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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
Kindness questions to inspire your child -

You want your child to grow up to be a kind, compassionate person.

At least I don’t think anyone sets out to raise a meanie.

You have this mental picture of your child as an adult – thoughtful, generous, and loved by their friends and family.

But then you look at the child in front of you.

Maybe you have a toddler throwing the tantrum to end all temper tantrums over the fact that you won’t let them stick a phone charger in the light socket. Or a grade-schooler who loses at Monopoly and flips the board over then storms off. Or a tween who rolls their eyes at 97.3 percent of what you say.

It’s not exactly clear how you’re supposed to help your child get from point A to point B.

You’re lucky if you can get them to eat broccoli, let alone grow into a mature adult who writes prompt thank-you notes and volunteers regularly just because and remembers to call their mother more than once a year.

That’s why when I came across advice from Harvard researchers on how to raise kind and caring kids, I got a little excited.

For the full article try this site -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Ann Albers inspire humanity {kindness} -

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

While we always advocate reaching for the best feeling you can find and being as positive as you can be, we understand that there are times when you just can’t find a positive thought. Sometimes you stumble into a well-practiced, deeply conditioned set of beliefs. Instead of possessing your own mind, you feel possessed by it. Take heart. There is a way out of those mental “spin-cycles.”

Start by being kind to yourself. Give yourself a hug. Talk sweetly to yourself. In our unconditional love, we would say to you at these times, “It’s OK that you’re angry. We love you. God loves you.” “It’s OK that you’re in deep grief. You love so much and want something so deeply. You’ll get there. You’ll learn to feel that connection with your loved one in time. Be easy on yourself.” “It’s OK that you’re jealous. You just want more and don’t understand you can have it yet.”

It's one huge site if your curiosity has been aroused!


Resident megalomaniac
How to raise kind and caring kids

The best thing you can do to make the world a better place is to create a culture of kindness in your own home. Consider these ways to show your children why the Golden Rule rules.

I recently asked my friends and family, "When you think about instilling kindness in your kids, what do you mean by kindness?" They had many different responses: compassion, generosity, empathy, justice, alleviating suffering. But every answer involved an underlying consideration for others, rather than acting only out of self-interest. It makes sense that this is also the definition of humane, because kindness is the most fundamental expression of what it means to be a human being.

Read much more on this page -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Kindness may be seen as just good manners but being genuinely kind towards others increases your own happiness as well as theirs. Positive social interactions, no matter how small they may seem, boosts your feel-good vibrations.

Giving compliments with pure intentions, holding a door open, or offering to pay for a stranger’s coffee will keep you feeling good for the rest of the day. According to science, receiving a compliment lights the same part of your brain the same way if you would get paid a monetary award.

Do this on a regular basis and you’ll keep your positive mindset topped up as well as create happiness for someone else.

Comes from this huge list of healthy habits - for all aspects of your well-being! -



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness friendship -

At URSTRONG, we look at social-emotional wellbeing through the lens of friendship. This month, we’re shining the light on the importance of KINDNESS in friendships.

Kindness counts! As Dana shared in this interview with the The Sydney Morning Herald, pop culture has led us to believe that popular kids are the “mean” kids who rule the roost, but the reality is that the most well-liked kids are the ones who are kind. The 20-year study that Kasey Edwards references proves that kids who exhibit social-emotional skills are more likely to be successful and happy later in life.

Comes from this site -

Includes Friendology 101



Resident megalomaniac
How to be kind seems simple enough. But sometimes it feels impossible to be kind and loving, don’t you think? We get so angry and frustrated at events happening in our lives that we cannot access that loving place inside of us. Instead, our eyes go from side to side as our fists clench and minds whirl with angry thoughts. Some of us even spew those thoughts out into the world with our talk and our actions.

Or sometimes we just don’t know what to do. We have a nagging feeling that we need to be doing something, but we’re just not sure what.

When this happens, I always like to sit down and take a moment to reflect. I know that, when you love someone, there must be a better way and that the best antidote to these feelings is to act loving even if I don’t feel very much like doing so. And sometimes I just need a little more help – some prompts, ideas, things to get me going, to shift my emotions. So I made this list of 87 ways to be kind and loving. So next time you feel stuck and are unsure how to be kind in that moment, check this list and you will definitely find something to get you moving in the right direction.

Please share this list freely because there just can’t be too much kindness and love in the world.

