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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
I tried this -

Kindness restore faith

And was pleasantly surprised. Another great hunch from my recent reading on the web!

Here is just one -

If you struggle at all in the overwhelm of the hate and discontent that this world offers, it may help in restoring your faith in humanity to know that the kindness of others still exists. In my own life story, we have been on the receiving end of such kindness. Sit back, relax, grab a box of tissues as I share with you an incredible story of the kindness of others. Each step of this story is a great reminder of the love, kindness and compassion of humankind. It will make you want to step up and reach out to someone that you know, who could use a helping hand.

Back in 2011, I contracted a flesh-eating bacteria called necrotizing fasciitis, which put me in a coma for three weeks, the hospital for three months and resulted in the amputation of both of my hands and both feet. For all the details, I’ll refer you to my About me page. You may also be interested in my oldest son’s experience in A Son’s Perspective: My Mother’s Amputation Story. My hospitalization was the impetus that started a kindness-of-others rampage in my life and the lives of not only my family members but each person who participated.

Read more at this site -

All the best


Resident megalomaniac
Each human being is a medium through which God’s magnetism flows. Do not obstruct that power through unkindness. To grow closer to God, you must be kind and loving to all. Those who fill their hearts with unkindness can never learn to love God. Love of God is drowned out when unkindness vibrates in the body temple.

Unkind words, spoken in a fit of emotion, are like a conflagration spreading over the forest of friendship, burning up all the green plants of courteous dealings and sympathetic thoughts. Banish unkind words forever, and protect your life from the invasion of trouble and sudden partings.

Heartfelt kindness is liberating. When you experience deep kindness in your heart, you are at peace inwardly and see everything as part of God. You accept all things without judgment, and look with kindness and sympathy on everyone, no matter how wrong. Always be kind to others so that you may learn the art of being kind to yourself.

Read much more at the Ananda site which has a whole bunch of stuff if your curiosity has been aroused at all -



Resident megalomaniac
I'm not obsessed or anything just on a roll ...

Show kindness to the elderly activities - several -

Think about the last time you experienced random acts of kindness. It probably put a smile on your face. While we may be busy in our day, there’s a very deserving group who’d appreciate a kind gesture: seniors. Need some ideas? We have some—51, in fact. Remember, it isn’t about money or even planning. It’s about finding a moment to make a small difference in another person’s life. We invite you to brighten a senior’s day through a random act of kindness. You may find it will brighten yours too.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Kindness: A Cure for Loneliness?

To understand the health hazards of loneliness and the healing power of kindness, we need only reflect on the nature of this species we all belong to. We humans are members of a social species which means, in essence, that we’re hopeless in isolation. We need each other.

We need families, neighbourhoods, groups and communities of all kinds to nurture and sustain us and to give us the all-important sense of ‘belonging’ that is so fundamental to our mental and emotional health. Indeed, our very survival as a species depends on our ability to create and maintain social harmony.

Like all herd animals, we suffer when we are cut off from the herd. Yes, we all need solitude; we need time to ourselves for replenishing our resources for the demanding business of being a member of a social species. But too much isolation heightens the risk of loneliness, anxiety and depression – along with other health hazards like hypertension, inflammation, cognitive decline, disturbed sleep and vulnerability to addiction.

Comes from this site -

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
“Nothing is black or white, nothing's 'us or them.' But then there are magical, beautiful things in the world. There's incredible acts of kindness and bravery, and in the most unlikely places, and it gives you hope.”

Dave Matthews

More at Womans Day site!

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Inspiring Women Become World Changers

In honor of International Women's Day, RAK recognizes the words of three inspirational women.

This year, The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation celebrates International Women’s Day by recognizing women who provide inspiration and encouragement to the next generation of World Changers!



Resident megalomaniac
The sermon today is about kindness which on one level seems trivial when in the last week there have been three more mass shootings in the United States. Obviously, something is seriously wrong.

We’re reminded again and again that ideas influence words and motivate actions for good or for evil so let’s listen to some good and important words from the Lord that come to us through the prophet Zechariah.

Zechariah 7:9-10 sums up how kindness looks in thinking, speech, and behavior in words we’re wise to heed,

“Thus says the Lord of hosts: render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another; do not oppress the widow, the orphan, the alien, or the poor; and do not devise evil in your hearts against one another.”

We can all ponder how well we’re doing those things individually and as a nation. If ever there was a time when more kindness is needed it’s now.

Read more at this site -

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
Human nature kindness?

Here's one -

If you’ve ever wondered if being kind was human nature, researchers may have found the answer. Studies indicate that human goodness may be innate. Babies as young as six months can grasp the concept of behaving in a way that benefits others and, given a choice, prefer to associate with those who help. As it turns out, goodness is a prevailing part of being human.

Includes a video -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
The Earth Charter site -

By Khadeejah bint Malik H., Earth Charter Young Leader

Each of us wants to live a happy and comfortable life. We wish that everything could be accessible. We wish to have the ability to buy anything we desire. What we really need is to understand humanity and nature and transform kindness to a way of life.

The world at this moment is filled with light and darkness. Light is our natural form of a clean mind. All of us were born with a clean mind and we are living with nature. Darkness is made by one’s egoistic mindset exposed to the unkindness of our current world. Have we never asked ourselves, “does my actions bring me inner joy and satisfaction? Does my attitude make me successful in the end?”

To read more -



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness = Including Others

I’m an elementary school teacher and we do a lot of partner and group work. I always make the groups, but the other day I let my students make their own partners or groups for a special activity. I spoke to them about making sure everyone was included and how nobody should feel excluded. As the students were all signalling and whispering to their friends, one boy said to me, “I’m going to wait to the end and see if anybody is alone and then I’ll ask if they’d like to work with me.” Unfortunately it did turn out that one boy was not asked by anybody, so this wonderful human asked him to join together, and there were smiles all around! And, this educator had tears in her eyes!

For many more stories -



Resident megalomaniac

Below is a list of random acts of kindness ideas that you can do for people you may not know — it’s a list of acts of kindness ideas for strangers.

Why? Because when we’re kind to the people around us — whether we know them or not — we make the world a better place.

Simple acts of kindness don’t just accumulate — they rejuvenate.

Kindness lifts our spirits and warms our hearts — not only in the moment, but also long afterwards. It has a way of staying with us — it lingers.

Kindness inspires. Kindness empowers. Kindness brightens our days, betters our world, and makes us want to do more — to be more.

After all, what is kindness? Kindness is love in action.

Kindness is all the different ways we show love to ourselves and to the people around us.

So, if kindness is love in action, let’s use kindness to create a better world.

Let’s be kind to ourselves and be kind to others. Let’s do random acts of kindness for people we don’t know, as well as for people we do.

Comes from this site -



Resident megalomaniac
Well-named site!

With dozens of ideas -

Plenty of links in the text as well!



Resident megalomaniac
Giving back to the community can take a variety of forms. Depending on your own skill set and the unique nature of your own community, you will find many opportunities to help those around you. Here are a few ideas to spark your giving side and get you serving those who need help in your community.
