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The Jesus Myth

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Agnostic Theist
doppelgänger;2503478 said:
I suspect he doesn't have that gear available. Really, I can't imagine someone missing the meaning by that much if they did.
After having seen people claim that Jesus was based off of various other "god-men" who supposedly are the Sun God, or are based on the rising and dying idea attached to various other gods, I thought you were making a historical claim. And after having spent a considerable amount of time dealing with people on this thread who are making historical claims, I took yours just as I did various other posters here.


so angellous you dont find its mention i.e. Ainon in the NT in connection with Baptism and Salem
superflous in regards to the surrounding text

Salem is only mentioned 4 times in the Bible, and the only NT examples are in Hebrews 7.1-2, and it has nothing to do with baptism, and "ainon" is not in the texts.

The baptisms carried out by John the Baptist has nothing to so with Salem or, as far as I can tell, AINON. If you know of a specific verse that I can review, I can take a look at it.

But so far a connection between AINON - Salem - John - Baptism - and Jesus is completely unknown to the text.


i dont think Salem was mentioned but its geographic location is at Salem in the wadi (springs)

Do you really think that Abraham met Melkelzidek outside of Jerusalem?

(btw, "wadi" is not mentioned in John, either.)


Well-Known Member
Prove it then.

When I was a child, we argued like this:

Prove it!

No, you prove it!

No, you prove it!

I already proved it but you're too dumb to know it!

No you didn't. I proved it but you're too dumb to know it!

I'm afraid that I feel very much as doppelganger seems to feel about the productivity of debating with you, fallingblood. Sometimes it's better to move on.


Agnostic Theist
When I was a child, we argued like this:

Prove it!

No, you prove it!

No, you prove it!

I already proved it but you're too dumb to know it!

No you didn't. I proved it but you're too dumb to know it!

I'm afraid that I feel very much as doppelganger seems to feel about the productivity of debating with you, fallingblood. Sometimes it's better to move on.
I have addressed all of your points. I have given my reasoning behind my rebuttals. I have tried to bend over backwards, to answer your questions how you want them to be answered. Yet, you resort to avoidance tactics such as this.

You are proposing ideas that are contrary to the accepted beliefs. Thus, you have the burden of proof. I have already shown this to be true by supplying you with the evidence that supports this claim. Yet, again, you rely on avoidance tactics.

I said prove it, because up to now, your main tactic is either to avoid the matter, or brush it off with a comment that has very little worth. Instead of just having a one liner, that only dismisses your opponent, you need to prove your position, as the burden of proof is on you.

*Edit* Just to put this all in context. You stated: "Anyway, I doubt the gospels were first presented as non-fiction. I think their writers would be shocked out of their minds to see how people are taking their stories as historical."

That was what I telling you to prove. Why? You have the burden of proof. As Michael Shermer states: "The person making the extraordinary claim has the burden of proving to the experts and to the community at large that his or her belief has more validity than the one almost everyone else accepts."

Now, most experts and the community at large accept that the Gospel writers were not writing fiction. That they were writing non-fiction. Thus, since you have the burden of proof as you have the extraordinary claim.

You have failed to prove your point. Just repeating it over and over again does not make it so. You need to provide evidence and prove that your point is valid.
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Agnostic Theist
doppelgänger;2503192 said:
For starters, the earliest human religious imagery was not based on historical persons at all, but on animal figures and personifications of other natural forces - the things that sustained life and brought death before the dawn of civilization. Where particular persons became mythologized later, they picked up these attributes from a deeper level of the human psyche.

"Jesus" is full of both Sun God and Vegetal rebirth/spring fertility imagery from deep, deep down in the collective subconscious.
Okay. After rereading your post, I get more of what you were saying, and will admit that I took it wrongly. I was under the wrong assumption when I read what you said, and I do apologize for that.

I can see where it makes sense. I accept that Jesus is a historical person, but like others, he was mythologized later on. So it would make sense why certain characteristics are attributed to Jesus, that most likely are not historical.

I can also see how acknowledging that would help Jesus scholars break down the mythology around Jesus, and thus get back to the historical character.

Just so I can get it straight though, are you of the opinion that Jesus was a historical figure, or not? I'm under the assumption you don't; however, I do want to make sure.


Agnostic Theist
That question would be outside my area of expertise.

Still, I think it's an error to think that traditional Jews started the Jesus movement. No Jewish messiah claimant has ever been embraced by traditional Jews.

Except maybe Jesus, but I doubt it.
Actually, there have been. Bar Kokhba was embraced for a time (after he failed, then of course he really wasn't anymore).

