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The Human mind; What a dangerous place to live.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Hey wait a minute. I thought you wanted that robot we talked about for Christmas? :confused: You aren't already planning on two timing my present are you?

Like I said, as long as there's an off switch...

Buterrcup said:
I think Lisa's reaction is very simple to figure out. Lisa likes and respects you. Lisa had a problem she wanted to talk to you about and usually you are an attentive and good listener.

Lets say I'm a fairly gifted actor at times. :p

Buttercup said:
The response you gave Lisa is not what she's used getting from you therefore she jumped to conclusions thinking you didn't want to listen to her...sometimes women are over sensitive.

*ducks from truckloads of flying, frozen bananas thrown by hordes of PMsing women*

That makes sense but I'm still leaning towards the "she's completely bonkers" hypothesis.

Ah! Frozen bananas!

(Lol! darn system wont let me frubal you, but I owe ya ;)).


Sunstone & Quagmire!
Hysterical exchange!

Interesting discussion overall as well.

People tend to "see what they believe",
every bit as much as they "believe what they see".

This works just fine until we need to interact with others,
(who believe they see/saw something different)
or until such time as "a truth" becomes more important
than the constructs of our own ego.

I think you pretty much got it right.


Veteran Member
That makes sense but I'm still leaning towards the "she's completely bonkers" hypothesis.
It might be helpful to remember what Freud said almost 100 years ago...."What the hell do women want?" Ok, so I embellished it a bit but my point is if Freud couldn't figure it out, don't feel bad that you can't.

My best advice for figuring out women? Ask a another woman. ;)


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Sunstone & Quagmire!
Hysterical exchange!

Interesting discussion overall as well.

People tend to "see what they believe",
every bit as much as they "believe what they see".

This works just fine until we need to interact with others,
(who believe they see/saw something different)
or until such time as "a truth" becomes more important
than the constructs of our own ego.

I think you pretty much got it right.

(feral chimps just know things)

All of our conflicting perceptions do make life interesting, New. :p

Then again, if we all saw the same thing what would any of us have to talk about?

Not to mention; what purpose would art serve?


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
It might be helpful to remember what Freud said almost 100 years ago...."What the hell do women want?" Ok, so I embellished it a bit but my point is if Freud couldn't figure it out, don't feel bad that you can't.

My best advice for figuring out women? Ask a another woman. ;)

The last time I asked a woman to help me figure out another woman she just glared at me and said, "What does she have that I don't have"?

I think Freud was in love with his mother, although i can't prove it.


Premium Member
It might be helpful to remember what Freud said almost 100 years ago...."What the hell do women want?" Ok, so I embellished it a bit but my point is if Freud couldn't figure it out, don't feel bad that you can't.

My best advice for figuring out women? Ask a another woman.
I tell my husband that: You'd never be able to understand a woman unless you are one. And on the flip side, after 16 years of marriage, I don't understand men either. ;)


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Quagmire, I'm alarmed to read your persistent whining and bickering over quantum mechanics in this thread. Get a grip on yourself, man! All is probability and deep down you know it and ought to love it!

Besides that, I just woke up and so the thought has occurred to me that so much of what we hear -- or believe we hear -- depends on our state of mind. The simplest example is how we often don't hear things right when we're tired or still waking up. But another example would be closer to home: When Lisa came to you with her concerns, she was more or less fresh from an argument with her lover, right? It seems possible she was more than a little prepared by all the arguing going on in her life to take whatever words you said in an unfavorable light -- as she would no doubt have been taking the words she heard during her arguments with her lover. So, her state of mind when she spoke with you needs to be taken into account here too, for it seems quite possible that it could decisively influence what she thought she heard.

Am I making any sense this morning? I know I'm not addressing your inane obsession in this thread with quantum mechanics, but still....


The last time I asked a woman to help me figure out another woman she just glared at me and said, "What does she have that I don't have"?

I think Freud was in love with his mother, although i can't prove it.

Lol, sorry this made me think of an ongoing problem in my life. I have a terrible terrible tendency to answer those questions if I'm annoyed. Doesn't bode well.

"What does she have that I don't have?"

Green eyes, brown hair, few inches in height, longer legs, worse fashion sense, softer voice... These are not the correct responses lol, honesty is no always the best policy.

Anyway back to the OP, yeah I think everyone tends to do that to a point. We all get to a point where we are angry and need something to be angry at, even if it's unjustified. And the last thing we want is someone explaining why we should be angry, we just want you to get angry also :) Just speculation lol


Premium Member
About being able to go back and see what you'd written: For years I used to think that I was saying things wrong and that is why people misunderstood me. Now I can go back, see what I had said and I realize that it isn't me. I am saying things one way and people sometimes take it differently, probably only read parts of what I had written. It's kind of a relief.
And it happens not just to me, but to everyone! Misery loves company!:D


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Quagmire, I'm alarmed to read your persistent whining and bickering over quantum mechanics in this thread. Get a grip on yourself, man! All is probability and deep down you know it and ought to love it!

