TO SLAUGHTER ANIMALS, Gen. 31:54; 1 Sa. 28:24; 1 Ki. 19:21; Eze. 39:17.

@John D. Brey
you brought to this thread about slaughter animals, are you aware that on Oct 11 and Oct 12 that Israel will kill goats? Please prove to me that this will not happened, because these goats shouldn't be killed as if on death row.

When for year 2024 goats are killed for sins of Israel, Yom Kippur 2024 Friday, October 11 Saturday, October 12, [10 Tishrei 5785]: which means goats run off of mountains—it's called Yom Kippur.
Each year this takes place and this year it's October 11 and October 12.

The 10th day of Tishrei, 5785 on the Jewish calendar is Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement

I think this is a horrible idiom: goats run off a mountain: or "got your goat": means goats runs off a mountain, because it's thinking goats have to do death row for humans. That idiom is horrible; do you agree?

Because it is happening, goats will be killed on October 11 and Oct 12 this year of 2024, and that's what that idiomatic means—it's a ritual. I am explaining this. Because I researched this idiomatic. The sad horror though is goats will be killed on Oct 11 and Oct 12. Because they'll be sacrificed on death row.

Oh, what I mean by death row for humans is that's what Jews think goats take the sins and so must die, and this happens each year, and this year it's happening Oct. 11 and Oct. 12. Goats will be killed as a sacrifice. That's what that idiom means—got your goat. And I'm explaining this. It happens each year.

@GoodAttention wrote
Post 130 "Given that Israel exists the relevance of a phallic "deed" is also questionable."

My question is: What is this phallic deed of Israel compare to other nations?

People created YHWH to represent them as a system, and @Bharat Jhunjhunwala and myself had observed that YHWH is Jealous. Meaning the system is Jealous, meaning the people are Jealous and use YHWH to represent that. Yet now what? Kill goats on Oct 11 and Oct 12 this year? For what laws, all 613 laws or the 7 laws of Noahide?

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala do Hindus kill goats each year similar to Yom Kippur?

More info:

Leviticus 16:15 In-Context​

15 “He shall then slaughter the goat for the sin offering for the people and take its blood behind the curtain and do with it as he did with the bull’s blood: He shall sprinkle it on the atonement cover and in front of it.

They still do this, and it'll happen on Oct 11 and Oct 12 of this year

Then he is to take the two goats and present them before the Lord at the entrance to the tent of meeting. He is to cast lots for the two goats—one lot for the Lord and the other for the scapegoat. Aaron shall bring the goat whose lot falls to the Lord and sacrifice it for a sin offering. But the goat chosen by lot as the scapegoat shall be presented alive before the Lord to be used for making atonement by sending it into the wilderness as a scapegoat.” Leviticus 16:7

The two goats that were brought before the High Priest were chosen to be identical and indistinguishable from one another. Lots were drawn, one bearing the words “To the Lord,” and the other “To Azazel.” The goat on which the lot “To the Lord” fell was offered as a sacrifice. Over the other goat, the high priest confessed the sins of the nation, and it was then taken away into the desert hills outside Jerusalem where it plunged to its death.

Further down in this article it says they don't kill goats., so I hope they don't kill goats.

Sin and guilt offerings were common in ancient Israel, but this ceremony was unique in almost every aspect. Normally confession was made over the animal to be offered as a sacrifice. In this case, confession was made over the goat not offered as a sacrifice.

How do people confess? See, I learned online that Israel will be killing goats on October 11 and October 12. How do the people claim the confession to protect these goats from being killed? Who do these people go to so these goats don't get killed? Prove to me that no goats will be killed on Oct 11 and Oct 12 of this year please.

So there's other idiomatics too, such as scapegoat.

Get your goat, scapegoat. How many more idiomatic are in association with goats?

Yet Israel still kills goats. Prove me wrong and show me that no goats will be killed on October 11 and October 12. Of this year.

Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) Tishri 10, 5785 October 12, 2024

Yom Kippur—to sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice and to offer incense. The ceremony concluded when a goat (the scapegoat), symbolically carrying the sins of Israel, was driven to its death in the wilderness.

