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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
Help me to live your goodness and kindness each day. Remind me that my actions express who I am even more than my words. May I love as you love. Let me be good to those who wish me harm, forgive those who need forgiveness, and reach out in kindness to all I meet so they can experience the unconditional love of God. Set our hearts on fire for you.



Resident megalomaniac
God, You are perfectly kind. Thank You for Your lovingkindness that has been continuously shown to us. Thank You for Your help and Your encouragement to us when we have been undeserving. Would You please meet us in the areas of unkindness in our lives? Would You please help us to say no to our flesh and yes to the Spirit? We pray that the fruit of the Spirit's kindness would flourish. We ask that You would reveal ways we can grow.

Forgive us for not being kind to the people around us, for not being kind to ourselves even, and for neglecting this powerful way of living that honors You and blesses others. Remind us how to love well by being kind.

From - crosswalk.com kindness

Enjoy your browsing!



Resident megalomaniac
Dear God, I come before you today with a humble heart and a desire to be more like you. Fill me with your Spirit of kindness and compassion so that I may be a light to those around me. Help me to remember Philippians 2:3 as I go about my day. Remind me to do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but to value others above myself.

Lord, I know that kindness is not always easy, especially when I encounter difficult people or situations. I pray that you would give me the strength and wisdom to respond with grace and love. May I be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.

I also ask that you would help me to see the needs of those around me. Sometimes people are hurting, and they don’t know how to ask for help. Give me eyes to see and ears to hear so that I can be a source of comfort and support to those in need.

As I go about my day, I pray that you would help me to be intentional about showing kindness to others. Whether it’s a smile, a kind word, or a simple act of service, may I be a reflection of your love and grace.

Finally, Lord, I ask that you would bless me with a heart of gratitude. Help me to recognize the blessings in my life and to be thankful for them. May my gratitude overflow into acts of kindness and generosity toward others.

Thank you, God, for your love and grace. I pray that you would help me to be more like you each day. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness doesn’t mean ignoring people when they do things that are unkind, wrong, ignorant, racist, or discriminatory. It doesn’t mean keeping quiet when you disagree with someone about a moral issue. But it does mean treating people with respect.

Sometimes the kindest, bravest thing we can do is stand up to someone who is being unkind. Doing so causes conflict. It will upset the person we are confronting. A nice person would see the potential for conflict and stay quiet. A nice person never wants to rock the boat. A kind person knows conflict is possible and acts anyway. A kind person knows they might create waves, and they are OK with that.

Looks to be another wonderful site!



Resident megalomaniac
Heavenly Father,

In Your infinite wisdom and boundless love, You created us to live in harmony, to share our joys, and to bear each other's burdens. Today, I pray for a heart like Yours – one brimming with compassion and empathy for the struggles faced by those around me. As the Good Shepherd lays down His life for His sheep, instill in me the courage to set aside my own comfort to truly understand and aid those who suffer.

Open my eyes to see beyond my own experiences, to recognize the silent battles being fought by my neighbors, friends, and even strangers. Let my heart be moved by their pain, and inspire my actions to bring solace and relief. Teach me to listen with kindness, without judgment, offering my shoulder as a pillar of support and my words as a beacon of hope.

In moments of weariness, remind me of Your everlasting strength, that I might continue this journey of compassion without faltering. For it is by sharing the weight of others' crosses that we truly embody Your love and grace.


Several more prayers here -



Resident megalomaniac
Empathy, kindness and understanding.

Feelings that are taken for granted and are overlooked in these times. These abilities are vital to our being; they are ways in which we can relate to one another and help each other through difficulties and adversity. Humanity needs to find it in their hearts to help and love others in their struggles, even through the differences. We have to learn to embrace these abilities and teach the rest of the world how important they are to humanity.

Empathy, kindness, and understanding; abilities that each of us should put into practice to reach and connect with the rest of humanity. Being able to empathize over what others are going through, to share kindness during a difficult time and being able to understand the struggle of others.

Al the best


Resident megalomaniac
Just Be Kind: The Only Relationship Advice You’ll Ever Need

You may already be rolling your eyes at the vast oversimplification of this title and if you were to go back to read the many articles I’ve written on relationships, you’d know that I don’t think the secret to romantic success can be boiled down to one simple piece of advice. However, if people ask me what is the most important action we can take to improve our relationships and stay in love, I do have an answer, and that is to just be kind.

Yes, the suggestion seems obvious on one hand, but it’s actually really hard for most couples to take at a certain point in their relationship. Many people I’ve talked to resisted the recommendation, responding with statements like “I can’t do that, or “why would I be nice to him/her?” To understand why we have this resistance and why we often find it challenging to simply be kind to our partner, there are three important concepts to consider:



Resident megalomaniac
Being generous means taking an action toward another person that is attuned and sensitive to that person’s needs and wants. It involves being giving of ourselves in ways that extend beyond ourselves. As the World Happiness Report concluded, “well-being depends heavily on pro-social behavior,” which involves “individuals making decisions for the common good that may conflict with short-run egoistic incentives.” The report lists pro-social behavior as including “honesty, benevolence, cooperation and trustworthiness.”

Yet, generosity doesn’t just benefit the recipient of our offerings. It’s incredibly valuable to our own mental and physical health. It can help naturally reduce stress and combat depression, while enhancing our sense of purpose. It can even help lengthen our lifespan. I write more about the surprising rewards of giving in my blog “The Benefits of Generosity.”



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness is not people-pleasing; people-pleasing comes from a place of anxiety, while kindness is borne out of empathy. Kindness expects no reward or recognition, and is just as beneficial to the giver as the receiver. Kindness can be a grand gesture, or something as simple as a smile. It can be quiet or loud, simple or complex. This book helps you internalise the fundamental truth that kindness does not require wealth or possessions, or material giving at all — whatever you have to offer is enough, and it may just change someone’s life. Learn how to:
  • See the silver lining and take care of yourself in difficult times.
  • Do and say kind things when you're not feeling very kindly.
  • Sustain the warm feelings that come from helping others.
  • Express kindness even when other people are rude or critical.
  • Enjoy self-care and treating yourself.
Opportunities to be kind present themselves every day, and here you’ll learn how to notice them. Your self-esteem and confidence will grow as you discover the pure joy of helping others, and you’ll feel more comfortable allowing others to help you. In a world where kindness seems to get lost in the shuffle of worry, anxiety, aggression and worse, Kindness shows you how to bring it back into the light.



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness people struggling



Resident megalomaniac
Thich Nhat Hanh was a Buddhist Monk who lived through the atrocities of war in Vietnam, was exiled and became a world leader for peaceful change. In 1967 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. nominated Hanh for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Hanh advocated deep listening as a nonviolent solution to conflict. In his book, Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm, he writes of the power of deep listening and loving speech.

I’ve slightly edited this excerpt and added the subheads. I’ve left his unique language, viewpoint and tone for your enjoyment.

Though published in 2012, Hahn’s words apply perfectly to our world of war, pandemic, social shouting and political polarization.

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
“To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

More at this site -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
'So many gods, so many creeds
So many paths that wind and wind,
While just the art of being kind
Is all the sad world needs'
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Right on! Treat others with decency, respect, inclusion and common sense, and the world will go better than at present ─ or so I trust.