I see you're one of those who would stand idly by and let your life be dictated by such archiac and unjust precepts as Gravity and the law of cause and effect, leaving it to people such as myself to effect any positive changes against the tyranical rule of those co-conspiritors---"Physics and "Reality".

(all the voices in my head start singing, "We Shall Overcome....")

Besides that, I just woke up and so the thought has occurred to me that so much of what we hear -- or believe we hear -- depends on our state of mind. The simplest example is how we often don't hear things right when we're tired or still waking up. But another example would be closer to home: When Lisa came to you with her concerns, she was more or less fresh from an argument with her lover, right?

Well, they were just roommates but to my friends, drama is drama.

It seems possible she was more than a little prepared by all the arguing going on in her life to take whatever words you said in an unfavorable light -- as she would no doubt have been taking the words she heard during her arguments with her lover. So, her state of mind when she spoke with you needs to be taken into account here too, for it seems quite possible that it could decisively influence what she thought she heard.

Or she was just looking for someone to take it out on. :p

Am I making any sense this morning? I know I'm not addressing your inane obsession in this thread with quantum mechanics, but still....

I'm in the process even as we speak of writing a stinging letter to God in regards to His failure to make timely amendments to His outdated and obsolete universal laws.

(I'm going to mention the all too obvious Abrahamic overtones of His "Law of cause and effect" precept, smacking as it does of "an eye for an eye" mode of thinking.

He always winces when I do that. :D)


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Lol, sorry this made me think of an ongoing problem in my life. I have a terrible terrible tendency to answer those questions if I'm annoyed. Doesn't bode well.

"What does she have that I don't have?"

Green eyes, brown hair, few inches in height, longer legs, worse fashion sense, softer voice... These are not the correct responses lol, honesty is no always the best policy.

Lol! I can see we share the gift of knowing how to say exactly the wrong thing at precisely the wrong time to exactly the wrong person:p (which is just another way of saying, "telling the truth".)

Anyway back to the OP, yeah I think everyone tends to do that to a point. We all get to a point where we are angry and need something to be angry at, even if it's unjustified. And the last thing we want is someone explaining why we should be angry, we just want you to get angry also :) Just speculation lol

Reasonable people can be a real pain when I'm in the middle of being unreasonable (kind of takes all the fun out of it).


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
And then delete it. ;p :)

That's another thing I love about the internet. :D

not in this forum!:sarcastic

You gotta get rid of it in the first 24 hours,
or your stuck with it.:eek: forever..........(and ever.... and ever.... and ever....)

Nice thing is after 24 hours people will have forgotten anything said anyway.

Unless you told them they were wrong about something...

About being able to go back and see what you'd written: For years I used to think that I was saying things wrong and that is why people misunderstood me. Now I can go back, see what I had said and I realize that it isn't me. I am saying things one way and people sometimes take it differently, probably only read parts of what I had written. It's kind of a relief.
And it happens not just to me, but to everyone! Misery loves company!:D

Yup! I used to think I was crazy, and I haven't changed my mind about that but it's a relief to know that everyone else is too. :D


Well-Known Member
One of the people involved, Lisa, walks into my workshop to give me the latest report (gossip) about the other person involved. I was in the middle of trying to rescue my computer, which was going down for the third time in an ocean of viruses, so I told her, "Hold on a minute Lisa, I'm in the middle of something and I really have to deal with this".

I didn't hear her leave but she stopped by my window just long enough for me to see the look of dejection and shock on her face. A cpl hours later she calls me to read me the riot act for "telling her to shut up".

Bleh. So, I went down to the coffee shop where we all hang out a little later and and tried to talk to her (sitting all by herself at a table on the patio, still looking dejected).

Anyway, long story short, over the course of our conversation she kept insisting that I had actually told her to shut up, in those words, and again I just figured, "this is some kind of manipulation technique to put me on the defensive as well as a subtle form of extortion or punishment, as if she were saying 'this is what I'm going to tell everybody else you said'".

But I realized at a point, "She actually believes what she's saying here. She really thinks I told her to 'shut up'". Amazing.[*Ok, it's over now*]

So my theory is; Sometimes when people have an exagerrated emotional response to a given situation, in order to justify what they're feeling they have to go back and rewrite some of the details and diolouge in such a way as to make their emotions feel appropriate to the situation. At that point their mind is spinning so fast and out of control that they don't have time to stop and consider whether any of their thoughts are making sense (the editing is almost involuntary).

Human memory is very unreliable. Thats why I keep denying my memories of being abducted by aliens who are also RF members. JK

She might have misinterpreted what you said, or felt that you were insinuating that she should shut up, then later interpolated her memory with her misinterpretation of the event.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Human memory is very unreliable. Thats why I keep denying my memories of being abducted by aliens who are also RF members. JK

She might have misinterpreted what you said, or felt that you were insinuating that she should shut up, then interpolated her perception/interpretation with the memory of that event.

I'm still going with the "all my friends are crazy" diagnosis. It covers so much ground and explains so much.