In the Yom Kippur service with the two goats, it bothers me that one of the goats – the se’ir la’azazel – is taken out to be pushed off a cliff. The Mishna (Yoma 6:6) teaches that it was dashed to pieces before it made it halfway down the cliff. What was the point of doing something so cruel? In general the Torah commands us to slaughter animals in a humane way – cutting their vital organs instantly with a smooth, sharp knife. Why is this part of the Yom Kippur so different?

The answer is that this is exactly the point of Yom Kippur. The Torah teaches us that the scapegoat carries Israel’s sins with it to the desert (Leviticus 16:22). We are somehow giving a “gift” to Satan, and in the process casting off our sins. Are we really serving Satan this one day a year? And how can we “place” our sins on an animal and have it magically take them away? What truly happens with this service?

My thoughts are: how do people make sure these goats won't be killed on Oct 11 and Oct 12 of this year?

Leviticus 16:22

New International Version
The goat will carry on itself all their sins to a remote place; and the man shall release it in the wilderness.

The Hebrew (transliteration) Azazel is used on four occasions in the Bible. All the cases were in the 16th chapter of Leviticus, where it was translated as ‘scapegoat’ in the KJV.

So, it would be inaccurate to say that the goat was sacrificed for Azazel. The goat was Azazel and as a matter of fact it wasn’t sacrificed at all.

The ceremony was the most important in the religious economy of the children of Israel. It was the feast of Atonement in which the sins of the people were portrayed as being removed from the people.

The feast was peculiar in a few ways. One of the peculiarities was the fact that there were two goats involved. They were to be as alike as possible and (as with all other sacrifices) spotless. One was to be sacrificed and the blood sprinkled on the mercy seat. The other - the Azazel - was to have the sins of the people symbolically placed on it and it was to be led out of the camp alive never to return.

Some people consider the Azazel to represent Satan and in time the people would cast it down a steep hill to ensure that it died and could not return to the camp.

Others, myself included, believe that it represented the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world. There is a poetic symbolism even in the fact that the death of Azazel was ensured. Go figure.
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River Sea

Well-Known Member
Matthew 19:12

12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

It did Hurt, although not the way your are thinking. Christian Gnostics Endure Extreme Hurt to Attain the Rewards of Heaven. A Celibate Man For Elohim/God, like Myself, does Not have a Penis and in the same way a Celibate Woman For Elohim/God does Not have a Vagina.


How come you want rewards in heaven for? This area you're writing about makes no sense. Also, what is this hurt you write about? That makes no sense either. There's no need to hurt the physical body, so why are you hurting your physical body for?

A while back, not in this forum but elsewhere, I asked a Christian: Does Jesus have the ability of an animal? Sadly, this extremely offended the Christian. I felt bad about that. I had zero intentions to offend. It was a situation I didn't know how to undo either; I was lost and promised myself not to use the word animal again, yet the other day I saw this, and why is this word animal fine to use in an association of Jesus' abilities? How come this doesn't offend Christians?

The symbol of the righteous servant of Isaiah 53 is the lamb, which relates to this verse from the gospels:

The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
John 1:29

Maybe this isn't the exact post that I saw that I'm referring to the word animal, as I return searching this forum to find that post; however, still it used that word lamb, "Behold the lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world."

Notice the word lamb (that's an animal), so what would have happened if I asked, this Christian, Does Jesus have the ability of a lamb? Would that not offend?

Take a look at both ways: Does Jesus have the ability of an animal or does Jesus have the ability of a lamb?

One word differences, if only in my analytical mind, I used the word lamb instead of animal. Perhaps this person wouldn't have felt offended.

Keep in mind this didn't happen in this forum; it happened a while back elsewhere (where I felt bad over this and promised myself not to use animals, yet look, an animal is used, which is the word lamb).

Yet still, I think this is dysfunctional to kill a seed that interred Mary's egg that has grown to an adult male, the same as killing an animal seed that interred an animal egg that has grown to an adult male animal. This killing will happen this year on October 11 and October 12. From an idiomatic called "got your goat," which is "Yom Kippur." Yes I'm explaining this as I had researched "got your goat" which means Goats runs off a mountain. And I kept researching and now know the dates of these killings.

