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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac

Be kind to yourself​

It is not just how you treat other people — it is how you extend those same behaviors and intentions to yourself as well. I believe you can be kinder in your own self-talk and practice gratitude. People are good at verbally beating themselves up, and rarely does that work as a pep talk. Rather, negativity often causes you to unravel and may even create a vicious cycle of regularly getting down on yourself. You wouldn't talk to your neighbor the way you sometimes talk to yourself. This is what I call the “good neighbor policy,” which can be helpful. If you would not say it to your good neighbor, do not say it about yourself.



Resident megalomaniac
The kindness pandemic site - yet to click on ALL the media links -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
6 ways to make a difference on Random Acts of Kindness Day

"My hope is that we develop enough courage to develop courage. To try to have, try to learn to treat each other fairly, with generosity and kindness."

Maya Angelou

These days, the world around us can seem overwhelming. It’s easy to feel helpless when faced with a seemingly never-ending bad news cycle, but the truth is, we all have the power to make things just a little bit better. How? It’s simple. Just be kind.

Read the full list of tips here -



Resident megalomaniac
Cancer may not be life-ending, but it usually is life-changing. A cancer diagnosis instantaneously turns life upside down for patients and families. Cancer care is a “high-emotion” service, and the care team must not only effectively treat the disease but also address patients’ intense emotions.

While accurate diagnosis and effective treatment are paramount, simple acts of kindness can be a potent antidote to negative emotions and may improve outcomes for those experiencing the frightening journey called cancer. A growing body of evidence reviewed at Stanford University shows that kind medical care can lead to faster wound healing, reduced pain, anxiety and blood pressure, and shorter hospital stays.

I have long studied how to improve service in health care. My current work focuses on cancer care and includes field research at 10 innovative U.S. cancer centers and interviews with approximately 400 cancer patients, family members, oncology clinicians and staff. Cancer care is about more than the science, which has led to important advances in treatment. High-touch needs to complement high-tech. In a recent paper, co-authors and I explore how six types of kindness can improve cancer care.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
On a hunch, I searched for more on the theme of kindness at that huge site - try - theconversation.com kindness - for example -

After asking more than 3,000 students about kindness, I’ve learned a lot about just how children and adolescents understand and enact kindness, especially at school. The results might surprise parents and educators.

One trend in kindness research is to assess the effects of being kind on the well-being of participants. Researchers have found, across studies, that completing kind acts such as spending money on a stranger, counting the number of kind acts you’ve done each week and doing kind acts for people with whom you have varying social connections all boost well-being.

When I began studying kindness as an education researcher at the University of British Columbia, I noticed that, firstly, there was no measure to assess perceptions of kindness in school. Secondly, we knew very little about how kids understood and demonstrated kindness.



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness is love in action

Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Tara Cousineau reacted to the cruelty of mean girls by becoming a kindness warrior and set out to make the world a kinder place. Dr. Cousineau maintains that kindness is a natural human action. We all start out being kind and compassionate to other people, then life happens. We may experience war, trauma, poverty, or other hardships and survival takes over. She maintains that because of our basic need to survive, the initial purity of thought and kindness for others is diminished, or even buried beneath our more urgent needs. However, she urges everyone to work at kindness. Whatever we feel and express is contagious. It’s up to each of us to decide what we want to share: meanness, which is an expression of hate, or kindness–an expression of love. Dr. Cousineau advises that we intentionally choose kindness for ourselves and others.

Comes from this site -


sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Cancer may not be life-ending, but it usually is life-changing. A cancer diagnosis instantaneously turns life upside down for patients and families. Cancer care is a “high-emotion” service, and the care team must not only effectively treat the disease but also address patients’ intense emotions.

While accurate diagnosis and effective treatment are paramount, simple acts of kindness can be a potent antidote to negative emotions and may improve outcomes for those experiencing the frightening journey called cancer. A growing body of evidence reviewed at Stanford University shows that kind medical care can lead to faster wound healing, reduced pain, anxiety and blood pressure, and shorter hospital stays.

I have long studied how to improve service in health care. My current work focuses on cancer care and includes field research at 10 innovative U.S. cancer centers and interviews with approximately 400 cancer patients, family members, oncology clinicians and staff. Cancer care is about more than the science, which has led to important advances in treatment. High-touch needs to complement high-tech. In a recent paper, co-authors and I explore how six types of kindness can improve cancer care.

All the best!

My wife went through cancer and years later is cancer free. She really appreciated my support during the ordeal.


Resident megalomaniac
My wife went through cancer and years later is cancer free. She really appreciated my support during the ordeal.

Thanks for sharing!

I am glad you were able to offer her such vital support.

I have had great family support during my time battling with schizophrenia. A lot of people have little or no support.

Enjoy the rest of your browsing!



Resident megalomaniac
Ways to be kinder to yourself - then you are more likely to behave kindly towards your fellow human beings.

For example -

Along with negative self-talk, self-judgment hurts you even if you’re not conscious you’re doing it. Mindfulness is essential when learning to defeat self-judgment and build self-compassion.

You need to consider your thoughts and feelings without ruling on whether they’re “good” or “bad.” Observe them with mindful awareness. Recognize the thought or emotion without judging it. Don’t try to push it away, but don’t ruminate on it either.

Remember, thoughts come and go, and feelings change. Don’t over-identify with any one. You are not this one thought or one feeling. This too shall pass.

Comes from this excellent site -

All the best!

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
You need to consider your thoughts and feelings without ruling on whether they’re “good” or “bad.” Observe them with mindful awareness. Recognize the thought or emotion without judging it. Don’t try to push it away, but don’t ruminate on it either.

