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The Homosexuals Of Alderaan Want Your Children


Jungle, you say you're so worried about the welfare of kids. Hence your diatribe about gay adoption. What about these kids? ^

Have you ever stopped to think about the effect this hateful message you and others are spreading has on the life of young, scared, gay kids?

The hypocrisy in here is so d*mn thick I could cut it with a knife.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member

Yes, they are.

A friend of my son who happened to be gay was part of a very religious family. He could not be the person they wanted him to be. So he took a kitchen knife in the bathroom and cut his throat. His younger brother walked in and saw hm. The brother grabbed some towels and tried to stop the bleeding but couldn't save him.

His mothers response, this was God's way to end his suffering here on earth.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Yes, they are.

A friend of my son who happened to be gay was part of a very religious family. He could not be the person they wanted him to be. So he took a kitchen knife in the bathroom and cut his throat. His younger brother walked in and saw hm. The brother grabbed some towels and tried to stop the bleeding but couldn't save him.

His mothers response, this was God's way to end his suffering here on earth.

I'm going to take this moment to recommend that people donate to It Get's Better and to the Trevor Project.

I agree with the message and the efforts of both these organizations.

I know similar stories, and in fact, I'm sure we all know somebody who has been negatively impacted by homophobes....especially when they have felt surrounded by them.


.45 Cal
According to one of the studies he posted which he didn´t check at all, the children from gay parents do exactly this: treat people like human beings.

And they are at LEAST as well raised as the hetero ones.

So he can very well listen to that source if he thought all his sources were trustable. He had no idea that one of his sources supported the end of this discrimination. His lack of background check saw to that. Then he said that it was I the one who hasn´t checked the sources :rolleyes:

At least tell us what the study showed. It was conducted by a pro gay supporter and concluded that childred raised in these homes have a higher rate of practicing bisexuality and homosexuality. She just didn't see a porblem with that.
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Wonder Woman
Back and forth, this study, that study, this source, that source. The argument goes on for pages and pages. What is not really being addressed is any logic behind the stance and what, exactly, the stance is.

Jungle, what IS your point? What do you think should be done about it?

Going back to the OP, do you think that same-sex relationships should be shown and treated like opposite-sex relationships in the public? Do you believe it inappropriate for teens (because, let's face it, it's not like 8y/o's are playing a lot of MMORPGs) to see in video games what they can see in real life in schools and grocery stores and in their work places? If so, why? Why should video games be censored when real life isn't?

Secondly, and really completely off-point of the OP, if you are against same-sex couples adopting children because (and no "studies" here please, just your opinion) you feel they are in general worse parents than heterosexuals, then why do you not feel it is appropriate to either prohibit homosexuals from having biological kids OR removing biological children from their homes entirely? I mean, if they are such dangerous parents to you, why stop at just adoption prohibition? Why do you only seem to "care" about the welfare of the kids who need homes the most? What of the kids already in these "dangerous" homes? Seems pretty inconsistent to me. Either you really believe that children should not be in the care of homosexuals and should therefore be denied having children across the board OR you are just trying to concoct some kind of "reasonable" argument to back up your prejudiced stance.

Me Myself

Back to my username
At least tell us what the study showed. It was conducted by a pro gay supporter and concluded that childred raised in these homes have a higher rate of practicing bisexuality and homosexuality. She just didn't see a porblem with that

So you think that´s bad?

It´s okay that the child never feels loved as long as he is straight? It´s okay that he never gets a home as long as there is lesser risk of liking his same gender? It´s okay that the posibilities of him being completely unhappy and miserable rise up as long as the posibilities of him being a more caring and accepting person to all kind of people in this world while also feeling loved himself remain down?


Bigotry : Thinking it's a bad thing that children who are raised in accepting homes actually come out to their parents rather than remaining in the closet.
Ignorance: Thinking that having gay parents makes children gay.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Bigotry : Thinking it's a bad thing that children who are raised in accepting homes actually come out to their parents rather than remaining in the closet.
Ignorance: Thinking that having gay parents makes children gay.

I agree. Though I am sure it auments the chances of bisexuality at least. Greece men were widely bisexual, and that was probably a cultural phenomena. While surely a pair of men didn´t like men or didn´t like women, most liked both.

Not that it is important what kind of sex life you have as long as you are hurting nobody and you are happy.
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.45 Cal
Back and forth, this study, that study, this source, that source. The argument goes on for pages and pages. What is not really being addressed is any logic behind the stance and what, exactly, the stance is.

Jungle, what IS your point? What do you think should be done about it?


The general argument is that the picture that the pro gay side has painted about their "families", being at least as stable as herosexual families, is a complete fabrication. Many people have simply take taken the gay's word on it, but there is alot of research considered very credible that casts serious doubts on the claim.

Me Myself

Back to my username
The general argument is that the picture that the pro gay side has painted about their "families", that they are at least as stable as herosexual families, is a complete fabrication. Many people have taken their word on it, but there is alot of research considered very credible that casts serious doubts on the claim.

You´ve taken word for your guy´s research with NO corroboration of his studies.

So if we admit that both sides don´t have conclusive evidence then we are left to accept that there is no reason to say a gay person is prone to be worst father than a straight person.

And by the way, the study that you saw is untrustable beciuse it was done by a "pro" gay advocate is one of the sources put as RELIABLE in your guy´s article.

