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The Homosexuals Of Alderaan Want Your Children


Wonder Woman
Then you're in no position to be commenting on it. Anything sentiments you share on the subject are not coming from your mouth but from a different orifice.

So, because I point out that the source of your information is so biased as to not be trusted to present honest information I'm talking out my ***? How convenient for you. That you want to cling to such obviously biased sources for your information which you base your stances on says far more about you than my stating so does about me.


.45 Cal
Critique of Timothy J. Daily Article: “Homosexual Parenting: Placing Children at Risk” | One Utah

I googled Tim J and the only titles I see him having are theology and other titles completely unrelated to psichology.

The reality is that we can play this game all day where each of us runs to an appropriate apologetic site to find arguments which support our position. Keep in mind that this critque you posted fails to differenciate between are married hetero couples and unmarried ones. I make no defense of unmarried sexually active hetero couples.


Wonder Woman
The APA can hardly be considered "apologetic". :rolleyes: Just saying...it has quite a clear stance on homosexuality and its effects on raising children. You want to consider them "apologetic"?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I believe life without Jesus is starvation and that it's only through him and through doing his will that we are satisfied. Keep in mind there's a difference between temporary numbness and real, lasting satisfaction.

John 4 : 13Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; 14but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.”
That still doesn't give your church the right to tell my church what to do. Nor your religion the right to legislate against mine.


Me Myself

Back to my username
The reality is that we can play this game all day where each of us runs to an appropriate apologetic site to find arguments which support our position. Keep in mind that this critque you posted fails to differenciate between are married hetero couples and unmarried ones. I make no defense of unmarried sexually active hetero couples.

1-Then homosexual intercourse is as bad as unmarried sexual intercourse?

2- Then there is no reasonable comparison because in many places homosexuals can´t marry, so they should be treated in this comparison the same way that heterosexuals if they couldn´t marry.

The problem with your source is that he doesn´t seem to have 1 single degree on anything that is relevant for this studies.

As such, the source doesn´t matter AT ALL.


.45 Cal
So, because I point out that the source of your information is so biased as to not be trusted to present honest information I'm talking out my ***? How convenient for you. That you want to cling to such obviously biased sources for your information which you base your stances on says far more about you than my stating so does about me.

Everybody has an agenda. Having an agenda doesn't necessarily make you a liar


I believe life without Jesus is starvation and that it's only through him and through doing his will that we are satisfied. Keep in mind there's a difference between temporary numbness and real, lasting satisfaction.

John 4 : 13Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; 14but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.”
Yes, and only when I walked away from people who espouse hatred did I find real, lasting satisfaction. The only thing that numbed me, that dulled my spirit were people saying the same things you're saying. And as long as people who preach hatred are Christian, despite the fact that many Christians are not obsessed with what other people do in the bedroom, I will never even consider following your Christ. You've done your share for that.
I find not just happiness but JOY in the paths I walk in life now. If you think this is starvation and thirst, you're the one with the log in your eye. And yet i manage to do it without harming others - without persecuting others or lying about them. And you think I'm the one who's starving? You have spread lies in this very thread and not even apologized for them, and it is the other billions of people in the world who are dying of thirst?

Then you're in no position to be commenting on it. Anything sentiments you share on the subject are not coming from your mouth but from a different orifice.
This is ignorance.
Particularly considering what you post next.
The reality is that we can play this game all day where each of us runs to an appropriate apologetic site to find arguments which support our position. Keep in mind that this critque you posted fails to differenciate between are married hetero couples and unmarried ones. I make no defense of unmarried sexually active hetero couples.

Everybody has an agenda. Having an agenda doesn't necessarily make you a liar
So, everyone has an agenda, but MY agenda is the right one. This is what you say? "I know my source is biased as hell, is not a psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, sociologist, social worker, or anything but a theologian but but but your source is also bad so mine is right."

I have, previously, gone over the entire post that you posted here, in detail.
So did shadow wolf

You said
Folks, our resident social scientist Drofille is rejecting the data based on her enormous breadth of knowledge and experience. I don't know Drofille, maybe someone thinks that "family values" in the gay community hasn't changed much since the time the studies you call "old" have been conducted.

Sometimes adding words isn't even necessary to shine light upon a how informed the opinion is of the person making the comment

After showing you how uninformed your source was, you backed down completely over the matter of credentials however I'm done playing.

