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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
“If nature has made you for a giver, your hands are born open, and so is your heart; and though there may be times when your hands are empty, your heart is always full, and you can give things out of that — warm things, kind things, sweet things–help and comfort and laughter — and sometimes gay, kind laughter is the best help of all.”

Frances Hodgson Burnett


Resident megalomaniac
“There are in this world blessed souls, whose sorrows all spring up into joys for others; whose earthly hopes, laid in the grave with many tears, are the seed from which spring healing flowers and balm for the desolate and the distressed.”

Harriet Beecher Stowe


Resident megalomaniac
“Kinder than is necessary. Because it’s not enough to be kind. One should be kinder than needed. Why I love that line, that concept, is that it reminds me that we carry with us, as human beings, not just the capacity to be kind, but the very choice of kindness.”

R. J. Palacio



Resident megalomaniac
“By the goodness of God we mean nowadays almost exclusively His lovingness; and in this we may be right. And by Love, in this context, most of us mean kindness—the desire to see others than the self happy; not happy in this way or in that, but just happy. What would really satisfy us would be a God who said of anything we happened to like doing, ‘What does it matter so long as they are contented?’ We want, in fact, not so much a Father in Heaven as a grandfather in heaven—a senile benevolence who, as they say, ‘liked to see young people enjoying themselves’ and whose plan for the universe was simply that it might be truly said at the end of each day, ‘a good time was had by all’.”

C. S. Lewis


The Problem of Pain


Resident megalomaniac
Good news: You can be a generous person without writing a bunch of checks. In fact, many of the most awe-inspiring and effective examples of generosity are gifts of time and energy, talent and love, custom-fitted to a specific need. This type of giving is open to everyone.

Loads more at that site!



Resident megalomaniac
This article really drove home for me how we are much more likely to help an individual than we are to respond to a large group or more general need:

The paper angel in my daughter’s hand read, “Girl, age 6. Wants: Undershirts.” The angel in my son’s hand read, “Boy, age 7. Likes: Dinosaurs.” My lectures about faraway starving children had previously fallen on deaf ears, but on that December day, my kids, then age 5 and 8, eagerly dashed around the store to find just the right gifts. “I think she’ll like these! They have princesses on them!” “Can I get him a sweatshirt, too? I don’t want him to be cold!”
Of course, it wasn’t my fabulous parenting that finally got them thinking. It was what behavioral scientists call the “identifiable victim effect” — the human tendency to respond more empathetically to the plight of a single individual, rather than a large group.

The rest of that article goes on to give other tips on how to raise less entitled kids, but a key takeaway is that it is important to model generosity in a personal and relatable way so that our children see it at a young age.

Enjoy your browsing!



Resident megalomaniac
One of my Core Desired Feelings last year was GENEROSITY. And throughout the year I experimented with how I could feel more generous. Some of the things I did to cultivate generosity include:

Creating a free ebook. And it felt really incredible to put as much thought, effort and consideration into creating this eBook as I would if it was a paid product, and then giving it away for free.

Doing pro-bono coaching work.

Continually creating free content, which included 79 blog posts and 22 inspirational emails to the Infinite community.

Sharing the awesome work of others in my monthly Link Fest posts.

All these things felt AMAZING to do and helped me to feel more generous, and I also discovered this: incorporating small acts of generosity into your daily life will change your life.

Read a list of 76 simple ways to be more generous -



Resident megalomaniac
Best TED Talks on kindness - eg -



Resident megalomaniac
passiton.com kindness

There are shelves full of self-help books with insights that “guarantee” our success in business, health or self-discovery. But one of the most profound, yet simple guides for life was captured in a song by the remarkable writer, Lori McKenna.

As you watch this PSA, we hope you sense that by being kind our most important life goals will be achieved. “I know you got mountains to climb, but always stay humble and kind.”

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac


Resident megalomaniac
Inspired by Swami Mukundananda's enlightening work, 'The Science of Mind Management,' this article explores key principles of personal growth and resilience. Delving into themes of overcoming setbacks, kindness, mindfulness, inner strength, and resilient support, each section offers insights drawn from real-life experiences and practical wisdom. For more information about the book, please click on the link below.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
When we help others and make their lives better, our own life becomes more interesting and fulfilling. It's like when we're part of a team, and every time we help a teammate, the whole team gets stronger, and the game becomes more fun for everyone. Living in a way that's good for people around us makes every day more rewarding, because we're not just looking out for ourselves, but we're making a difference in the world. This way, life isn't just about what we do for ourselves; it's also about how we help others and make their lives better, which makes our own life feel richer and more exciting.



Resident megalomaniac
Habits of happy people kindness - leads us here -

Next: serve someone. Bring joy to someone else. If you look for it, you can always find someone to do something nice for. And this can be as simple as complimenting a coworker, expressing sincere gratitude to service staff, writing a note to someone, making treats for a neighbor, picking up some trash. I’ve got a huge list of these in my journal download.

For me, doing service for others is one of the best feelings in the world. And every time I recall that service, I can feel that joy again.

Another excellent site!



Resident megalomaniac
Giving & receiving compliments

This means that you have to give out compliments freely. It’s hard for us to accept compliments sometimes, which is why we don’t do this too often. If someone tells us that we did a good job or something similar, we deny it and think about the things we didn’t do well instead of all the good things. This is not productive.

The key to accepting compliments gracefully and giving them back in return is practicing. When you keep doing it over and over again, you’ll see how easy it can be to just smile and say ‘thank you. It won’t feel weird anymore either. You’ll find yourself offering genuine compliments to other people without even thinking about it.
