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The Jesus Myth

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Well-Known Member
your he one going off the beaten path.

its only logical that you provide information as to why you should drag us down your own personal path

That's so curious. You think I want to drag you down my path, do you?

Why would I want that?

Anyway, I've provided the info and arguments again and again and again... only to have them ignored and the "Prove it" mantra shouted at me again.


Agnostic Theist
That's so curious. You think I want to drag you down my path, do you?

Why would I want that?

Anyway, I've provided the info and arguments again and again and again... only to have them ignored and the "Prove it" mantra shouted at me again.
If there is some info or an argument I have ignored, please restate it, and I will be happy to address it fully.

To be clear though, I have addressed the six points that you laid out for the basis of your belief. I did address those six points, and you still have not offered a rebuttal.


Well-Known Member
Point to an issue of yours that I have either avoided, or did not address. I will be gladly to address it right now.

I think you must be joking, but I am persistent and will try one more time.

Please define "prove" for me, in your own words. When you demand that I "prove" something, what are you wanting me to do exactly?

This is at least the third time I've asked and you've refused to respond.

And no, I'm not making this black and white. If you actually read what I have said throughout this thread, I have admitted mistakes, that I could be wrong. Meaning, that I have budged on my stance. As for being black and white, that is a baseless claim. And really, to try to attack my character, as you are doing here, is just one more dismissive attack.

I'm not attacking your character. I just don't think you are ready for primetime debate. It's not a flaw in your character. I suspect that with your passion, you may one day grow into a different view of debate than you currently seem to hold.

As for the claim, I want you to back it up. Why do you believe that the Gospel writers intended to write fiction? Why do you believe that the Gospel writers did not intend to write non-fiction? Just back up your claim. That is all I'm asking.

I've given you my reasons again and again. (Remember the word-tracking thing, for just one example?)

But it doesn't matter what evidence or reasoning I give, you will come again at me with "Back it up!" or "Prove it."

It's pretty tiring, fallingblood. It looks like a debate game to me, and I'm just not interested in games. Serious matters are afoot.

So please, just address the question. Why do you believe that the Gospels writers intended to write fiction, and can you provide any evidence?

You're not serious. I'm pretty sure of it. You could not possibly have forgotten all my arguments in such a short time.

As for me seeing it as only black and white, that is another attack. You are trying to dismiss me by trying to make my view point seem ridiculous. There should be no room for that in a debate.

I'm trying to help you understand that you should stop. Just stop and stand still and spend some time thinking about the nature of debate itself. You have a lot of knowledge, but you're wasting it here, I think. You should be thinking about technique, not about substance.

I'm offering my help with that. Take it or don't.

As for defining the word prove. As with the last time you asked, I am willing to substitute the idea of prove, and instead, would just like you to provide evidence of your position. Just provide evidence supporting your argument. That is all I mean by prove.

Really? Are you sure that's all you mean by it? Because I've provided a bunch of evidence for my belief in gospels-as-fiction. (Please don't deny it. I'll just point everyone to our posted messages where we discussed plagiarism).

I have provided evidence. Therefore, by your definition of "prove", I have proved that the gospels were written as fiction, yes?

Please answer this last part of my message if you have any interest in keeping my interest.

Have I proved my position, according to your own definition of "prove"?


Agnostic Theist
I think you must be joking, but I am persistent and will try one more time.

Please define "prove" for me, in your own words. When you demand that I "prove" something, what are you wanting me to do exactly?

This is at least the third time I've asked and you've refused to respond.
Just to be clear, I have answered this the last two times. But I will again.

When I ask you to prove something, I am asking you to provide evidence supporting your argument.

Also, just to show I have addressed this point, from post 658: As for defining the word prove. As with the last time you asked, I am willing to substitute the idea of prove, and instead, would just like you to provide evidence of your position. Just provide evidence supporting your argument. That is all I mean by prove.

The first time was in post 389: I'll simplify it. Provide some evidence for your position. That is all I want.
I'm not attacking your character. I just don't think you are ready for primetime debate. It's not a flaw in your character. I suspect that with your passion, you may one day grow into a different view of debate than you currently seem to hold.
So that is not attacking my character? You're just calling me, basically, immature, and not ready for this type of discussion. I think that would constitute and attack. And either way, it is simply you trying to dismiss me for one reason or another.
I've given you my reasons again and again. (Remember the word-tracking thing, for just one example?)

But it doesn't matter what evidence or reasoning I give, you will come again at me with "Back it up!" or "Prove it."

It's pretty tiring, fallingblood. It looks like a debate game to me, and I'm just not interested in games. Serious matters are afoot.
Yes, I remember your word tracking claim. And I did discuss that, multiple times. For instance, in post 424, I addressed your six claims that you made that you used to support your position.

Now, granted, I didn't give an answer you found satisfactory. So I did it again in post 512. You responded: "Thank you, Blood. I feel like someone has finally addressed my issue head on. And I'll take your word for the tracked language, pending verification later." In post 516. And I responded to that in post 521.

