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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
We all have tough days when our patience runs thin, and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the circumstances of life.

Yet navigating these difficult moments with kindness and understanding is a challenge worth taking on.

Kindness counts and is always worth it! Not only does it foster connection, but it’s also essential for leading a fulfilling life full of happiness and a greater sense of well-being.

We’ve compiled our top 8 tips for those wanting to be kind to others, even when they don’t feel like it. Read on!



Resident megalomaniac
Helping strangers

We're all familiar with the saying “it's better to give than receive”. What might surprise you is that this is actually backed up by research.

Those of us who are kind and compassionate experience clear benefits to our well-being and happiness. We may even live longer. Kindness also helps reduce stress and improve our emotional well-being.

We all have so much going on in our lives - competing strains and stresses – not to mention the recent coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns. This has sometimes pushed kindness to one side, in favour of what is urgent now.

It can be easy to show kindness when posting online, but when it comes to reality it's harder to commit to kindness in our real-life words and actions.

By taking the time to be kind to others, we can benefit from emotional upsides. It really does make a difference, especially for people who are vulnerable or struggling.

Read a few handy tips & suggestions here -

All the best


Resident megalomaniac
Feel-Good Stories kindness

Sometimes the person you need most in a trying moment isn’t a person you know at all.

A few months ago, we asked readers to share experiences in which a complete stranger went out of their way to help. The ongoing project, called The Good Kind, seeks to highlight the unexpected kindness that people have received from someone they didn’t know. These stories range from simple acts that brightened a person’s day to grand gestures that changed a person’s life.

Below is just a selection of the hundreds of submissions we’ve received so far. Read on about the good kind of strangers in this world.



Resident megalomaniac
Ah, kindness. What a simple way to tell another struggling soul that there is love to be found in this world.

Kindness is a trait that is undervalued in today’s society. Everyone is too busy pursuing their own aspirations to lend a warm smile or helping hand to someone right in front of them. However, the world becomes a sad and dismal place without kindness.

What is Kindness?

Kindness is showing compassion, love, friendship, and generosity to another person, yourself, or the world around you. It involves using or giving what you have to help someone else. This includes giving your time, talents, resources, and/or connections.

Plus the menus at top of page if your curiosity has been aroused!

All the best!



Resident megalomaniac
How to make someone happy

This site has 25 suggestions - couldn't cut & paste so you just have to trust me! :)

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
As nearly always the Happier Human site also has a word or two of advice -

In this article, you will discover a list of 60 ways to make someone happy.

Whether it is your friend, boss, parents, employee, or even a stranger, you’ll discover a wealth of ideas here. All you have to do is incorporate just a few into your daily routine and you’ll discover it’s not hard to brighten someone’s day.

Let’s get to it.




Resident megalomaniac
To choose kindness is to welcome inner peace. Offer kindness to yourself and others, especially those who irritate you (they usually need it the most). When someone aggravates us, our default reaction is often to be defensive and perhaps even to judge.

I know this happens to me despite my best intentions. It’s important to look into what is making us react and then to choose to stand in a place of love.

When I have a judgemental dialog going on in my head, I pause and consciously decide to choose kindness and love rather than fear and judgment. “Choosing love” might sound vague or cheesy to you and if so it’s only because you had stepped away from it but you can come back to it at any moment.

Give it a try next time you are feeling fearful or anxious. Tell yourself “I could see peace instead of this” (a favourite mantra by my girl Gabrielle Bernstein). I recite this at moments when I’m in a judgmental mindset either towards myself or others and it really helps me feel calmer and shift my attitude to a more loving one.



Resident megalomaniac
Offer a stranger a compliment.

Compliments are one of the most extraordinary components of social life. If given right they create so much positive energy that they make things happen almost as if by magic. They ease the atmosphere around two people and kindly dispose people to each other. Of course, there is a way to give them. And, just as important, a way to receive them. And everyone needs to know how to do both.

Compliments derive from taking notice of praiseworthy situations and efforts. So they are a mark of awareness and consciousness. We need to cultivate awareness of the good developments that are all around us.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Tell your significant other you love them every time they leave the house.

