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The Homosexuals Of Alderaan Want Your Children


Guardian of Asgaard
What do I care if you legitimize it?

Exactly, so your belief about homosexuality being evil is a hate statement of little or no use to a debate. No one cares what you hate. If you don't like homosexuals marrying, don't be a homosexual and don't get married. Its not hard. The most dispicable thing about certain (stereotype police friendly statement :rolleyes:) religious people, is their need to push their beliefs on everyone.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Exactly, so your belief about homosexuality being evil is a hate statement of little or no use to a debate. No one cares what you hate. If you don't like homosexuals marrying, don't be a homosexual and don't get married. Its not hard. The most dispicable thing about certain (stereotype police friendly statement :rolleyes:) religious people, is their need to push their beliefs on everyone.

I think you are being too hard on him.

If you think about it, it is really selfish about homosexuals to marry in spite of that distubring him.

I mean, okay, they love each other and all, but did they ever thought of the poor persons that didn´t feel like looking away? Those poor persons whose feelings are hurt when they kiss?

How hateful, of those homosexuals. You should never share love when it disturbs people around you. I mean, what if they actually grew a heart by watching at those gay people? You ever thought of that? pumping blood is TIRING.

People have the right to not feel offended by love that they don´t like. I mean everyone has heard about "spreading the love", but what about hate? did anyone thought of hate?

Poor hate :(


Legalizing these "marriages" and allowing adoptions affects myself and innocent children. Not to mention the fact that it sends a message that these behaviors are perfectly acceptable. Why do you think people are angry about this? This message is preached to our kids, to vulnerable minds. Do whatever you want to do in your own bedroom
Ok first off, there's been absolutely no harm to children, innocent or otherwise, by being exposed to gay relationships or being adopted or raised by gay couples.
None. It has been argued in court and found wanting as recently at the Prop 8 case.

Alcohol is legal despite some faiths banning its use. Its legality sends the same message, no? But would you advocate to ban alcohol? Probably not, because it isn't your belief being violated. And for the record, prior to gay marriage being even slightly socially accepted, there were gay people, raised by good, moral Christian families, and they're still gay. No more people will be turned gay by accepting us as we are.

This doesn't even make any sense. Your version of "love" is everybody approving of an agenda to legitimize behavior that many believe is actually evil. This much is certain however, the Christian community must be committed to hating the sin and not the sinner, something that I admit can be very difficult.
It's letting people live their own life and if they come to God, and act as people of God should act - in your opinion - they do it freely of their own choice, not coerced. You're demanding that people act as you expect by force of law and societal shame.

" 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. "

Love doesn't force. It does not have to "rejoice" or "approve" of things you find immoral, but it doesn't rage at it either.

If you seek battle against those who disagree with you, then you do not seek love.


Guardian of Asgaard
I think you are being too hard on him.

If you think about it, it is really selfish about homosexuals to marry in spite of that distubring him.

I mean, okay, they love each other and all, but did they ever thought of the poor persons that didn´t feel like looking away? Those poor persons whose feelings are hurt when they kiss?

How hateful, of those homosexuals. You should never share love when it disturbs people around you. I mean, what if they actually grew a heart by watching at those gay people? You ever thought of that? pumping blood is TIRING.

People have the right to not feel offended by love that they don´t like. I mean everyone has heard about "spreading the love", but what about hate? did anyone thought of hate?

Poor hate :(

*Doesn't know if sarcastic* :eek:


Legalizing these "marriages" and allowing adoptions affects myself and innocent children. Not to mention the fact that it sends a message that these behaviors are perfectly acceptable. Why do you think people are angry about this? This message is preached to our kids, to vulnerable minds. Do whatever you want to do in your own bedroom

Legalizing the marriage of gay people affects you about as much as your neighbor sitting in his kitchen at midnight in his underwear eating Polish sausage and Jell-O, and smoking a cigar. It's his right, and none of your business. Kind of like my love life.


Guardian of Asgaard
Legalizing the marriage of gay people affects you about as much as your neighbor sitting in his kitchen at midnight in his underwear eating Polish sausage and Jell-O, and smoking a cigar. It's his right, and none of your business. Kind of like my love life.

I unfortunately cannot frubal you a second time.


And now that I think of it, I'd best clarify that allusions to eating sausage and smoking a cigar should not be misunderstood as profane references. :no:

Me Myself

Back to my username
*Doesn't know if sarcastic* :eek:


Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Legalizing these "marriages" and allowing adoptions affects myself and innocent children.

