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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
Here is just one of the results from the kindness pledge search -

Kindness must be taught. Let’s face it, our kids are “tiny humans” just learning how to do this thing called life. If this momma, who has been around for almost 50 years, still struggles with being kind when others are less than kind or when I’m just plain tired and grouchy, my “tiny humans” are going to struggle with this even more.

One of the mantras in our home when our behaviors turn mean or when hearts get kind of grouchy is “Find Your Kind.

I started using this expression with my son Aiden, who has Down syndrome, as a tangible way for him to stop and adjust his heart. Aiden has this uncanny understanding about his dual-nature. He sometimes even talks over his shoulder and reprimands “himself” when he gets off balance. He will say, “Aiden, stop that, be nice!” So when we had some really big issues with unkindness, I would stoop down face-to-face and affirm him, “Aiden you are my kind, strong, sweet and loving boy. That is who you are. Now let’s find our kind!” And we would symbolically turn an invisible dial over our hearts to turn up our “Kind” to full speed! This simple act was transforming and allowed him to take control over his words, thoughts and actions. After “finding his kind” he would then take his kindness to the person he had hurt and offer words of kindness to them.

For the full article -




Resident megalomaniac


Resident megalomaniac
Speaking of Steve Maraboli ... I found one of his books. Here is a review -

How will you change the world?

Award winning philanthropist Steve Maraboli shares ideas for taking simple steps of action to make your world, this world, a better place. The positive impact that simple gestures can have in our homes, our communities, and globally is immeasurable. Along with easy ideas for inspiring participation, this powerful little book is laced with Steve's popular philosophies as well as wisdom from many great minds. The gifts of this book are the wonderful experiences and synchronicities that come with recognizing the power we all have to shape our world. This is a book to be lived and to be shared. Enjoy!

With one kind gesture you can change a life. One person at a time you can change the world. One day at a time we can change everything.

Reviews –

“Steve's book contains the practical and simple wisdom about life and what we are each here for; to help the person in front of us by doing what they need now. Let it guide you each day of your life.” - Bernie Siegel, MD., author 365 Prescriptions For The Soul and 101 Exercises For The Soul

“Steve Maraboli's energy of optimism, service, and praise is nothing short of contagious in this profound "little" book. This book is a jewel and a blockbuster--a jewel in that it will open your heart, a blockbuster in that The Power of One is truly limitless. Thank you, Steve, for changing our lives!”

- Daphne Rose Kingma, author of The Ten Things To Do When Your Life Falls Apart

Steve's book is called "The Power of One".

May add it to my Christmas wish-list.



Resident megalomaniac
I also did a search for this phrase:

Create a culture of kindness

Several look worthy of a visit!

It’s natural to be both excited and nervous at the start of a new school year. Children greet new friends and teachers. Even when they attend the same school as last year, the setting and expectations feel novel. As a teacher, you can help the students in your classroom begin the school year with a sense of purpose by clarifying the “Culture” of your classroom.

Your culture is the foundation of how you live, learn and behave in class. Culture is the landscape in which learning takes place in your classroom. When you collaborate with the students to define the culture of your classroom, they are empowered by the engagement and feel greater ownership in the learning experience.

For the rest of this excellent article, click on this link:

Making the School Year Easier By Creating A Culture of Kindness



Resident megalomaniac
Recently, the non-profit daily ideas exchange known as Zocalo Public Square had an online debate about whether kindness can be taught, as part of a more general public conversation about altruism. I was fortunate to participate along with author Kathy Beland, who wrote School-Connect: Optimizing the High School Experience, a social emotional learning curriculum.

You can look at the entire conversation, but I wanted to give you a brief taste here to spark your local conversations about this fascinating question.

The full page can be viewed here -

Can Kindness Be Taught? | Edutopia



Resident megalomaniac
According to the Be Kind to Humankind site: Be Kind to Humankind Week “is basically a week of reflection and kind thoughts of others to make this world a better place. Of course we suggest practicing kindness daily, but this is the week you can take it to the next level.”

Each day of Be Kind to Humankind Week has a special theme:

If you go to the link for the corresponding day of the week August 25-31, you’ll find some great suggestions of kindness activities for adults. But, really, choose any week to be kind to humankind! I think this would be great to do a few times throughout the year. Just choose activities with the day’s theme for any week.

Here’s a great post about the benefits to the person showing kindness: “Be Kind To Humankind: Just One Week Of Kindness Can Improve Your Mood And Change Your Brain” from Medical Daily.

That piece came from this site -

Ways to Be Kind to Humankind for Kids and Adults - Bits of Positivity