This is close to the "Witness" in Meher Baba's system

Knowledge of the soul may also be aimed at through a form of meditation in which the aspirant tries to realise himself as merely a witness of all physical and mental happenings. After a person wakes from a dream, he realizes that he was not a real agent of the actions in the dream, but that he was merely a witness of them. If the aspirant persistently practises considering himself a witness of all physical and mental happenings which he experiences in wakefulness as well as in dreams, he soon develops utter detachment, which brings freedom from all worries and sufferings connected with worldly events. This form of meditation is intended to lift the aspirant out of the bonds of time, and to secure for him immediate relief from the fret and fever connected with the diverse expressions of limited energy. As a witness, the soul remains aloof from all events in time, and the results of actions do not bind it. All this has to be experienced and not merely thought of.


Resident megalomaniac
This is close to the "Witness" in Meher Baba's system

Knowledge of the soul may also be aimed at through a form of meditation in which the aspirant tries to realise himself as merely a witness of all physical and mental happenings. After a person wakes from a dream, he realizes that he was not a real agent of the actions in the dream, but that he was merely a witness of them. If the aspirant persistently practises considering himself a witness of all physical and mental happenings which he experiences in wakefulness as well as in dreams, he soon develops utter detachment, which brings freedom from all worries and sufferings connected with worldly events. This form of meditation is intended to lift the aspirant out of the bonds of time, and to secure for him immediate relief from the fret and fever connected with the diverse expressions of limited energy. As a witness, the soul remains aloof from all events in time, and the results of actions do not bind it. All this has to be experienced and not merely thought of.

Thanks for sharing.

Wise words indeed!

Enjoy the rest of your browsing!



Resident megalomaniac
Helping others is something everyone should do daily. If you asked around, you would quickly realize that many people suffer from emotional pain, mental illness, loss, or other life challenges. Many people don’t know how to ask for help or are ignored when they ask for help with their problems. So, if you’re looking to do a good deed of the day or practice regular acts of kindness, you’ll find that there are plenty of opportunities to help others. In this article, we’ll highlight some of the benefits of helping others and share ways to help people in need.



Resident megalomaniac
Great Volunteer Ideas for Kids

When we make service work a normal part of our lives we don’t simply teach our children strong core values, we demonstrate these values in action.

Often volunteering isn’t “official.” A family does yard work and errands for a housebound neighbor. Or they compile information and pass out fliers to get a safety initiative passed through city council. Or they put on a garage sale and donate all the proceeds to benefit a local shelter. They are making the community a better place through their own efforts. The side effect? They give their children a wonderful dose of can-do attitude.

When families reach out to help others, their children learn that this is a natural response. After all, the word “humane” is a variant of the word “human.” The definition of “humane” includes demonstrating better aspects of the human character such as kindness and compassion and showing respect for other people’s views. The word used to define us also describes the qualities essential to forging a society based on mutual regard.


sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Helping others is something everyone should do daily. If you asked around, you would quickly realize that many people suffer from emotional pain, mental illness, loss, or other life challenges. Many people don’t know how to ask for help or are ignored when they ask for help with their problems. So, if you’re looking to do a good deed of the day or practice regular acts of kindness, you’ll find that there are plenty of opportunities to help others. In this article, we’ll highlight some of the benefits of helping others and share ways to help people in need.

"declutter the mind" (web site). What a fun, helpful image.


Resident megalomaniac
"declutter the mind" (web site). What a fun, helpful image.

Yes - it's an excellent site if you have the time & the inclination!

We all have so much "on my mind" and you have to wonder if that's the ideal state of affairs in a stressed-out society!

One suggestion is to dance - preferably like nobody is watching!

There is even mention of being kind -

In your quest of mastering how to be happy, you might find that being kind to others is the way to go. A study at Oxford University found that being kind does in fact make you slightly happier. It’s believed that humans help others because we’re social animals. We evolved that way. So maybe our acts of kindness are also beneficial for evolutionary reasons as well. While a kind act doesn’t cause a big boost in happiness (despite what some reports claim) it can still be beneficial to do. For example, your kind act towards another may help you build a stronger relationship with them. So be kind if happiness is on your mind.

Enjoy your browsing!


sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
One suggestion is to dance

You reminded me of this:

Dance, dervish dance----
bring the face of god before you.
only love can lift the heart up so high that its true color is restored by the sun!
see him near and clapping, that perfect one who fathers divine rhythm.
o dance, dervish dance,
and know you bring your master happiness whenever you smile.
last night so many tears took flight because of joy that the sky god crowded and complained
when i discovered god hiding again in my heart
and i could not cease to celebrate.


Resident megalomaniac
You reminded me of this:

Dance, dervish dance----
bring the face of god before you.
only love can lift the heart up so high that its true color is restored by the sun!
see him near and clapping, that perfect one who fathers divine rhythm.
o dance, dervish dance,
and know you bring your master happiness whenever you smile.
last night so many tears took flight because of joy that the sky god crowded and complained
when i discovered god hiding again in my heart
and i could not cease to celebrate.

Love Hafiz!

You reminded me strangely enough of Monty Python! -

IF life seems jolly rotten, there's something you've forgotten and that's to laugh & smile & dance & sing!



Resident megalomaniac
More from our new favourite site!

An act of kindness is a good deed a person can do to show compassion and love to another person. The gesture is done out of the goodness of a person’s heart, with zero expectation of reciprocation.

Acts of kindness can be done towards someone you know like a family member or friend or even to a complete stranger. A person might do an act of kindness towards another person to make someone feel happy, appreciated, or valued.

There’s also an element of paying it forward. Sometimes people do acts of kindness to lead by example so that others will follow suit and be kind to others. When you do something kind to another person, often people will tell someone else about it or take action and do something kind for someone else. Thus, spreading a positive message about being kind-hearted.

Read the FULL list here -
