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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac


Resident megalomaniac
Kindness is something we all strive for, and I really hope to instill the value of kindness in my children. One of the ways I do this is by starting off the day right and putting a quote about kindness up on our family letter board. Below you will find a list of my 50 favorite kindness quotes for kids that will surely brighten your day and theirs.

Includes a video!



Resident megalomaniac
How many times has someone told you to “be nice”? I can’t begin to count how many times I’ve ignored this advice. But what if I told you that those two words may be the key to living a more fulfilling life?

Well, it’s true. If you start to genuinely strive to be a nicer person, the world starts to look shiny and brand new. Kindness attracts new opportunities and people into your life that enrich your life experience. And you may just find that by being a nicer human being you experience a whole new level of happiness.

While it’s easy to say just be nicer, this article will give you actionable steps that you can take to be your nicest self starting today.

That is one huge site!



Resident megalomaniac
For example -

We all want the world to be happier, right? I'm sure you agree when I say that happiness would solve a lot of the world's problems.

That's why spreading happiness is so important. By making someone else happy, you're making the world a better and happier place.

Besides, by making others happy, you'll indirectly reap two powerful benefits yourself:
  1. Good deeds are associated with happiness.
  2. Being around happy people makes you more likely to be happy yourself.
The first point is a relationship between doing something good for someone else and experiencing happy emotions as a direct result. This has been studied a lot already, and we've written about this a lot already. This article explains why the act of spreading happiness increases your own happiness as well.



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness quotes for students

Plus suggested searches ...

This page contains a large list of quotes about being kind and random acts of kindness that are ideal to use for classroom bulletin board displays, Facebook posts, Pinterest boards, teacher blogs, and school newsletters.

You can share these quotes about kindness with your students as quotes of the day and to inspire them to perform random acts of kindness in the classroom, at school, at home, and in their communities.

Off to explore a bit more!



Resident megalomaniac
"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again."

~ Og Mandino


Resident megalomaniac
The best way to teach kids to be kind is to model kindness yourself and engage in fun kindness activities.

(And if you want some cool ideas, check out these 6 fun ways to teach kids kindness)

But I also think kindness quotes can give kids something to ponder, and just might hit them deep inside and inspire change.



Resident megalomaniac
How Do We Teach Kids to Be Kind in an Unkind World?

The world around us can seem very unkind, especially to young children.

Why is that man homeless? Why does that boy have holes in his shoes? Why didn’t that girl have any food for lunch?

And whilst we can’t throw on a superhero cape and fix all the problems (although that would be cool), it is important to help our children understand what’s happening. And how they may be able to make that person smile again.

Kindness doesn’t have to cost anything more than time. But the value added to someone’s life by sharing a smile when they don’t have one of their own is immeasurable. It brings warmth, and hope, and a restored faith in humanity.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
How to Teach Your Kids to Be Generous

Generosity comes in many forms. We give monetarily by supporting our churches and various charitable organizations. We give our time through volunteering at local hospitals, running marathons to raise money for research or teaching Sunday school classes. We also give our spirits as we strive to be kind and thoughtful in our actions. And we share our talents with others through various activities.

As parents, it is important that we teach our children how to be generous. They look to us for their life lessons, and we have great influence over them in their early years.

It is never too early to start showing your child how to be giving and to instill the importance of this in their hearts. Below are some tips on how to teach your kids to be generous.

Read the full article -



Resident megalomaniac
We all want our children to be good people. So we try to tell them how to treat others and be kind from the time when they're little, but we don't always know if our message is getting through. Except sometimes, they do something that proves they've been listening all along.

In a TikTok posted on August 24, one mom who says she's been "drilling" how important it is to look out for kids who might not have any friends to sit with at lunch into her own child's head for years was extremely proud to find out that her daughter stepped up and helped out another student on the first day of school.

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
Look for opportunities to be kind

And following on from my last point, you could take it to the next level by actively looking for opportunities to be kind.

That might look like this:

Volunteering at a care home or local animal shelter

Working with the local community center

Joining a program to help underprivileged kids

Or it could be as simple as being observant; you notice your neighbor’s lawn is overgrown? Why not do them a favor and trim it down?

The more you perform acts of kindness, the more being nice to people will come naturally!

More tips at this site -



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness is simple, powerful and very often misunderstood. In the context of COVID19 we are working to reconsider what kindness means; and what acts of kindness are.

Kindness comes from a place of compassion; or empathy for others, particularly those who are experiencing difficulties or suffering. Feeling empathy can increase our desire to ease the difficulties or suffering of others and undertake acts of kindness.

The Kindness Pandemic calls for action to improve the lives of others, particularly those who are marginalised and oppressed. We focus solely on action to create change because it can transform what people are experiencing right now.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Being kind has been linked with releasing feel-good hormones, having reduced stress and even living longer, and it’s something we can all do to improve our mental wellbeing and the world around us.

Being kind isn’t just something we can do for other people. It’s important to be kind to ourselves and be mindful about what we personally need to be happy and healthy.

We’ve asked some R U OK? Ambassadors to share tips on how to spread kindness, so you can brighten your world and the world of others.

How can you spread kindness?

Read the suggestions here -



Resident megalomaniac
There’s beauty in the power of generosity and doing random acts of kindness that may seem small, but that can make a huge difference in someone’s life. A small gesture can not only change a person’s day, but also awaken things that have been sleeping inside their hearts for a long time. Here are 5 random acts of kindness that can change someone’s world.



Resident megalomaniac
Strong communication skills will help you succeed in business and will positively impact your personal relationships. On the other hand, poor communication can lead to a wide variety of challenges in all of your relationships. It’s a skill that can have a profound influence on nearly every phase of your life.

While you might not immediately think of listening as a key component to communication, it really is. Half of all communication is listening.

To be a really good communicator, you have to learn how to truly listen. I can show you how. Follow along to find out how to practice active listening, I will share with you a step by step guide.



Resident megalomaniac
100 Ways to Help Others Even If You’re Not Rich

When we talk of helping others, the first thing we usually think of is giving them material things or making cash donations. But there are a lot of ways to help others that don’t involve spending money.

Helping people isn’t just for those with millions in their bank accounts. Each and every one of us has something that we can offer to others. Be it your time, your knowledge, or your ability to crack some really good jokes – all of these can go a long way in making people’s lives a lot less hard. Just imagine how different the world would be if all of us strive to help one another.

If you’re wondering how you can serve others in your own little way, here are 100 ways to help others even if you’re not rich:

Loads more at that site - some links at right of page!