I have a B.A. in Psychology and my M.A. in Counseling with a specialization in Couples and Family and personal interest in LGBT issues. My thesis was on the topic of polyamory and I do, in fact, reject your data based on my knowledge and experience as well as my ability to read and analyze research.

I am now more qualified than your source. I am willing to bet $100 to It Get's Better that you do not change your mind a single bit.


.45 Cal
Yes, and only when I walked away from people who espouse hatred did I find real, lasting satisfaction. The only thing that numbed me, that dulled my spirit were people saying the same things you're saying. And as long as people who preach hatred are Christian, despite the fact that many Christians are not obsessed with what other people do in the bedroom, I will never even consider following your Christ. You've done your share for that.
I find not just happiness but JOY in the paths I walk in life now. If you think this is starvation and thirst, you're the one with the log in your eye. And yet i manage to do it without harming others - without persecuting others or lying about them. And you think I'm the one who's starving? You have spread lies in this very thread and not even apologized for them, and it is the other billions of people in the world who are dying of thirst?

This is ignorance.
Particularly considering what you post next.

So, everyone has an agenda, but MY agenda is the right one. This is what you say? "I know my source is biased as hell, is not a psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, sociologist, social worker, or anything but a theologian but but but your source is also bad so mine is right."

I have, previously, gone over the entire post that you posted here, in detail.
So did shadow wolf

You said

After showing you how uninformed your source was, you backed down completely over the matter of credentials however I'm done playing.

I have a B.A. in Psychology and my M.A. in Counseling with a specialization in Couples and Family and personal interest in LGBT issues. My thesis was on the topic of polyamory and I do, in fact, reject your data based on my knowledge and experience as well as my ability to read and analyze research.

I am now more qualified than your source. I am willing to bet $100 to It Get's Better that you do not change your mind a single bit.

WTF are you talking about? Do you remember me posting his bibliography? Did you actually take a look at it? You're telling me that your credentials outweigh all 60+ of the people he quoted? Just about every single one of them was a medical source. Not that it's a perfect gauge of reliability but there were a ton of PHDs quoted.

edit: And why did it take you three weeks to bring us this revelation that you're actually a social scientist? I challenged your credentials weeks ago and you waited until now to share them? Sounds a little fishy
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WTF are you talking about? Do you remember me posting his bibliography. Did you actually take a look at it? You're telling me that your credentials outweigh all 60+ of the people he quoted? Just about every single one of them was a medical source. Not that it's a perfect gauge of reliability but there were a ton of PHDs quoted.

And you show that you didn't read a single thing that either of us wrote on the subject then or now.

I am more qualified to interpret those studies than your source is. I say he interpreted them wrong and wrote his article in a way so as to support his own predetermined conclusions rather than as an honest review of the literature available. I say this based not on personal emotion but professional experience and training.

You decided to make this personal by lying, again, about gays and lesbians. It might be academic to you, but if i said half the things about Christians that you've said about gays and lesbians, you would be complaining about the hatred of the 'sodomites'. I'm calling them what they are, lies.

And even though I won my bet:

ETA: And about your edit, you still haven't shown yours, so put up or shut up.


.45 Cal
Of course I read what you two wrote. Do you expect me to be confident in the discernment of someone who admits to believing that it's ok to be sleeping with married men in a so-called polyamorous arrangement? How about the discernment of someone who advocates sex changes?

And you show that you didn't read a single thing that either of us wrote on the subject then or now.

I am more qualified to interpret those studies than your source is. I say he interpreted them wrong and wrote his article in a way so as to support his own predetermined conclusions rather than as an honest review of the literature available. I say this based not on personal emotion but professional experience and training.

You decided to make this personal by lying, again, about gays and lesbians. It might be academic to you, but if i said half the things about Christians that you've said about gays and lesbians, you would be complaining about the hatred of the 'sodomites'. I'm calling them what they are, lies.

And even though I won my bet:

ETA: And about your edit, you still haven't shown yours, so put up or shut up.


Wonder Woman
Of course I read what you two wrote. Do you expect me to be confident in the discernment of someone who admits to believing that it's ok to be sleeping with married men in a so-called polyamorous arrangement? How about the discernment of someone who advocates sex changes?