It seems to have a good affect on kids.

The U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study (NLLFS) just released its results on its 24-year long study on families with lesbian parents, finding that not one of the 78 adolescents in the study had reported being sexually or physically abused by their parents. This compares to 26% of American adolescents overall who report parent or caregiver physical abuse. 8.3% report sexual abuse.

Additionally, only 2.8% of the adolescents in the study identified themselves as gay. Apparently the majority of them didn’t catch their parents’ gayness.

New study: Lesbian households produce a child abuse rate of 0%


.45 Cal
Legalizing the marriage of gay people affects you about as much as your neighbor sitting in his kitchen at midnight in his underwear eating Polish sausage and Jell-O, and smoking a cigar. It's his right, and none of your business. Kind of like my love life.

What about the children you guys want to adopt?

Me Myself

Back to my username
What about the children you guys want to adopt?

Zach Wahls Speaks About Family - YouTube

edit: Highlight:

"For the next 2 hours we are gonna here testimony of how "damaging" having gay parents is on kids.

But in my 19 years not once I´ve ever been confronted by an individual who realized independently that I was raised by a gay couple.

And you know why?

Because the sexual orientation of my parents has had 0 effect on the content of my character.

Thank you very much."
Last edited:


What about the children you guys want to adopt?
Again you promote lies.
This is hatred, not love.

If I said "What about the Children raised by Christians? They learn such hatred, they shouldn't be allowed to have children." That would be wrong, no?

No matter if my belief system says that what you teach your children is immoral, I do not have the right to remove your rights because of it. It would be wrong for me to spread hatred against Christians, in fact I know many Christians who are loving people and raise loving children and no matter whether they 'approve' of homosexuality, of polyamory, of interracial marriage, abortion, alcohol, caffeine or women working outside of the home, they do not work to impose their morals on others. But even if I didn't know these Christians, it would wrong for me to work to prohibit Christian marriage.

The fact that you still choose hatred and battle is saddening.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
This doesn't even make any sense. Your version of "love" is everybody approving of an agenda to legitimize behavior that many believe is actually evil. This much is certain however, the Christian community must be committed to hating the sin and not the sinner, something that I admit can be very difficult.
You already think I'm evil for not being a Christian... That doesn't give you the right to make laws against my religion.

If you really hated "sin", you would look to your own house rather than puffing yourself up and trying to knock mine down.



.45 Cal
Again you promote lies.
This is hatred, not love.


I can't in good conscience support gay adoptions nor can I be a part of legitimizing something I believe is evil. I'm not stopping anybody from engaging in evil. If that's the only measure you use to judge how much I love you or any other LGBT then I think that's a little unfair. I realize I can get a little hot under the collar discussing these family issues but this much I can promise you, if you were ever hungry and needed something to eat I'd be there for you and anyone else here. I don't treat acts of sodomy with much respect because I view them as false idols (to use religious terminology). In other words, I don't think humans are built to find true, lasting satisfaction from them. Since I know you guys love studies, I've seen sources which have said the it's not uncommon for gays to have like 500-1000 partners in their life. How much satisfaction could that lifestyle really be bringing someone if they have to keep running from partner to partner?

Me Myself

Back to my username
I can't in good conscience support gay adoptions nor can I be a part of legitimizing something I believe is evil. I'm not stopping anybody from engaging in evil. If that's the only measure you use to judge how much I love you or any other LGBT then I think that's a little unfair. I realize I can get a little hot under the collar discussing these family issues but this much I can promise you, if you were ever hungry and needed something to eat I'd be there for you and anyone else here. I don't treat acts of sodomy with much respect because I view them as false idols (to use religious terminology). In other words, I don't think humans are built to find true, lasting satisfaction from them. Since I know you guys love studies, I've seen sources which have said the it's not uncommon for gays to have like 500-1000 partners in their life. How much satisfaction could that lifestyle really be bringing someone if they have to keep running from partner to partner?

I honestly believe there are a LOT of loving people that feel hate towards homosexuality (and I understand the difference between that and hating homosexuals) and I have no reason to believe you are not one of them.

Now that that is *hopefuly* out of the way we do are debating wheter it is "evil" or not.

Now, coming back to the issue at hand:

Not all homosexual couples are the same. You have said nothing against the evidence that supports their ability to care for a child. As has been shown to you, lesbians are even better than straigth peoplpe stadisticaly speaking, sofor them to be they would need to stay together, etc, and if the studies show they can be, then they can stay together and have done it. It´s part of reality today.