Also, there were no traditional Jews, per se, during the time of Jesus. In fact, it was quite diverse, to the point in which modern scholars have taken to referring to Judaism in the plural form. During the time of Bar Kokhba, it was different though, as Judaism had become centralized into Rabbinic Judaism.


Agnostic Theist
doppelgänger;2503240 said:
There's pretty good evidence that "Mark" was written perhaps in part as allegorical fiction meant to memorialize the important events of the Jewish cyclical year. It may have been a teaching story meant to help young Jewish students remember their liturgy. This argument and the evidence for it is summarized in Bishop Spong's Jesus for the Non-Religious.
I just purchased this book, and will read it after I finish some other books I'm currently reading.

From the excerpts and reviews/product description, I would say to a point, I would agree with him. However, I just can't see the story of Jesus having been formed in part to remember events of the Jewish cyclical year. The only real date given in Mark is the day in which Jesus died. And that would only help to remember the Passover, which Jews wouldn't need that to help remember when it happened.

The time period in the Mark is sketchy, and scholars even disagree as to how long he is portraying the ministry of Jesus.


Well-Known Member
I have addressed all of your points. I have given my reasoning behind my rebuttals. I have tried to bend over backwards, to answer your questions how you want them to be answered.

You and I see things quite differently as to how you've behaved in the debate.

You are proposing ideas that are contrary to the accepted beliefs. Thus, you have the burden of proof.

It's a bit ironic that you mention this. I tried to engage you in discussing this silly "burden of proof" business... but guess what? You totally ignored it. Refused to address it. Would not respond to it.

But I can't debate with you so long as you keep shouting "burden of proof." In my view of things, the concept itself is quite juvenile. I could show you that except, well... you refuse to talk about it. Instead, you continually repeat, "Burden of proof! Burden of proof!" It really is impossible to debate with someone who has such a skewed idea of what constitutes debate. Sorry to have to put it that way.

I said prove it, because up to now, your main tactic is either to avoid the matter, or brush it off with a comment that has very little worth. Instead of just having a one liner, that only dismisses your opponent, you need to prove your position, as the burden of proof is on you.

In case any lurkers might think seriously of Blood's claim here, what has actually happened is that each time I tell him that his opinion is a fine opinion, he accuses me of brushing him off, dismissing him. So far as I can tell, in his view, one must take either Black or else White and never ever budge. To acknowledge that the other guy holds a fine personal opinion, then, is to dismiss the guy. That's my take on it, anyway.

That was what I telling you to prove. Why? You have the burden of proof. As Michael Shermer states: "The person making the extraordinary claim has the burden of proving to the experts and to the community at large that his or her belief has more validity than the one almost everyone else accepts."

Next time you see Michael or any other of your Heroes, tell them to come here and see if they can argue such a silly claim with me. I am ready.

Do you really not see how particularly silly it is in this case? You want me to "prove" that I doubt the gospels were first presented as non-fiction? I mean, how very strange is such a request. You want me to open my head and show you my doubt?

You just can't understand that I don't think like you do. I don't believe that either Black or else White must be true. Why on earth would I try to prove that White is true, then?

Heck, the very concept of 'prove' is for debaters who don't know what they're doing.

If you could find it within yourself to try and define that word 'prove' -- as I've asked you to do more than once -- you might come to see what I'm talking about.

Now, most experts and the community at large accept that the Gospel writers were not writing fiction. That they were writing non-fiction. Thus, since you have the burden of proof as you have the extraordinary claim.

Anyone who believes in 'burden of proof' is confused about the nature of serious debate.

Anyone who constantly tries to saddle his opponent with this "burden of proof" cannot be taken as a serious debater. Not by me, anyway.

Let me know if you'd like to define "prove" for me or talk about burden of proof. We'd have to do that before I'd consider continuing to discuss the historical Jesus with you.
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It's a bit ironic that you mention this. I tried to engage you in discussing this silly "burden of proof" business... but guess what? You totally ignored it. Refused to address it. Would not respond to it.

But I can't debate with you so long as you keep shouting "burden of proof." In my view of things, the concept itself is quite juvenile. I could show you that except, well... you refuse to talk about it. Instead, you continually repeat, "Burden of proof! Burden of proof!" It really is impossible to debate with someone who has such a skewed idea of what constitutes debate. Sorry to have to put it that way.

your he one going off the beaten path.

its only logical that you provide information as to why you should drag us down your own personal path


Agnostic Theist
You and I see things quite differently as to how you've behaved in the debate.
Point to an issue of yours that I have either avoided, or did not address. I will be gladly to address it right now.
It's a bit ironic that you mention this. I tried to engage you in discussing this silly "burden of proof" business... but guess what? You totally ignored it. Refused to address it. Would not respond to it.

