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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
Almighty God, grant us charity and kindness so that we can be a blessing to those around us. Let generosity, love, and compassion become our guiding light as we go through life. Help us to extend forgiveness even when it’s hard and remember that everyone deserves a chance at happiness. Show us how to lift up others so that they may rise higher in life."



Resident megalomaniac
Try - slife.org kindness quotes -

Kindness is a silent smile, a friendly word, a nod of encouragement. Kindness is the single most powerful thing we can teach children. – Raktivist

is giving hope to those who think they are all alone in this world. – Unknown

is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that lifts another person. – Plato

begins with the understanding that we all struggle. – Charles Glassman

Dozens more!



Resident megalomaniac
“Maybe what you’ve written will help others, will be a small part of the solution. You don’t even have to know how or in what way, but if you are writing the clearest, truest words you can find and doing the best you can to understand and communicate, this will shine on paper like its own little lighthouse.”

Anne Lamott

“There are many Beth’s in the world, shy and quiet, sitting in corners till needed, and living for others so cheerfully that no one sees the sacrifices till the little cricket on the hearth stops chirping, and the sweet, sunshiny presence vanishes, leaving silence and shadow behind.”

Louisa May Alcott

“If, as a culture, we don’t bear witness to grief, the burden of loss is placed entirely upon the bereaved, while the rest of us avert our eyes and wait for those in mourning to stop being sad, to let go, to move on, to cheer up. And if they don’t — if they have loved too deeply, if they do wake each morning thinking, I cannot continue to live — well, then we pathologize their pain; we call their suffering a disease. We do not help them: we tell them that they need to get help.”

Cheryl Strayed

Dozens more at this site -



Resident megalomaniac
“If you want to make a difference, the next time you see someone being cruel to another human being, take it personally. Take it personally because it is personal!”

Brené Brown


Resident megalomaniac
“All day long we are, in some degree helping each other to one or the other of these destinations. It is in the light of these overwhelming possibilities, it is with the awe and the circumspection proper to them, that we should conduct all of our dealings with one another, all friendships, all loves, all play, all politics.”

C. S. Lewis


Resident megalomaniac
The Pay It Forward movement is an international initative to spread kindness and compassion to others in our daily interactions as much as we can. Acts of kindness and good deeds ripple out. And they often make people feel good, while making a difference in the world. If we spent more time lifting each other up instead of tearing people down, the world could become a better place for everyone in it. There’s a positive chain reaction to kindness. And rather than having a Pay It Forward day, consider paying it forward every single day for the rest of your life. In this article, we’re going to share 13 ideas to start paying it forward.

Read the full-list of ideas here -

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
Do you want to make a big difference in the world, but don't know where to start? You're not alone, as it may seem like all your actions are inconsequential and don't lead to any improvements. I've written this article to hopefully change your mind.

If you want to make a difference in the world, here are 7 actionable ways to help make the world a better place. Not just for yourself, but also for those around you. While some of these things may sound small and insignificant, they all have the power to inspire those around you. And that power can snowball into actual change.

Change starts with you. I'm going to show you how your actions can make a real difference to the world and those around you.

Comes from this HUGE site -


sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The Pay It Forward movement is an international initative to spread kindness and compassion to others in our daily interactions as much as we can. Acts of kindness and good deeds ripple out. And they often make people feel good, while making a difference in the world. If we spent more time lifting each other up instead of tearing people down, the world could become a better place for everyone in it. There’s a positive chain reaction to kindness. And rather than having a Pay It Forward day, consider paying it forward every single day for the rest of your life. In this article, we’re going to share 13 ideas to start paying it forward.

Read the full-list of ideas here -

Enjoy your browsing!

I love the "pay it forward" idea.


Resident megalomaniac
Our world needs more KINDNESS — and it can start with us! As Bob Kerrey says, “Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.” These 33 heartwarming generosity and kindness quotes will inspire you to be a difference maker through acts of kindness and generosity!