I didn't simply come back with prove it or back it up in those. I addressed your arguments. In fact, in post 424, which I linked to above, I addressed all your six points. As far as I can recall, I have only once came out with nothing more than prove it, which I later explained in more detail.
You're not serious. I'm pretty sure of it. You could not possibly have forgotten all my arguments in such a short time.
I have addressed all your arguments already, yet, you refuse, for the most part, to offer a rebuttal. And you continue to state the same thing, that you believe that the Gospel writers intended to write fiction. So since you won't address the vast majority of my rebuttals, I would like it if you just provided evidence for this statement that you continue to repeat.
I'm trying to help you understand that you should stop. Just stop and stand still and spend some time thinking about the nature of debate itself. You have a lot of knowledge, but you're wasting it here, I think. You should be thinking about technique, not about substance.

I'm offering my help with that. Take it or don't.
I have taken various debate classes. I have also been in various debate clubs. In high school, I was in Student Congress, which was just another form of a debate club. I know how to debate. I know various theories on debate. I have learned how to debate both formally and informally. And I have had no real problem on this forum before.

I know enough about how to debate.
Really? Are you sure that's all you mean by it? Because I've provided a bunch of evidence for my belief in gospels-as-fiction. (Please don't deny it. I'll just point everyone to our posted messages where we discussed plagiarism).

I have provided evidence. Therefore, by your definition of "prove", I have proved that the gospels were written as fiction, yes?

Please answer this last part of my message if you have any interest in keeping my interest.

Have I proved my position, according to your own definition of "prove"?
Yes, I am sure that is what I mean by it. And please, do point out to everyone to those posts. I would have no problem going over them again. If you are referring to post 424, where I responded to the 6 points you brought up, I have already linked to that. And please, do go over it and offer a response to the rebuttals I offered. That would be great. If you are referring to other arguments you brought up, please point to them, and I will be happy to address them again. I have no problem with that at all, and I feel that would be a step in the right direction.

As for proving your position, no. You did supply an argument for your position, and maybe a little evidence; however, the argument was not enough, as pointed out in the rebuttal that I offered.

This is a back and forth ordeal. You can provide proof or evidence for your argument, and for the time being, prove it. However, once a rebuttal is offered, it signals that either the evidence or argument are not completely satisfactory, thus, denying the status of being proven anymore.

*Edit* Just to clarify that last point. If you provide evidence for your argument, in a sense, you have proven it. Now, if I come back, and offer a rebuttal, which I have, then that evidence which you provided, either doesn't support your argument, or does so unsuccessfully. Thus, in order to again prove your position, you must address the rebuttal, and either provide additional evidence, or show why in fact the previous evidence did support your position. If I come back with another rebuttal, then the process starts again.

One can prove their side, and then later on, have it unproven. If that happens, either one has to accept that their side simply does not hold up, or set on the task, once again, to prove their side.
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That's so curious. You think I want to drag you down my path, do you?

Why would I want that?

Anyway, I've provided the info and arguments again and again and again... only to have them ignored and the "Prove it" mantra shouted at me again.

look if you dont have anything other then opinion to back your stance thats fine


Well-Known Member
So that is not attacking my character? You're just calling me, basically, immature, and not ready for this type of discussion.

I am suggesting that you might benefit, greatly, by looking at life and debate differently.

I think that would constitute and attack. And either way, it is simply you trying to dismiss me for one reason or another.

It is me telling you that I find debate with you entirely unproductive. Forgive me for saying this, but it is like butting my head against a brick wall. I know that the wall isn't going to give, even a millimeter. The wall doesn't even seem to notice me much.

So why should I do it?

I didn't simply come back with prove it or back it up in those. I addressed your arguments. In fact, in post 424, which I linked to above, I addressed all your six points.

Yes, that's true.

I have taken various debate classes. I have also been in various debate clubs. In high school, I was in Student Congress, which was just another form of a debate club. I know how to debate. I know various theories on debate. I have learned how to debate both formally and informally.

Trust me, Blood, all of that has been glaringly obvious since the moment I met you. I even referred to it, obliquely, somewhere in this thread. (Edit: See Msg #607)

You know, sometimes we need to put away the things we learn in school. Our teachers are only fallible humans. If we believe too much in the material and the thought structures which they teach us, we may go astray. No... even worse. We may live our whole lives on the straight and narrow.

Do you think that a truly great Biblical scholar is the one who looks like a clone of his teachers? Who acts and thinks like all other Biblical scholars?

I know enough about how to debate.

Okey dokey. So you don't need me, then.

This is a back and forth ordeal. You can provide proof or evidence for your argument, and for the time being, prove it. However, once a rebuttal is offered, it signals that either the evidence or argument are not completely satisfactory, thus, denying the status of being proven anymore.

Yikes. Unbutton your top button, man. Breathe a little.

One can prove their side, and then later on, have it unproven. If that happens, either one has to accept that their side simply does not hold up, or set on the task, once again, to prove their side.

If you would like to engage the issue of fallingblood's language and thought, let me know.

