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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
A Shared Vision to Strengthen Our Community

Our social context leaves many people feeling anxious and isolated. Social divisions make it harder to forge meaningful connections across differences. We might be tempted to think that kindness means keeping silent and avoiding disagreement. The decline of civility and the rise of “cancel culture” can make us question our worth and sense of belonging. However, our university community requires that we support one another, learn from each other, and hold each other accountable to respectful, honest, inclusive, and empowering conversations. The Take It On Initiative aims to seek difference, encourage engagement, and explore common ground to overcome obstacles that keep us from greater understanding and collaboration.

Enjoy your browsing.


Resident megalomaniac
Dear God, I come before you today with a humble heart and a desire to be more like you. Fill me with your Spirit of kindness and compassion so that I may be a light to those around me. Help me to remember Philippians 2:3 as I go about my day. Remind me to do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but to value others above myself.

Lord, I know that kindness is not always easy, especially when I encounter difficult people or situations. I pray that you would give me the strength and wisdom to respond with grace and love. May I be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.

I also ask that you would help me to see the needs of those around me. Sometimes people are hurting, and they don’t know how to ask for help. Give me eyes to see and ears to hear so that I can be a source of comfort and support to those in need.



Resident megalomaniac
In a world often fraught with challenges and uncertainties, the power of kindness and generosity shines like a beacon of hope. These qualities not only uplift the spirits of those who receive them but also fill the hearts of the givers with immeasurable joy. If you’re seeking ways to cultivate kindness and generosity in your life, one beautiful practice is to offer prayers dedicated to these virtues.

In this blog post, we’ve gathered heartfelt prayers for kindness and generosity, each designed to help you connect with your inner compassion and extend it to the world. These prayers are not just words but powerful expressions of your intent to be a force for good. So, let’s dive into these spiritual affirmations that can help you embody kindness and generosity in your daily life.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
It can be hard to show kindness in our daily interactions—for us, as well as for our kids. Even though we are hardwired for kindness and empathy, we can be hampered by the busyness in our lives or by more negative influences in the world, like bullying, intolerance, hate crimes, and more.

In our book, The Kindness Advantage: Cultivating Compassionate and Connected Children, we help parents and grandparents uncover their children’s compassionate qualities by introducing ten fundamentals of kindness and sharing practical, concrete suggestions to help you and your child practice kindness in everyday life. By cultivating kindness in our children, we can benefit them as well as their communities.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Our world is a confusing place for kids. Nearly every day, our sons and daughters are confronted by some form of bullying, disrespect and a complete disregard for authority. These conflicting elements create an environment that makes it tough for teens to be kind. It’s hard to be gentle and meek when you’re constantly fighting against cultural trends and peer pressure.

If you’re like me, you can still remember bad stuff that happened from your teen years. I was bullied by a group of guys, and whenever the projector of my memory rolls the film on those ugly encounters, I still get emotionally wrapped up with anger.

Help your kids to respond with kindness

As a parent, you might be the only authority in your child’s life to model how to engage in kindness.

Good parenting requires weaning our kids away from their childish dependence on us. It’s a long process of gradually taking away the creature comforts we once provided in order to force our teen to begin operating independently from us. Whether it’s drawing boundaries for them or coming to their rescue when something goes wrong, as they grow older, we need to employ an intentional plan for creating autonomy.

But when it comes to bullying, we need to take an active role of both protecting our teens and helping them understand the power of kindness and respect.

From this site -



Resident megalomaniac
Israel conflict how to help {prayer}

Leads us here -

Christ, Prince of Peace,
hear our prayer and lament,
for our suffering sisters and brothers.
Our hearts are heavy as we witness lives torn apart,
as we see the faces of frightened children
and hear the pleas of those without water or food.

We pray for the dead and the grieving,
for the injured and the afraid.
We pray for courage and perseverance,
for those working for healing and to bring aid.
We pray for world leaders,
that they may strive for a just and lasting peace.

God of new beginnings,
in your ways are compassion and hope.
Open our hearts to dialogue and understanding.
Lead us all to answer your call
to become peacemakers
today, and all the days of our life.


Comes from this site -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
How to pray for Gaza and Israel

This guide helps individuals, churches and groups to pray for the recent conflict in Gaza and Israel. Join us in prayer.



Resident megalomaniac
Prayer for a Compassionate and Kind Heart

Father of compassion, You have given guidance in the Bible to Your children on how we should behave. I desire to be a child that is pleasing to You Holy Spirit and to exhibit kindness and forgiveness at all times. I want to live a life always marked with kindness and compassion, not just when it is easy. Please examine my heart and show me areas marred with pride and hatefulness. Because I am flesh still on this side of Heaven, I know I have areas that need to be cleansed by Your holy touch. I pray for that cleansing presence in my life, one that will change me into a kind and compassionate child. Amen.

More prayers at this site -



Resident megalomaniac
10 ways you can be kinder to yourself!

Being kind is the best thing you can be. But sometimes we can focus a lot of our energy on doing things for others and forget about being kind to ourselves. Just like a car needs fuel to run, we need to fill ourselves up with kindness in order to be the best we can be. All that kindness inside you will spill out into the world and help you be kind to people too.

Being kind to ourselves not only means we have more enthusiasm to help others, but it has scientific benefits, too. Practising self-kindness can slow down our heart rate, helping us feel calmer and even supporting our immune system! Sometimes we’re far more critical of ourselves than we would be of other people; just remember that mistakes are marvellous and help us to learn – and no one’s perfect!

So, here are 10 self-kindness tips to encourage you to be the best version of yourself.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
I usually describe a practice as something to do: get on your own side, see the being behind the eyes, take in the good, etc. This practice is different: it’s something to recognize. From this recognition, appropriate action will follow. Let me explain.

Some years ago, I was invited to give a keynote at a conference with the largest audience I’d ever faced. It was a big step up for me. Legendary psychologists were giving the other talks, and I feared I wouldn’t measure up. I was nervous. Real nervous.

I sat in the back waiting my turn, worrying about how people would see me. I thought about how to look impressive and get approval. My mind fixed on me, me, me. I was miserable.

Then I began reading an interview with the Dalai Lama. He spoke about the happiness in wishing others well. A wave of relief and calming swept through me as I recognized that the kindest thing I could do for myself was to stop obsessing about “me” and instead try to be helpful to others.

So I gave my talk, and stayed focused on what could be useful to people rather than how I was coming across. I felt much more relaxed and at peace—and received a standing ovation. I laughed to myself at the ironies: to get approval, stop seeking it; to take care of yourself, take care of others.

Also try - Rick Hanson kindness - YouTube too!



Resident megalomaniac
I thought about designing an App where I could easily count my acts of kindness _ really examine and keep a track of how I was bringing more love into the world. How I was truly taking the feeling of love, that intangible warm glow, and transmuting it into quantifiable acts of kindness. An acorn fell on my head and with it came a clear thought, “The first act of kindness should be self-kindness.” And this felt both true and also a little incongruous to what I had been taught was kindness: always benevolent and always for the other. I picked the acorn up and it separated from its cup. I held the cup in one hand and the weighty-potential of that little acorn in the other. Another simple thought arrived, “Always give from a full cup. Fill your own cup with love and passions so that it overflows and as you celebrate your life you will naturally want to share the surplus and abundance just for the sheer joy and gift of giving.”

For dozens of stories about love try this huge site -