How do eunuchs feel about this: that will happen on Oct 11 and Oct 12 that the seed from male goats that people think is sinless, after this seed enters the female goats eggs, will have grown, and these goats will be killed on Oct 11 and Oct 12 of this year?

@Elihoenai Your thoughts please.

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala
Are there eunuchs in Hinduism, and how does Hinduism feel about these goats being killed on October 11 and Oct 12 due to the jealousy of YHWH?

How much has Jealousy caused even to kill goats with idiomatic "got your goat"? in referencing to Yom Kippur

Maybe I need to say this with each post, because this is how I understood all along.

People are gods, and a leader or leaders would create a god to represent a system, as these leaders create laws. In this case, YHWH represents a system, and @Bharat Jhunjhunwala and myself had observed that this system is Jealous, so that means YHWH is Jealous.
This is how I understood this word God all along.

God means a tribe system of people who unified it all into one word, God, and named it. So when they say this name, it represents a system. If a person says YHWH, it represents a system. This system is based on jealousy.

So I asked, Can this YHWH learn how to overcome jealousy?

I hope no goats will be killed on Oct 11 and Oct 12., please show me that no goats will be killed on Oct 11 and Oct 12 in the year of 2024.
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Well-Known Member

How come you want rewards in heaven for? This area you're writing about makes no sense. Also, what is this hurt you write about? That makes no sense either. There's no need to hurt the physical body, so why are you hurting your physical body for?

A while back, not in this forum but elsewhere, I asked a Christian: Does Jesus have the ability of an animal? Sadly, this extremely offended the Christian. I felt bad about that. I had zero intentions to offend. It was a situation I didn't know how to undo either; I was lost and promised myself not to use the word animal again, yet the other day I saw this, and why is this word animal fine to use in an association of Jesus' abilities? How come this doesn't offend Christians?
Ecclesiastes 3:18

18 I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.

Great questions.

Heavenly Rewards are Spiritual Rewards that are Eternal. My writings will not make sense to the Natural Mind. You are Interpreting the meaning of Eunuch in a Natural Way. A Seed has a Kernel and Shell. Your Interpretation is the Shell.

This Christian Gnostic cannot be offended, so have no concerns there. Yeshua/Jesus has the Ability of a Sacrificial Animal given to Elohim/God. Yeshua/Jesus Transcends the Beast Man.

Maybe this isn't the exact post that I saw that I'm referring to the word animal, as I return searching this forum to find that post; however, still it used that word lamb, "Behold the lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world."

Notice the word lamb (that's an animal), so what would have happened if I asked, this Christian, Does Jesus have the ability of a lamb? Would that not offend?

Take a look at both ways: Does Jesus have the ability of an animal or does Jesus have the ability of a lamb?

One word differences, if only in my analytical mind, I used the word lamb instead of animal. Perhaps this person wouldn't have felt offended.

Keep in mind this didn't happen in this forum; it happened a while back elsewhere (where I felt bad over this and promised myself not to use animals, yet look, an animal is used, which is the word lamb).

Yet still, I think this is dysfunctional to kill a seed that interred Mary's egg that has grown to an adult male, the same as killing an animal seed that interred an animal egg that has grown to an adult male animal. This killing will happen this year on October 11 and October 12. From an idiomatic called "got your goat," which is "Yom Kippur." Yes I'm explaining this as I had researched "got your goat" which means Goats runs off a mountain. And I kept researching and now know the dates of these killings.

How do eunuchs feel about this: that will happen on Oct 11 and Oct 12 that the seed from male goats that people think is sinless, after this seed enters the female goats eggs, will have grown, and these goats will be killed on Oct 11 and Oct 12 of this year?

@Elihoenai Your thoughts please.

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala
Are there eunuchs in Hinduism, and how does Hinduism feel about these goats being killed on October 11 and Oct 12 due to the jealousy of YHWH?