Lifting up your husband is a great way to lift up your entire marriage. When you share words of encouragement with someone you love, it not only shows them how much you care but also that you believe in them. Sometimes, just having someone believe in you is all it takes to help you push through from one day to the next.



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness matters.

Every act of kindness you show can make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Living out kindness on a daily basis takes practice, but leads to a lifestyle and mindset shift that implores us to meet the world — and each other — with greater empathy and justice.

Kindness asks us to extend our approach beyond niceties and good manners, and into transformative action, compassionate and intentional inclusion, and empowering solutions.

Kindness is a choice, a muscle we all flex, and could frankly use a little more of our attention.

To help us do so, we’ve collected the best quotes about kindness. We encourage you to share and use this list to help fill the world with more kindness.

From this well-named site -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Here are 50 small ways you can help make the world a better place. This is not an exhaustive list, but it highlights some ideas that everyone can take part in.

Just think about it.

If we all did one small thing now and then, such as making a change, doing something to make a difference or a random act of kindness, imagine the impact we could have on the world!

Small changes. Daily moments of kindness. LITTLE things.

They matter

Once I made a change and started focussing on the small things I could do on any given day to help make the world a better place, my life and my mental health started to improve too.



Resident megalomaniac
Some equate kindness with weakness. Others may think little acts of kindness are frivolous and unimportant. What is the spiritual fruit of kindness meant to be?

What does God say about kindness?

Kindness is listed as a fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22. According to the Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary, the Greek word translated kindness here is “the divine kindness out of which God acts toward humankind. It is what the [Old Testament] means when it declares that ‘God is good,’ as it so frequently does. Christians should show kindness by behaving toward others as God has behaved toward them.” Basically it means “doing thoughtful deeds to others.”

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Too often, people make the mistake of believing that if they only had more money or more sex or a different partner or a better-looking body, they would feel the sense of "wholeness" they have always craved. Virtually without exception, this is not the case. What is actually lacking is the dimension of giving and kindness as a means of nourishing the soul. To add this dimension to your life is to nourish your soul.

Harold Kushner

Much more at this page & site -

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
"Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas."

Calvin Coolidge


Resident megalomaniac
"Show charity and goodwill to others and it will return to enhance your own life in many wonderful ways."

Bryan Adams


Resident megalomaniac
"Where people of goodwill get together and transcend their differences for the common good, peaceful and just solutions can be found even for those problems which seem most intractable."

Nelson Mandela

Many more at this site -



Resident megalomaniac
“As we confront the crisis of civilization culminating in the specter of humanicide, is there an alternative to the present plunge of humanity toward the abyss of utmost violence?"

“There is an alternative. It is the commitment to the practice of charity. Charity, as a way of life, has never been tried on a national, let alone worldwide scale. The only fully adequate alternative to utmost violence is utmost charity. This is the practice of mutual love in personal relationships and among nations, even to the point of dying for the sake of the survival, enhancement, and transformation of the whole human family, past, present, and to come.”

— Thomas Keating

Special leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and others have long been calling for nonviolence, compassion, and equality on a worldwide scale. Thomas Keating was unique in his appeal for “utmost charity” in his teachings, urging us to move beyond our normal ideas of charity into a deeper and more radical expression of God’s love in our relationships and circumstances, especially as the crises of the world multiply exponentially. He also frequently referred to the fruit of a dedicated Centering Prayer practice as the capacity to “live ordinary life with extraordinary love.”

From this site -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Words of encouragement

“Everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is.”

Anne Frank

“Sometimes when you are in a dark place you think you have been buried, but actually you have been planted.”

“Never apologize for being sensitive or emotional. Let this be a sign that you’ve got a big heart and aren’t afraid to let others see it. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength.”

“Stop beating yourself up. You are a work in progress.”

“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”

C.S. Lewis

“Promise that you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.”

“You are stronger than you know. More capable than you ever dreamed. And you are loved more than you could possibly imagine.”

Much more at the happier human site -

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
Kindness is a human attribute that has immense relevance, effect, and importance in human lives. It is such a trait that can change the life of a person to a new higher level with lots of positivity and personification.

The act of kindness can change one’s life drastically towards a meaningful and loving relationship.

Plenty more at this site -
