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The Homosexuals Of Alderaan Want Your Children


The genders are different in ways that go straight to our core and our emotions. Some people act like that silly thing hanging from guys called a penis is some external thing and that aside from such "cosmetic" differences, the genders are the same. The genders are equal in worth but not completely alike. They complement each other. There are things that two men or two women can never provide a child.

So, what can't two men or women provide a child? Love? Moral guidance? Stability? Food? Shelter? A sense of self-worth? A family?

If you are so against gays adopting, then I challenge you to talk to all your Christian friends, and you all go and adopt all those kids. Empty out the orphanages. At least they'll have homes then.

The genders complement each other? Because that "silly thing hanging from guys" fits so nicely inside that thing between a woman's legs? It fits quite nicely into other places, too.


Guardian of Asgaard
The reality is that there are plenty of people that would kill Christians if they could get away with it. Though we like to act like we've evolved beyond such savagery

We have. Its Christian morality and ethics that i still stuck in the dark ages.


The reality is that there are plenty of people that would kill Christians if they could get away with it. Though we like to act like we've evolved beyond such savagery
And yet the ones who ARE killed are the gays. And people DO get away with it.

Oh and the transgendered, because it's a legitimate excuse to murder someone because you found out they're trans. People have been acquitted for this.


I bet you could. And I bet the greater bigotry would be aimed at Christians.

When Christians become a persecuted minority, which they most certainly are not in the 21st century, except maybe in Iran or North Korea, then you can cry bigotry. I don't see too many people getting murdered in Dallas or Minneapolis because they're Christians, or fired from jobs, or denied housing. No one's stopping you from going to your church each Sunday, just as no one's stopping me from observing the Sabbats (although some may like to try!)


And yet the ones who ARE killed are the gays. And people DO get away with it.

Oh and the transgendered, because it's a legitimate excuse to murder someone because you found out they're trans. People have been acquitted for this.

Which is why I just shake my head every time a Christian speaks out against hate crimes legislation. Thou shall not kill--unless the person's a homo, transsexual, or some other type of 'sexual deviant.'

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
The reality is that there are plenty of people that would kill Christians if they could get away with it. Though we like to act like we've evolved beyond such savagery
Thankfully we live in a nation that values freedom of religion and Christians are as protected as every other faith... no more, no less.

Anyone that would kill someone for their faith is as evil as someone who would try to pass laws limiting Christian worship. Granted that same evil applies to Christians who would pass laws limiting other faiths freedoms.


Me Myself

Back to my username
Is gender really defined by some superficial appendage? Is that really what genitalia are?

Okay, what thing apart from wheter she was born with a vagina or not can you say differentiates a woman in a way no man can be that but every woman can.


What thing apart from wheter he was born with a penis or not can you say differentiates a man from a woman that no women can ever do bbut all men do are.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Respnd this one then, I asked it to yuo before:

Okay, what thing apart from wheter she was born with a vagina or not can you say differentiates a woman in a way no man can be that but every woman can.


What thing apart from wheter he was born with a penis or not can you say differentiates a man from a woman that no women can ever do bbut all men do are.

I ask because you say there is more to genitalia to say wheter you are a man otr a woman.

Me Myself

Back to my username
This is no great secret. Find some books on the differences between men and women, or... get a girlfriend:p.

I have a girlfriend.

Most of those books talk abuot the GENERAL differences. They will also stress the fact that many women may be """like men""" in some stuff and men """ like women"" in other stuff depending on the men and the women.

For example, women tend to like to talk more things out than men emotionaly, but with my girlfriend, I am the oen who needs to talk when somethings needs to be said, otherwise she tends to fake it´s okay.

She is also a lot more practical than me when men tend to bbe the more practical ones. I am the one who makes goofy jokes and act childish all the time so she smiles and laughs when she feels down :).

She is very """girly""" int the fact that she loves to cook and sew, but that doesn´t mean cooking is ""for women"". A lot of women can´t heat water without doing something wrong while many men can be professional cheffs.

So I´ve read the books and have a girlfriend and I still would need you to point out to me ANY ATTRIBUTE that successfully answers my question.


.45 Cal
I have a girlfriend.

Most of those books talk abuot the GENERAL differences. They will also stress the fact that many women may be """like men""" in some stuff and men """ like women"" in other stuff depending on the men and the women.

For example, women tend to like to talk more things out than men emotionaly, but with my girlfriend, I am the oen who needs to talk when somethings needs to be said, otherwise she tends to fake it´s okay.

She is also a lot more practical than me when men tend to bbe the more practical ones. I am the one who makes goofy jokes and act childish all the time so she smiles and laughs when she feels down :).

She is very """girly""" int the fact that she loves to cook and sew, but that doesn´t mean cooking is ""for women"". A lot of women can´t heat water without doing something wrong while many men can be professional cheffs.

So I´ve read the books and have a girlfriend and I still would need you to point out to me ANY ATTRIBUTE that successfully answers my question.