How much has Jealousy caused even to kill goats with idiomatic "got your goat"? in referencing to Yom Kippur

Maybe I need to say this with each post, because this is how I understood all along.

People are gods, and a leader or leaders would create a god to represent a system, as these leaders create laws. In this case, YHWH represents a system, and @Bharat Jhunjhunwala and myself had observed that this system is Jealous, so that means YHWH is Jealous.
This is how I understood this word God all along.

God means a tribe system of people who unified it all into one word, God, and named it. So when they say this name, it represents a system. If a person says YHWH, it represents a system. This system is based on jealousy.

So I asked, Can this YHWH learn how to overcome jealousy?

I hope no goats will be killed on Oct 11 and Oct 12., please show me that no goats will be killed on Oct 11 and Oct 12 in the year of 2024.
Exodus 34:14

14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:

Yom Kippur and the Sacrifice of Animal/Goat is for the Natural Man with Exoteric Interpretation. According to "Our World Data" 1.4 million Goats are Slaughtered for food every day. Is not Slaughtering a Goat/Animal for Specific Sacrificial Religious reason a Higher purpose to Kill an Animal/Goat than for food?

How many animals get slaughtered every day?

Hundreds of millions of animals get killed for meat every day.

Ancient Animal Sacrifice Ritual Makes a Modern Comeback

Jews recreate biblical Passover sacrifice

I Am Vegan and do Not kill anything including Flies and Ants because Elohim/God told me not to and that's the Nature Elohim/God has given to me. Christian Gnosticism is Esoteric while Yom Kippur Festival is Exoteric.

Absolutely Correct! Elohim/God Is Jealous! What is Elohim/God Jealous of do you think?
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John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
Some people consider the Azazel to represent Satan and in time the people would cast it down a steep hill to ensure that it died and could not return to the camp. . . Others, myself included, believe that it represented the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world.

Why can't it, like one of the primary topics of this thread, i.e., "yesod," represent both? The phallus is the tree of life (its fruit was required for each of us to become alive). It's also the tree of death (biologists tell us prior to the rise of phallic sex organisms were all immortal). And lastly, it's the source of everlasting life.

Semen is the source of human life and death (the latter being the penalty for the original sin passed down through the evil smelling drop of semen, Avot 3:1). -----But the phallus is also the source of everlasting life when it's bled to death (ברית מילה).

The phallus is the symbol of the angel of death. Therefore the "blood" of the phallus (which "blood" always symbolizes death), is not just any blood; it doesn't represent any ole death; it represents the death of death itself (since the phallus represents death itself). In this sense, the blood of the phallus, דם ברית, represents the death of death, as it simultaneously represents everlasting life, since if death dies, then there's no longer death, which is to say life is everlasting.

Death reigns supreme only until death itself dies. Then there's no longer death to deal in death, since death is dead. Cutting and bleeding the symbol of death ברית מילה represents no mere garden of Eden variety death; it represents the death of death itself. When the phallus can no longer spread death through the evil smelling drop, its new fluid of life is its blood, which is now, ironically, the elixir of everlasting life.

Since "blood" has always been, and will always be, the symbol of death, when it's transformed by becoming the symbol of everlasting life, through ritual circumcision, it's thereafter the symbol of both: life and death share the same symbol. At that time, the meaning of the cross of Christ will be better appreciated since like the post-circumcision blood of the phallus, the blood of the cross of Christ represents both death and everlasting life. Which is the basis for the so-called "secret of the yod" י–סוד (yesod).

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John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
Zevul and Zion are a match made in heaven for numerous reason one of which is the fact that in Psalms 2:6, Rabbi Hirsch is pointing out that Zion is a memorial or shrine of some sort since he notes 2 Kings where the word refers to a sepulcher. In Chagigah 12b 6, "zevul" is being used to speak of a unique "abode" associated with an altar of sacrifice such that an altar/sepulcher is clearly in the crosshairs of this unique abode:

The circumcision is the first mitzvah which Avraham, our Patriarch, the first Jew, was commanded to perform. Similarly, the circumcision is the first mitzvah performed with every Jew from the time of his birth. Thus [it can be assumed] that the mitzvah of circumcision reflects the totality of the Torah and its mitzvos, as indicated by Nedarim 32a, which states: “Great is circumcision, for it is equivalent to all the mitzvos of the Torah.”​
Rabbi Mendel Schneerson.​

Where Abraham’s circumcision represents the sacrifice of Isaac, and thus God’s circumcision represents the sacrifice of the heavenly Isaac (the "Living God"), Zion is easily recognized as the heavenly altar of sacrifice noted in Chagigah 12b, 6. The importance of this nuance clarifies and corrects an error in the thinking of the Shelah (Rabbi Horowitz) that's part-and-parcel of an error lodged in his traditional understanding of these things.

Remember that if Adam had not sinned . . . Man would not have been required to bring himself close to G-d by means of an animal sacrifice; he himself would have been the sacrifice, much as is described by our sages when they tell of the archangel Michael offering the souls of the departed righteous on the Heavenly Altar (Chagiga 12).​
Shney Luchot Habrit, vol. 2, p. 681.​

Of course Adam did sin, and by the Shelah's own reckoning that sin resulted in the rise of the evil-smelling drop of semen that contaminates all births therein making it impossible for a human sacrifice to affect salvation and redemption such that an animal without spot or blemish must be used as the symbolic surrogate in the stead of a human being. The "without spot or blemish" symbolizes flesh not tainted by the nature of post-lapsarian conception. But it only symbolizes it; as ritual circumcision only symbolizes sacrificing the source of all biological spots and blemishes, that source being the flesh through which the evil-smelling drop of semen originates and proliferates. Which is to say that ritual circumcision, based on Abraham's circumcision, doesn't literally sacrifice Isaac, doesn't literally make him fit for sacrifice (free from spot or blemish), but only ritualizes, symbolizes that state of affairs.

But to what end?


River Sea

Well-Known Member
Why can't it, like one of the primary topics of this thread, i.e., "yesod," represent both? The phallus is the tree of life (its fruit was required for each of us to become alive). It's also the tree of death (biologists tell us prior to the rise of phallic sex organisms were all immortal). And lastly, it's the source of everlasting life.

Semen is the source of human life and death (the latter being the penalty for the original sin passed down through the evil smelling drop of semen, Avot 3:1). -----But the phallus is also the source of everlasting life when it's bled to death (ברית מילה).

The phallus is the symbol of the angel of death. Therefore the "blood" of the phallus (which "blood" always symbolizes death), is not just any blood; it doesn't represent any ole death; it represents the death of death itself (since the phallus represents death itself). In this sense, the blood of the phallus, דם ברית, represents the death of death, as it simultaneously represents everlasting life, since if death dies, then there's no longer death, which is to say life is everlasting.

Death reigns supreme only until death itself dies. Then there's no longer death to deal in death, since death is dead. Cutting and bleeding the symbol of death ברית מילה represents no mere garden of Eden variety death; it represents the death of death itself. When the phallus can no longer spread death through the evil smelling drop, its new fluid of life is its blood, which is now, ironically, the elixir of everlasting life.

Since "blood" has always been, and will always be, the symbol of death, when it's transformed by becoming the symbol of everlasting life, through ritual circumcision, it's thereafter the symbol of both: life and death share the same symbol. At that time, the meaning of the cross of Christ will be better appreciated since like the post-circumcision blood of the phallus, the blood of the cross of Christ represents both death and everlasting life. Which is the basis for the so-called "secret of the yod" י–סוד (yesod).

To help me write - I'll write sloppy with a lot of repeats.

Show me how Brit Shalom is a threat to Holy Shelah and to Devine Phallus?

Because Brit Shalom means peace. Naming baby while keeping baby intact. Intact means keeping the foreskin. No need to cut off foreskin.

I think you @John D. Brey understand through cutting off. And that's confusing for me, why needing to cut off? What about peace?

Having peace about the physical body and the spirituality, why is there a need to cut off?