Trust me, you don't know what "prove" means to fallingblood. Most people don't know what their own words mean. It's why their worldviews are disintegrated. If you knew what your words meant, then you might become a mighty debater, I think... at least on the issue of the historical Jesus.
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Do you think that a truly great Biblical scholar is the one who looks like a clone of his teachers? Who acts and thinks like all other Biblical scholars?

I can speak to this a bit.

Biblical scholars to agree on a whole lot of things, despite our sometimes polemic disagreements.

Biblical scholarship is a wide field with many disciplines, and generally students are brought up within one of these disciplines. On the Ph.D. level, the student takes that tradition, develops his/her unique way of studying the Bible, and goes on from there. So no scholar is an island, but we have our own rental properties on the beach.


Agnostic Theist
AmbiguousGuy- I have given you every chance to argue your view point. I have shown, beyond a doubt, that I'm not ignoring your points, but that I am addressing them, multiple times. If you want to continue to try to make a fool of yourself by analyzing me, go ahead, but I will not be sucked into your childish games.

This thread is about the Jesus myth. It is not about my language, or thought process. It is not about teaching me how to debate, or think about life. This is not about me personally, and I would appreciate it if you ceased trying to make it such. Honestly, I don't care about your opinions about me or what you think when it comes to me personally. It matters not, because you have no credibility, and really, only sound foolish.

Now, if you want to continue with the actual debate, we can do that. In my previous post, I supplied links to various posts in which I have offered rebuttals to your arguments. I gave you the chance to bring any arguments of yours that I have ignored, to light, and if you do, I will address them. I have even defined, simply, what I meant by prove.

I will not be dragged any further into a childish game of yours. I want an intellectual debate on the Jesus myth. You can take it or leave it. But stop making personal comments about me, and stop trying to analyze me.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Um... what else is there but opinion, outhouse?

You want me to tell you God's Own Truth?
"What else is there?" What about your statement here:
I've provided a bunch of evidence for my belief in gospels-as-fiction.
Evidence??? I thought all we needed was opinion, because, after all, "what else is there but opinion?

Talk about double-talk!


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
More double-talk:
Most people don't know what their own words mean. It's why their worldviews are disintegrated. If you knew what your words meant, then you might become a mighty debater, I think... at least on the issue of the historical Jesus.
yet, you said previously that "words don't mean anything."


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
there is a historical and scholarly study on jesus, much of which you want to ignore
Oh, it doesn't mean anything! It's just some clone scholar's opinion.
Opinions are all there is!
No, wait! Words don't have meanings, so opinions are OK!
But... Blood would be a better debater if he knew the meanings of the words he's using...I mean...
Wait! I dunno what I mean!

I need a hug...:laundry:


According to the Bible, which is my standard of determining such matters as whether Jesus is True, Yes, He is True and Real.


Well-Known Member
Biblical scholarship is a wide field with many disciplines, and generally students are brought up within one of these disciplines. On the Ph.D. level, the student takes that tradition, develops his/her unique way of studying the Bible, and goes on from there. So no scholar is an island, but we have our own rental properties on the beach.

Thanks for that insight. I think Biblical scholarship is just fine, though I wouldn't want to go there myself. I'm no sort of scholar at all, although I once pursued linguistics a little bit.

I do believe that academic debate and forum debate are two radically different animals. The point of formal academic debate is to win. But there is no winning here. There isn't even a judge.


Well-Known Member
If you want to continue to try to make a fool of yourself by analyzing me, go ahead, but I will not be sucked into your childish games.

I love you, man. You're special to me. And don't worry, I never hold a grudge and rarely take name-calling seriously.

This thread is about the Jesus myth. It is not about my language, or thought process.

Nah. I'm just not going to debate a guy who 1)incessantly taunts me to "Prove it!" 2) incessantly declares that the "burden of proof" is on my shoulders, 3) can't even admit the most obvious of truths, like the human passion for heroes, 4) refuses to give me an example of tracked language until I insist IN ALL CAPS, multiple times, that he do so, 5) thinks that 'prove' means 'be the last guy to post', and 6) etc.

It's either about your (and my) debate behavior or else I'm going to look for better company. (Might zing you every once in awhile though, just to prove my love has not died.)

It matters not, because you have no credibility, and really, only sound foolish.

I love you, man. Don't fool around with anyone else, OK?

I will not be dragged any further into a childish game of yours. I want an intellectual debate on the Jesus myth. You can take it or leave it. But stop making personal comments about me, and stop trying to analyze me.

Take another shot at defining 'prove.' Don't worry. I won't hold you to your efforts so far. If you're going to continually demand that I 'prove' things, it is not unreasonable for me to ask you to define 'prove.'

So far, you've defined it as 'being the last guy to post in a debate.'

I think you can see that you need to work on that a bit.


Well-Known Member
yet, you said previously that "words don't mean anything."

So are you here only to snipe, or do you think you're ready to engage a discussion of language with me?

Words mean things to the sending and receiving minds, yes?

But words don't mean anything to the cosmos, yes?

So words mean things.

And words don't mean things.

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