Oh, so it's okay for you to disregard her stance concerning something which she is highly educated about because you don't personally like her opinions BUT it's not okay for someone to disregard your preferred sources of information because they are biased and uneducated about the subject matter? How does that work? Why is it okie dokie for you to disregard her because of personal opinions, even though she is qualified to speak on the subjects at hand, yet it isn't okay for someone to disregard your sources because they aren't qualified to speak on the subjects at hand?
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Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Of course I read what you two wrote. Do you expect me to be confident in the discernment of someone who admits to believing that it's ok to be sleeping with married men in a so-called polyamorous arrangement? How about the discernment of someone who advocates sex changes?

and there's something wrong with polyamorous marriages? Also your bible advocates them. Look at a post painted wolf posted earlier if you don't believe me.


Of course I read what you two wrote. Do you expect me to be confident in the discernment of someone who admits to believing that it's ok to be sleeping with married men in a so-called polyamorous arrangement? How about the discernment of someone who advocates sex changes?

Where are your credentials to say otherwise? I'm still waiting. I "admit" to nothing. I am proud to be pansexual, I am proud to be polyamorous and I'm proud to be happy with my self and my life.

I will advocate for the best standard of care for not only every single one of my clients but for every single human being based on the evidence we have and any evidence we get in the future. I will not allow biases to sway what is available or to damage the self-efficacy and the care of my clients.

Keep on :ignore::ignore::ignore: when it comes to the science.

And if you feel like telling me how my relationship is "so-called" anything, feel free.


I believe life without Jesus is starvation and that it's only through him and through doing his will that we are satisfied. Keep in mind there's a difference between temporary numbness and real, lasting satisfaction.

John 4 : 13Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; 14but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.”

I used to believe the very same thing. I used to believe that everyone without my beliefs was deluded and in spiritual danger. I used to believe that if only I managed to suppress my desire for same-sex companionship and love until the day of my death, the victory would be mine and I'd get my free ticket to some eternal Disneyland, and Jesus would pat me on the head and tell me what a good boy I was.

But I began to question. And the answers I got tore to pieces everything I once believed. Was playing some sick mind-game with myself really worth the price of losing out on love? Worth the price of hating myself, of seeing myself as less worthy than straight people? Worth the price of idly watching while the lives of countless LGBT people get destroyed by the small-minded message of conservative Christians?

I thought about all this for a period of months and years, and concluded: HECK NO!

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
I believe life without Jesus is starvation and that it's only through him and through doing his will that we are satisfied. Keep in mind there's a difference between temporary numbness and real, lasting satisfaction.

I was a Baptist Minister. For me all I saw no difference between the lives of non-Christians and Christians. When I was in Bible College I was one of the few who had a car. I would hear friends testify in college chapel services how hard it was to be chaste before marriage. Then their Girl friends came into town, they would borrow my car and low and behold I would find stuff like motel parking tickets in my car. I was on the security team I would catch boys sneaking out of the Girls dorm Wings in the middle of the night. There has been many Gay sex scandals in bible colleges all over the country. My old college Simpson, even Bob Jones found a gay orgy happening. In the 1980's a study showed that the divorce rate was Higher for couples married while attending bible college then the national Average. This is the best and brightest of the evangelical youth in America. These facts plus the discovery that much of the information I was being taught by Evangelical Professors were false drove me out of the Church.

Don't misunderstand I do believe that there are real Christ Like Christians. I have since been lucky enough to meet a handful. Those who live like Christ did, are never the ones who want to judge gays (or any body for that matter). They only seem to want to show Christ's Love.
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Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
"Homosexual Promiscuity
Studies indicate that the average male homosexual has hundreds of sex partners in his lifetime, a lifestyle that is difficult for even "committed" homosexuals to break free of and which is not conducive to a healthy and wholesome atmosphere for the raising of children.

I have the following comments on this statement:

- The average heterosexual male has 31 lovers in a life time. I can't see how somebody who has 31 is morally superior to somebody who has 100 (If that stat is true)

-Maybe our culture should allow Gay folks a higher level of commitment by legalizing Gay Marriage for every one.

-Frankly, I know a lot of straight guys who would like to have 100's of different lovers. They just can't get the Girls to go along with their plans. I don't think that makes them in any way more ethical even in the Christian sense.
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