So he may want to decide wheter he trusts her or not.


Well-Known Member
At least tell us what the study showed. It was conducted by a pro gay supporter and concluded that childred raised in these homes have a higher rate of practicing bisexuality and homosexuality.
Assuming for the sake of the argument that the study is correct... I think its just natural to be more open minded when you have experienced that something different isnt inheritly bad. So maybe they try out to see if they like it, and maybe some of them do. In what way is that bad?


.45 Cal
You´ve taken word for your guy´s research with NO corroboration of his studies.

So if we admit that both sides don´t have conclusive evidence then we are left to accept that there is no reason to say a gay person is prone to be worst father than a straight person.

And by the way, the study that you saw is untrustable beciuse it was done by a "pro" gay advocate is one of the sources put as RELIABLE in your guy´s article.

So he may want to decide wheter he trusts her or not.

Let me say that you've demonstrated a complete lack of integrity in your portrayal of the information that i've posted, 90% of what which you habven't even read. You, along with most everybody else, have made broad claims about what I've posted while providing about zero support for those statements. Your persuasive arguments "refuting" what I've posted amount to little more than an unsupported thesis statement. If a teacher were grading a persuasive paper that consisted of a one sentence thesis statement simply repeated over and oever without any actual supporting evidence, you my friend would FAIL


I agree. Though I am sure it auments the chances of bisexuality at least. Greece men were widely bisexual, and that was probably a cultural phenomena. While surely a pair of men didn´t like men or didn´t like women, most liked both.

Not that it is important what kind of sex life you have as long as you are hurting nobody and you are happy.
Possibly the expression of bisexuality, but even the Kinsey scale will tell you that far more people have at least some interest in the same sex that isn't acted on. In a more accepting family and society that may be more comfortably explored and expressed. But I don't think there's any indication that the actual orientation is increased.

Bisexuality is harder to study though because you can pass as straight or gay and many pass for straight or never consider that they're more than straight.


Let me say that you've demonstrated a complete lack of integrity in your portrayal of the information that i've posted, 90% of what which you habven't even read. You, along with most everybody else, have made broad claims about what I've posted while providing about zero support for those statements. Your persuasive arguments "refuting" what I've posted amount to little more than an unsupported thesis statement. If a teacher were grading a persuasive paper that consisted of a one sentence thesis statement simply repeated over and oever without any actual supporting evidence, you my friend would FAIL

And you ignored the critical examinations of your copy and paste material because you didn't like what was said. And you chose the cowardly method of attacking someone's character rather than their words. Which is what you've done with gay people as well, attacked their character rather than their actions. They raise happy and healthy children but because they have sex with each other they're bad people. So they shouldn't raise happy and healthy children anymore.

Oh and additionally you keep forgetting that most gay children are raised by straight, Christian, parents. So stop complaining about how gay parents turn their kids gay, because it doesn't work like that.

To continue your metaphor, you would have failed because you plagiarized in the first place and did so with a biased source material in the second place. I mean, managing to fail your science test and your philosophy/logic final all in one blow because you used the same answers from your theology class is an achievement, but not one you post on the fridge.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Let me say that you've demonstrated a complete lack of integrity in your portrayal of the information that i've posted, 90% of what which you habven't even read. You, along with most everybody else, have made broad claims about what I've posted while providing about zero support for those statements. Your persuasive arguments "refuting" what I've posted amount to little more than an unsupported thesis statement. If a teacher were grading a persuasive paper that consisted of a one sentence thesis statement simply repeated over and oever without any actual supporting evidence, you my friend would FAIL

Again I ask you, put forth ONE study that is reliable in there that proves your point. You can only post them all together because your research work has been far worst than mine. So what would you be? Expelled?

Come on. ONE. That is RELIABLE. Saying that gay parenting is bad for children. ONE. Not all of them, not all the article. ONE.

It should be piece of cake.

come on. I double dare you


Again I ask you, put forth ONE study that is reliable in there that proves your point. You can only post them all together because your research work has been far worst than mine. So what would you be? Expelled?

Come on. ONE. That is RELIABLE. Saying that gay parenting is bad for children. ONE. Not all of them, not all the article. ONE.

It should be piece of cake.

come on. I double dare you
Aw that's not fair, the Proposition 8 guys had a whole lawyer team and couldn't do it. That's so mean and judgmental of you.


Superabacus Mystic
The general argument is that the picture that the pro gay side has painted about their "families", being at least as stable as herosexual families, is a complete fabrication. Many people have simply take taken the gay's word on it, but there is alot of research considered very credible that casts serious doubts on the claim.
Then it should be completely trivial for you to be provide reliable sources to back this up. :D


Well-Known Member
The general argument is that the picture that the pro gay side has painted about their "families", being at least as stable as herosexual families, is a complete fabrication.
Ok, I may be reading too much into this but I have to ask... do you think that a child being raised by gay parents does not count as a family, or that it is less then a family then a hetro one?


Admiral Obvious
The general argument is that the picture that the pro gay side has painted about their "families", being at least as stable as herosexual families, is a complete fabrication. Many people have simply take taken the gay's word on it, but there is alot of research considered very credible that casts serious doubts on the claim.
So when are you going to present something from an expert in a position to know something that actually supports your argument?

Thus far all you have been doing is making empty claims...