But I can't debate with you so long as you keep shouting "burden of proof." In my view of things, the concept itself is quite juvenile. I could show you that except, well... you refuse to talk about it. Instead, you continually repeat, "Burden of proof! Burden of proof!" It really is impossible to debate with someone who has such a skewed idea of what constitutes debate. Sorry to have to put it that way.
Please show me where I refused to address it. Because as far as I can remember, I have twice now either given you a link supporting my position on the burden of proof or quoted directly from an expert.

I did the first time based on your response. The first time I supplied a link, I was doing so in regards to your response. What I quoted is the accepted stance. You made a claim that you are not will to support fully (yes, on occasion you have supplied some support to your view, yet, it is seldom that you do).

Now, instead of actually addressing the issue, you once again just dismiss the idea because you don't accept it. That is how much of this debate is going.
In case any lurkers might think seriously of Blood's claim here, what has actually happened is that each time I tell him that his opinion is a fine opinion, he accuses me of brushing him off, dismissing him. So far as I can tell, in his view, one must take either Black or else White and never ever budge. To acknowledge that the other guy holds a fine personal opinion, then, is to dismiss the guy. That's my take on it, anyway.
You stating, that is a fine opinion, and then not actually addressing the opinion, is being dismissive.

And no, I'm not making this black and white. If you actually read what I have said throughout this thread, I have admitted mistakes, that I could be wrong. Meaning, that I have budged on my stance. As for being black and white, that is a baseless claim. And really, to try to attack my character, as you are doing here, is just one more dismissive attack.
Next time you see Michael or any other of your Heroes, tell them to come here and see if they can argue such a silly claim with me. I am ready.

Do you really not see how particularly silly it is in this case? You want me to "prove" that I doubt the gospels were first presented as non-fiction? I mean, how very strange is such a request. You want me to open my head and show you my doubt?

You just can't understand that I don't think like you do. I don't believe that either Black or else White must be true. Why on earth would I try to prove that White is true, then?

Heck, the very concept of 'prove' is for debaters who don't know what they're doing.

If you could find it within yourself to try and define that word 'prove' -- as I've asked you to do more than once -- you might come to see what I'm talking about.
If you are ready to debate this, then please do so. Offer your view, and back it up. There is no need to bring Michael "or any of my other heros" here. Especially when that would be pointless. If you want to debate my "silly" claim, please do so.

As for the claim, I want you to back it up. Why do you believe that the Gospel writers intended to write fiction? Why do you believe that the Gospel writers did not intend to write non-fiction? Just back up your claim. That is all I'm asking.

And really, you should have known what I was asking you to prove. You simply stating you believe something is all the proof I need in order to assume you believe it. That is logical. It is also logical to assume that I was talking about your belief, and why you believe it is true.

You don't need to play silly little word games here. Because really, all that they show is that you are not willing to deal with the actual matter, but would rather avoid it. So please, just address the question. Why do you believe that the Gospels writers intended to write fiction, and can you provide any evidence?

As for me seeing it as only black and white, that is another attack. You are trying to dismiss me by trying to make my view point seem ridiculous. There should be no room for that in a debate.

It is fine you believe something else. However, if you want to enter into a debate (we are in a debate forum), one should be ready to debate the ideas that they present.

As for defining the word prove. As with the last time you asked, I am willing to substitute the idea of prove, and instead, would just like you to provide evidence of your position. Just provide evidence supporting your argument. That is all I mean by prove.
Anyone who believes in 'burden of proof' is confused about the nature of serious debate.

Anyone who constantly tries to saddle his opponent with this "burden of proof" cannot be taken as a serious debater. Not by me, anyway.

Let me know if you'd like to define "prove" for me or talk about burden of proof. We'd have to do that before I'd consider continuing to discuss the historical Jesus with you.
Why not just actually address the issues at hand, instead of trying to make this into something it is not? I have addressed the idea of burden of proof, and I have even quoted an expert on the subject. I have also told you what I mean by prove. So please, just carry on with the actual arguments, and stop trying to derail this thread into something that it is not.


Agnostic Theist
For the record, I think that question makes absolutely no sense.
That is fine, it wasn't addressed to you.

As for it making sense, it does. It is asking a question. Does the person I addressed, believe that Jesus was a historical person, or does the person I addressed, believe he was not? It makes sense that I would ask this question, as I was curios about the answer. Knowing the answer would allow me to more understand where he is coming from.
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