Throughout the pages of Sassy Sister Stuff you will find a large collection of inspirational quotes and words of wisdom about LIFE. There are quotes about a variety of topics related to personal growth, wellness, happiness, mindset, self-love, adventure, and much more. I invite you to take a look around and share your thoughts!



Resident megalomaniac
Depression is a serious but treatable disorder that affects millions of people, from young to old and from all walks of life. It gets in the way of everyday life, causing tremendous pain, hurting not just those suffering from it but also impacting everyone around them.

If someone you love is depressed, you may be experiencing any number of difficult emotions, including helplessness, frustration, anger, fear, guilt, and sadness. These feelings are all normal. It’s not easy dealing with a friend or family member’s depression. And if you neglect your own health, it can become overwhelming.

That said, your companionship and support can be crucial to your loved one’s recovery. You can help them to cope with depression symptoms, overcome negative thoughts, and regain their energy, optimism, and enjoyment of life. Start by learning all you can about depression and how to best talk about it with your friend or family member. But as you reach out, don’t forget to look after your own emotional health—you’ll need it to provide the full support your loved one needs.

Much more at this mental health site -



Resident megalomaniac
We are all reflections of the love and pain that we carry.

Every single Disney movie taught us that love expresses itself as kindness, while pain can become malice, resentment, or hatred if we don’t deal with it.

But have you noticed:

There is a special type of person who knows how to carry extra love, who seems to know how to process their pain and not put it back out into the world.

You might know some of them. They’re the ones who feel good to be around.

They exude a certain warmth and people gravitate to them because they make people feel safe.

Could you be one of them?

Here are the traits that tell you you might be a kind-hearted person, and other people adore your presence.

Comes from this site -

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
How to bring joy to others -

Do you ever get that special feeling inside you when you bring joy to others? It’s like your day is a little brighter, your shoulders are a tad lighter, and you seem to not mind that you’ve exerted time, effort, and even money just to make someone else happy.

It’s because bringing happiness to others can positively impact the giver. In fact, it’s scientifically proven that we feel much better when we give happiness than when we simply take it for ourselves! But how do we do it the right way?

In this article, I’ll tell you how to bring happiness to the ones you care about in such a way that you will feel good about it, too. Ready to spread the good vibes with me? Let’s go!



Resident megalomaniac
While in my household we are consistently identifying positive behaviors that reflect our family values, we have been looking for activities that reinforce empathy and kindness. One of our favorite companies, Creativity for Kids, recently released the Hide & Seek Rock Painting Kit which encourages children to express their artistic skills and bring sunshine to other people’s lives unexpectedly.

The concept is simple: paint rocks with positive messages and images then hide them in a location where they will be found by someone else. The kits contain all the supplies needed such as paint, brushes, transfers, stickers and, yes, good rocks for painting. You can post photos of these rocks on social media using the #creativityforkids hashtag which helps you track if your rock is found. Included in the set are stickers that you put on the rocks so the individual who finds your painted creation can look up online and thus keep spreading the positivity.



Resident megalomaniac
For students across campus, there’s nothing quite as calming as a call home to mom. But from distanced relationships to hectic schedules, this comfort is not so accessible to everyone.

Thanks to “Ask A Mom” creators Lori Rose and Sue Jackson, the care of home is now never farther than a short walk away. Bringing along Sue’s homemade cookies and Lori’s 9-year-old welsh springer spaniel, Ellie, the duo has created a free advice stand defined as all heart and ears for college students.



Resident megalomaniac
Tara Brach open your heart -

This heart meditation guides us in how to cultivate a deep quality of friendliness in relating to our inner life and each other. The gift of this practice is a direct sense of belonging – knowing that we can never be alone (from retreat).

Loads more at that site!


Resident megalomaniac
It can be easy to show kindness when posting online, but when it comes to reality it's harder to commit to kindness in our real-life words and actions.

By taking the time to be kind to others, we can benefit from emotional upsides. It really does make a difference, especially for people who are vulnerable or struggling.

With everything that's going on in the world, now is the time to help make a kinder society that improves our mental health.

From this site -