I think more telling are the studies that show what happens to children when either the male or female component is missing. That, along with the acknowledgement that men and women are wired differently really should be enough of an argument. Sorry, some sappy song that the kid probably didn't even write himself doesn't constitute sufficient data.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I think more telling are the studies that show what happens to children when either the male or female component is missing. That, along with the acknowledgement that men and women are wired differently really should be enough of an argument.

In other words you don´t know of any quality that a man or a woman has that is unique to them because of their gender, but have "faith" that there is one because you think that a theologist is a good source of psychological information?


.45 Cal
In other words you don´t know of any quality that a man or a woman has that is unique to them because of their gender, but have "faith" that there is one because you think that a theologist is a good source of psychological information?

Again, look at his bibliography, there are over 60 medical sources/studies quoted. Then look at studies of kids that grow up in single parent homes. Yes, kids from single parent homes are far more likely to end up in jail or on drugs. And I sincerely doubt that every one of the studies taken from medical journals were contaminated by biases. Those journals don't publish every crackhead that ponies up enough dough. This isn't quantum physics we're talking about either. I don't think you need a PHD in a social science to see that if the average gay man has between 100-500 partners with 1000 partners not being uncommon, that there might be some stability issues in these "families". I love this one:

"A study in Adolescence found: A disproportionate percentage--29 percent--of the adult children of homosexual parents had been specifically subjected to sexual molestation by that homosexual parent, compared to only 0.6 percent of adult children of heterosexual parents having reported sexual relations with their parent...Having a homosexual parent(s) appears to increase the risk of incest with a parent by a factor of about 50.60"

I'm sure it's a big conspiracy to slander the LGBT community though. Especially when you consider that NAMBLA, the acronym for the distinguished group known as North American Man Boy Love Association, was actually a part of the gay rights movement until somebody finally realized that this was one battle that they had to distance themselves from if they were going to win in the court of public opinion. From Wiki:

"In 1994 NAMBLA was expelled from the International Lesbian and Gay Association, having been the first US based organization to be a member"

It's impossible to fathom man and woman possessing the unique ability to reproduce might actually mean that they are more cut out to raise a kid than some other combination of persons.
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Me Myself

Back to my username
Again, look at his bibliography, there are over 60 medical sources/studies quoted. Then look at studies of kids that grow up in single parent homes. Yes, kids from single parent homes are far more likely to end up in jail or on drugs. And I sincerely doubt that every one of the studies taken from medical journals were contaminated by biases. Those journals don't publish every crackhead that ponies up enough dough. This isn't quantum physics we're talking about either. I don't think you need a PHD in a social science to see that if the average gay man has between 100-500 partners with 1000 partners not being uncommon, that there might be some stability issues in these "families". I love this one:

"A study in Adolescence found: A disproportionate percentage--29 percent--of the adult children of homosexual parents had been specifically subjected to sexual molestation by that homosexual parent, compared to only 0.6 percent of adult children of heterosexual parents having reported sexual relations with their parent...Having a homosexual parent(s) appears to increase the risk of incest with a parent by a factor of about 50.60"

I'm sure it's a big conspiracy to slander the LGBT community though. It's impossible to fathom man and woman possessing the unique ability to reproduce might actually mean that they are more cut out to raise a kid than some other combination of persons.

Present sources from each study or even a pair of them that you think are reliable and then I counter-check them to see if they hold any water.

Then we are talking.


.45 Cal
Present sources from each study or even a pair of them that you think are reliable and then I counter-check them to see if they hold any water.

Then we are talking.

It's in English and it's a short, easy read. If you have any real motivation to learn then you won't have a problem going through it. If not, I'm just be wasting my time

Me Myself

Back to my username
It's in English and it's a short, easy read. If you have any real motivation to learn then you won't have a problem going through
it. If not, I'm just be wasting my time

I guessed you probably couldn´t name one from memory, which generaly means you haven´t looked into it deep and just ate what he said, but it´s okay, I did the research for you :) :

Sources of your source:

"The Male Couple" : A book written in 1980 if you think that´s still relevant, you stopped mattering a feew decades ago(and by the gods don´t you tell me that not a lot changes in a few decades :p )

Male and Female Homosexuality: M. Saghir and E. Robins, (Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1973): As you see the year , this studdy is also very outdated.

Michael W. Wiederman, "Extramarital Sex: Prevalence and Correlates in a National Survey," Journal of Sex Research 34 (1997): Now, this study as you can see would be validate because of the year, but there is one little problem... the people interviewed were OLD. This means they don´t accurately protrait the current gay generation of 1997, if they were old, let´s say, 60, they would be 20, 30 years at 1957-67. So this study is practicaly as outdated as the last study.

So as you can see, the studies wich he dares name are higly untrustable, because around 1985 I am sure both I and you can agree that even HETEROSEXUAL couples of 20-30 years old had COMPLETELY different kind of sex lifes than people today at 20-30.

With no study of him being from this millenia, and the incredibly high changes that have come to be in all that is related to sexual libaration in this years, those dusty studies are worthless.

Can you understand?