Also, a lot of people who have had many sexual partners are happy that way.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I can't in good conscience support gay adoptions nor can I be a part of legitimizing something I believe is evil. I'm not stopping anybody from engaging in evil. If that's the only measure you use to judge how much I love you or any other LGBT then I think that's a little unfair. I realize I can get a little hot under the collar discussing these family issues but this much I can promise you, if you were ever hungry and needed something to eat I'd be there for you and anyone else here. I don't treat acts of sodomy with much respect because I view them as false idols (to use religious terminology). In other words, I don't think humans are built to find true, lasting satisfaction from them. Since I know you guys love studies, I've seen sources which have said the it's not uncommon for gays to have like 500-1000 partners in their life. How much satisfaction could that lifestyle really be bringing someone if they have to keep running from partner to partner?

Out of curiosity, do you think adultery is evil? Are you as committed to fighting other "deviant lifestyles" as you are fighting queers?

How about fornicators?

On that note, while I'm freely associating and calling you out, what about gluttony? Pride? Greed? Do you fight with the same passion that you do homosexuality? Do you go around saying that you can't support greedy people because it's evil? That you're fighting adultery because it's evil?

Because, you are well aware I'm sure, that greed and gluttony are perfectly legal. Nobody is legally required to tithe to a church or an organization, are they?

Or do you shrug your shoulders at any of these?


I can't in good conscience support gay adoptions nor can I be a part of legitimizing something I believe is evil.
Would you ban adoption by non-Christians?
By the divorced or the fornicators?
By those who use the Lord's name in vain, and who covet other things?
I suspect not.
Instead you go for the easy target, the gays. If you believe them to be evil, then you must believe all mankind to be evil. For they sin no more or less than you. They are, by the Christian standard, no more or less worthy of Jesus' sacrifice than you are. Because by Christian teaching, everyone is unworthy. Jesus did not call the prostitutes evil and he did not beat them into ceasing their trade, he led and they followed. You would beat the gays with the stick of the law and your imposed shame to follow. When people beat them with their fists, the same rhetoric is to blame.
I'm not stopping anybody from engaging in evil.
Oh but you'll try to shame them into it. You won't lay hands on, but you'll use the law, and the lies of people who hate. This makes you no better than they.

If that's the only measure you use to judge how much I love you or any other LGBT then I think that's a little unfair.
How can you love, unconditionally, if you set conditions on your love. Because let me tell you, I would never, ever, vote to remove your rights, I would never spread lies about Christianity, I would never state that you were unworthy of raising a child because of who you love. You cannot speak out of both sides of your mouth, here.

I realize I can get a little hot under the collar discussing these family issues but this much I can promise you, if you were ever hungry and needed something to eat I'd be there for you and anyone else here.
And so you feed my stomach and starve my spirit and soul. You give me clothing yet tell me to feel ashamed. You spread lies about me, and expect bread to make it better? No thank you, sir.

I don't treat acts of sodomy with much respect because I view them as false idols (to use religious terminology).
I sincerely doubt you've never engaged in sodomy. It does not mean "homosexual acts" as you seem to think.

In other words, I don't think humans are built to find true, lasting satisfaction from them.
Then don't participate. Stop telling me, who is not Christian, to live by your Christian rules. Render unto Caesar, and let the laws be laws and not tied to your religion. You continually ignore that other religions, as well as many Christian denominations recognize and perform same-sex marriages.

Why should your religion control the law, and not theirs?
Since I know you guys love studies, I've seen sources which have said the it's not uncommon for gays to have like 500-1000 partners in their life. How much satisfaction could that lifestyle really be bringing someone if they have to keep running from partner to partner?
You couldn't be bothered to research this yourself?
When we "love" studies, we don't mean "I heard this once and have no understanding of the research so I will repeat it." Also I will note that to you gay = homosexual male. What are your opinions on lesbians?

But you know what I'm going to go in a different direction. Lets talk "harm reduction." Wouldn't it be ideal to encourage same-sex couples to be monogamous? Just like we encourage heterosexuals to be monogamous by promoting marriage, shouldn't we WANT the "promiscuous" gays to settle down?

And I will tell you that as someone who is non-monogamous, I have never been happier in my life. I was unsatisfied and unfulfilled being monogamous. I am happy and internally strong being polyamorous. Tell me how I'm unfulfilled and unhappy.