Read more -



Resident megalomaniac
Be kind to friends. After all, friends are the family we choose for ourselves.

Friendships are some of life’s most precious relationships.

The very best friends better our lives with their incredible love and support. They aren’t just there when we need them — sometimes, they’re there before we even knew we needed them.

So do random acts of kindness for friends just because you can. Put a smile on your friend’s face because doing so feels good and brightens both of your days.

When you think of random acts of kindness ideas for friends, you’re really thinking of interesting ways to strengthen the bonds of friendship.

Friendships are like gardens.

Friendships flourish when tended to with great care and wither with neglect — so perform random acts of kindness your friends don’t expect.

Cultivate friendships rich in the soil of mutual kindness, and you just may be delighted with how great your friendships grow.

Don’t underestimate the power of kindness.



Resident megalomaniac
Who will help you out in your time of need? You might be surprised to find out that your true potential savior could be your fiercest competitor. If you’re kind to someone else, whether they work for you or compete with you, they’re more likely to return the favor when you need it.

As the founder of Art of Living, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, “When you want all the people around you to be responsible and capable, then you should also reflect on whether you display the same behavior.” The same is true with compassionate and kind words and actions.

There must be thousands of stories about acts of kindness sparking even more kindness and becoming wildly contagious. In the business world, where we may expect cutthroat competition and sabotage to be the norm, many organizations have awakened to the reality that kindness increases the bottom line and improves both life and profits. Even individuals in grocery lines have begun to see the wisdom of helping each other and paying good deeds forward.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Bookroo helping others

Lists 100 books for kids of ALL ages :)

Plus a few quotes from various books - for example -

“Maybe what you’ve written will help others, will be a small part of the solution. You don’t even have to know how or in what way, but if you are writing the clearest, truest words you can find and doing the best you can to understand and communicate, this will shine on paper like its own little lighthouse.”

Anne Lamott

“If you want to make a difference, the next time you see someone being cruel to another human being, take it personally. Take it personally because it is personal!”

Brené Brown

“All day long we are, in some degree helping each other to one or the other of these destinations. It is in the light of these overwhelming possibilities, it is with the awe and the circumspection proper to them, that we should conduct all of our dealings with one another, all friendships, all loves, all play, all politics.”

C. S. Lewis

“Wisdom is meant to be shared, so let’s start sharing what we’ve learned to make each other better. Let’s start building each other up. Let’s live up to our potential and start ruling the world.”

Cara Alwill Leyba

“My father used to say that sometimes, the best way to help someone is just to be near them. I feel good when I do something I know he would be proud of, like it makes up for all the things I’ve done that he wouldn’t be proud of.”

Veronica Roth

Read the rest -



Resident megalomaniac
Let’s be honest - we live in a world where people often tell one another they are “too busy”.

Too busy to stop and smell the roses.

Too busy to help a friend in need.

Too busy to spend that extra time with their families and friends.

Too busy to show kindness to a stranger.

Read a few dozen suggestions at the happier human site -

Plus links in the text I have yet to explore ...

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Bright Ways to Make Someone Happy

Though we all want to make someone happy or smile, we get so caught up in our work, life, and travel we don’t bother to be any nicer or do beyond what is expected of us.

I am no different, and I openly talk about how my husband and I loosened up on being sweet to each other during the beginning of the lockdown. But then we realized, hey, now we only got each other. We can work together from home, food is still abundant, and the world is quiet. We should sing “don’t worry, be happy” all day (most of the pandemic affects hadn’t hit us by then).

I have put together 47 ideas on how to make someone happy. These methods have helped me put a smile on a face and make a person laugh or feel good.

Now not all of these things that make people happy would work for everyone. But if you can make someone smile, whenever you wish, even with one of these ideas, I would hit a jackpot. Not you, I. Do you see? (You are making people happy, and, in turn, you are happier, which serves my purpose.)

Now go. Read. Apply. Share. Smile.

More at this site -

Plus menus at top-of-page!



Resident megalomaniac
Everyone has bad days. Sometimes, all someone needs is a smile from someone else to turn their day around.

You’ve probably experienced a similar situation before. You’re tired, grumpy, and feeling like the world is against you, but then someone does something nice for you or even smiles at you, and suddenly your day doesn’t seem so bad anymore.

By making an effort to put a smile on somebody else’s face, you may find that you’re able to make your own day a little bit better. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.