@John D. Brey you wrote:

Why can't it, like one of the primary topics of this thread, i.e., "yesod," represent both? The phallus is the tree of life (its fruit was required for each of us to become alive). It's also the tree of death (biologists tell us prior to the rise of phallic sex organisms were all immortal). And lastly, it's the source of everlasting life.

Online I saw
What are the characteristics of Yesod?
Yesod is the emotional center of the human being. As such, Yesod informs us of our significance, our value as we are a walking, talking “image of God.” All of the other qualities are contained, refined, and reinvigorated through Yesod–our bonding with others, with ourselves, and with the Source of all life.

So question, it appears peace can happen with Yesod? No need to cut off?

In reverence that I shared from Quora:
It's Tyrone Corbin who using word lamb and claims taketh away the sins of the world. I should of reference this better. Because it makes it appear I'm writing this.

Quote from Tyrone Corbin.
Some people consider the Azazel to represent Satan and in time the people would cast it down a steep hill to ensure that it died and could not return to the camp.

Others, myself included, believe that it represented the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world.

@John D. Brey

I basically reverence from others and think patterns.

So I was referencing from Tyrone Corbin from Quora - who wrote about lamb.

So I asked, "Does Jesus have the ability of a lamb, and how is a lamb different and similar to other animals?"

Now you @John D. Brey asked, Why can't it, like one of the primary topics of this thread, i.e., "yesod," represent both?

Why can't it, like one of the primary topics of this thread, i.e., "yesod," represent both? The phallus is the tree of life (its fruit was required for each of us to become alive). It's also the tree of death (biologists tell us prior to the rise of phallic sex organisms were all immortal). And lastly, it's the source of everlasting life.

You @John D. Brey asked why can't it. as it's the primary topic of this thread.

The topic of thread is: The Holy Shelah: Circumcising the Divine Phallus.

Yet is this still on topic? In reference to:
Brit Shalom, that's no circumcision, and the baby keeps their foreskin

Shalom means peace. So the baby gets named, the people can celebrate, and the baby can keep their foreskin. And it's in peace.

The topic of thread is: The Holy Shelah: Circumcising the Divine Phallus.

Show me how Brit Shalom is a threat to Holy Shelah and to Devine Phallus?

Because Brit Shalom means peace. Naming baby while keeping baby intact. Intact means keeping foreskin. No cutting off foreskin.

I think you @John D. Brey understand through cutting off. And that's confusing for me, why needing to cut off? What about peace?

Having peace about the physical body and the spirituality, why is there a need to cut off?

I'm for people old enough who can give consent to what they want or feel the need to do so with their physical body; however, this idea of a baby who never gave consent.

Also, I'm for people to be intact, because that is proven for health. Women can have their moist for their own needs, and no man will composite by stealing that moist from women. The foreskin is needed for that reason; no woman should burden herself with occupying moisture that's causing women to feel as if it's a moist machine. So I'll ask how come women have to be a moist machine with in the Holy Shelah: Circumcising the Divine Phallus?

I've seen information about this online, and there's a woman who's scared because of this. The man would blame women for not being moist enough, while the woman feels the need to be moist, and the woman would blame herself. This causes fear in the women; what if she's not moist enough? This is a sadness that could have been prevented if the man had been intact, intact means having foreskin. So why would God do that to a woman for, causing men to steal women moist, that's theft. And as the women is rob from her moist, the women has to keep the moist happening or will be blamed for not supplying enough moist, when actually that's what the foreskin is for, it's for gliding and no need for moist that the women needs for her own wall. Let the women keep her own moist for her own physical needs, stop stealing the moist from the women.

This is shown information online.

The foreskin is what the man needs, so not to need the moist of the woman. But when foreskin is cut off, then sexuality is compositing and uses the women moist, and causes harm to women.

Also there's different types of circumcision, example an extreme lose circumcision, how come this isn't done more often an extremely lose type of circumcision, compare to an extreme tight circumcision.

Also if Abraham did have himself circumcised, what if only a needle prick and that's it. So even this in the bible doesn't even explain how much to take off or if any of the skin was taken? Basically a surgery that isn't even known any instructions.

I'm not sure what that means to do to a baby who can't give consent; how is that religion?