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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
Let us be kind;
The way is long and lonely,
And human hearts are asking for this blessing only—
That we be kind.
We cannot know the grief that men may borrow,
We cannot see the souls storm-swept by sorrow,
But love can shine upon the way to-day, to-morrow—
Let us be kind.

Many more kindness poems here -


sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
A comic strip that showed up on a Facebook feed today



Resident megalomaniac
What does generosity mean when many people are growing more fearful every time they shop for food or look at an energy bill. Our new series of articles is introduced by biblical scholar Loveday Alexander.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
When I was given the theme ‘Appreciating one another’, I knew I had a head start. As editor of Bible Reflections for Older People, I work at least a year ahead and one of our regular contributors, Roger Combes, had already submitted a thoughtful series of meditations on the Christian meaning of ‘one another living’.

In his introduction, he writes:

This little phrase ‘one another’ comes several dozen times in the New Testament. Paul, John, James, Peter and the writer to the Hebrews, like Jesus, all use it and call on Christian disciples to be mutually supportive of each other. ‘One another living’ is a mark of Christ’s people locally and universally. It comes in many forms but is always practical. Sometimes it feels more like giving and sometimes it feels more like receiving, but in practice it is both. Christ challenges us, and blesses us, through one another.



Resident megalomaniac
Elderly people in care homes sometimes feel lonely because they miss family and friends.

This prayer activity invites pupils to brighten up someone’s day by drawing a picture or writing an encouraging message on a postcard and send it to a care home in their area.

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
How to do more good -

Too often the trend in our society is for people to be separated from either other, to be cut off from the great mass of humanity, and in doing so to be dehumanized a little bit more with each step.

Cars have taken us off the streets, where we used to greet each other and stop to chat. Cubicles have taken away a bit of the humanity in working, as have factories and even computers to some extent. Television has planted us firmly in our living rooms, instead of out with other people. Even movie theaters, where many people get together, cut us off from true conversation because we’re staring at a big screen.

And while I’m not railing against any of these inventions (except perhaps the cubicle), what we must guard against is the tendency of that individuality to have us focused on ourselves to the exclusion of our fellow human beings. The tendency towards selfishness rather than giving, on helping ourselves rather than helping our brothers and sisters in humanity.



Resident megalomaniac

Doing Good Can Make You Feel Good. It Might...​

  • remind you that you're relatively lucky
  • make you feel connected to others
  • help you feel needed and effective
  • take your mind off your own worries for a while
  • make you feel generous
  • add a sense of purpose and meaning to your life
More tips on mental health here -



Resident megalomaniac
Gifts of Love

Dr. McGee says generosity can be defined broadly. “Generosity doesn’t need to involve giving away our money or possessions. We can generously give our time, attention, and affection to others. We can give our hope, empathy, understanding, and forgiveness in ways that are meaningful and make us happy.”

Family members, friends, or neighbors can all be helped in this way. Barca says, “Helping people we know strengthens our social connections and provides a sense of purpose and belonging.”

Over-the-top gestures are not required—small acts of caring are often the most impactful.

“Being helpful can range from listening compassionately to a friend who is struggling to sharing your skills and knowledge with those who can benefit from them, such as mentoring someone in their career,” says Dr. Fernandes.



Resident megalomaniac
Health benefits of altruism -

Here is one very comprehensive article.

Altruism is the selfless act of helping others without expecting anything in return. “It is often considered one of the defining characteristics of what it means to be human,” says Dr. Jessica Myszak, a psychologist in Glenview, Illinois.

If you’ve heard about the Golden Rule, the concept of karma, or loving thy neighbors, you may already be familiar with the basics of altruism, a prosocial behavior.

“Altruism often arises from a personal sense of compassion or duty, and it can be a powerful force for good in the world,” says Myszak. “It can take many different forms, from volunteering your time to service organizations to anonymously donating gifts or money to those in need.”

Empathy seems to be the foundation of altruistic behavior, which can be further motivated by positive moral rewards, a sense of satisfaction and happiness, and external factors.



Resident megalomaniac
Here are a few examples from the list:
  • Be respectful and friendly: A simple smile and kind word can brighten someone’s day.
  • Lend an ear: Sometimes, the most helpful thing you can do is listen to someone who needs to talk.
  • Offer help to someone struggling: This could be something small, like carrying groceries, or something larger, like volunteering your time.
  • Donate to or volunteer for a cause you care about: This is a great way to make a difference on a larger scale.
Remember, even small acts of kindness can have a ripple effect and make the world a better place.

For dozens more suggestions -



Resident megalomaniac
Performing a daily act of kindness is a wonderful way to help others. A kind action not only helps someone else but may also stimulate them to help another person in turn. As a result, a ripple of kindness may develop and spread through a population. The more often a person is kind, the more ripples they will be able to create, either directly or indirectly. The thought of kindness spreading through a population like a virus is awesome.



Resident megalomaniac
When discussing helping others, we usually think of giving them material things or donating cash. But there are many ways to help others that don’t involve spending money.

Helping people isn’t just for those with millions in their bank accounts.

Every one of us has something that we can offer to others. Be it your time, your knowledge, or your ability to crack some excellent jokes – all of these can go a long way in making people’s lives much less challenging. Imagine how different the world would be if we all strive to help one another.

One huge site!


Resident megalomaniac
A Prayer for Kindness, Compassion, and Forgiveness

Father, kindness, compassion, and forgiveness describe Your character. How can I be more like You, Father? How can I be an outlet of Your kindness, compassion, and forgiveness to the people You have purposefully placed in my life? Show me, Father. Open my heart to remember the words of my Savior and feel the all-encompassing love of You, my heavenly Father. I am loved, chosen, purposed, and forgiven. Therefore, emboldens me to pray, live, and love in a reflection of these great truths about who I am. Guide my prayers and my life. Let all I do, honor You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Enjoy your browsing!